Regulation of Alternators.—Practically all the methods employed for regulating the voltage of direct current dynamos and circuits, are applicable to alternators and alternating current circuits. For example: in order that they shall automatically maintain a constant or rising voltage with increase of load, alternators are provided with composite winding similar to the compound winding of direct current dynamos, but since the alternating current cannot be used directly for exciting the field magnets, an accessory apparatus is required to rectify it or change it into direct current before it is used for that purpose. It is a fact, however, that composite wound alternators do not regulate properly for inductive as well as non-inductive loads. In order to overcome this defect compensated field alternators have been designed which automatically adjust the voltage for all variations of load and lag. These machines have already been described. Alternating Current Feeder Regulation.—With slight modification, the various methods of feeder regulation employed with direct current, may be applied to alternating current distribution circuits. For instance, if a non-inductive resistance be introduced in any electric circuit, the consequent drop in voltage Fig. 2,414.—Diagram illustrating the principle of induction voltage regulators. The primary coil P, consisting of many turns of fine wire, is connected across the main conductors C and D, coming from the alternator. The secondary coil S, consisting of a few turns of heavy wire, is connected in series with the conductor D. The laminated iron core E, mounted within the coils, is capable of being turned into the position shown by the dotted lines. When the core is vertical, the magnetic lines of force produced in it by the primary coil, induces a pressure in the secondary coil which aids the voltage; when turned to the position indicated by the dotted lines, the direction of the magnetic lines of force are reversed with respect to the secondary coil and an opposing pressure will be produced therein. Thus, by turning the core, the pressure difference between the line wires G and H, can be varied so as to be higher or lower than that of the main conductors C and D. Regulators operating on this principle may be used for theatre dimmers, as controllers for series lighting, and also to adjust the voltage or the branches of unbalanced three wire single phase and polyphase systems. Application of Induction Type Regulators.—In supplying lighting systems, where the load and consequently the pressure drop in the line increases or decreases, it becomes necessary to raise or lower the voltage of an alternating current, in order to regulate the voltage delivered at the distant ends of the system. This is usually accomplished by means of alternating current regulators or induction regulators. A device of this kind is essentially a transformer, the primary of which is excited by being connected directly across the circuit, while the secondary is in series with the circuit as shown in fig. 2,414. By this method the circuit receives the voltage generated in the secondary. Fig. 2,415.—Diagram of induction regulator raising the voltage 10%. In the diagram an alternator is supplying 100 amperes at 2,200 volts. The regulator raises the feeder pressure to 2,420 volts, the current being correspondingly reduced to 91 amperes, the other 9 amperes flowing from the alternator through the primary of the regulator, back to the alternator. Fig. 2,416.—Diagram of induction regulator lowering the voltage 10%. The diagram shows the regulator lowering the feeder pressure to 1,980 volts with an increase of the secondary current to 111 amperes, the additional 11 amperes flowing from the feeder, through the primary back to the feeder. Ques. Name two types of pressure regulator. Ans. The induction regulator, and the variable ratio transformer regulator. Ques. Of what does an induction regulator consist? Ans. It consists of a primary winding or exciting coil, a secondary winding which carries the entire load current. Fig. 2,417.—Moving element or primary of Westinghouse motor operated single phase induction regulator. It consists of a core of punchings built up directly on the primary shaft and carrying the primary winding, which is divided into four coils. The primary coils are machine wound and the layers of the winding are separated from each other by heavy insulating material in addition to the cotton covering of the inductors. The complete coils are insulated and impregnated with insulating compound before being placed in the slots. The coils are held in position by fibre wedges. The primary is wound for the full transmission voltage, and is connected across the line, while the secondary is connected in series with the line. Ques. What is its principle of operation? Ans. When the primary coil is turned to various positions the magnetic flux sent through the secondary coil varies in value, thereby causing corresponding variation in the secondary voltage, the character of which depends upon the value and direction of the flux. Ques. What is the effect of turning the secondary coil to a position at right angles with the primary coil? Ans. The primary will not induce any voltage in the secondary, and accordingly it has no effect on the feeder voltage. Ques. What is this position called? Ans. The neutral position. Ques. What are the effects of revolving the primary coil from the neutral position first in one direction then in the other? Ans. Turning the primary in one direction increases the voltage induced in the secondary, thus increasing the feeder voltage like the action of a booster on a direct current circuit while turning the primary in the opposite direction from the neutral position, correspondingly decreases the feeder voltage. Fig. 2,418.