In selecting a boiler, the most efficient design will be found to be that in which the greatest amount of shell surface is exposed to direct heat. It is the direct heating surface that does the bulk of the work and every tendency to reduce it, either in the construction or setting of the boiler, should be avoided. The smaller the amount of surface enclosed by or in contact with the setting, the better results will be obtained. A boiler with a bad circulation is the bane of an engineer’s existence. Proper circulation facilities constitute one of the chief factors in the construction of a successful and economical boiler. In tubular boilers the best practice places the tubes in vertical rows, leaving out what would be the centre row. The circulation is up the sides of the boiler and down the centre. Tubes set zig-zag to break spaces impede the circulation and are not considered productive of the best results. The surface from which evaporation takes place should be made greater as the steam pressure is reduced, that is to say, as the size of the bubbles of steam become greater. To produce 100 lbs. of steam per hour at atmospheric pressure this surface should not be less than 732 square feet, which may be reduced to 146 square feet for steam at 75 lbs. pressure, and to 73 feet for steam at a pressure of 150 lbs. It is for this reason that triple-expansion engines can be worked with smaller boilers than are required with engines using steam of lower pressure. The amount of steam space to be permitted depends upon the volume of the cylinders and the number of revolutions made per minute. For ordinary engines it may be made a hundred times as great as the average volume of steam generated per second. A volume of heated water in a boiler performs the same office in furnishing a steady supply of steam as a fly-wheel does to an engine in insuring uniformity of speed; hence the centre space of a boiler should be ample, in order to take advantage of this reserve force. QUALITY OF STEEL PLATES.Steel for boilers is always of the kind known as low steel, or soft steel, and is, properly speaking, ingot iron, all of its characteristics being those of a tenacious, bending, equal grained iron, and quite different from true steels, such as knife blades, cutting tools, etc., are composed of. Steel is rapidly displacing iron in boiler construction, as it has greater strength for the same thickness, than iron; and, except in rare instances, where the nature of the water available for feed renders steel undesirable, iron should not be used for making boilers, careful tests having shown it to be vastly inferior to steel in many important features. Good boiler steel up to one-half inch in thickness should be capable of being doubled over and hammered down on itself without showing any signs of fracture, and above that thickness it should be capable of being bent around a mandrel of a diameter equal to one and one-half times the thickness of the plate, to an angle of 180 degrees without sign of distress. Such bending pieces should not be less in length than sixteen times the thickness of the plate. On this test piece the metal should show the following physical qualities: Tensile strength, 55,000 to 65,000 pounds per square inch. Elongation, 20 per cent. for plates three-eighths inch thick or less. Elongation, 22 per cent. for plates from three-eighths to three-fourths inch thick. Elongation, 25 per cent. for plates over three-fourths inch thick. The cross sectional area of the test piece should be not less than one-half of one square inch, i.e., if the piece is one-fourth inch thick, its width should be two inches; if it be one-half inch thick, its width should be one inch. But for heavier material the width shall in no case be less than the thickness of the plate. Nickel Steel Boiler Plates.It has been found that the addition of about three per cent. (3.16 to 3.32) of nickel to ordinary soft steel produces most favorable results; thus it has been shown by Riley that a particular variety of nickel steel presents to the engineer the means of nearly doubling boiler pressures without increasing weight or dimensions. In a recent experiment made with Bessemer steel rolled into three-fourths inch plates from which a number of test specimens were cut, the elastic limit was respectively 59,000 pounds and 60,000 pounds. The ultimate tensile strength was 100,000 pounds and 102,000 pounds, respectively. The elongation was 151/2 per cent. in each specimen, and the reduction of area at fracture was 291/2 per cent. and 261/2 per cent. respectively. These figures show that the elastic limit and ultimate tensile strength was raised by the nickel alloy to almost double the limits reached in the best grades of boiler plate steel, and the elongation was reduced to a scarcely appreciable extent. The experiment had for its object, the reproduction, as nearly as possible, of the