“Academy of Compliments,” 81.
Addison, Joseph, xxxii, liii, lvii, 130, 142, 143, 144, 147, 153, 268, 303, 328, 377, 378.
Adventurer, The, 152, 342, 379.
Æschylus, 48, 71, 209, 278.
AlcÆus, 193.
“Alexander’s Feast,” 199.
Alison, A., xxxvi.
“A Mad World, My Masters,” 18.
“Amelia,” 160-2.
Amyot, Jacques, 352.
“Anatomy of Melancholy,” 224, 397, 400.
“Ancient Mariner,” 213, 297.
“Antony and Cleopatra,” liv-lvi, 39, 361.
Aquinas, Thomas, 211, 328, 392.
Aram, Eugene, 326, 424.
Arbuthnot, John, lx, 130, 212, 375.
Aretine, Peter, 12, 320, 353.
Ariel, 85-6, 210, 365.
Ariosto, Lodovico, xliii, 11, 21, 243, 253, 320, 352.
Aristophanes, 48.
Aristophanes of Byzantium, 363.
Aristotle, xxxiii, 135.
Arnold, Matthew, lix.
“As You Like It,” lv, 58, 363.
Atherstone, Edwin, xxxvii.
Ayrton, W., 304, 315-9, 328, 331, 378, 416.
Babbitt, Irving, lxx n.
Bacon, Francis, xii, xv, liii, 1, 146, 254, 327 n., 425.
Bagehot, W., xxxiii, lxxii.
Beattie, James, 365.
Beaumont and Fletcher, lvi, 1, 2, 226, 326, 346, 422.
“Beggar’s Opera,” 71, 263.
Behmen, Jacob, 211, 392.
Belleforest, FranÇois de, 353.
Bentham, Jeremy, lviii.
Berkeley, George, xii, 210, 287 n., 327, 338, 390.
Betterton, T., 141, 377.
Bewick, T., 201, 388.
Bible, 6-11, 264, 271, 272-3, 351.
Bickerstaff, Isaac, 139, 140, 377.
Birrell, A., lxxii, lxxiii.
Blackstone, Sir William, 157, 380.
Blackwood’s Magazine, xxv-xxvii, xxxvii, lxxi.
Blackwood, W., xxvii, 296, 413.
Blount, Martha, 121, 321, 324, 374.
Boccaccio, Giovanni, xliii, 12, 16, 127, 137, 268, 320, 343, 352, 408-9, 422.
Boileau, Nicolas, 124, 374.
Bolingbroke, Viscount, 127, 129, 190, 375.
Borgia, Lucretia, 329.
Boswell, J., 150-1, 303, 317, 321, 379, 414.
Bowles, W. L., xlv, xlvii, 211, 245, 374, 393.
Britton, T., 302, 415.
“Broken Heart, The,” lvi.
Brooke, Lord. See Greville, Fulke.
Browne, Sir Thomas, lxiv, 224, 316-7, 397, 400.
Buckingham, Duke of, 130, 375.
Buffamalco, 298 n., 415.
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, lxxii.
Bunyan, John, 224, 269, 324, 409.
Burke, Edmund, xii, xiv, liii, lxvi, 145 n., 147, 150, 156, 172-90;
his mental range, 172-3;
as an orator, 173-5;
subtlety of understanding, 176-8;
views on government and society, 179-82;
onesidedness, 182-3;
prose style, 184-9, 271 n., 345, 384;
212, 259, 284, 298, 325, 343-5, 411, 414-5.
Burleigh, Lord, 21, 356.
Burney, Fanny, 380, 383, 413, 417.
Burney, James, 304, 321, 416, 417.
Burney, Martin, 304, 321, 324, 328, 416-7.
Burns, Robert, xxxvi, 7.
Burton, Robert, 224, 397, 400.
Butler, Joseph, 210, 287, 299, 327, 385, 390.
