Synchronous Condensers.—A synchronous motor when sufficiently excited will produce a leading current, that is, when over excited it acts like a great condenser, and when thus operated on circuits containing induction motors and similar apparatus for the purpose of improving the power factor it is called a synchronous condenser. Although the motor performs the duty of a condenser it possesses almost none of the properties of a stationary condenser other than producing a leading current, and is free from many of the inherent defects of a stationary condenser. The relation of power factor to the size and efficiency of prime movers, generators, conductors, etc., and the value of synchronous condensers for improving the power factor is generally recognized. Induction motors and other inductive apparatus take a component of current which lags behind the line pressure, and thereby lowers the power factor of the system, while a non-inductive load, such as incandescent lamps, takes only current in phase with the voltage and operates at unity power factor. Since transformers require the magnetizing current, they may seriously affect the power factor when unloaded or partially loaded, but when operating at full load their effect is practically negligible. The relative effect of fully loaded and lightly loaded induction motors on the power factor is indicated by the diagram, fig. 2,478. The magnetizing current is nearly constant at all loads and is wattless, lagging 90 degrees behind the impressed pressure, or at right angles to the current which is utilized for power. In the figure, AB is the magnetizing component, which is always wattless, and CB the power component. The angle ACB gives the phase relation between voltage and current; the cosine of this angle CB÷AC is the power factor. Fig. 2,478.—Diagram showing relative effect of fully loaded and lightly loaded induction motors on power factor. It is evident from the diagram that if the load be reduced, the side CB is shortened, and as AB is practically constant, the angle of lag ACB is increased. It therefore follows that the cosine of this angle, or the power factor is reduced. The figure clearly shows the reason for the low power factor of induction motors on fractional loads and also shows that since the magnetizing current is practically constant in value, the induction motor can never operate at unity power factor. With no load, the side CB (real power) is just sufficient to supply the friction and windage. If this be represented by DB, since AB remains constant, the power factor is reduced to 10 or 15 per cent. and the motor takes from the line about 30 per cent. of full load current. It therefore follows that a group of lightly loaded induction motors can take from the system a large current at exceedingly low power factor. The synchronous motor when used as a condenser, as before stated, has the property of altering the phase relation between pressure and current, the direction and extent of the displacement being dependent on the field excitation of the condenser. It can be run at unity power factor and minimum current input, or it can be over excited and thereby deliver leading current which compensates for the inductive load on other parts of the system. The synchronous condenser, therefore, can supply magnetizing current to the load on a system while the power component is supplied by the generators. Fig. 2,479.—General Electric 400 kw., 550 volt, 600 R.P.M., synchronous condenser with direct connected exciter installed in sub-station No. 1 of the Colorado Light & Power Co., Cripple Creek, Colo. The machine is designed for alternating current starting by means of a compensator. The field is provided with a standard synchronous motor winding, and, in addition, an amortisseur winding which assists in starting and serves as a damping device to minimize hunting. Fig. 2,480.—Diagram showing relative location of alternators and synchronous motors in plant of Witherbee Sherman & Co., Mineville N. Y. The distribution system of the Company is provided with three synchronous motors, as shown. The system includes two hydro-electric, one turbine driven, and one engine driven generator plants; from three of these, current is transmitted to the fourth, which is located in Mineville, at the point "A", the current being distributed to the motor circuits from the points "A" and "B." The transmission to the central station at Mineville is over three phase circuits at 6,600 volts. For operating the mine at Cheever, current is transmitted direct from the generating station at Port Henry. The distribution from "A" and "B" is all at 3,300 volts, being stepped down to 440 volts for the operation of the motors, which have a total rated capacity of 4,762 horse power. Excepting three synchronous motors, the load is practically all inductive, there being less than 10 kw. required for lighting. The actual power demand ranges from 60 to 65 per cent. of the rated motor capacity, and prior to the installation of the synchronous motors, the power factor was approximately 68 per cent., the condenser effect of these motors making it possible to maintain an average of about 90 per cent. power factor in spite of the fact that a considerable portion of the induction motor load is very widely distributed. The three synchronous motors are partially loaded, each motor driving an air compressor through belting. The 180 kva. motor at Cheever takes about 150 kw. for the operation of a 1,250 cubic foot compressor, while the two 360 kva. machines take about 300 kw. each, for the operation of two 2,500 cu. ft. sets. The operation of these compressors affords a method of utilizing a portion of the motor capacity mechanically, inasmuch as the load on the motors is practically constant during the time the mines are in operation, and thereby permit the motors to be run at approximately 80 per cent. power factor. Effects of Low Lagging Power Factors.