alloy used in the nickel steel armor plate made at Le Creusot, France, and the result was reported to the Secretary of the Navy at Washington. The new plate showed a percentage of 3.16 nickel, as against 3.32 for the imported plate. RIVETING.When the materials are of best quality, then there only remains to rivet and stay the boiler. Riveting is of two kinds, single and double. Fig. 37 shows the method of single riveting, and Figs. 38 and 39 show the plan and cross-section of double riveted sheets. Fig. 37. Double Riveting consists in making the joints of boiler work with two rows of rivets instead of one—nearly always, horizontal seams are double riveted as well as domes where they join upon the boiler. Usually all girth Rivet holes are made by punching or drilling, according to the material in which they are made. In soft iron and mild steel they may safely be punched, but in metal at all brittle the holes should be drilled. Fig. 38. Rivets are driven by hand, by steam riveting machines or by an improved pneumatic machine which holds the sheet together and strikes a succession of light blows to form the head of the rivet while hot. Rivets are made both of iron and steel, and there are certain well-known brands of such excellent quality that they are almost exclusively used in boiler work. A place where skill is shown in boiler construction is in laying out the rivet holes, with a templet, so that the sheets come exactly together with the holes so nearly opposite that the dreaded drift pin does not have to be used. In these figures the letters P and p refer to the “pitch of the rivets,” i.e., the part from centre to centre, and the dimensions given at the sides indicate the amount of lap given in inches and tenths of inches—the diameter of the rivet (1) is also shown, and the turned over portion of the shank of the rivet is shown by dotted lines. Fig. 39. No riveted boiler work can be considered fairly proportioned unless the strength of the plate between the rivets is fully equal to the strength of the rivets themselves. A margin (or net distance from outside of holes to edge of plate) equal to the diameter of the drilled hole has been found sufficient. Rivets should be made of good charcoal iron or of a very soft mild steel, running between 50,000 and 60,000 pounds tensile strength and showing an elongation of not less than ninety per cent. in eight inches, and having the same chemical composition as specified for plates. A long rivet, holding thick plates together, is rarely tight except immediately under the head. The heads are set and the centre cooled before the hole is properly filled. If it is a very long rivet there is a chance of the contraction fracturing the head of the rivet. In the Forth Bridge, which is made of very heavy plate girders, the rivets, first carefully fitted, were driven tight into the holes, the burr around the holes were removed, and the ends of the rivets heated to a sufficient degree to enable them to be closed over. A simple mathematical deduction shows that a circle seam has just one-half the strain to carry as a longitudinal seam, under the same pressure and with the same thickness of metal, hence the custom of single riveting the former and double riveting the latter, or longwise seams. Different Modes of Riveting. In fig. 41 may be seen an example of zig-zag riveting. Fig. 41. Caulking.—By this is meant the closing of the edges of the seams of boilers or plates. In preparing the seams for caulking, the edges are first planed true inside and outside; and after the plates have been riveted together, the edges are caulked or closed by a blunt chisel about 1/4-inch thick at the edge, which should be struck with a 3 or 4-lb. hammer; sometimes one man doing the work alone and sometimes one holding the chisel and another striking. Fullering a boiler plate is done by a round-nosed tool, while caulking is executed by a sharper instrument. The thinnest plate which should be used in a boiler is one-fourth of an inch, on account of the almost impossibility of caulking the seams of thinner plates. It is a rule well known to all practical boiler makers that the thinner the metal (compatible with due strength) the longer the life of the boiler under its varying stresses and the better the caulking will stand. STEEL RIVETS.Hitherto there has been some prejudice against steel rivets, and while this may have some foundation when iron plates are used, it is certainly baseless when steel plates are concerned. The United States government has clearly demonstrated this. All the ships of the new navy have steel boilers, riveted with steel rivets, and an examination of the character of the material prescribed and the severity of the tests to which it is subjected show that these steel-riveted steel boilers are probably the best boilers ever constructed. United States Government Requirements for Boiler Rivets. They are subjected to the most severe hammer tests, such as flattening out cold to a thickness of one-half the diameter, and flattening out hot to a thickness of one-third the diameter. In neither case must they show cracks or flaws. Kind of Material.