@61765@61765-h@61765-h-41.htm.html#Page_377" class="pginternal">377; A. malacorhinus, 211; A. sp. indet., 256; B. latifrons, 14, 68, 159, 160, 184, 197, 199, 233, 248, 256, 257, 259, 260, 261, 263, 264, 265, 268, 269, 328, 363, 364, 379, 384, 391, 392, 393, 404; B. occidentalis, 14, 259, 265; B. regius, 15; B. sp. indet., 32, 38, 41, 122, 157, 158, 160, 187, 200, 204, 228, 257, 258, 259, 262, 263, 264, 312, 313, 321, 334, 339, 342, 343, 347, 352, 353, 359, 363, 370, 371, 374, 376, 378, 379, 381, 382, 385, 398, 406; B. sylvestris, 32, 257 Black spruce, 226; C. roosevelti, 338, 339; C. scotti, 207, 306, 403, 404; C. sp. indet., 229, 321, 352 CervidÆ, 225, 234, 312 Cervus americanus, 207; - C. canadensis, 235; 247, 295, 299, 304, 310, 311, 337, 338, 342, 347, 363, 364, 395, 403, 404;
- in Florida, 243;
- in Georgia, 243;
- in Illinois, 239, 240;
- in Maryland, 242;
- in Michigan, 237;
- in New Jersey, 237;
- in North Carolina, 242;
- in Ontario, 235, 284, 285;
- in Pennsylvania, 237;
- in South Carolina, 242;
- in Vermont, 235;
- in Wisconsin, 241;
- C. sp. indet., 8, 370, 398;
- C. tarandus, 247;
- C. virginianus, 230, 233, 247, 310, 311, 391;
- C. whitneyi, 343.
Cetaceans in eastern North America, 17; - in Florida, 20;
- in Georgia, 20;
- in New Brunswick, 19;
- in North Carolina, 20;
- in Ontario, 17;
- in South Carolina, 20;
- in Vermont, 19;
- Pleistocene, 17
Chadd’s Ford, Pennsylvania, 133 ChÆtodipterus faber, 381 Chalfants, Ohio, 215, 13, 351; - in Alabama, 384;
- in Florida, 372;
- in Georgia, 368;
- in North Carolina, 29, 355;
- in South Carolina, 361
Coeymans, New York, 56 Cohansey sands, 300 Coharie formation, 356 Cohoes, New York, 56; Colbert Co., Alabama, 40 Coldenham, New York, 52 Coleman, A. P., 46, 147, 166, 167, 226, 244, 281, 283 Coleraine, Massachusetts, 47 Coles Co., Illinois, 279 Collett, J., 73, 92, 96, 106, 171, 172, 173, 17 228, 276, 277 Coluber acuminatus, 312, 314; ColubridÆ, 312 Columbia, Tennessee, 181, 395, 399 Columbia Co., Florida, 121; - New York, 55;
- Pennsylvania, 69
Columbiana Co., Ohio, 70, 135, 186, 203, 215, 325 Columbus, Ohio, 186, 214, 330 Columbus Grove, Ohio, 77 Conard fissure, Arkansas, 12, 14 Conewango, New York, 62 Connecticut, geology of, 292; - mastodons in, 47;
- Rangifer in, 244
Connecticut River, 294 Connersville, Indiana, 173 Conrad, T. A., 64, 117, 5, 7, 11, 16 Elephas, 14; - E. americanus, 69, 131, 144, 168, 178;
- E. columbi, 11, 38, 122, 146, 163, 164, 166, 172, 174, 180, 181, 194, 196, 197, 199, 200, 233, 235, 262, 263, 264, 293, 295, 299, 302, 305, 322, 323, 329, 334, 347, 348, 357, 363, 366, 370, 371, 374, 375, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 384, 392, 393, 403;
- in Florida, 157;
- in Georgia, 157;
- in Illinois, 152;
- in Indiana, 151;
- in Kentucky, 160;
- in Maryland, 154;
- in Michigan, 151, 331;
- in New Jersey, 149;
- in New York, 149;
- in North Carolina, 155;
- in Ohio, 150;
- in Ontario, 147, 284;
- in Pennsylvania, 150;
- in South Carolina, 191;
- in Tennessee, 201;
- in Virginia, 189;
- in West Virginia, 190
Equus, 9, 14, 15, 372; - E. americanus, 186, 193, 200, 391;
- E. caballus, 190;