—Transformers are rated in kva. output; that is, a 100 kva. transformer is supposed to deliver 100 kw. at unity power factor at normal voltage and at normal temperatures; but, if the power factor should be, say .6 lagging, the rated energy output of the transformer would be only 60 kw. and yet the current and, consequently, the heating would be approximately the same as when delivering 100 kw. at unity power factor. Fig. 2,481.—Field of a synchronous condenser. Note the amortisseur winding, erroneously called squirrel cage winding, consisting of two end rings which serve to short circuit spokes passing through the pole tips as shown. The amortisseur winding assists in starting and serves also as a damping device to minimize hunting. The regulation of transformers is inherently good, being for small lighting transformers about 1½ to 2 per cent. for a load of unity power factor, and about 4 to 5 per cent. at .7 power factor. Larger transformers with a regulation of 1 per cent. or better at a unity power factor load, would have about 3 per cent. regulation at .7 power factor. Alternators also are rated in kva. output, usually at any value of power factor between unity and .8. The deleterious effects of low power factor loads on alternators are even more marked than on transformers. These are, decreased kw. capacity, the necessity for increased exciter capacity, decreased efficiency, and impaired regulation. Assume the case of a 100 kva. .6 power factor, 60 kw. output. It is probable that normal voltage could be obtained only with difficulty, unless the alternator was especially designed for low power factor service. The lagging power factor current in the armature sets up a flux which opposes the flux set up by the fields, and in consequence tends to demagnetize them, resulting in low armature voltage. It is often impracticable, without the installation of new exciters, to raise the alternator voltage by a further increase of the exciting voltage and current. The field losses, and therefore the field heating of the alternator, when it is delivering rated voltage and current, are greater at lagging power factor than at unity. Increased energy input and decreased energy output both cause a reduction in efficiency. Fig. 2,482.—Diagram of a section of the Northern California Power Co.'s transmission system, showing relative location of alternators and synchronous condenser. The synchronous condenser is installed at Kennett, which is served by generating stations at Kilarc and Volta, located respectively 28 and 38 miles from the point at which the condenser is operated. The local demand amounts to about 6,500 kw., and before the installation of the synchronous condenser, the power factor was about 79 per cent. and after installing, about 96 per cent. while the voltage at the point where the synchronous condenser is installed is raised approximately 10 per cent. during the change from no load to full load. In order to obtain close voltage regulation, a regulator is used in connection with the synchronous condenser and holds the voltage, at the center of distribution, within 2 per cent. The regulator is mounted on the side of the control panel and connected in the field of the synchronous condenser to automatically change the excitation and compensate for voltage variations. A graphic demonstration of the improvement in voltage regulation, which has been secured in this case, is given by the curve drawing voltmeter records reproduced in fig. 2,483. The regulation at unity power factor of modern alternators capable of carrying 25 per cent. overload, is usually about 8 per EXAMPLE.—Assuming a distance of five miles and a load of 1,000 kw. and desiring to deliver this load at a pressure of about 6,000 volts, three phase, with an energy loss of 10 per cent., each conductor at unity power factor would have to be 79,200 c.m., at .9 power factor, 97,533 c.m., and at .6 power factor, 218,000 c.m. In other words, at the lower power factor of .6, the investment in copper alone would be 2.8 times as much. Fig. 2,483.—Curve drawing voltmeter records at Kennett, Cal. The upper curve shows voltage regulation with synchronous condenser out of service, and the lower curve, with synchronous condenser in operation. If the same size of wire were used at both unity and .6 power factor lagging, the energy loss would be about 2.8 times the loss at unity power factor, or about 28 per cent. Low lagging power factor on a system, therefore, will generally mean limited output of prime movers; greatly reduced kilowatt capacity of generator, transformer and line; and increased energy losses. The regulation of the entire system will also be poor. Cost of Synchronous Condenser vs. Cost of Copper.