Byron, Lord, xi, xxiii, xxvii n., xxxvi, xxxvii, xlv, liii, lviii-lix, lxxi, 197, 203, 216, 236-50,
his self-centered nature contrasted with Scott’s, 236-41;
his intensity, 241-3;
his romances, 242;
his tragedies, 243;
his satire, 244-5;
his serio-comic style, 245-6;
his extravagance, 246-8;
aristocratic pride, 248;
death in Greece, 249-50, 393.
“Cain,” 247.
Calamy, Edmund, 211, 391.
“Caleb Williams,” 298.
“Camilla,” 291, 413.
“Campaign, The,” 268, 408.
Campbell, Thomas, xxxvii, xlv, lviii, 417-8.
Carlyle, T., xviii n., xxxi, li.
Cary, H. F., 353.
Castiglione, B., 12, 353.
“Catiline,” 11.
Cervantes, Miguel de, xiii, 97, 157-8, 347, 380, 430.
Chalmers, T., 263, 407.
Chantrey, Sir Francis, 294, 413.
Chapman, G., 2, 4, 11, 352.
Charron, P., 136 n., 376.
Chatham, Lord, 174-5, 177 n., 188, 383.
Chatterton, T., 328.
Chaucer, Geoffrey, liii, lxxiii, 21, 32, 34-5, 40-2, 200, 267-8, 319-21, 343, 408-9, 422.
Chester, John, 295-9.
Chesterton, G. K., xviii.
“Childe Harold,” 242.
“Christabel,” lvii, 214, 395.
Chubb, T., 338, 427.
Cibber, Colley, 52.
Cicero, 12, 188-9.
Cimabue, 329, 331, 425.
Cinthio, Giraldi, 353.
Citizen of the World, 152-3, 379.
Clarendon, Earl of, 346, 430.
tml@files@31132@31132-h@31132-h-15.htm.html#Page_419" class="pginternal">419.
Eachard, John, 157, 380.
Edgeworth, Maria, xxxvi.
Edinburgh Review, xi, xv, xxxv, xxxvi, xxxviii, xlvi, lxxi, lxxii.
Edwards, Jonathan, 327, 424.
Elliston, R. W., 300, 415.
“Emilius,” xlviii, 339-40.
“English Bards and Scotch Reviewers,” 244.
“Epistle of Eloise to Abelard,” 127.
“Essay on Criticism,” 124-5.
“Essay on Laws,” xxiii.
“Essay on the Principles of Human Action,” xiv, 287, 412.
Estcourt, R., 141, 377.
Euripides, 209.
“Eve of St. Agnes,” lviii.
“Excursion, The,” 198.
“FaËrie Queene,” xlvii, xlviii, 13, 356, 357.
Fairfax, Edward, 11.
Farquhar, George, 343.
Fawcett, J., xii, 385.
Fichte, J. G., 212, 394.
Field, Barron, 324, 420.
Fielding, H., xiii, xlii, lvii, 156-65, 167, 224, 298, 303, 324, 380, 415.
Fletcher, John, 4, 16, 17, 354.
Ford, John, lvi.
Foster, John, xxxv n.
Fox, C. J., 177 n., 188, 298, 385.
Francis, Sir Philip, 393.
Friend, The, 215, 396.
Froissart, Jean, 346, 430.
Froude, J. A., xxxiii.
Fuller, T., 224, 346, 400.
Fuseli, H., 145, 310, 378.
Garrick, D., 151, 324-5, 420.
Gay, J., 224, 303, 328, 401.
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 353.
“George Barnwell,” 365.
Gessner, S., 413.
Ghirlandaio, 212, 329, 331, 394.
Gibbon, Edward, xxxv, 224.
Gifford, W., xxxviii.
“Gil Blas,” 303, 337, 381.
Giorgione, 329, 425.
Giotto, 212, 329, 331, 394.
Godwin, W., xi, xiii, xv, lxvii, 212, 226, 284-5, 300, 311, 326, 383, 393, 396.
Goethe, J. W., xiii, 212, 341, 394, 409.
Golding, Arthur, 352.