—Steel for boiler rivets must be made by either the open-hearth or Clapp-Griffith process, and must not show more than .035 of one per centum of phosphorus nor more than .04 of one per centum of sulphur, and must be of the best quality in other respects. Each ton of rivets from the same heat or blow shall constitute a lot. Four specimens for tensile tests shall be cut from the bars from which the lot of rivets is made. Tensile Tests.—The rivets for use in the longitudinal seams of boiler shells shall have from 58,000 to 67,000 pounds tensile strength, with an elongation of not less than 26 per centum; and all others shall have a tensile strength of from 50,000 to 58,000 pounds, with an elongation of not less than 30 per centum in eight (8) inches. Hammer Test.—From each lot twelve (12) rivets are to be taken at random and submitted to the following tests: Four (4) rivets to be flattened out cold under the hammer to a thickness of one-half the diameter without showing cracks or flaws. Four (4) rivets to be flattened out hot under the hammer to a thickness of one-third the diameter without showing cracks or flaws—the heat to be the working heat when driven. Four (4) rivets to be bent cold into the form of a hook with parallel sides, without showing cracks or flaws. Surface Inspection.—Rivets must be true to form, free from scale, fins, seams and all other unsightly or injurious defects. In view of the fact that the government is using many hundred tons of these rivets, shown by the records of the tests to be vastly superior to any iron rivet made, in all the essentials of a good rivet, it would seem that it would benefit the boiler maker, the purchaser of the boiler and also the maker of the rivet by adopting a standard steel rivet to be used in all steel boilers. BRACING OF STEAM BOILERS.The material of a boiler being satisfactory and the plates being thoroughly and skillfully riveted there remains the important matter of strengthening the boiler against the enormous internal pressure not altogether provided for. Fig. 42. To illustrate the importance of attention to this point it may be remarked that a boiler eighteen feet in length by five feet in diameter, with 40 four-inch tubes, under a head of 80 pounds of steam, has a pressure of nearly 113 tons on each head, 1,625 tons on the shell and 4,333 tons on the tubes, making a total of 6,184 tons on the whole of the exposed surfaces. Not only is this immense force to be withstood, but owing to the fact that the boiler grows weak with age—a safety factor of six has been adopted by inspectors, i.e., the boiler must be made six times as strong as needed in every day working practice. Fig. 43. Braces in the Boiler.—The proper bracing of flat surfaces exposed to pressure, is a matter of the greatest importance, as the power of resistance to bulging possessed by any considerable extent of such a surface, made as they must be in the majority of cases of thin plates, is so small that practically the whole load has to be carried by the braces. This being the case, it is evident that as much attention should be given to properly designing, proportioning, distributing and constructing the brace as to any other portion of the boiler. All flat surfaces should be strongly supported with braces of the best refined iron, or mild steel, having a tensile strength of not less than 58,000 lbs. to the square inch. These braces must be provided with crow feet or heavy angle iron properly distributed throughout the boiler. Fig. 44. Fig. 42 shows the method usually followed in staying small horizontal tubular boilers. The cut represents a 36-inch head and there are five braces in each head: two short ones and three long ones. The braces should be attached to shell and head by two rivets at each end. The rivets should be of such size that the combined area of their shanks will be at least equal to the body of the brace, and their length should be sufficient to give a good large head on the outside to realize strength equal to the body of the brace. In boilers with larger diameters, 5 to 8 feet, stay ends are made of angle or T iron; by this arrangement the stays can be placed further apart, the angle irons very effectively staying the plate between the stays, and thus affording more room in the body of the boiler. The size of the stays have to be increased in proportion to the greater load they have to sustain. See Fig. 43. In a 66-inch boiler it is proper to have not less than 10 braces in each head, none under three feet in length, made of the best round iron one inch in diameter, with ends of braces made of iron 21/2 × 1/2 inches with three pieces of T iron riveted to head above the tubes to which the braces are attached with suitable pins or turned bolts. See Fig. 44. Staying of Flat Surfaces.