- E. complicatus, 32, 33, 43, 68, 159, 160, 184, 185, 186, 187, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 208, 217, 228, 233, 256, 257, 263, 265, 283, 302, 308, 312, 313, 328, 330, 348, 352, 353, 359, 363, 366, 370, 379, 380, 382, 392, 393, 395, 403, 404, 406;
- E. curvidens, 193, 202;
- E. excelsus, 8;
- E. fraternus, 38, 158, 160, 184, 80, 81
- Gilpin, J. B., 19
- Girard, Pennsylvania, 168
- Glencoe, Illinois, 110
- Glengarry Co., Ontario, 18
- Glenn, L. C., 394
- Globicephala bÆreckeii, 20, 378
- Gloucester, New Jersey, 184
- Gloucester Co., New Jersey, 63
- Glynn Co., Georgia, 36, 120, 193, 243, 261, 280
- Glyptodon, 14, 15, 39;
- G. petaliferus, 39, 381;
- G. rivipacis, 40, 381;
- G. sp. indet., 364
- Glyptodons, 5
- Glyptotherium, 2, 4, 15
- Goat Island, New York, 62
- Goldsboro, North Carolina, 115, 359
- Goldthwait, J. W., 288, 290
- Godman, J. D., 50, 53, 66, 155
- Gomphotherium, 2, 14, 15, 376, 393;
- G. floridanum, 15, 37, 120, 121, 122, 123, 195, 196, 375, 376, 380;
- G. rugosidens, 118, 120, 370;
- G. sp. indet., 380
- Goose Creek, South Carolina, 363
- Gopherus polyphemus, 382;
- Gordon, R., 52, 53
- Gosport, Indiana, 172
- Graculus idahoensis, 8
- Graham, J. G., 52, 53
- 209
- Hebron, Indiana, 99, 252, 334
- Hidden, W. S., 28
- Heidelberg University, Ohio, 123
- Heilprin, A., 317, 384
- Henderson, Kentucky, 44, 234, 405
- Henderson Co., Illinois, 152;
- Hendricks Co., Indiana, 92
- Hendry, F. H., 40
- Hennessy, J. C., 164
- Henry Co., Illinois, 104, 142, 154;
- Indiana, 94;
- Kentucky, 129
- Herkimer Co., New York, 236
- Hernando, Florida, 196, 225
- Herodias egretta, 382
- Hesperomys leucopus, 310, 312
- Heyner’s Bridge, Georgia, 120
- Hickory, Pennsylvania, 70, 323
- Hicks, L. E., 75
- Highgate, Ontario, 45
- Higley, W. K., 110, 230
- Hildreth, S. P., 70, 75, 80, 170, 231, 273
- Hilgard, E. W., 125, 254, 387, 391
- Hill, C. C., 70
- Hillsboro Co., Florida, 38, 123, 159, 197, 208, 379
- Hillsboro River, Florida, 38, 379
- Hillsdale Co., Michigan, 80
- Hindostan, Indiana, 89
- Hinds Co., Mississippi, 124
- Hinsdale, New York, 62, 226
- Hipparion, 2, 9, 15, 191, 376, 377, 393;
- H. ingenuum, 196, 227;
- Kosciusko Co., Indiana, 278
- Kost, J., 275
- Kouts, Indiana, 100, 239
- KÜmmel, H. B., 28, 300
- Labelle, Florida, 40, 163, 199, 264
- La Brea, California, 15
- Lafayette formation, 14, 16, 345, 347, 356, 386, 391
- Lagomys palatina, 312
- Lagrange, Indiana, 99
- Lagrange Co., Indiana, 99
- Lagrange moraine, 99
- Lake Algonquin, 87, 171
- Lake Bonneville, 11
- Lake-border moraines in Michigan, 83, 330
- Lake Champlain, 20, 22, 291
- Lake Chicago, 333
- Lake Co., Indiana, 99, 140, 174, 239
- Lake George, New York, 132
- Lake Iroquois, 131
- Lake Lahontan, Nevada, 15
- Lake Lundy, 87
- Lake Maumee, 78, 81, 86, 87, 88, 171, 276, 326, 333
- Lake Rouge, 87
- Lake Saginaw, 276
- Lake Warren, 79, 84, 87, 326, 329
- Lake Wayne, 87
- Lake Whittlesey, 136
- Laketon, Indiana, 98, 218
- Lambe, L. M., 17, 22, 147
- Lamna sp. indet., 370
- Lanark Co., Ontario, 333, 334, 335, 355, 400, 402
- Leverett and Taylor, 81, 82, 83, 84, 87, 171, 278, 284
- Levy Co., Florida, 37, 121, 195, 211, 224, 375
- Lewis Co., New York, 56
