THIS volume is arranged for a comprehensive, self-instruction course for both shop and drawing room. ——PLAN OF INSTRUCTION—— Rogers’ Drawing and Design AUDEL Useful Terms and Definitions; Drawing Board, T-Square and Triangles; Lettering; Shade Lines; Section lining; Geometrical Drawing; Isometric Projection; Cabinet Projection; Orthographic Projection; Development of Surfaces; Working Drawings; Tints and Colors; Tracing and Blue Printing; Reading of Working Drawings; Machine Design; Physics and Mechanics; Materials Used in Machine Construction; Screws, Bolts and Nuts; Rivets and Riveted Joints; Power Transmission; Shafts and Bearings; Belts and Pulleys; Gear Wheels; Metal Working Machines; Dies and Presses; Drilling and Milling Machines; The Lathe; Engines and Boilers; Electrical Machines; Drawing Instruments; Logarithms; Tables and Index. Contains 506 pages, illustrated by over 600 cuts and diagrams, very many of them full page drawings; the book is printed on a very fine grade of paper; it measures 81/2 × 101/2 inches and weighs over 3 pounds; the binding is in black cloth with gold edges and titles; the volume is made to open freely and is in every way a most complete up-to-date book. PRICE, $3 to any address. |