The original pulsometer was an instrument called by that name for measuring the force and frequency of the pulse; it was invented in 1626 by Santovio of Padua, Italy. The term has been largely applied to a form of vacuum pump, soon hereafter to be described; this has a pulsative action—like a heart beat. The pulsometer, the aqua-thruster, the pulsator, and other regular double acting two oval reservoirs (one filling while the other is discharging) automatic condensing steam vacuum pumps are all patterned after the Thomas Savery pump shown in Fig. 552; this was patented in England in 1698. It is thus described: “The upper end of the suction pipe shown at the mouth of the pit consists of two branches, which are connected to similar branches on the lower part of the forcing pipe N. The suction valves are at B A and the forcing ones at E F, all opening upwards. Between these valves two short curved tubes connect the bottoms of the receiver I M with the branches, as represented, and two other bent tubes, P Q, unite the top of the receivers with the boiler H. On top of this boiler, and forming a part of it, is a stout round plate, having two openings of the same size as the bore of the tubes last mentioned. In these openings the two steam tubes P Q terminate. Between the openings, and on the under side of the plate, is a movable disk, which by a short arm is connected to an axle and moved by the long lever shown on the top of the boiler; so that by moving this lever the disk can be made to open or close either opening, so as to admit or exclude steam from the receivers, and answering every purpose of a three-way cock. Fig. 553. “The face of the disk is ground smooth, so as to fit close to the under side of the plate, against which it is pressed by the steam. The perpendicular axle by which the disk is turned passes through the plate, and the opening is made tight by a stuffing-box. (The plate and movable disk are represented in the small figure at the top, one of the openings, Q, being covered “A communication is made between the boilers by a syphon or bent tube, R, whose legs extend nearly to the bottom of the boilers. In the leg within the small boiler is a valve opening upwards, which permits the water of G to pass into H, but prevents any returning from the latter. When the attendant wishes to inject into H a fresh supply of water, he increases the little fire kept up under the boiler G (which is always kept supplied with water by the pipe S), and as soon as the liquid boils and the force of the steam exceeds that in H, the contents of G, both steam and hot water, are forced through the valve; and thus H is kept supplied without the action of the machine being stopped. “The cock on the pipe S is then opened, the small boiler again charged, and the water becomes gradually heated; so that by the time it is wanted in the other boiler, a small addition to the fuel quickly raises its temperature, and it is again forced in as before. The quantity of water in the boilers was ascertained by gauge cocks. These were inserted at the top (see figure) and pipes soldered to them descended to different depths.” Fig. 554. The modern pulsometer is a low-service pump, and is not recommended for duties exceeding about eighty feet total vertical service. With this limitation, its uses are many and various and for some purposes it is particularly adapted. Years of practical work with the pulsometer, under widely different conditions, have demonstrated the merits claimed for it. Fig. 555. Its advantages are: 1. Its low cost, as it does not require an engine or other machinery to operate it. A steam pipe connecting it with the boiler that is to furnish steam supply is all that is necessary, and after the pump is once adjusted, it will always be in order with free power when the steam is turned on. 2. It is absolutely noiseless in its operation; the slight click of the steam ball-valve in the neck-piece, as it changes its position, is the only evidence that it is working. 3. In its capability of operation while in suspension, and of being lowered or raised and swung about without at all interfering with its working. The pulsometer does not require oil, having no pistons, glands, stuffing-boxes, eccentrics, beams, levers, supplementary valves, complicated mechanism, etc., which need attention and adjustment. The Pulsometer Steam Pump Co., New York, makers of the pump and owners of the word-symbol, “Pulsometer,” emphasize the importance of its proper installation, and ask that the questions given in the note below be answered when suggestions relative to the placing of the pump are desired. The body of the pulsometer is shown in Fig. 555, and a sectional view in Fig. 556. It is a single casting consisting of two bottle-shaped chambers, A, A, placed side by side. These are called working chambers. They taper toward each other at their upper halves and meet at their upper ends at a point at which is situated the steam valve-ball, C. This oscillates with a slight rolling motion between the seats, with which it makes a steam tight joint, formed at the upper entrance to each of the working chambers, A, A. Note.—For what purpose is the pump to be used? How many gallons per minute or hour are to be pumped? Is the liquid hot, cold, clear or gritty—fresh, salt, alkaline or acidulous? What will be the required vertical height of delivery? What will be the horizontal length of delivery? What will be the required vertical height of suction? What will be the horizontal length of suction? Does the level of the liquid vary? If so, how much? How many bends or elbows will there be in delivery? How many bends or elbows will there be in suction? What horse-power is the boiler? What is the average steam pressure at the boiler? A rough sketch showing how and where it is desired to place the pump will be of considerable assistance in furnishing information. The portion, B, of the pump, containing the steam ball-valve, C, is called the neck-piece, and is a separate casting bolted to the main body of the pump, so that it can be readily removed for renewal when necessary. To the top of this neck-piece, B, the neck-cap is bolted, into which the steam supply pipe is screwed. Fig. 556. The openings communicating between the chambers, A, A, and the induction, or foot-valve chamber, D, are covered by suitable valves, E, E, called suction valves, the valve seats, F, F, and valve guards, I, I, which latter prevent the valves from opening too far. A third chamber, J, called the vacuum chamber, is situated behind the chambers, A, A, at their lower halves, and between them at their upper, or tapering halves, and communicates with them through the round opening in the induction, or foot-valve chamber, D. A fourth chamber, called the discharge chamber, situated on the lower side of the working chambers, A, A, opposite to the vacuum chamber, J, and represented by the dotted lines in the sectional view communicates with each of the working chambers, A, A, by passages at the lower half of its intersection with these chambers. This discharge chamber contains the discharge valves, E, E, their valve seats, G, G, and