—When boilers are formed principally of flat plates, like low-pressure marine boilers, or the fire-boxes of locomotive boilers, the form contributes nothing to the strength, which must, therefore, be provided for by staying the opposite furnaces together. Fig. 45 shows the arrangement of the stays in a locomotive fire-box. They are usually pitched about 4 inches from centre to centre, and are fastened into the opposite plates by screwing, as shown, the heads being riveted over. Each stay has to bear the pressure of steam on a square aa, and the sectional area of the stay must be so chosen that the tensile strength will be sufficient to bear the strain with the proper factor of safety. Fig. 45. If the spaces between the stays are too great, or the plate too thin, there is a danger of the structure yielding through the plate bulging outwards between the points of attachment of the stays, thus allowing the latter to draw through the screwed holes made in the plates. In designing boilers with stayed surfaces, care should be taken that the opposite plates connected by any system of stays should, as far as possible, be of equal area, otherwise there is sure to be an unequal distribution of load in the stays, some receiving more than their proper share, and moreover, the least supported plate is exposed to the danger of buckling. Rule for Finding Pressure or Strain on Bolts.The absolute stress or strain on a flat surface of a steam boiler, which is carried by the stays, can be easily determined by a simple rule: Choose 3 stays as A B C in Fig. 46, measure from A to B in inches, and from A to C. Multiply these two numbers together and the result is the number of square inches of surface depending upon one bolt for supporting strength. Example. Suppose the stays measure from center to center 5 inches each way with steam at 80 lbs., then 5 × 5 = 25 × 80 = 2,000 lbs. borne by 1 stay. Note.The pressure on the surface does not include the space occupied by the area of the stay bolt, hence, to be absolutely correct that must be deducted. Fig. 46. GUSSET STAYS.The flat ends of cylindrical boilers are, especially in marine boilers, stayed to the round portions of triangular plates of iron called gusset stays. These are simply pieces of plate iron secured to the boiler front or back, near the top or bottom, by means of two pieces of angle iron, then carried to the shell plating, and again secured by other pieces of angle bar. This arrangement is shown in Fig. 47. Fig. 47. Palm Stays.—These are shown in Fig. 48, and are often used in the same position as a gusset stay; that is, from the back or front end of the boiler to the shell plates; they are sometimes used to stay the curved tops of combustion chambers. Fig. 48. The two opposite ends are also stayed together by long bar stays, running the whole length of the boiler, it is dangerous, however, to trust too much to the latter class of stays; for, in consequence of the alternate expansion and contraction which RIVETED OR SCREW STAYS.Fig. 49. In addition to palm and gusset stays, there are in use riveted or screwed stays, as shown in Fig. 49. This would not answer in furnaces, owing to the burning off of the heads, hence driven stays are used there. Fig. 50. These screwed stays, shown in Fig. 50, are used (in marine and similar boilers) between the combustion chamber back and boiler back and also between the sides of the combustion chambers. The general plan is to have a large nut and washer inside and outside the boiler with the outside washer considerably larger than the inside, so as to hold more efficiently the back and front ends together. In marine boilers it is customary to place the stays 15 to 18 inches apart for ease of access to the parts of the boiler, and to make them of 21/4 to 21/2 inch iron of the best quality. INSPECTOR’S RULES RELATING TO BRACES IN STEAM BOILERS, ALSO TO BE OBSERVED BY ENGINEERS.Where flat surfaces exist, the inspector must satisfy himself that the spacing and distance apart of the bracing, and all other parts of the boiler, are so arranged that all will be of not less strength than the shell, and he must also after applying the hydrostatic test, thoroughly examine every part of the boiler. No braces or stays employed in the construction of marine boilers shall be allowed a greater strain than six thousand pounds per square inch of section, and no screw stay bolt shall be allowed to be used in the construction of marine boilers in which salt water is used to generate steam, unless said stay bolt is protected by a socket. But such screw stay bolts, without sockets, may be used in staying the fire boxes and furnaces of such boiler, and not elsewhere, when fresh water is used for generating steam in said boiler. Water used from a surface condenser shall be