Goldsmith, Oliver, 148, 150, 151, 152-3, 162, 170, 212, 308, 321, 325, 342.
Gosse, E., xliv n.
Gray, T., 155, 200, 298, 328, 414.
Greville, Fulke, 210, 316-7, 326, 390.
Guardian, The, 145, 378.
Guicciardini, F., 346, 430.
Guido, 329, 425.
“Guy Faux,” 224, 231, 315, 331, 399.
“Guzman d’Alfarache,” 381.
Halifax, Marquis of, 138, 376.
“Hamlet,” liv, 14, 37-9, 51, 60, 76-84, 367-8.
Hampden, John, 232, 402.
Handel, G. F., 324, 415, 421.
Harrington, Sir John, 11.
Hartley, D., 210, 327, 338, 390.
Hawkesworth, John, 152, 379.
Haydon, B. F., xxiv, xxvi, xxix, 294, 311, 413.
Hazlitt, John, xiii.
Hazlitt, W., the elder, xii, 277-8, 281-4, 411.
Hazlitt, W. In relation to his age, xi-xii;
early environment and reading, xii-xiii;
interest in metaphysics, xiii-xv;
as a painter, xiii-xiv;
beginnings of authorship, xiv;
introduction to journalism, xv;
as an essayist, xvi ff.;
his paradox, xvii-xx;
emotional warmth, xx-xxi;
outward unhappiness, xxi-xxii;
sentiment for the past, xxii-xxiii;
attachment to political principles, xxiii-xxv;
literary-political quarrels, xxv-xxix;
embittered feelings, xxix-xxxi;
Carlyle’s judgment, xxxi;
as an essayist, xxxii-xxxiii;
as a critic, xxxix ff.;
debt to Coleridge, xxxix-xl and notes passim;
union of taste and judgment, xl-xli;
catholicity of taste, xli-xlii;
narrowness of reading, xlii-xlv;
generalizing power, xlv-xlvi;
historical viewpoint, xlvi;
limitations, xlvii;
feeling for books, xlviii, 426;
on literature and life, xlix;
on “imagination,” xlix;
on substance and form, l;
on poetry and metre, li;
scope of his criticism, lii-liii;
on Shakespeare, liii-lvi;
on Elizabethan dramatists, lvi;
on his contemporaries, lvii-lix;
his prose style, lix-lxix;
on diction, lxvi n.;
use of quotations, lxix;
influence, lxix-lxxiii;
his view of English character, 19-20;
on progress in the arts, 262, 358;
friendship with Lamb, 398-400, 417;
meeting with Coleridge and its effects, 277-300.
Hazlitt, W. C, xiv n.
“Heaven and Earth,” 243.
Heine, Heinrich, liv, lxxi.
Henley, Ernest, xxxiii.
Henry VI, 365.
Herford, C. H., xlii n.
Hesiod, 11.
Heywood, T., 2, 4, 326, 422.
Hobbes, T., xii, xv, 327, 338, 424.
Hoby, T., 353.
Hogarth, W., 158, 212, 225, 303, 324, 381.
Holcroft, T., 285, 300, 304-5, 411, 417.
Holinshed, Ralph, 15, 346, 353-4, 430.
Homer, xlviii, 11, 104, 112, 115, 119, 189, 193, 253, 268, 270, 271-2, 273, 275, 352.
Hood, Tom, xxxvii.
Hook, Theodore, 393.
Hooker, Richard, 1, 350.
Horne, R. H., lxxii.
Howells, W. D., lxxi.
Hume, D., xii, 286-7, 327, 338, 411.
“Humphrey Clinker,” 164, 385.
Hunt, Leigh, xvii, xxvi, xxxii, liii, lix, lxxi, 306-7, 311, 327, 330-1, 390, 404, 418, 426.
Huss, John, 211, 391.
Hutchinson, Lucy, 330, 425.
Iago, liv, 42, 72-6, 361, 365.
Imagination, 34;
in Shakespeare, 45;
in Milton, 104-5;
Inchbald, Elizabeth, 311, 383, 418.
