NATIVE ALLIES — MAKERETU — COLONEL LAMBERT AND GOVERNMENT — VICTORY — PURSUIT. A detailed account of subsequent measures taken to punish the assassins lies not within the compass of this little work. The future historian will find ample materials for the interesting task whenever it becomes desirable to use them. At present it may suffice to summarise those operations which resulted in the capture of the mountain fortress Ngatapa, and led to other massacres by Te Kooti. Intelligence of the raid and massacre at Poverty Bay reached Napier on the 11th November, one day after the outbreak. On It had been arranged by Mr. M‘Lean that 300 natives were to advance from Wairoa, and attack Te Kooti in the rear simultaneously with Tareha’s charge in the front, and orders had been accordingly sent to Major Lambert at Wairoa; but Major Lambert, acting under instructions from ministers at Wellington, refused to obey. The result was, Te Kooti escaped what might have been certain capture if Mr. M‘Lean’s skilfully-conceived plan had not been frustrated by Colonel Haultain and his coadjutors. Afterwards, when too late, Lambert was ordered to carry out Mr. M‘Lean’s directions. In the interim, Te Kooti somewhat altered his arrangements, but still retained Makeretu as the key of his new position. Finding himself getting short of ammunition, Te Kooti planned a bold scheme to obtain some at our expense. On the 27th November, about 8 a.m., he contrived, at the head of 60 men, to get in the rear of Tareha’s force unperceived, and intercepted a convoy of stores proceeding to Tareha’s camp. The escort being overmatched by three to one, and badly armed, were forced to retreat, On the 3rd December, the men composing the Wairoa expedition arrived. They were of the brave Ngatiporou tribe, and were commanded by Rapata, the chief who, it will be remembered, assisted Biggs to capture 500 Hauhaus at Hungahungatoroa, in Mr. M‘Lean’s East Coast campaign of 1865. Upon his arrival at Makeretu, Rapata announced that he would rest his men for two days, after their fatiguing march. The announcement was a ruse to disguise his real intentions from native traitors who might be in his camp. An hour afterwards, Rapata stormed the enemy’s position, and Te Kooti was forced to abandon Makeretu with heavy loss in men. It was not until some time after that the true nature of this gallant affair became manifest. It was thought 40, or at the most 50, men of the enemy had fallen; ultimately 97 bodies of the enemy were recovered, amongst them 14 chiefs, one of whom, named Nama, had been a turbulent and dangerous man. Most of the bodies were found in dense scrub, and there can be no doubt many more were killed besides those recovered. On the night of the day that the fight took place at Makeretu, the enemy retreated to an almost inaccessible mountain stronghold, named Ngatapa, whilst the force commanded by Rapata pressed forward in pursuit. |