“Chancing” fences—Jumping too slowly—Refusing—Running out at fences—Rushing at fences. “Chancing” fences.—This dangerous fault may be corrected by driving the horse with the long reins over fences (see Chapter VI.) which are too stiff to chance, but which are well within the compass of the animal’s powers. Jumping too slowly.—Many horses commit this fault without attempting, in any way, to refuse. It is often caused by the practice of teaching animals to jump by means of the cavesson and leading-rein; for, by employing this method, the weight is unduly “Refusing.”—See Chapters VI. and XII. Before taking in hand a horse that jumps “unkindly,” we should carefully examine him in order to see if his fault arises from disease, or infirmity. If such be the case, the animal should not be tried at jumping, until he is sound. Running out at fences.—For this, we should use Rushing at fences.—This fault can also be easily overcome by the employment of the long reins on foot, and the horse made to regulate his pace, according to the wish of his rider, without shewing any impatience. |