—Moving element or primary of Westinghouse motor operated polyphase induction regulator. Ques. It was stated that for neutral position the primary had no effect on the secondary; does the secondary have any effect on the feeder voltage? Ans. The secondary tends to create a magnetic field of its own self-induction, and has the effect of a choke coil. Ques. How is this tendency overcome? Ans. The primary is provided with a short circuited winding, placed at right angles to the exciting winding. In the neutral position of the regulator, this short circuited winding acts like the short circuited secondary of a series transformer, thus preventing a choking effect in the secondary of the regulator. Ques. What would be the effect if the short circuited winding were not employed? Fig. 2,419.—Top end of stationary element or secondary of Westinghouse polyphase induction regulator; view showing leads. The secondary is built up in a short skeleton frame with brackets for the rotor bearings bolted to the frame and the top cover bolted to the top brackets. In assembling the secondary, the punchings are stacked loosely in the skeleton frame and an expanding building mandrel placed inside the punchings and expanded, thereby truing up the latter before they are finally compressed and the end plates keyed in position. Then, prior to removing the mandrel a finishing cut is taken on the surface of the frame to which the bearing brackets are attached, and as the top cover and brackets are also accurately machined the alignment of the primary with the secondary is almost perfect, thus reducing to a minimum the tendency to develop vibration and noise. Ans. The voltage required to face the full load current through the secondary would increase as the primary is turned away from either the position of maximum or minimum regulation, reaching its highest value at the neutral position. The short circuited winding so cuts down this voltage of self-induction that the voltage necessary to force the full load current through the secondary when the regulator is in the neutral position is very little more than that necessary to overcome the ohmic resistance of the secondary. Ques. What effect is noticeable in the operation of a single phase induction regulator? Ans. It has a tendency to vibrate similar to that of a single phase magnet or transformer. Fig. 2,420.—Bottom end of stationary element or secondary of Westinghouse polyphase induction regulator. Ques. Why? Ans. It is due to the action of the magnetizing field varying in strength from zero to maximum value with each alteration of the exciting current, thus causing a pulsating force to act across the air gap, which tends to cause vibration when the moving part is not in perfect alignment. Ques. Explain the effect produced by bad alignment? Ans. If the bearings of the primary be not in perfect alignment with the bore of the secondary, thereby making the air Ques. Upon what does the regulator capacity for any given service depend? Fig. 2,421.—Westinghouse two kw., hand operated, air cooled induction regulator for testing purposes. Ans. It depends upon the range of regulation required and the total load on the feeder. Ques. How is the capacity stated? Ans. In percentage of the full load of the feeder. For instance, on a 100 kilowatt circuit, a 10 kw. regulator will give 10 per cent. regulation, and a 5 kw. regulator, 5 per cent. regulation. Polyphase Induction Regulators.—The polyphase induction regulator is similar to the single phase regulator except In construction these windings are distributed throughout the complete circumference of the stationary and moving elements and closely resemble the windings of an induction motor. Fig. 2,422.—Westinghouse polyphase motor operated induction regulator showing operating mechanism. The primary shaft is turned by means of a bronze worm wheel engaging a forged steel worm, provided with a ball bearing end thrust. This worm gear is housed in a separate casting bolted to the cover. The casting is made separate in order to permit close adjustment between the worm wheel and the worm to aid in counteracting the tendency to vibration. Finished surfaces on the worm gear casting are provided for mounting the motor and the brake. On the automatic regulator, the worm shaft is connected to the motor through a spur gear and pinion, which constitutes a compact driving device having very little friction. Provision is made for either alternating current or direct current motor drive. When a motor driven regulator is operated by hand, the brake must be held in the release position, otherwise it will be impossible to operate the regulator. In the hand operated regulator the spur gear is replaced by a hand wheel and the regulator is driven directly from the worm shaft. Polyphase regulators have but little tendency to vibrate because the field across the air gap is the resultant of two or It is evident that this pull is of an entirely different character from that produced by the single phase field and that there is no tendency to set up the vibration that the mechanical pull of the single phase regulator tends to establish. Fig. 2,423.