Irving, Edward, liii, lix, 341.
Irving, Washington, 397.
Jeffrey, Francis, xxxvi-xxxviii, xlv, lix, 244, 376, 404.
Jerome of Prague, 211, 391.
Jervas, C., 130-1, 375.
“John Bull,” 212, 393.
“John Buncle,” xliv, 302.
Johnson, S., xxxiv, xxxvi, lii, 34, 99, 107, 109, 145-52;
his prose style, 146-9, 379.
MacAdam, J. L., 232, 402.
Macaulay, T. B., lxxi, 393.
“Macbeth,” 14, 42, 48, 51, 60-71, 263, 361, 365, 407.
Machiavelli, N., 12, 353.
Mackail, J. W., lii n.
Mackenzie, H., 153-4, 343, 379.
Mackintosh, Sir James, 284, 411.
Macpherson, J., 409-10.
Malebranche, N., 210, 390.
Malthus, T. R., xiv.
Mandeville, B., 145, 218, 378.
“Manfred,” 244.
“Man of Feeling,” 154, 343.
“Man of the World, The,” 153.
Mansfield, Lord, 129, 375.
Marivaux, Pierre, 155, 212, 380.
Marlborough, Duke of, 141,
Marlowe, Christopher, lvi, 2, 4, 16, 326, 338, 421.
Marston, John, 2, 4, 350.
Massaccio, 212, 394.
Michael Angelo, 200, 275, 329, 425.
Middleton, T., 2, 4, 71, 350.
“Midsummer Night’s Dream,” lv, 17, 85-7, 363.
Millar, A., 333, 427.
Milman, Henry, xxxvii.
Milton, John, xlviii, li, lii, liii, lxi, lxxiii, 4, 7, 33, 34-5, 41-2, 44, 47, 101-17;
his high seriousness, 101-4;
his learning, 104;
his ideas both musical and picturesque, 105-7, 371;
his blank verse, 107-9;
resemblance to Dante, 114;
compared with Homer, 115;
120, 149, 189, 200, 211, 224, 265, 298, 303, 316, 343-4, 406, 408.
Mirror, The, 153, 379.
“Misanthrope,” 361.
MoliÈre, J. B. P., xliii, 97, 252, 330, 361, 425.
Montagu, Mrs. Basil, 311, 418.
Montague, Lady Mary Wortley, 324.
Montaigne, Michel de, xvi, 134-8, 139, 146, 330, 376, 401.
Montesquieu, C. L. de S., 309.
Moore, Edward, 1, 258, 379, 406.
Moore, Thomas, xxxvii, lviii, lxviii, 243.
More, Hannah, xliv.
Morgan, Lady, 333, 426.
Morgann, Maurice, 359, 369.
Morley, John, xliv n., 383, 384.
“Much Ado About Nothing,” 371.
Murillo, l, 281, 410.
Murray, John, xxvii, 289.
Napoleon, xiii, xxiv, 343 n., 372.
Neal, Daniel, 211, 391.
Newcastle, Duchess of, 210, 330, 390.
“New Eloise, The,” 339.
Newton, Sir Isaac, 145, 315-6, 389.
Ninon de Lenclos, 330, 425.
North, Sir Thomas, 11.
Northcote, James, lvii, 307-8, 311, 401, 418.
“Ode on the Departing Year,” 290.
Oldfield, Anne, 141, 377.
Ophelia, 38-9, 82-3, 367.
Ossian, 271, 275-6, 408, 409-10.
“Othello,” 14, 42, 47, 51, 60, 72-6, 257, 361, 368.
Otway, T., 4, 328, 351.
Ovid, 11, 131, 137, 352.
Paine, Tom, 288, 411.
Paley, W., 201, 287, 388.
“Pamela,” 166-8.
“Paradise Lost,” xlvii, 303, 310, 385, 406.
“Paradise Regained,” 303.
Parnell, T., 224, 400.
Parr, Samuel, 418.