deemed fresh water. And no brace or stay bolt used in a marine boiler will be allowed to be placed more than eight and one-half inches from centre to centre, except that flat surfaces, other than those on fire boxes, furnaces and back connections, may be reinforced by a washer or T iron of such size and thickness as would not leave such flat surface unsupported at a greater distance, in any case, than eight and one-half inches, and such flat surface shall not be of less strength than the shell of the boiler, and able to resist the same strain and pressure to the square inch, and no braces supporting such flat reinforced surfaces, will be allowed more than 16 inches apart. In allowing the strain on a screw stay bolt, the diameter of the same shall be determined by the diameter at the bottom of the thread. Many State laws and City ordinances allow a strain of seven thousand five hundred pounds per square inch of section on good bracing without welds. The following table gives the safe load of round iron braces or stays. DIAMETER OF BRACE.Shop Names for Boiler Braces.—1. Gusset brace (fig. 47). 2. Crowfoot brace. 3. Jaw brace (fig. 44). 4. Head to head brace (fig.50). These shop terms refer to braces used in the tubular form of boiler. A Stay and a Brace in a steam boiler fulfil the same office, that of withstanding the pressure exerted outward of the expanded and elastic steam. Socket Bolts are frequently used instead of the screw stay between the inside and outside plates that form the centre space. Socket bolts are driven hot the same as rivets. The method of bracing with T bars is considered the best; the bars make the flat surface rigid and unyielding even before the brace is applied. The braces should be spaced about 8 inches apart on the T bar and 7 inches from the edge of the flange T the bar should be 4 × 41/2 T iron and riveted to the head or flat surface with 11/16 rivets spaced 41/2 inches apart. Hollow Stay Bolts are used in locomotive fire boxes to show when fracture has occurred by permitting an escape of steam or water. The flange of a boiler head 1/2 thick will amply support 6 inches from the edge of the flange. A radius of 2 inches is ample for bend of flange on the head. The lower braces should be started 6 inches above the top row of tubes. Braces should be fitted so as to have a straight pull, i.e. parallel with the boiler shell. The heads of the boiler should be perfectly straight before the braces are fitted in place. Gusset brace plates should not be less than 30 inches long and 14 inches wide. Braces are best made of 1 inch O iron of highest efficacy with tensile strength of not less than 58,000 lbs. to the square inch. Fig. 51. The riveted stay shown in Fig. 51, consists of a long rivet, passed through a thimble or distance piece of wrought iron pipe placed between plates, to be stayed together, and then riveted over in the usual manner. An ingenious device is in use to show when a bolt has broken. A small hole is drilled into the head, extending a little way beyond the plate, and as experience shows that the fracture nearly always occurs next to the outside plate, that is the end taken for the bored out head: when the bolt is broken the rush of steam through the small hole shows the danger without causing serious disturbance. Even where the best of iron is used for stay bolts they should never be exposed to more than 1/10th or 1/12th their breaking strength. The stays should be well fitted, and each one carefully tightened, and, as far as possible each stay in a group should have the same regular strain upon it—if the “pull” all should come on one the whole are liable to give way. Dimensions and Shape of Angle and T Iron.Fig. 52. The condition of a boiler can be learned by tapping on the sheets, rivets, seams, etc., to ascertain whether there are any broken stays, laminated places, broken rivets, etc. Fig. A. Fig. B. Fig. A represents the method of preparing testing pieces of boiler plate, for the machines prepared specially to measure their elongation before breaking, and also the number of pounds they will bear stretching before giving way. Fig. B exhibits the same with reference to the brace and other O iron. RULES AND TABLES |
Height from tubes to shell. | DIAMETER OF BOILER IN INCHES. | ||||||
36 | 42 | 48 | 54 | 60 | 66 | 72 | |
15 | 389 | ||||||
16 | 419 | ||||||
17 | 458 | 526 | |||||
18 | 566 | 620 | 667 | ||||
19 | 608 | 667 | 720 | ||||
20 | 650 | 714 | 770 | 824 | |||
21 | 756 | 824 | 882 | ||||
22 | 808 | 878 | 937 | ||||
23 | 930 | 996 | 1059 | ||||
24 | 982 | 1056 | 1121 | ||||
25 | 1037 | 1116 | 1184 | ||||
26 | 1090 | 1209 | 1252 | 1324 | |||
27 | 1145 | 1234 | 1316 | 1394 | |||
28 | 1291 | 1381 | 1465 | ||||
29 | 1352 | 1445 | 1536 | ||||
30 | 1414 | 1511 | 1608 | ||||
31 | 1576 | 1674 | |||||
32 | 1641 | 1746 | |||||
33 | 1818 | ||||||
34 | 1896 |
Table 2. AREAS TO BE BRACED. (Square Inches.)