—General Electric adjustable compensation shunt. It is used as the compensating shunt for direct current voltage regulators. In operation, the shunt may be adjusted so as to compensate for any desired line drop up to 15 per cent. It is preferably placed in the principal lighting feeder but may be connected to the bus bars so that it will take the total current. The latter method is sometimes undesirable, as large fluctuating power loads on separate feeders might disturb the regulation of the lighting feeders. Adjustment is made by sliding the movable contact shown at the center of the shunt. This contact may be clamped at any desired point and it determines the pressure across the compensating winding of the regulator's control magnet. Where pressure wires are run back to the central station from the center of distribution, they may be connected directly to the pressure winding of the main control magnet, and it is unnecessary to use the compensating shunt. There is, however, considerable torque developed, and the device for revolving the moving element must be liberally designed so as to withstand the excess torque caused by temporary overloads or short circuits. Ques. In what respects do polyphase induction regulators differ in principle from single phase regulators? Ans. The induced voltage in the secondary has a constant Ques. How is the primary wound? Ans. It is wound with as many separate windings as there are phases in the circuit, and these primary or shunt windings are connected to the corresponding phases of the feeder. Fig. 2,424.—General Electric direct current (form S) voltage regulator. It consists of a main control magnet, relay, condenser and reversing switch, as shown in the diagram fig. 2,428. This regulator cannot be used for compensation of line drop as the current coil is omitted; it is not a switchboard instrument, but is designed for inexpensive installations such as for regulating the voltage of motor generator sets when the current is taken from a trolley line or some other fluctuating source. The regulating outfit comprises, besides the regulator, one or more condenser sections according to field discharge, set of iron brackets when regulator cannot be mounted on front of switchboard, one compensating shunt, when it is desired to compensate for line drop. Field rheostats having sufficient resistance to reduce the voltage the proper amount must be used with voltage regulator installations. To prevent undue decay at the relay contacts, allow one section for each 15 kw. capacity of dynamo with laminated poles, and one for each 22 kw. capacity with solid steel poles. Ques. What kind of magnetizing flux is produced by the primary windings? Ans. A practically constant flux which varies in direction. Ques. How is the secondary wound? Ans. There is a separate winding for each phase. Ques. Why is the voltage induced in the secondary constant? Ans. Because of the constant magnetizing flux. Ques. How is the line voltage varied by a polyphase regulator? Ans. When the regulator is in the position of maximum boost, the line AB, fig. 2,425 represents the normal busbar voltage, BC the regulator voltage, and AC the resultant feeder voltage. When the regulator voltage is displaced 180 degrees from this position, the regulator is in the position to deliver minimum voltage to the feeder, the regulator voltage being then represented by BD, and the resultant feeder voltage by AD. When the regulator voltage is displaced angularly in the direction BF, so that the resultant feeder voltage AF becomes equal to the normal busbar voltage AB, the regulator is in the neutral position. Intermediate resultant voltages for compensating the voltage variations in the feeders may be obtained by rotating the moving element or primary in either direction from the neutral position. For example, by rotating the primary through the angle FBE, the resultant voltage may be made equal to AE or AJ, thereby increasing the feeder voltage by an amount BJ; or by rotating it in the opposite direction through the angle FBG, the feeder voltage may be reduced by an amount BH. Fig. 2,425.—Diagram illustrating operation of polyphase induction regulator. Ques. How are induction regulators operated? Ans. By hand or automatically. Ques. How is automatic operation secured? Ans. By means of a small motor, controlled by voltage regulating relays. Ques. How is the control apparatus arranged? Ans. Two relays are employed with each regulator, a primary relay connected to the feeder circuit and operating under changes of voltage therein, and a secondary relay connected between the primary relay and the motor, and operated by the contacts of the former, for starting, stopping and reversing the motor in accordance with changes in the feeder voltage, thereby causing the regulator to maintain that voltage at its predetermined normal value. Fig. 2,426.—Westinghouse voltage regulating primary relay; view of mechanism with case removed. This relay is practically a voltmeter arranged for making and breaking contacts with fluctuations of voltage. As shown in the figure, it consists essentially of a solenoid and a balance beam carrying two movable contact points on one end and attached to the solenoid core at the other. The oscillation of the core causes the contact carrying end of the beam to move between two stationary contact points connected to the auxiliary or secondary relay circuit. The stationary contact points are fitted with adjusting screws for either increasing or decreasing the distance between them, to the amount of change in the voltage required for making or breaking contact; in other words, for varying the sensitiveness of the relay. Means for varying the normal voltage which it is desired to maintain are provided in the spring attached to the balance beam and controlled by the micrometer adjusting screw. Increasing the tension of the spring results in lowering the normal voltage position. The relay is wound for a normal voltage of 110 volts, and has a range of adjustment from 90 to 130 volts. The total energy required for its operation is about 50 watts at normal voltage. Voltage transformers having at least 50 watts capacity are, therefore, required. The parts are: A, solenoid; B, solenoid core; C, end of balance beam; D, pivots, bearings; E, movable contact arm; F, upper stationary contact point; G, lower stationary contact point; H, adjusting screw; K, adjusting spring; L, feeder binding posts; M, auxiliary circuit and secondary relay binding posts. Fig. 2,427.