“Paul and Virginia,” 290, 412-3.
“Peregrine Pickle,” 164, 335.
“Persian Letters,” 152, 379.
“Peter Bell,” 294-5.
Petrarch, F., 12, 320, 353.
Phaer, Thomas, 352.
Phillips, E., 304, 324, 416.
“Philoctetes,” 269, 409.
“Pilgrim’s Progress,” li, 32, 268-9.
Pindar, 193.
Pindar, Peter, 219, 311, 396.
Pitt, William, 177 n., 298.
Plato, 211, 253, 392.
Plotinus, 211, 392.
Plutarch, 11, 140, 352.
“Poems on the Naming of Places,” 290.
Poetry, epic and dramatic poetry distinguished, 43;
verse its obvious distinction, 118, 268-9;
poetry of art and nature, 119;
poetry defined, 251 ff., 268-9;
tragic poetry, 256-61;
poetic diction, 261-2;
poetry and civilization, 262-3;
poetry and painting, 263-5;
poetry and rhythm, 265-8 n.;
poetry and eloquence, 271 n.
Poole, Tom, 291, 295, 413.
Pope, Alexander, xlii, xlv, lvii, lxiii, lxxii, 32, 107, 109, 110, 118-32;
his poetic limitations, 118;
the poet of artificial life, 119-122;
his correctness, 126-7;
his satire, 128-30;
his compliments, 129-30;
his letters, 132;
136, 141, 200, 224, 245, 260, 268, 298, 303, 308, 321-3, 342, 357, 361, 362, 364, 373-4, 414.
Poussin, Gaspar, 296, 413.
Poussin, Nicolas, 26, 201, 357.
Priestley, Joseph, xii, xv, xxiii, 210, 390.
Proclus, 211, 392.
Puck, 45,
compared with Ariel, 85-6, 365.
Quarterly Review, xxv, xxvi, xxvii, xxxv, lxvi.
Rabelais, F., 48, 212, 330, 425.
Racine, J., 330, 425.
Radcliffe, Anne, 337, 383, 427.
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 1, 350.
Rambler, The, 145-6, 342, 378, 397.
“Rape of the Lock,” l, 122-4.
Raphael, 212, 264, 298 n., 329, 389, 416, 425.
“Rasselas,” 149, 378.
“Religious Musings,” 211.
Rembrandt, 202, 263, 329, 388, 389.
“Remorse,” 214, 299, 396.
“Return from Parnassus,” 17.
Reynolds, Mrs., 304, 321, 323, 416.
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 275, 308, 325, 329, 418.
Richard II, 43, 365.
Richard III, compared with Macbeth, 68-70, 365.
Richardson, S., xiii, xlii, lvii, xi, xxiv, xxv, xxxvi, xxxvii, lviii, 393.
Shenstone, William, 385.
Sheridan, R. B., 310.
Shrewsbury Chronicle, xxiii.
Siddons, Sarah, 64, 364.
Sidney, Algernon, 232, 402.
Sidney, Sir Philip, 1, 16, 288, 303, 316, 354.
“Sir Charles Grandison,” 166, 168, 169, 270, 324, 383.
Sir Fopling Flutter, xlviii, 312, 339, 419.
Sir Roger de Coverley, 142.
Smith, Adam, 282, 410.
Smollett, T., 157-8, 162-5, 224, 303, 381.
Socinus, F. P., 211, 391.
Somers, John, 232, 403.
Sophocles, 189, 209, 409.
“Sorrows of Werther,” 212, 394.
South, Robert, 210, 287, 391.
Southey, Robert, xxviii, xxxvi, lviii, lxxi, 28,
212, 216-9, 289, 300, 395.
Spectator, The, 141-5, 342, 377.
Spenser, Edmund, liii, lvii, lxxiii, 1, 13, 21-33;
his picturesqueness, 21 ff.;
his allegory, 25-26;
language and versification, 32-3;
34-5, 103, 107, 265, 321, 343, 408.
Spinoza, Baruch, 211, 391.
de StaËl, Madame, xliv, 426.
