The fireman, so called, in steam service of any description, should and does on the average receive double the compensation of a man who has only his labor to bargain for. In addition, he exercises his skillful vocation in sheltered places and is almost the last of the employees of a plant to be “laid off” and is certainly the first to be called on again after stoppage. Still further, the fireman has an almost equal opportunity, with the best shop trained machinist, for advancement to the position of engineer in charge of the most extensive steam plants. Now! this increased pay over ordinary labor and other numerous advantages accruing from the position, demand a generous return, and in ending this work, the author suggests these “points” for observance to the aspiring student, whether engineer, fireman, or machinist, namely—that sobriety should be held one of the first elements of strict observance; an unresting tidiness of person and premises; dignity of conduct, as being owed to the rising profession of steam engineering; and lastly, an unswerving fidelity of trust, which may include honesty, truthfulness and courage. |