- Lewis and KÜmmel, 67, 300
- Lewis and Wright, 307
- Lewiston, New York, 132
- Liberty Township, Putnam Co., Ohio, 77
- Licking Co., Ohio, 75, 136
- Lima moraine, 326
- Lincke, F. A., 32
- Lincoln Co., Ontario, 46, 147, 166;
- Lindemuth, A. C., 136, 170
- Lindgren, 7
- Line, I. E., 60
- Linton, E., 70, 133, 135
- Lisbon, Ohio, 70, 215, 328
- Litchfield, Connecticut, 48
- Little Charles Apopka Creek, Florida, 163
- Little River, Florida, 121
- Little Salt Creek, Ohio, 168
- Livingston Co., Kentucky, 129;
- Lockwood, S., 65, 66
- Lodi, New York, 58
- Loess, 14;
- in Mississippi, 389, 390;
- in Tennessee, 394;
- in Wisconsin, 341
- Logan Co., Ohio, 75
- Logan, W. E., 22, 62, 147, 167, 284, 8;
- M. obscurus, 118
- Mastodons, 16, 45, 48, 294, 306, 331, 390;
- in Alabama, 124;
- in Cape Breton Island, 46;
- in Connecticut, 47;
- in Florida, 121;
- in Georgia, 120;
- in Illinois, 100;
- in Indiana, 88;
- in Kentucky, 128;
- in Michigan, 80;
- in North Carolina, 115;
- in New Jersey, 63;
- in New York, 48, 296;
- in Maryland, 112;
- in Massachusetts, 47;
- in Mississippi, 124;
- in Ohio, 70;
- in Ontario, 45;
- in Pennsylvania, 68;
- in South Carolina, 118;
- in Tennessee, 127;
- in Virginia, 113;
- in West Virginia, 115;
- in Wisconsin, 110
- (see Mammut)
- Mather, C., 53, 55, 66
- Mather, K. F., 7
- Mather, W. W., 147, 168
- Mathers, M. F., 172
- Matson, G. C., 372, 384, 385
- Matson and Clapp, 15
- Matthew, G. F., 21
- Matthew, G. W., 289
- Matthew, W. D., 92, 97, 224, 377
- Maury Co., Tennessee, 181
- Maxwell, J. B., 67
- Maysville, North Carolina, 116, 358
- McAdams, W., 12, 34, 102, 175, 187, 246, 254, 259, 270, 279, 338
- McCallie, S. W., 127, 379
- Metis, Quebec, 19
- Miami Co., Indiana, 97, 98, 278;
- Miami River, Florida, 384
- Michigan, Castoroides in, 275;
- Cervus canadensis in, 237;
- Elephas columbi in, 151;
- Elephas primigenius in, 137;
- Elephas sp. indet. in, 171;
- geology of, 330;
- mastodons in, 80;
- musk-oxen in, 250;
- Odocoileus in, 227;
- TagassuidÆ in, 215
- Mickleborough, J., 52
- Microtus chrotorrhinus, 350;
- M. dideltus, 312;
- M. diluvianus, 312;
- M. involutus, 312;
- M. pennsylvanicus, 310, 348, 395;
- M. sp. indet., 343;
- M. speothen, 312
- Middle River, Cape Breton Island, 46
- Middlesex Co., Ontario, 45, 235
- Middleton, W. G., 258
- Middletown, New Jersey, 149
- Mifflin Co., Pennsylvania, 69, 213
- Milan, Illinois, 104
- Miller, A. M., 210, 223, 405
- Miller, B. L., 178, 351, 355, 356
- Miller, G. S., 5, 314
- Miller, J. W., 115
- Millersburg, Ohio, 32
- Millport, Ohio, 135
- Mills, W. C., 70, 74, 80, 135, 215, 273
- Milroy, Pennsylvania, 213, 324
- Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 143, 340
- Milwaukee Co., Wisconsin, 241
- Milwaukee Public Museum, 110, 111, 241
- Minoa, New York, 131
- Miocene, 10
- Missinaibi River, Ontario, 14;
- Bison bison in, 266, 267;
- Cervus canadensis in, 235;
- Castoroides in, 272;
- Elephas columbi in, 149;
- Elephas primigenius in, 131;
- Elephas sp. indet. in, 167;
- EquidÆ in, 183;
- geology of, 294;
- mastodons in, 48;
- Odocoileus in, 226;
- Rangifer in, 245;
- TagassuidÆ in, 212
- New York City, 50
