isub1">the passing of, 276 Classic ware, summary of, 73, 74; Greek designs (Turner), 263; figures, Staffordshire, 370 Claude landscapes on earthenware, 344 Clays used for pottery, 28; various, how used, 47 Clementson, 79 Clementson, J., 280 Clews, 280 Clews, James, 349 Close & Co., 280; mark, 348 Close, Mort & Co. (Liverpool), 403 Cobalt blue used in salt-glazed ware, 208 Cobbett, William (stoneware flask), 465 Cockspur-mark, definition of, 31, 298 Collecting, the field of, 52; reasons for, 35 Cologne ware, 134 Colour, its adoption, 273; versus Form in earthenware, 178 Coloured salt-glazed ware, 211 Cookson & Harding, 280 Cookworthy (Plymouth), 235 Copeland, 443, 444 Copland & Garrett, 444; marks, 474, 475 Continental potters, indebted to Staffordshire, 177; imitations of Wedgwood, 247 Copenhagen porcelain, 293, 466 Copper lustre ware, 435; Wilson, 282; prices, 439 Copyists—earthenware imitating china, 43; of Wedgwood, 257, 265 Cornish clay mines, 235; kaolin, its use in cream ware, 237 Cottage ornaments, figures for, 378 "Crabstock" handles, 212; jug and handle, 185 Cream ware, 230–240; definition of, 28; its experimental stage, 169; its later white body, 44; Leeds, 293–301; Queen's ware, 232; revival of old Wedgwood designs, 231; summary of, 71–73 Crich ware, 204 Cricket match depicted in earthenware, 338 Crouch ware, 60; salt-glaze coloured, 60; Toby jugs, 63; "Fair Hebe," 63; "Vicar and Moses," 63; Whieldon ware, 63; Leeds, 63. Form versus Colour in earthenware, 178 Fowke, Sir Francis (Lowesby), 400 Frank, Richard (Brislington), 424 Freeth, Mr. Frank, quoted (Toft ware), 91 Frog, green, on Catherine II. service, 239 Frog mugs, 309 Fulham stoneware, 151; summary of, 68, 70; prices, 155 Funeral cups (lustre), 428 Furniture decorated with Wedgwood ware, 247 G Gateshead Potteries, 306 Gilding used in salt-glazed ware, 208 Gillray's caricatures in earthenware, 337 Glazes, various, definition of, 29; rich, used by Whieldon, 169 Glazing, description of process, 51; improvement by Booth, 232 Glost oven, description of, 48, 51 Godwin, Francis, Bishop of Hereford, 117 Goethe, quoted, 259 Gold lustre ware, 427 Gonsales, Domingo, Voyage to Moon, 117 Granite ware, 170; Wedgwood, 228 Greatbach, William, 166, 248 Great Malvern, tiles from, 84 Green (mark), Leeds ware, 289; signature of, Liverpool tiles, 121 Greens, Bingley & Co., 302 Grenzhausen, stoneware of, 137 GrÈs de Flandres ware, 137, 151 Grey, Lord (earthenware flask), 465 Greybeard jugs, 134 Griffin as a mark (Rockingham), 311 Grotesque design, in early Staffordshire ware, 160; in English pottery, 208 Growan stone, its use in cream ware, 237 H Hackwood, 280 Hackwood, William, 248 Hamilton, Sir William, 244, 259 Hancock, John (lustre), 430 Hancock, Robert, 329; his "Tea Party," Worcester, 318 Harding, 280 Harley, 265; marks, 266; prices, 283 P & B as a mark (Powell & Bishop), 480 P. & U. (Poole & Unwin), lustre ware, 436 Pardoe, Thomas, painter (Swansea), 399 Parson and Clerk group, 365 Paste, definition of, 31 P. B. & Co. as a mark (Pindar, Bourne & Co.), 477 Pearl ware (Wedgwood), 238 Peasant pottery of nineteenth century, 381 "Pelican in her Piety" (Toft dish), 95 Pennington (Liverpool), 403; marks, 417 Pharmacy jars, 106; (Lambeth), 113 Phillips, J. (Hylton Pottery), 306 Phillips (Longport), 281 Phoenix as a mark (Clementson), 280 Pilkington, Messrs., 