2 PARTS IT is with pleasure we call your attention to the recent publication on pumping machinery. This work, issued under the title of “ROGERS’ PUMPS AND HYDRAULICS,” is a complete and practical handbook, treating on the construction, operation, care and management of pumping machinery; the principles of hydraulics being also thoroughly explained. The work is illustrated with cuts, diagrams and drawings of work actually constructed and in operation; the rules and explanations of the examples shown are taken from everyday practice. No expense has been spared in the endeavor to make this a most helpful instructor on the subject, useful to all pump attendants, engineers, machinists and superintendents. PUMPS AND HYDRAULICS A PRACTICAL TREATISE PART ONE T A Co. PUMPS AND HYDRAULICS A PRACTICAL TREATISE PART TWO T A Co. Subjects Treated The Air Pump; Air and Vacuum Pumps; Air Compressors; The Air Lift Pump; The Steam Fire Engine; Miscellaneous Pumps; Mining Pumps; Marine Pumps; “Sugar-house” Pumps; Circulating Pumps; Atmospheric Pumps; Ammonia or Acid Pumps; The Screw Pump; Aermotor Pumps; Rotary and Centrifugal Pumps; Turbine Pumps; Injectors and Ejectors; Pulsometer-Aqua-Thruster; Pump Speed Governors; Condensing Apparatus; Utilities and Attachments, Tools, Valves and Piping, Pipes, Joints and Fittings, Useful Notes; Tables and Data; Glossary of Pump and Hydraulic Terms; Elementary Hydraulics; Flow of water Under Pressure; Water Pressure Machines, Water Wheels; Turbine Water Wheels; Turbine Pumps; Water Pressure Engines; Hydraulic Motors; Hydraulic Apparatus; Hydraulic Jack; Hydraulic Press; Hydraulic Accumulator; Hydraulic Ram; Pumps as Hydraulic Apparatus; Classification of Pumps; Hand Pumps; Power Pumps; Belted Pumps; The Electric Pump; The Steam Pump; The Duplex Pump; Underwriter Fire Pump; Specifications of the National Board of Fire Underwriters Relating to Duplex Fire Pumps. These two volumes of nearly nine hundred pages, illustrated with about seven hundred wood cuts, are admirable specimens of bookmaking; they are printed on fine white paper in large clear text, with ample margins, and bound in black vellum cloth with titles and tops in gold. In size they are six by nine inches. ——PRICE, $4, DELIVERED—— |