gutenberg@html@files@45772@45772-h@45772-h-4.htm.html#Page_236" class="pginternal">236 Hood, changing forms of the, 155 Hooke, Dr. Robert, his claim for invention of balance-spring for watches, 36 His inventions, 212 Watch by, presented to Charles II, 36 Hour, the, its division into minutes, 30, 158 Hours, division of day into, 30 Huguenot refugees settle in England, 68, 120 Huygens, Christopher, Dutch astronomer, his work, 33 His quarrel with Dr. Hooke, 36 Huygens, Dutch cabinet-maker, his imitations of Japanese lacquered panels, 111 Inlaid furniture, 70, 71 Inn clock, the, 124 Innovations of form in clock-cases, 141 Irish clockmakers, list of, 271, 272 Italian school of marquetry, 71 James I appoints Ramsay as "Clockmaker Extraordinary," 256 Japanese lacquer, specimens of, 106 Johnson, Thomas, clock by (1730), 191 Jones, Henry, Charles I watch made by, 289 Charles II clock by, 212 Kent and Sussex, clockmakers of, 247 Kew Gardens Botanical Museum, Japanese lacquer at, 106 Knibb, Joseph, father and son, 37 Joseph (1670), 211 Clocks by (1690), 191, 236, 241 Copper token of (1677), 236 Knokmakers, the, of Scotland, 258 Labarte, Arts of the Middle Ages quoted, 33 Lac and its properties, 105 Its introduction into England, 107 Lacquer— Chinese and Japanese origin of, 105, 106 Dutch imitations, 110, 111 English school of lacquer work, 118, 121 French masters, 112 Its use in the clock-case, 105 Work— English school of, 114 Foreign craftsmen in London, 120 School of English amateurs, 121 Lacquered clock-case, its peculiarities, 112 Panels imported from the East, 109 Lamb, Charles, quoted on sundials, 162 Name falsely put on Dutch clocks, 36 Lancashire clock-case, peculiarities of, 230 Clockmakers, list of, 230 Lantern clock— Early form, 45 Its similarity to ship's
les@45772@45772-h@45772-h-0.htm.html#Page_30" class="pginternal">30 Tokens, copper, of clockmakers illustrated, 218, 236 Tombstones, ornament on, indicative of contemporary styles, 157 Tomlinson, William, 37 Tompion, Thomas (1671-1713), 212, 236 Name of, falsely put on Dutch clocks, 36 Tudor and Stuart ages compared, 35 Veneer and marquetry, the use of, 74 Definition of, 69 Modern delicacy of, 69 Verge escapement of old clocks, 33 Vulliamy, Benjamin, 37 Benjamin Lewis, 37 Justin, 37 Wales, clocks made in, 248 Wall clock, early use of, 46, 49 Inn clock illustrated, 125 Irish wall clock illustrated, 277 Wall-paper— Early use of in England, 99 Period in marquetry, 99 Repeat design of, on marquetry, 100 Walnut period of long case, 135, 136 Watches, Old English— Battersea enamel, 290 Cromwellian, 289 Early Stuart, 289 Eighteenth-century, 290 Elizabethan, 289 Pinchbeck period, 290 Typical English described, 285, 286 William and Mary, 290 Watches, Liverpool and district famous for, 224 Waterford, Swiss watchmakers at, 278 Watson, Sam (Coventry), clock by (1687), 186 Webster's New International Dictionary quoted, 30 Wedgwood medallions as ornaments to clock-case, 204 Welsh clocks and makers, 248 West Country clockmakers, list of, 241 Wilkins, John, Bishop of Chester, quoted, 30 William and Mary period of decoration, 92, 97, 98 Windmills, name falsely put on Dutch clocks, 36 Woodcarvers at Hampton Court, 170 Wooden works of clocks, 266 Wren, Sir Christopher, his work at, Hampton Court, 91 Yorkshire clock-case, peculiarities of, 223, 229 Clockmakers, 217 Zoffany, clock-cases decorated by, 142 Printed in Great Britain by UNWIN BROTHERS, LIMITED, THE GRESHAM PRESS, WOKING AND LONDON