—Westinghouse voltage regulating secondary relay; view showing relay removed from oil tank. The secondary relay is practically a motor starting switch of the double pole double throw type, electrically operated through the contacts of the primary relay. It is provided with contact points of one-half inch rod. The relay is suitably connected for starting, stopping and reversing the motor and for properly operating the motor brake. The parts are: A, solenoid; B, laminated field; C, movable contact arm; D, stationary contact arms; E, removable brass contact points; F, terminal block; G, terminals. Ques. Why are two relays used? Ans. For the reason that a primary relay, of sufficient accuracy and freedom from errors due to temperature and Ques. What names are given to the relays? Ans. Primary and secondary. Ques. What difficulties were encountered in the operation of relays? Fig. 2,428.—Diagram of connections of General Electric direct current (form S) voltage regulator, for 125, 250, and 550 volts. The range of voltage is given in the following table:
Ans. Vibration or chattering at the contacts of both relays and tendency of the movable contact arm of the primary relay to hug closer to one of the stationary contact points than to the other, thereby operating too often. Ques. What causes vibration or chattering at the contacts? Ans. This is due to the voltage frequently approximating Ques. What objectionable action is produced by vibration at the contacts? Ans. Arcing, burning and pitting of the contacts, even when alloys of the rarer metals are used, such as those of the platinum group, having extreme hardness and high melting points. Fig. 2,429.—Diagram of connections of automatic induction regulator and auxiliary apparatus on single phase circuit. Ques. What effect is produced by poor contact of the primary relay? Ans. It causes chattering in the secondary relay; which burns out and wears away its contact points, increasing the heating of the motor, creating objectionable noise and entailing wear and tear on the whole outfit. Ques. Why does the movable contact arm of the primary relay tend to remain nearer one of the stationary contact points than the other? Ans. This is due to the tendency of the relay to open the contact whenever the voltage equals that at which the contact closes. Fig. 2,430.—Diagram of connections of automatic induction regulator and accessory apparatus on three phase feeder circuit. Ques. What provision is made in the primary relay to prevent vibration or chattering? Ans. Two auxiliary windings are provided: one in series with each of the stationary contact points and so arranged as to assist in making the contact by increasing the pressure on the contact points at the instant of closure. The best effect of the compounding action of the auxiliary coils is obtainable when arranged for ¾ per cent. of the torque of the main coil. Fig. 2,431.—Westinghouse drum type variable transformer voltage regulator. It consists of a drum and finger type switch. A preventive resistance is used between the different contacts, making it unnecessary to open the circuit when moving from one tap of the regulating transformer to the next tap. A spring actuated, quick moving, central stopping mechanism is used to prevent burning the resistances. The regulator is arranged to give 40 points of regulation. In many cases this large number of points is not absolutely necessary, but it is desirable to use them because the voltage per step is thus reduced to a small value, and a corresponding increase in the life of the contacts results because of the reduced sparking at the lower voltage. Two drums are employed. The first drum has ten contacts and a corresponding number of fingers, the latter being mounted upon an insulated bar. These fingers are connected to the floating coils of the regulating transformer, and as the drum is rotated, the finger connected to the line is brought into contact successively with each of the ten taps. The second drum is of similar construction and consists of a changing and reversing switch. It connects the two floating coils to the various taps on the main secondary coil of the regulating transformer at the proper time, and also reverses the transformer so that the total winding can be used for either raising or lowering the voltage. All the points of regulation are obtained by a continuous motion of the handle, the various connections produced in the manner are shown in the diagram, fig. 2,433. The top and base of the regulator are made of cast iron and the top is supported by steel bars, two of which are insulated, and used to support the metallic bases finger to which the cable leads are attached. The drums consist of metal castings mounted upon insulated shafts. The first drum, which is the only one upon which arcing can take place, is provided with removable copper contact tips. The main castings are made of aluminum to secure low inertia of the drum. A sheet iron cover is used to enclose the regulator, and the leads are brought out through the bottom of the controller. A non-inductive resistance placed in parallel with each coil of the secondary relay, takes current approximately in phase with the current in the main coil of the primary relay, and of proper strength to make the number of ampere turns in the auxiliary coil three-fourths per cent. of the number in the main coil. The resistances have the additional effect of absorbing the "discharge" from the main coils of the secondary relay when the contacts are broken, thereby obviating sparking at the primary contact points. Fig. 2,432.