466 Plagiarists of Wedgwood, 257, 265 Plaster of Paris moulds first introduced, 207 Political events chronicled in earthenware, 333 Poole & Unwin (lustre ware), 436 Porcelain colours imitated in earthenware, 273 Porcelain copied in earthenware, 43; made by earthenware potters (Caughley), 407; (Minton), 449; (Rockingham), 305; (Staffordshire), 444; (Swansea), 399 Portland Vase, 249 Porto Bello Bowl, the, 147 Portraits in earthenware: Bonaparte, 337, 435, 465; Brougham, 465; Cobbett, 465; Duke of York, 321; Grey, 465; James II., bust, 141; King of Prussia, 318; Nelson, 461; Prince Rupert, bust, 138; Rousseau, bust, 240; Washington, 338; Wesley, bust, 374; William III., 137; Young Pretender (salt-glaze), 215 Posset-pot inscribed "Wm. Simpson, 1685," 95 Potter's wheel, the, 48 Pountney & Allies (Bristol), 407 Pountney & Co. (Bristol), 407 Powell & Bishop (mark), 480 Powell & Sons, Messrs. James, 443; marks, 474; prices, 481 Sporting subjects in earthenware, 269, 270, 338 "Spur" marks, 298; definition of, 31 Squirrel pattern teapots, 212 Staffordshire delft, prices, 129; early ware, 161–192; figures, 357–389; figures, best period of, 362; figures, decadent period of, 378; potters ahead of the Continent, 177; potters confined to earthenware, 237; pottery, its renaissance, 165; the transfer-printers of, 329 Steam carriages, on earthenware, 462 Steel, 282 Steele, David, painter, 232 Stevenson, A., 348 Stevenson, W., 282 Stockton-on-Tees potteries, 306 Stone china, 79; marks, 474–477 Stoneware, 133–156; definition of, 32, 40; Lambeth (nineteenth century), 465; prices, 152; summary of, 68–70 Stothard, Thomas, 248 Stuart, stump work pictures, similarity to Toft ware, 91 Stubbs, George, 248 Stubbs, Joseph (mark), 349 Sunderland School, figures of, 77 Sunderland ware, 306–310; lustre, 428; Moore & Co., 306; prices, 313; transfer-printing, 330 Surface agate ware, 169; definition of, 27; Wedgwood, 228 Swansea, 395–400; figures, 77; marks, 415; prices, 418; transfer-printing at, 330 Syntax, Dr., tour of (on earthenware), 280 T Tables, chief events of eighteenth century, 158; dividing earthenware into classes, 55 Tabor, William, 66 Tassie, James, 248 Templeton, Lady, 248 Tennyson, quoted, UNWIN BROTHERS, LIMITED, THE GRESHAM PRESS, WOKING AND LONDON. FOOTNOTES: Transcriber's Notes - In the text version of this book, italic text is marked _italic_ and bold marked =bold=. The text also contains some single character pottery marks and these are represented as e.g. +C+
- Blank facing pages to illustrations are included in this books page numbering system (although they are not marked). These page numbers are not shown in the html version of the text.
- Minor punctuation errors and inconsistencies in spelling and hyphenation have been corrected.
- p 488.
Derby (earthenware), 408; (Pot Works mark, 349; changed to: Derby (earthenware), 408; (Pot Works) mark, 349; - p 496.
((under-glaze blue printing), 329 changed to: (under-glaze blue printing), 329 - p 153.
Raised medallion with crown and G.R. (Period of George I. changed to: Raised medallion with crown and G.R. (Period of George I.) - p 243.
Added a closing quote to À la Grecque." - p 365.
including bust of John Wesley changed to: including a bust of John Wesley - p 395. Caughley or Salopian (1751-1775) Derby,
changed to: Caughley or Salopian (1751-1775)--Derby, |