@html@files@48391@48391-h@48391-h-2.htm.html#Page_137" class="pginternal">137- 56 Painters and modellers of, -54 Moltke, Count, of Bregentved, Fournier porcelain in collection of (illustrated), 33 Moore, Mr. Bernard, his examples of glazing, 292 Moorish potters, arabesque designs of, 318 MÜller, Frantz Heinrich (1773-1801)— Discontent and misery contemporary with establishment of his factory, 39, 48 his secret mission to other factories, 52, 84 Portrait of, 41 Range of his subjects and order of their production, 68 Recognition of, in his lifetime, 64 Scurvy treatment of, at factory, 80, 83 Statue of him that was never erected, 64 Successors of (1820-1880), 177-97 Technique of, 63, 64 MÜller period, the, culminating point of, 71 Mussel-blue painted, the great service, 172 Mussel-blue painted, underglaze, the suggestive idea of modern developments, 234 Napoleonic wars, 202 National character of early Copenhagen porcelain, 130 of Japanese ceramic art, 247 National Museum (Stockholm), Copenhagen porcelain at, 38, 69, 115, 119 National sentiment in MÜller's designs, 95 in modern Copenhagen porcelain, 235, 246 National style created at Copenhagen, 84 Nature, Danish, reflected in modern Copenhagen porcelain, 252, 253, 339 Nature-study a dominant note at Copenhagen, 150, 339 Nelson, Admiral Lord— Letters to Lady Hamilton, 187 sends Copenhagen porcelain to Lady Hamilton, 188 Nicolaj, Christian Faxoe, 108 Numerals (1-7), painters' marks on early blue-and-white, 176 Nymphenberg factory, 30 Oeder, the originator of the Flora Danica, 149 Old Copenhagen Factory described by contemporary eye-witnesses (1790), 76-84, 154 Omar KhayyÁm, quoted, 96 Ondrup (1779-1787), signature of, 102 Oriental prototypes of European porcelain, 215, 237, 281, 309 Originality at Copenhagen factory, its avoidance of ephemeral art movements, 248 of stereotyped styles, 234 Outburst of activity in 1780, 75, Printed in Great Britain by UNWIN BROTHERS, LIMITED, THE GRESHAM PRESS, WOKING AND LONDON