—Diagram showing connections of the Stillwell regulator. Fig. 2,433.—Diagram showing position of the floating coil on different steps of Westinghouse drum type variable ratio transformer regulator. The upper half of the diagram shows the connections of the various coils for each position of the regulator handle. This arrangement applies to a regulator used in connection with an independent regulating transformer. When regulators are used in connection with large power transformers, the regulating transformer can be omitted and auxiliary coils can be placed on the main transformer to provide the necessary taps for regulating purposes. The lower half of the diagram shows the connections used when auxiliary coils are added to a large transformer. The diagram shows connections for a single phase regulator. Where polyphase regulators are required, the connections consist essentially of two sets of single phase connection, and the controller is extended in length so as to contain double sets of drum and contact. Variable Ratio Transformer Voltage Regulators.—The principle of operation of this class of regulator is virtually the same as that of the induction type regulator; that is to say, both consist of regulating transformers, but in the variable ratio method the primary or series coil is divided into a number of sections which may be successively cut in or out of the circuit to be regulated, instead of varying the flux through the entire coil, as in the induction type. There are two distinct mechanical forms of variable ratio regulator:
Drum Type Regulators.—This form of variable ratio transformer consists essentially of a drum and finger type switch, similar to a railway controller. There are many contacts, giving a large number of points of regulation, obtained by the use of changing switches and floating coils. The floating coil is a part of the secondary winding of the regulating transformer which is insulated from the main portion of the winding, and is sub-divided by taps into a number of equal sections. The sub-divisions of the main secondary winding are much larger, each one being equivalent to the whole of the floating coil. Fig. 2,434.—Diagram of connections of General Electric high voltage cut out relay (form A) for voltage regulators. Its use in connection with the regulator protects the system from any sudden rise in voltage due to some accident to the regulator which might cause the relay contacts to stick, thus producing full field on the exciter. In construction, the control magnet is connected in series with the alternating current control magnet on the regulator and the contacts are connected in series with the rheostat shunt circuit. Then, should the voltage rise beyond a certain value, predetermined by the setting of the thumb screw supporting the plunger of the control magnet, the contacts of the relay are tripped open which, by inserting all the resistance in the exciter field, reduces the exciter voltage which in turn reduces the alternating current voltage. This relay has to be reset by hand. Ques. Describe the operation of a drum regulator. Ans. The floating coil and main windings are first connected in series with each other and with the line to be regulated. The floating coil is then cut out of the circuit step by step. When entirely cut out it is transferred to the next lower tap on the main winding, after which it is again cut out step by step and then transferred again. By continuing this process a large number of steps are provided with but comparatively few actual taps on the transformer. Ques. How many floating coils are used and why? Ans. Two floating coils are included in each regulator so that one can be transferred while the other is supplying the current to the line. Dial Type Regulators.—This form of variable ratio transformer regulator consists of a regulating transformer and a dial type switch as shown in the accompanying illustrations. The regulating transformer is similar to a standard transformer except that the secondary winding is provided with a number of taps leading to the contact of the dial switch as shown in the diagram fig. 2,437. Fig. 2,435.—Dial of Westinghouse dial type variable ratio voltage regulator. The dial consists of a marble slab, upon which the contacts are mounted in a circle as shown. The contact arm is arranged to move from contact to contact. The alternate small contacts are dummies, serving to prevent the contact arm springing down between contacts when moving from one to another. The panel contains a changing switch which makes it possible to double the range of a regulator, since the transformer connections can be changed to both raise and lower to an extent equal to the full range of the transformer. The total range in voltage from a certain per cent. below to a certain per cent. above the line voltage can be obtained in a number of steps equal to twice the number of divisions into which the secondary winding of the transformer is divided. Ques. What modification is made to adapt dial regulators for heavy current? Ans. A dial with a series transformer, and a shunt or auto-transformer are employed as shown in fig. 2,436. Ques. Why is such modification desirable? Ans. Because, the additional cost of a series transformer is small in comparison with the cost of building a dial with a large current carrying capacity, and the cost of bringing out a number of heavy leads from a small transformer. Fig. 2,436.