Height from tubes to shell. | DIAMETER OF BOILER IN INCHES. | ||||||
36 | 42 | 48 | 54 | 60 | 66 | 72 | |
15 | 206 | ||||||
16 | 235 | ||||||
17 | 264 | 297 | |||||
18 | 331 | 365 | 396 | ||||
19 | 316 | 404 | 439 | ||||
20 | 401 | 444 | 483 | 519 | |||
21 | 485 | 528 | 568 | ||||
22 | 526 | 574 | 618 | ||||
23 | 620 | 668 | 714 | ||||
24 | 667 | 720 | 769 | ||||
25 | 714 | 772 | 825 | ||||
26 | 761 | 824 | 882 | 937 | |||
27 | 809 | 877 | 940 | 998 | |||
28 | 930 | 998 | 1061 | ||||
29 | 983 | 1056 | 1124 | ||||
30 | 1037 | 1115 | 1187 | ||||
31 | 1174 | 1252 | |||||
32 | 1234 | 1317 | |||||
33 | 1382 | ||||||
34 | 1447 |
Height from tubes to shell. | DIAMETER OF BOILER IN INCHES. | ||||||
36 | 42 | 48 | 54 | 60 | 66 | 72 | |
15 | 3.5 | ||||||
16 | 4.0 | ||||||
17 | 4.5 | 5.0 | |||||
18 | 5.6 | 6.2 | 6.7 | ||||
19 | 6.2 | 6.9 | 7.5 | ||||
20 | 6.8 | 7.5 | 8.2 | 8.9 | |||
21 | 8.2 | 9.0 | 9.6 | ||||
22 | 8.9 | 9.8 | 10.5 | ||||
23 | 10.5 | 11.3 | 12.1 | ||||
24 | 11.3 | 12.2 | 13.1 | ||||
25 | 12.1 | 13.1 | 14.0 | ||||
26 | 12.9 | 14.0 | 15.0 | 15.9 | |||
27 | 13.7 | 14.9 | 16.0 | 16.9 | |||
28 | 15.8 | 16.9 | 18.0 | ||||
29 | 16.7 | 17.9 | 19.1 | ||||
30 | 17.6 | 18.9 | 20.2 | ||||
31 | 19.9 | 21.3 | |||||
32 | 21.0 | 22.4 | |||||
33 | 23.5 | ||||||
34 | 24.9 |
In Table 2 this calculation has been made for all sizes of boilers that are ordinarily met with. The area to be braced has been calculated as above in each case, the two-inch strip above the tubes, and the three-inch strip around the shell being taken into account. As an example of its use, let us suppose that upon measuring a boiler we find that its diameter is 54 inches, and that the distance from the upper tubes to the top of the shell is 25 inches. Then by looking in the table under 54 and opposite 25 we find 714, which is the number of square inches that requires staying on each head.
Dimensions of Lap Welded Boiler Tubes.
