The following changes have been made to the text as printed: - Illustrations within chapters have been moved close to the text they illustrate. The page numbers shown in the list of illustrations refer to their placement in the printed text.
- A heading “Rumpty-Dudget’s Tower” has been moved from Page 3 to Page 1. The hyphen has also been inserted into this heading.
- On Page 4 the two lines “and fasten down their eyelids, they saw stars,” and “white, blue, and red, twinkling in the sky overhead;” were transposed. This has been corrected.
- On Page 36 a superfluous quote mark has been removed from the start of the line “But where are the Golden Ivy-seed and ...”
- On Page 55 “answered the king” has been changed to “answered the King”, for consistency.
- On Page 61 “pine tree” has been changed to “pine-tree”, for consistency.
The following anomalies in the printed text are noted, but no change has been made: - Spelling has been retained as it appears in the original book.
- The word “today” appears in the Preface (Page x), while on Page 24 it is printed as “to-day”.