—Referring to the example given in the preceding paragraph, and calculating the necessary extra investment in copper with the .6 power factor load, and copper at 17 cents per pound, the result is that 29,292 pounds more copper is required than with the power factor of .9 which means a total extra investment in copper alone of $5,000 (29,292×$.17). A synchronous condenser of sufficient capacity to accomplish the same result would cost about the same amount. It would therefore cost less to install the condenser because at the same time a considerably increased capacity would be obtained from the alternators, transformers, etc. Fig. 2,484.—Diagram showing the field current taken by a synchronous motor of normal design when operating at normal kva. input at various power factors. It will be noted that a slight departure from unity power factor necessitates a considerable change in field current. As the field curves increase with the square of the current, there is a rapid increase in temperature with leading current. This action of leading or lagging current serves automatically to keep the flux constant in the armature with changes in field excitation. When the motor is running at unity power factor, an increase in field excitation causes a leading current to flow, and at the same time this leading current demagnetizes the field until the density of the armature is restored to its normal value. If the field be decreased a lagging current flows which in turn magnetizes the field bringing the density back to its original value. Therefore, with a constant line voltage, the iron losses in a synchronous motor are approximately constant irrespective of the field excitations with the exception that the internal voltage will vary slightly due to the armature I R drop, the density being a trifle lower at full load than at no load. Synchronous Condenser Calculations.—In figuring on the installation of a condenser for correcting power factor troubles, a careful survey of the conditions should be made with a view of determining just what these troubles are and to what extent they can be remedied by the presence of a leading current in the system. Fig. 2,485.—Diagram showing a set of phase characteristic curves taken from a General Electric synchronous motor. These curves show the current input to the motor at various loads with constant voltage and varying field excitation. There is a certain field current at each load that causes a minimum current. Any increase or decrease of field from the value increases the current and causes it to lead or lag with respect to the line voltage. By referring to the minimum input curve, it will be noted that if the machine be running at full load minimum input current and load is taken off, the current will be leading or vice versa. In each case the phase characteristic curve was run back on the lagging side to the break down point. At no load and one quarter load the motor still ran in step when the field was reduced to zero and even taken off altogether, and it was necessary to reverse the field current in order to back down the motor. The motor runs without slip, as a synchronous motor, in this condition, obtaining its excitation from the lagging current and running as a reaction machine. The amount of load a machine will carry without field varies with the design, the average being about 40% of full load. It will be noted from the limit of stability curve that the lighter the load on the machine when it breaks down from lack of sufficient excitation, the greater the current input at this point. The no load characteristic rises sharply on each side with slight change in field current, while it flattens out with increase in load until at overload the current input is practically the same throughout a large range of field current. Fig. 2,486.—Comparison of the speed current curves and speed power factor curves of a typical synchronous, and induction motor. It will be noted that the power factor of the synchronous motor at start is higher than that of the induction motor owing to the higher resistance of the squirrel cage winding. As the machine approaches synchronism, however, the magnetizing current of the induction motor drops to a very much lower value than in the synchronous motor and the power factor is consequently much higher. The magnetizing current of the induction motor at full speed is usually 25 per cent. of full load current while that of the synchronous motor is from 200 to 250 per cent. of full current, or even higher when running full speed and normal voltage. This of course is due to the large air gap on the synchronous machine. The current at start with full voltage applied is usually higher in an induction motor owing to the fact that the total impedance of the stator and rotor are less due to the greater distribution of the windings and the lower resistance of the squirrel cage. The high magnetizing current of a synchronous motor should not be lost sight of as it is a very important consideration in starting the machine. Even though the motor can be brought practically to synchronous speed while still on the compensator, if line voltage be thrown on, there will be a very heavy rush of current. The obvious thing to do is to get the field on the motor while still on the compensator, whenever possible, to avoid the