- New York Co., New York, 183
- New York State Museum, 50
- Niagara, New York, 62
- Niagara Co., New York, 62, 132
- Niagara Falls, interglacial beds, 283, 285
- Niantic, Illinois, 102, 229, 239, 269
- Nicholas Co., Kentucky, 44, 128, 182, 234, 243, 271
- Nipissing Co., Ontario, 266
- Niver, Roe, 31
- Noble Co., Indiana, 95
- Noblesville, Indiana, 173
- Norfolk Co., Ontario, 45
- North Bay, Ontario, 266
- North Carolina, 15, 29;
- Cervus canadensis in, 242;
- cetaceans in, 20;
- Elephas columbi in, 155;
- Elephas primigenius in, 145;
- Elephas sp. indet. in, 179;
- EquidÆ in 190;
- geology of, 355;
- mastodons in, 115;
- Odocoileus in, 231;
- Pinnipedia in, 29
- North Fairfield, Ohio, 31, 257
- North Liberty, Indiana, 139
- North Manchester, Indiana, 98
- North Plainfield, New Jersey, 133, 306
- Norton, A. H., 23, 24
- Norton, S., 23
- Notre Dame, Indiana, 100
- Notre Dame University, Indiana, 100
- Nova Scotia, geology of, 289;
- Nunda, New York, 274
- Orycterocetus quadratidens, 370
- Oryzomys palustris, 382
- Osborn, H. F., 11, 52, 183
- Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 270
- Osmerus mordax, 287
- Osmotherium spelÆum, 312
- Ossining, New York, 245
- Otisville, New York, 54
- Ottawa, Canada, fossil vertebrates at, 287
- Ottawa, Illinois, 229
- Ottawa East, Ontario, 17
- Ottawa Co., Quebec, 22
- Ottawa River, 291
- Ottawa Township, Putnam Co., Ohio, 77
- Otter Creek, Indiana, 138
- Overpeck, Ohio, 329
- Ovis mamillaris, 70, 273
- Ovibos moschatus, 21, 244, 248, 249, 252, 304, 334
- Ovis sp. indet., 337, 338, fig. 13
- Owen, D. D., 182, 216, 234
- Owen, R., 24, 25, 120
- Owen Co., Indiana, 172;
- Owosso, Michigan, 276, 331
- Owosso moraine, 85
- Oxford Neck, Maryland, 144, 154, 230, 242
- Paarmann, J. A., 104
- Pablo Beach, Florida, 232, 262, 374
- Packard, A. S., 23, 24
- Pains Creek, Florida, 123
- Pakenham, Ontario, 17
- Palestine, Ohio, 136
- Palm Beach, Florida, 123, 160, 200, 264
- Palm Beach Co., Florida, 123, 200, 264, 384
- Palma Sola, Florida, 145, 159, 225, 376
Procyon lotor, 310, 311, 353, 363, 382, 395; Protohippus, 2, 8, 15; Provincial Museum, Halifax, 46 Pseudemys cÆlata, 375, 379; - P. extincta, 379;
- P. floridanus persimilis, 382;
- P. sp. indet., 363
Public Museum, Milwaukee, 97, 143 Pugh, G. T., 361, 363, 367 Pulaski, Indiana, 96, 140 Pusheta Township, Auglaize Co., Ohio, 76 Putnam, F. W., 47, 246, 248 Putnam Co., Indiana, 91, 173; Putorius ermineus, 310 Quebec, 14, 18; - cetaceans in, 18;
- geology of, 288;
- Pinnipedia in, 21
Queen Anne Co., Maryland, 154, 347 Queensbury, New York, 132 Queens Co., New York, 49 Querquedula floridana, 382 Rabbit, 14 Racine Co., Wisconsin, 110 Racket River, New York, 235, 245 Rafinesque, C. S., 129 Raisin River, Michigan, 250 Rana catesbiana, 322; Randolph Co., Illinois, 101, 175; Rangifer, 227, 381 St. Marks River, Florida, 157 St. Mary’s City, Maryland, 112, 347 St. Mary’s Co., Maryland, 112 St. Mary’s River, Florida, 180, 194 St. Petersburg, Florida, 159, 378 St. Thomas, Ontario, 45 Salamonie moraine, 95 Salem Co., New Jersey, 63, 226 Saline, Michigan, 88 Salisbury, R. D., 67, 300 Salisbury and Knapp, 66, 299, 303 Salisbury Mills, New