the valve guards, I, I, which cover the passages leading from chambers, A, A. The delivery pipe, H, connects with the discharge opening in the top of the discharge chamber by means of a flanged joint. The induction, or foot-valve chamber, D, contains the valve, E, its valve seat, F, and the guard, I, which serve the purpose of holding the charge of water in the pump. The lower end of this chamber is connected to the suction pipe by a flanged joint. Parts, K, K, are oval plates covering the openings through which the seat, valve and guard are inserted, to their respective chambers, and are fastened in position by means of clamps and bolts, N, N. The ends of these clamps fit loosely into suitable recesses and are thus held in position while the cover plates are being applied. Another set of similar clamps and bolts serve in a like manner, to fasten the seats, valves and guards in place. The object in employing four openings to the pump, instead of two, is to make it possible and convenient to get at the interior for examination, and easy to remove all deposit that may form on the walls of the chambers which could not be reached otherwise. Vent plugs are inserted in the cover plates for the purpose of draining off the water in the pump to prevent freezing. Near the top of each of the working chambers, A, A, and of the vacuum chamber, J, is a small tapped hole, into which is screwed a brass air check-valve, so that its check hangs downward. The air check-valves in the chambers, A, A, allow a small quantity of air to be automatically admitted above the water, and ahead of the steam, separating the steam and the water upon their first entrance, thus preventing condensation, and forming an air piston, which is always new and tight. The air check-valve in the chamber, J, likewise admits air automatically, which serves to cushion the ram action of water consequent upon the alternate filling of the chambers, A, A. Fig. 557. Fig. 558. Fig. 559. Fig. 560. Fig. 561. Fig. 562. Fig. 563. The action of the pulsometer is as follows: When all chambers and pipes are empty, the air check-valves have to be closed, and the globe valve opened for an instant; then steam will enter one of the chambers, expel the air, and condense, forming a vacuum. This operation being repeated several times, both chambers will be filled with water through the induction Steam, being now admitted, continuously enters the chamber not closed by the ball, and forces out the water through the discharge-valves, until its surface is lowered below the discharge-orifice. At that instant the steam begins to escape into the discharge-pipe, and condenses; thus a partial vacuum is formed in the chamber. The water in the other chamber now presses the ball, which rolls over and closes the first chamber, when water enters through the induction-valves to fill the vacuum. This operation alternately changes from one chamber to the other. The principal parts of a pulsometer are shown in the seven figures upon this and the preceding pages. Fig. 557 represents the regular flat valve, seat and guard, Fig. 558 the guard detached, while Fig. 559 is the plain flat Fig. 564. Note.—For emptying vats or tanks and for distributing the liquors from one tank to another or throughout the building, the pulsometer arranged as per accompanying ills., Fig. 564, will be found to be of great usefulness. At convenient intervals along the steam main and discharge main, suitable couplings can be provided for quickly attaching a short section of steam and discharge hose, as the pump, suspended from a trolley, is moved along from tank to tank. In pumping muddy water or other liquids containing matter which would obstruct the valve seat shown in Fig. 560 the ball valve, Fig. 561, is used. The engraving illustrates this valve The Maslin automatic steam vacuum pump is presented in Fig. 554, page 271. Its principle is identical with that of the pulsometer but it differs somewhat in detail, as for example, the three valves with their seats, H, H, H, are introduced through one opening or hand-hole. The two suction valves, E, E, are secured by one bolt, I, likewise the two discharge valves, K. The combination of the foot valve, G, in the pump requires no bolting on being held by the bolt, I. The plain cover is of such a shape that no nuts are removed to afford access to the valves; all that is necessary is to slack up one nut and swing the cover to one side. The valves are of very thick rubber but are cut away near the center so that they readily yield to the pressure underneath, giving a full area of opening. The two air valves are attached at the end of the neck-piece. There are no projecting set screws or bolts running through the main body of this pump attended as they often are with more or less leakage. A hook is provided to suspend the pump in a shaft or over sewer work. The two drip cocks at the bottom drain the chambers when necessary to prevent freezing, etc. Note.—“One of the most important points to be attended to, and which is so often overlooked, is that dry steam should be supplied to the pulsometer. Take steam from the highest part of the boiler. Do not connect steam pipe to a pipe furnishing steam for any other purpose; but if you have to take steam from a large steam pipe, tap it on the upper side so as to avoid the drip caused by condensation in the large pipe. When the boiler is some distance from the pulsometer the steam pipe to it should be larger than is needed at the pulsometer, and be protected by some non-conducting substance. Reduce to size required at the pulsometer and provide a pet cock to draw off condensed steam before starting it. Be sure and blow out steam pipe thoroughly before connecting the pulsometer so as to remove any dirt, rust or scale that may have accumulated in pipes, also remove all burrs on ends of the pipe caused by cutting, and which in most cases greatly decreases their capacity and effectiveness.” The illustration, Fig. 565, represents the pulsometer and boiler in portable form. This will be found a very convenient outfit for certain classes of irrigation, and for pumping out flooded cellars, excavations, etc. Also for sewer-trench excavating operations, where water accumulates at different sections of the work, and where it is desired to move the pump and boiler frequently. Fig. 565. The pump is suspended from a strong framework and is controlled by a chain hoist, by means of which it can readily be lowered or raised. When the trench or ditch is too deep for the pulsometer to lift the water to the surface of the ground by suction, the truck can be run out on planks over the ditch, when the pump can be lowered to the necessary suction distance from the water. Suitable lengths of steam hose, with universal couplings, suction hose, also suitable lengths of light flanged galvanized pipe for the discharge, which can be readily connected may be carried on the truck, proper brackets being provided for their reception. As the suction and discharge connections are flanged, they can be connected or disconnected in a few minutes; provision is made to prevent the pump from swinging. |