- Abdomen, 471.
- Accidents, 5.
- Across country, riding, 219.
- Age to begin, 4.
- Agricultural Hall, 167, 335.
- Alderson, Colonel, 310.
- Allen, Mr. John, 33.
- Angles of lower jaw, 468.
- Ann of Bohemia, 430.
- Apron skirts, 96.
- Arabs, 17, 18, 424.
- Argentine horses, 457.
- Ash-plant, 18.
- Audry, 430.
- Australia, 269.
- Australian horses, 457, 460.
- Ayah, 92.
- Back, 469.
- ” tendons, 466.
- Backing, 442.
- Backs, sore, 350.
- Badminton, 361.
- Baily’s Hunting Directory, 307.
- Baily’s Magazine, 358.
- Baird, Mr. Abingdon, 463.
- Balance, 148, 149.
- ” strap, 36, 53.
- “Balking,” 440.
- Banks, 269, 287, 450.
- Bar, stirrup, 27.
- Barclay, Mr. Hedworth, 378.
- Bars of the hoof, 465.
- ” of the tree, 26, 28.
- ”, safety, 38-42.
- Baskets, 5.
- Beckford, 315.
- Beers, Frank, 246.
- Belly, 471.
- Belvoir, 14, 306, 335.
- ” Vale, 320.
- Beresford, Lord William, 384.
- Berliner Tattersall, 392.
- Bicycles, 6, 16.
- Bit, 70.
- ” and Bridoon, 70, 76.
- ”, cover for, 77.
- Blackmore Vale, 307.
- Blazers, 270.
- “Blood,” 345.
- “Blowing their noses,” 437.
- “Bobbery pack,” 386.
- Body, length of, 458.
- Emperor Paul, 393.
- EncyclopÆdia Londinensis, 430.
- Esa bin Curtis, 21.
- Essex and Suffolk, 307.
- Esther Waters, 422.
- External parts, names of, 465-473.
- Falls, 376-380.
- Fane, Lady Augusta, 179.
- Farmers, 248, 249, 357-373, 397.
- ”, Compensation to, 373.
- ”, Committee, 373.
- ”, daughters, 362.
- Feet, care of the, 436.
- Fence, riding up to, 241.
- Fences, 248.
- ”, “made,” 219.
- ”, natural, 224.
- Fenn, Mr., 391.
- Fetlock, 466.
- Field, in the, 307.
- Field, The, 306.
- Fillis, Mr. Frank, 168.
- ”, Mr. James, 118.
- Firr, Tom, 247, 387.
- First Lessons, 3.
- Flask, 323.
- Fleming, Dr. G., 23, 24.
- Flirting, 375.
- Flock, 32.
- Foot “home,” 150.
- Ford, Mr., 34, 40.
- Fordham, George, 180.
- Fore-arm, 468.
- Forehead, 468.
- Forehead-band, 74.
- Foxhounds in India, 387.
- Foxhunting, 343, 354.
- France, 16.
- Franciscan, 378.
- Freddie, 18, 19, 424.
- Freeman, 378.
- “Frivol,” 375.
- Frog of hoof, 465.
- Front, 74.
- Frost, praying for, 245.
- “Funking,” 450, 451.
- Galway, 269, 450.
- Gallop, 206.
- Garsault, 430.
- Garth, Mr., 384.
- Gaskin, 471.
- Gates, 248, 472.
- Level-seated saddle, 55, 56.
- Life of a Foxhound, 400.
- Ligament, suspensory, 467.
- Ligaments, 467.
- Light land, 367.
- Lions, 168.
- Little Pedlington, 169.
- Loins, 470.
- Loisset, Emilie, 464.
- Long reins, 233.
- Lonsdale, Lord, 98, 247.
- Lord Arthur, 378.
- Lord Fitzwilliams, 306.
- Lucknow, 386.
- Lufra, 183.
tm.html#Page_323" class="pginternal">323. ” horses, 347. Shanghai, 231, 388. Sheep, 368. Shires, 8, 12, 91, 176, 179, 248, 249, 250, 269, 270, 357. Shoulder, point of the, 468. Shouldering, 441. Shoulders, 468. Shying, 229, 432, 433-436. Side-saddle, weight of, 54. Side-saddles, 1, 2, 6, 7, 25-69. Sideways, jumping horses, 378. Singapore, 388. “Sit back,” 214. Skirt, accustoming horse to, 18. ”, length of, 98. Slipper stirrup, 42. Snaffles, 75, 326, 438, 443, 448, 450. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 396. Sola topee, 115. Sole of the hoof, 465. Soltikov, 393. Sore backs, 7, 68, 324, 350. South Africa, 335, 391. Spinal curvature, 6. Sporting and Dramatic News, 428. Spur, 177. ” on whip, 182. Square seat, 153-155. Stable Management and Exercise, 350. Standing jump, 241. Standing martingale, 439. ” “over,” 472. Stapleford Park, 250. Staples, 54. Stake-and-bound fence, 249. Starting, 185. “Steady!” 169, 204. “Steadying” horses, 223. Steep ground, 320. Steiger, List of Books on Horses By CAPTAIN M. HORACE HAYES, F.R.C.V.S. decorative The Field.—“As trainer, owner and rider of horses on the flat and over a country, the author has had a wide experience, and when to this is added competent veterinary knowledge it is clear that Captain Hayes is entitled to attention when he speaks.” PUBLISHED BY MESSRS. HURST & BLACKETT, LTD. 13, Great Marlborough Street, W.