Steele, Richard, xxxii, liii, lvii, 139, 142, 144, 145, 303, 328.
Sterne, L., xiii, 153, 157, 158, 170-1, 303, 309, 381, 397.
Stevenson, R. L., xviii n., xxiii, lix.
Stewart, Dugald, 328, 425.
Stoddart, Dr., 114, 372.
Stowe, John, 346, 430.
Suckling, Sir John, 16.
Surrey, Earl of, 16, 352, 354.
Swedenborg, Emanuel, 211, 392.
Swift, Jonathan, xviii n., lx, 212, 303, 328, 377.
Sylvester, Joshua, 353.
Tacitus, 12.
Talfourd, T. N., lxxii, 379.
“Tartuffe,” 361.
Tasso, T., xliii, 11, 24 n., 112, 243, 352.
Tatler, The, 139, 140-5, 342, 377.
Taylor, Jeremy, liii, 211, 298, 392.
“Tempest,” 13, 85-6, 363.
Temple, Sir William, 138, 377.
Thackeray, W. M., lxii.
Thomson, James, 109, 200, 212, 297, 328.
Thucydides, 346, 430.
Thurloe, John, 333, 427.
Tillotson, John, 210, 391.
“Timon of Athens,” 48, 361.
Titian, 264, 308, 320, 329, 343, 387, 389.
“Tom Jones,” xlviii, 159-60, 162-3, 290, 335-7.
Tooke, Horne, 309, 310, 327, 418.
“Troilus and Cressida,” 45.
Tucker, Abraham, xiv.
Turberville, George, 352-3.
Turenne, Marshal, 141, 377.
“Twelfth Night,” 96-100.
“Two Noble Kinsmen,” 17.
Twyne, Thomas, 352.
Vanbrugh, Sir John, 97, 141, 371.
Van Dyck, Sir Anthony, 329, 389, 425.
Velasquez, 281, 410.
“Venice Preserved,” 351.
Veronese, Paul, 228, 402.
Virgil, 11, 137, 140, 297, 352.
“Vision of Judgment,” 248, 289, 404-5.
Voltaire, F. M. A., xliv, 48, 212, 330, 389, 401, 425.
Waithman, Robert, 226, 401.
“Wallenstein,” 214, 396.
Walton, Izaak, 201, 387-8.
Warton, Joseph, xxxv, 408.
Waterloo, Antoine, 201, 388.
Waverley Novels, 224, 228-30, 240, 303, 333.
Webster, John, lvi, 1, 4, 326, 421-2.
Wedgwood, Tom, 284-6, 411.
Whateley, Thomas, 365.
White, James, 304, 416.
“Whole Duty of Man,” 81.
Wickliff, John, 232, 402.
Wilson, John, xxvi, xxviii.
Wolcot, John. See Peter Pindar.
Wolstonecraft, Mary, 284-5, 311, 393, 411.
Wordsworth, W., xi, xxviii-xxix, xxxvi, xxxvii, xxxviii, xliii, xlviii, liii, lviii-lix, lxix, 3, 109, 191-204;
the poet of simple humanity, 191;
his democracy, 192;
defiance of convention, 192-4;
poet of nature, 195-6;
his philosophic vein, 196-8;
his appearance, voice, and manner, 198-9, 293-5;
his opinions of poets and painters, 199-202, 388-9;
“the child of disappointment,” 203-4, 216, 242, 244, 284, 290-5;
meeting with Hazlitt, 293, 297, 311, 345, 386, 395, 413.
World, The, 152, 342, 379.
Wycherley, William, 97, 371.
Young, Edward, 109, 366.
Zanga, 76.
Zisca, John, 211, 391.
Transcriber’s Notes:
Additional spacing after some of the quotes is intentional to indicate both the end of a quotation and the beginning of a new paragraph as presented in the original text.
Other than the corrections noted by hover information in the text, printer’s inconsistencies in spelling, punctuation, hyphenation, and ligature usage have been retained.