—Diagram of connections for Westinghouse 11 point dial, series transformer and auto-transformer. The auto-transformer has a number of taps connected across the line, the series transformer is placed in series with one side of the line, and connected to a dial, as shown. Ques. How are dial regulators modified for high voltage? Ans. Standard dials may be used with series and shunt transformers similar to the method used for heavy current circuits. Ques. Describe the connections. Ans. The primary of the shunt transformer is connected across the line and the secondary has a number of taps which are connected to contacts on the dial. The primary of the series transformer is connected in series with the line and two leads from the secondary winding are connected to the dial. The connections are similar to those shown in fig. 2,437, except that shunt transformers are used instead of auto-transformers. Fig. 2,437.—Diagram of connections for Westinghouse dial type variable ratio voltage transformer. In construction the secondary winding of the transformer is divided into 10, 14, or 20 parts giving 11, 15, or 21 taps which are brought out from the secondary winding and connected to the various points of the dial. The diagram shows connections for an 11 point dial and regulating transformer. Since there is a difference of voltage between adjacent contacts, the contact arm must not touch the contact toward which it is moving until after it has left the contact upon which it was resting. Moreover, it is undesirable to open the circuit each time in moving from one contact to the next. These conflicting requirements are met by the use of arcing tips which are placed on the contact arm so that a very close adjustment can be obtained, and so arranged that the contacts are not short circuited but always have a gap of from one-sixteenth to one-eighth inch in the circuit during the time of changing from one contact to the next. The air gaps form a "preventive resistance." A quick moving mechanism is used to accelerate the movement from one contact to the next, a very quick movement being necessary to avoid undue arcing. The capacity of the regulator is 200 amperes at 2,200 volts, being arranged to give a maximum increase in voltage of 400 volts. The maximum pressure between contacts is 25 volts. Fig. 2,438.—Diagram of connections of General Electric pole type regulator. The operation of the regulator is obtained by means of a small single phase motor which is in continuous operation, and which by mechanical means may be connected to the regulator shaft. The control of the mechanism is obtained by means of a voltage relay. The operating motor, which is of the drawn shell type, is provided with a starting clutch and will consequently start up with full load. Under actual operating conditions it will, of course, be comparatively seldom that the motor will be called upon to start up. A non-inductive resistance, made up from standard units, is connected in series with the relay winding and several taps are provided, so that the relay can be adjusted for any voltage from 10 per cent. below normal. In order to readily dissipate the heat developed in the resistance, it has been mounted in a pocket on the back of the tank, openings being provided for natural air ventilation. The relay plunger is hinged to one end of a balance arm, which arm is provided with two trip pins to control the mechanism. An adjustable helical spring is attached to the other end of the arm to assist the magnetic pull of the coil in balancing the plunger and also for adjustment. The relay is not provided with series winding for line drop compensation, but it may be used with a standard line drop compensator, which then has to be installed outside of the regulator. The voltage relay must be connected to the feeder side of the regulator, the necessary low voltage to be obtained from a distributing transformer, or if this should not be available in the immediate vicinity, a 200 watt step down transformer will be satisfactory. The motor is designed to operate in parallel with the relay, the normal connections being as shown. The speed of the motor and the ratio of the gearing is such that it requires about 90 seconds to operate the regulator from limit to limit, but, as this regulator is not intended to take care of sudden voltage fluctuations, the comparatively long time of operation will not be objectionable. Figs. 2,439 to 2,443.—General Electric pole type regulator removed from tank. It consists essentially of a primary and secondary coil, operating motor, and voltage relay mechanism. The regulator and mechanism is suspended in a cast iron tank, the lower part, containing the regulator core and coils, being filled with oil. The leads for the regulator are brought out at the upper part of the tank. The outgoing leads are compressed into bushings and connected to the leads of the regulator by means of terminals, the arrangements being such that the regulator with mechanism can be removed from the tank without difficulty. Besides the cover, the tank is also provided with a hinged door on the front side so as to give access to the mechanism. The door is provided with a gasket and the construction is practically rain and dust proof. However as there is always danger of the door not being clamped down perfectly, thus making it possible for