Boring—Chucking up the head—Pulling—Rearing—Shying—Stargazing—Tender-mouthed—Turn, difficult to—Yawing. The classification of vices and faults adopted in this, and the following chapters, is, necessarily, somewhat arbitrary; as their causes are more often complex, than simple. The fact of many of them not possessing generally accepted names, has obliged me, in some cases, to sacrifice elegance and correctness of expression, for an attempt at conciseness and clearness of meaning. Boring.—When the horse has got into the habit of carrying his head too low, we should get Chucking up the head.—Here we should teach the horse, in the manner just described, to “save” his mouth, by carrying his head in a proper position, and by bending his neck to the pull of the rein (see remarks on the standing martingale, page 70). Mr. Kemp, A.V.D., tells me that the animal may be easily broken of this objectionable habit by using a nose-band, inside the part Pulling.—We should give the hard puller, at least, a dozen lessons with the long reins on foot, teaching him, somewhat sharply, that he must obey the rein. It is, also, well to use the word whoa,” or any other suitable one, as recommended by Pratt, Magner, and others, whenever we pull him up; so that he may learn to stop on hearing it. Making him lie down and keeping him on the ground (see page 158) will be of great service in reducing the runaway to obedience. Rearing.—The rearer should, in the same manner, be taught to swing his quarters round, on either rein being pulled, with the outward rein kept low down; and, when he is perfect at this, the lesson should be completed, with this rein on the driving pad. If he rears, as a defence against the action of the rein, the breaker should pull all the harder. If this brings the animal “over;” so much stronger will be the effect produced. When jibbing is combined with rearing, if we find that the desired result is not obtained by the process of driving on foot, as speedily as we may wish; we may make the horse lie down, and keep him on the ground, with his head turned round (see page 158), until he gives in. We may also apply the same discipline to those terribly dangerous animals that endeavour to crush their rider, by throwing themselves backward. Shying.—Leaving out all cases of shying which are due to defective sight, I venture to say that the vast majority of shyers can be made to relinquish this annoying trick, merely by giving them good mouths with the long reins on foot. This mouthing practice, not alone, makes the horse attentive, as well as obedient, to the indications of the rein, but it also teaches discipline, and gives the animal confidence in his director; and, hence, removes the two causes of shying: namely, fear, and wilfulness. If the shyer shows great timidity, which is often combined with impatience of control (see page 4), the animal should be rendered quiet, as described in Chapter III. All these remarks apply equally well to shying off the ball at polo, and off the peg at tent-pegging, and to other forms of yawing about, and not going straight. Stargazing.—See “Chucking up the head.” Tender-mouthed.—We may overcome any undue Turn, difficult to.—The practice with the long reins on foot, advocated for the correction of shying, etc., will be found to be an effective remedy in this case; and is specially applicable for polo ponies that shy off the ball, and are difficult to turn quickly. “Yawing.”—The animal may be broken of this habit, when ridden, of going from side to side, instead of straight, by the method recommended for shying. |