high magnetizing current. This magnetizing current is obviously equal to the circuit current of the machine at no load field. In some cases additional torque near synchronism can be obtained by short circuiting the field winding through the field rheostat. This has the effect of reducing the resistance of the rotor winding to some extent and causing the motor to have less slip with a given load. The gain from this source is small, however, in most cases, as the self-inductance of the field winding is so high as to allow very little current to flow even if the field be short circuited so that the total effective resistance of the rotor winding is not materially reduced. In some cases where the torque is nearly sufficient, however, enough gain may be obtained to take care of the conditions. If the field be short circuited before the motor is started there will be a reduction in starting torque and an increase in current from the line, hence if this method be resorted to, arrangements must be made to short circuit the field after the motor has come to constant speed. It is necessary to possess a thorough knowledge of the system, covering the generating capacity in energy and kva., average and maximum load, and power factor on the alternators, average and maximum load, and power factor on the feeders, system of distribution, etc. Fig. 2,487.—Curves showing amount of wattless component required to raise the power factor of a given kw. load to required higher value. The wattless components are expressed as percentages of the original kw. load. The numbers at the right which indicate the points of tangency of the power factor curves to the 100 per cent. line, show the amount of wattless component required to raise a given kw. load of given lagging power factor to unity power factor. Obviously the addition of further wattless component in a given case would result in a leading power factor less than unity. The desirable location of a condenser is, of course, nearest the inductive load in order to avoid the transmission of the wattless current, but it often happens that a system is so interconnected that one large condenser cannot economically meet the conditions, in which case it may be better to install two or more smaller ones. The question of suitable attendance should also be considered and, for this reason, it may be necessary to compromise on the location. When the location of the condenser has been decided The method of procedure can best be explained by reference to a concrete case. Assume a load of 450 kw. at .65 power factor. It is desired to raise the power factor to .9. What will be the rating of the condenser? Fig. 2,488.—Diagram for synchronous condenser calculations. Referring to the diagram, fig. 2,488, it is necessary to start with 450 kw. At .65 power factor, or 692 kva., this has a wattless lagging component of v(6922-4502)=525 kva. With the load unchanged and the power factor raised to .9, there will be 500 apparent kva., which will have a wattless component of v(5002 - 4502)=218 kva. It is obvious that the condenser must supply the difference between 525 kva. and 218 kva., or 307 kva. A 300 kva. condenser would, therefore, meet the requirements. If it be desired to drive some energy load with the condenser and still bring the total power factor to .9, proceed as indicated in fig. 2,489. The energy load will be increased from 450 to 600 kw. as indicated, and with the power factor raised to .9 there will be a kva. of 667 with a wattless component of v(6672 - 6002)=291. There must be supplied 525 - 291=234 in leading kva. The synchronous motor then must supply 150 kw. energy and 234 kva. wattless, which would give it a rating of v(1502+2342)=278 kva. at .68 power factor. Fig. 2,489.—Diagram for synchronous condenser calculation for cases where it is desired to drive some energy load with the condenser and still bring the total power factor to .9. The standard 300 kva. condenser would evidently raise the power factor slightly above .9 power factor leading. By reference to the chart, fig. 2,490, the size of the required condenser can be obtained direct without the use of the above calculation. The method of using this curve is as follows: Assume a load of say 3,000 kw. at .7 power factor and that it be desired to raise the power factor to .9. Run up the vertical line at 3,000 kw. to the .7 power factor line, and from there along the horizontal line to the margin and find a wattless component at this power factor of 3,000 kva., approximately. Again run up the 3,000 kw. vertical line to the .9 power factor line and from there along the horizontal line to the margin and find a wattless component Fig. 2,490.—Curve showing the relation of energy load to apparent load and wattless components at different power factors. For determining the rating of a synchronous motor to drive an energy load this curve is not so valuable, although it can be used in determining the wattless component direct in all cases where the energy component and power factor are known. Knowing this energy component and power factor or wattless component, the energy load can obviously be found by referring to the curved lines on the diagrams, the curve that crosses the junction of the vertical energy line and the power factor or wattless component line giving the total apparent kva. |