Size outside diameter. | Wire Gauge. | Weight per foot. | |
1 | inch. | 15 | 0.708 |
11/4 | „ | 15 | 0.9 |
11/2 | „ | 14 | 1.250 |
13/4 | „ | 13 | 1.665 |
2 | „ | 13 | 1.981 |
21/4 | „ | 13 | 2.238 |
21/2 | „ | 12 | 2.755 |
23/4 | „ | 12 | 3.045 |
3 | „ | 12 | 3.333 |
31/4 | „ | 11 | 3.958 |
31/2 | „ | 11 | 4.272 |
33/4 | „ | 11 | 4.590 |
4 | „ | 10 | 5.320 |
41/2 | „ | 10 | 6.010 |
5 | „ | 9 | 7.226 |
6 | „ | 8 | 9.346 |
7 | „ | 8 | 12.435 |
8 | „ | 8 | 15.109 |
9 | „ | 71/2 | |
10 | „ | 61/2 |
The above is the regular manufactures’ list of sizes and weights.
Boiler tubes are listed and described from the outside diameter. This should be noted, as gas-pipe is described from the inside diameter. Thus a 1-inch gas-pipe is nearly 11/4 outside diameter while a 1-inch boiler tube is exactly one inch. Another difference between the two consists in the fact that the outside of boiler tubes is rolled smooth and even; gas-pipe is left comparatively rough and uneven.
When the boiler tubes are new and properly expanded there is a large reserve or surplus of holding power for that part of the tube sheet supported by them, this has been proved by experiment made by chief engineer W. H. Stock, U. S. N., as shown in the following
Table of Holding Power of Boiler Tubes.
Outside diameter of end of tube where fracture took place. | Area of cross section of body of tube. | Thickness of tube plate. | Strain in pounds. Mean result. | Method of Fastening. |
Inches. | Sq. ins. | Inches. | Pounds. | |
25/8 | .981 | 7/16 | 22650 | Expanded by Dudgeon tool, end riveted over. |
25/8 | .981 | 7/16 | 22150 | Expanded by Dudgeon tool, end partly riveted over. |
23/8 | .981 | 3/8 | 25525 | Expanded by Dudgeon tool, end riveted over. |
23/8 | .981 | 3/8 | 29675 | Expanded by Dudgeon tool, ferruled, not riveted over. |
23/8 | .981 | 3/8 | 13050 | Simply expanded by Dudgeon tool. |
Mr. C. B. Richards, consulting engineer at Colt’s Armory at Hartford, Conn., made some experiments as to the holding power of tubes in steam boilers, with the following results: The tubes were 3 inches in external diameter, and 0.109 of an inch thick, simply expanded into a sheet 3/8 of an inch thick by a Dudgeon expander. The greatest stress without the tubes yielding in the plate was 4,500 pounds, and at 5,000 pounds was drawn from the sheet. These experiments were repeated with the ends of the tubes which projected through the sheet three-sixteenths of an inch, being flared so that the external diameter in the sheet was expanded to 3.1 inches. The greatest stress without yielding was 18,500 pounds; at 19,000 pounds yielding was observed; and at 19,500 pounds it was drawn from the sheet. The force was applied parallel to the axis of the tube, and the sheet surfaces were held at right angles to the tube axis.
When the tube sheet and tube ends near the sheet become coated with scale or the tubes become overheated, the holding power of the tubes becomes largely reduced, and caution must be used in having the tube ends re-expanded and accumulated scale removed.
Note 2.—In considering the stress or strain upon the expanded or riveted over ends of a set of boiler tubes, it may be remembered that the strain to be provided against is only that coming upon tube plate, exposed to pressure, between the tube ends—the space occupied by the tubes has no strain upon it.
The gauge to be employed by inspectors to determine the thickness of boiler plates will be any standard American gauge furnished by the Treasury Department.
All samples intended to be tested on the Riehle, Fairbanks, Olson, or other reliable testing machine, must be prepared in form according to the following diagram, viz.: eight inches in length, two inches in width, cut out their centres as indicated.
Fig. E.
Portions of the Marine Boiler which Become Thin by Wear.
These are generally situated, 1st, at or a little above the line of fire bars in the furnace; 2d, the ash pits; 3d, combustion chamber backs; 4th, shell at water line; 5th, front and bottom of boiler.
The thinning can usually be detected by examination, sounding with a round nosed hammer, or drilling small holes in suspected parts not otherwise accessible for examination.