water to enter the tank, a pocket has been provided inside the tank and underneath the door to collect the water. Capacity up to 2.3 kw., to control 2,300 volts, 60 cycle, 10 ampere feeders, and for a voltage range of 10 per cent. above or below normal, the operating motor and relay being designed for 110 or 220 volts. No provision is made for line drop compensation, although this can be obtained by installing a current transformer and a line drop compensator externally to the regulator. It will be seen that the circuit comprising the dial, the secondary of the shunt, transformer and the secondary of the series transformer form a circuit which is not electrically connected to the main circuit. It can therefore be grounded without disturbing the main circuit as a safeguard to render it impossible for the pressure of the dial to be higher above the ground than the secondary voltage of the shunt transformer. Figs. 2,444 to 2,446.—Sectional views of General Electric pole type regulator winding and core. The secondary core has only two slots containing a single coil, while the rotor or primary core has four slots. Two of these slots are occupied by a single primary coil, and the two circular slots in quadrature thereto contain the compensating or short circuit winding. This winding also serves to hold the primary punchings together, and it consists of two copper rods riveted to the two cast brass flanges. The secondary coil is form wound, while the primary coil is wound directly on the core. The rotor flanges, both top and bottom, are provided with discs which are turned in alignment with the punchings, and these discs bear against the top and bottom flanges between which the secondary punchings are clamped. These secondary flanges are also turned in alignment with the secondary punchings, so that an even air gap between the primary and the secondary is assured. The secondary coil is wound with an opening in the upper horizontal part which affords passage for the operating shaft of the rotor. A bearing for this shaft is provided in the table which supports the mechanism and from which the regulator is suspended. Flexible leads are brought out from the rotor and twisted around the shaft as in standard regulator practice. The regulator being two pole, the rotor is turned through an angle of 180 deg. to obtain the full range of the regulator. Small Feeder Voltage Regulators.—In some generating stations the voltage is maintained constant at the busbars and the line drop compensated by automatically operated regulators connected in the main feeders. It is possible in this way to obtain constant voltage at all loads at the various distribution centers, that is, at those points on the feeders where the lines of the majority of consumers are connected as shown in fig. 2,447. Figs. 2,447 and 2,448.—Systems of distribution illustrating use of small feeder or pole type voltage regulators. It is evident, however, that, while the voltage at the center of distribution can be maintained constant, no account can be taken of the drop in the lines between this center and the consumers. This drop is generally negligible, except in some particularly long lines, as, for example, consumer B in fig. 2,447. In order to obtain perfect regulation at B, it would be necessary to install a separate regulator in that line, this regulator to be installed either at the center C or preferably at B. In a great many cases the power distribution is not as ideal as indicated in fig. 2,447, but rather as shown in fig. 2,448, that is, the consumers are connected all along the feeder. In this case there is no definite center of distribution, and the automatic regulator installed in the station can be adjusted to give only approximately constant voltage at an imaginary center of distribution C; that is, the voltage cannot be held constant at any definite point during changes of load distribution. Fig. 2,449.—General Electric pole type regulator in service; its construction is shown in fig. 2,450. The majority of the consumers may, however, obtain sufficiently good voltage while a few may have reason for criticism. To overcome this difficulty it is necessary either to increase the copper in the feeder or else to install small automatic regulators. There are also cases where a small amount of power is transmitted a long distance through a feeder direct from the station. The amount of copper required to reduce the line drop is usually too great to be considered and the cost of the ordinary automatic regulator is also comparatively high. In such cases small pole type regulators as shown in fig. 2,449 are desirable. Ques. Describe the operation of the regulator mechanism shown in fig. 2,450. Ans. Assuming the voltage to be normal, the balance arm of the relay will be held horizontal, the trips F will not engage with the triggers E, and no movement is therefore transmitted to the ratchet wheel C. If the voltage drops below normal, the left hand trip will descend until it finally gets in the way of the left hand trigger just before it reaches the limit of its counterclockwise travel. This trigger will therefore release the left pawl D, which will engage with the ratchet wheel and will consequently turn it clockwise until the rocker arm reaches its right hand limit. Before the rocker arm reaches the left hand limit, the released pawl must be locked by its trigger, so that if the voltage has reached its normal value, further movement of the ratchet wheel will not take place, whereas if the voltage be still too low, the trigger will again release the pawl by striking the trip of the relay. Fig. 2,450.