York, 51 Saltar, J. C., 64 Salt Creek, Columbiana Co., Ohio, 186, 327 Salt Creek Township, Ohio, 75 Saltville, Maryland, 259 Saltville, Smyth Co., Virginia, 34, 113, 145, 190, 231, 352 Sandoval, Illinois, 102 Sandusky, Ohio, 78 Sanford, S., 372, 384 Sangamon Co., Illinois, 176 Sangamon River, 14 Sangamon stage, 2, 12, 14, 32, 93, 283, 328, 329, 330, 349, 351, 396, 404; Sangamona, 13, 14, 231, 348, 395, 396 San Pablo Beach, Florida, 122 Santee Canal, South Carolina, 162 Sarasota, Florida, 159, 379 Sarasota Bay, Florida, 38, 198 Talbot Co., Maryland, 144, 230, 242 Talbot formation, 16, 29, 299, 345, 346, 351 Talbot stage, 188 Tallahatchie Co., Mississippi, 124 TalpidÆ, 312 Tamarack, 85 Tamias lÆvidens, 353; Tampa Bay, Florida, 123, 159, 208, 263, 379 Tampico, Indiana, 89 Tapir, 187, 209, 223, 228, 232, 328, 395, 396 TapiridÆ, 5, 203, 312; - in Florida, 206;
- in Georgia, 206;
- in Indiana, 203;
- in Kentucky, 209;
- in Mississippi, 208;
- in Ohio, 203;
- in Pennsylvania, 203;
- in South Carolina, 204;
- in Tennessee, 209;
- in Virginia, 204
Tapirs, 13, 333, 334 Tapirus, 9, 14, 15; - T. americanus, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 391;
- T. haysii, 32, 43, 203, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 217, 257, 312, 237, 246;
- fossil mammals at, 304;
- geology of, 304;
- gravels, 14, 65
- Trichechus antiquus, 363, 381;
- T. manatus, 376;
- T. virginianus, 29
- Trichiurus lepturus, 363, 366
- Trim Creek, Illinois, 108
- Troost, G., 125, 127, 389
- Troy, New York, 183;
- Trucifelis, 14;
- Trumbull Co., Ohio, 80, 249
- Tryonville, Pennsylvania, 150, 323
- Tsala Apopka formation, Florida, 372, 373;
- Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania, 68, 324
- Tuomey, M., 119, 120, 232, 361, 366
- Turner, G., 119
- Turner, G. B., 143
- Turner’s, Florida, 380
- Tuscumbia, Alabama, 40, 385
- Twells, H., 64
- Twin Creek, Ohio, 72, 274
- Tyler, L. G., 113
- Udden, J. A., 104, 176, 187
- Ulrich, E. O., 169
- Ulster Co., New York, 54
- Uncia inexpectata, 312
- Underwood, L., 266
- Ungava, Canada, Elephas sp. indet., in, 166
- Unio, species, 303
- Union City, Indiana, 277;
- Union Co., New Jersey, 133
- Union Grove, Illinois, 240
- UnionidÆ in Don beds, Ontario, 282;
- in Fish House beds, New Jersey, 303
- United States National Museum, 80, Wills Creek, Allegany Co., Maryland, 349
- Wilmington, North Carolina, 357;
- Wilson, R., 162
- Wilson Co., North Carolina, 117, 359
- Winchell, A., 80, 81, 86, 87, 130, 151, 171
- Winchell, N. H., 77, 78, 178
- Winchester, Indiana, 139;
- Windfall, Indiana, 152
- Windsor, Indiana, 139
- Winnebago Co., Illinois, 105;
- Wirt Co., West Virginia, 155
- Wisconsin, 2, 14;
- Bison bison in, 270;
- Cervus canadensis in, 241;
- Elephas primigenius in, 143;
- Elephas sp. indet. in, 178;
- extinct bisons in, 259;
- mastodons in, 110;
- Odocoileus in, 230;
- Rangifer in, 247;
- TagassuidÆ in, 219;
- depression, 291;
- drift, 281, 292, 295, 324, 326, 328, 329, 330, 331, 335, 340;
- geology of, 340;
- ice-sheet, 298; 307, 332, 355;
- moraine, 300, 307, 326;
- stage, 12, 14, 32, 33, 283, 286, 300, 316, 322, 334, 367, 403;
- uplift, 291
- Wissler, C.,