—Mechanism of General Electric pole type regulator. The operating motor (described in fig. 2,438) is direct connected to a worm and gear, the shaft of which is provided with a bell crank. A rod A, connects the crank with the rocker arm B, which thus may be caused to oscillate over a ratchet wheel C. The rocker arm is provided with two pawls D, which can engage with the teeth of the ratchet wheel, so that this wheel can be rotated one way or the other. The ratchet wheel is mounted on the same shaft as a worm, which engages with the gear segment carried by the regulator shaft, so that the movement of the ratchet wheel is directly transmitted to the regulator. Besides the two large pawls D, the rocker arm also carries two smaller ones E, called the triggers. These triggers usually hold the pawls locked in such positions as not to engage with the ratchet wheel, but the pawls will be released when the triggers strike the trips F of the relay arm. A limiting device for the movement of the ratchet wheel and the regulator segment is provided, as shown. This device consists of two cams K, mounted on a common arm, which can turn on the shaft of the ratchet wheel. Normally these cams are not within reach of the pawls, but through a lever arrangement, controlled by the regulator segment, the arm holding the cams may be rotated so that, if the trigger has been raised, so as to release the pawl, the tip of the pawl will bear on the cam of the limiting device, and before the pawl can engage with the ratchet wheel it has already been locked by its trigger. A further movement of the ratchet wheel in that particular direction is therefore impossible, while it is free to be moved the other way. A positive stop for the gear segment is also provided. The motor is provided with oil ring bearings, and the gear for the motor worm runs in oil, the supporting casting forming a well therefor. Fig. 2,451.—Diagram of connections of General Electric direct current voltage regulator (form T) with two dynamos and one exciter. In cases where several shunt or compound wound direct current machines are operating in parallel, either on two wire or three wire systems, a good arrangement for voltage regulation and line drop compensation is obtained by using this regulator and a separate exciter. The compensating shunt as well as pressure wires can be used to maintain a constant pressure at the center of distribution. Ques. How is this automatic locking of the pawl obtained? Ans. By having a lip G on the under side of the pawl strike a finger H fastened to the bearings in front of the ratchet wheel. The pawl is thus raised just before it reaches the limit of its clockwise travel sufficient to be locked by its trigger. Fig. 2,452.—Condenser sections and method of assembling same with tripod. The tripod bolts are made of extra length to accommodate the addition of extra condenser sections if necessary. The illustration shows three sections in position. Ques. How does the mechanism operate when the voltage rises above normal? Ans. As described above, with the exception that the right hand trip causes a rotation of the regulator in the opposite direction. Ques. How is adjustment made for various voltages? Ans. Taps are provided on the resistance in series with the In order to adjust the sensitiveness of regulation, the bearing for the balance arm can be raised or lowered by means of a stud J, fig. 2,450, connecting this bearing with the bearing of the operating shaft, and the regulator can be made to maintain the voltage within 1 per cent. above or below normal. Fig. 2,453.—Westinghouse unit switch type pressure regulator, designed for handling heavy currents where a variable ratio transformer type of regulator is desired. The regulator consists of a number of electrically operated switches controlled from a master switch. These switches are arranged to perform practically the same cycle of operation as previously described for the drum type regulators. The transformer windings are divided into sections, and two floating coils are provided which are connected to various taps on the main auto-transformer. These floating coils have intermediate steps, and the successive operation of the switches connects the floating coils in proper sequence to the main auto-transformer, and transfers the line connection from one point of the floating coil to the next. In this way a 23 point regulator with sixteen switches, and a 71 point regulator with 21 switches may be supplied. The master switches are arranged with an automatic lock to prevent their being operated too rapidly. The magnet switches themselves are so interlocked that the proper sequence of operation is insured. The electrically operated switches may be of the open type, mounted on a slate or marble switchboard, when the whole control outfit is placed in a room which is comparatively free from dust or dirt of any kind, and where there is no danger of employees coming in contact with the switches. The other type of switch is entirely enclosed, the main contacts being oil immersed. The frames of these switches are grounded and the whole design is arranged to operate under ordinary dirty conditions. All of these switches, however, should receive the necessary inspection and attention. The contacts have a long life and are easily renewed. Regulators of this type are adapted for metallurgical purposes where the regulation is effected in the primary circuit and the secondary circuit is of very low voltage but large current capacity and is used for supplying power to the furnaces. These regulators have been built in capacities up to 800 amperes at 3,300 volts. Ques. What provision is made for convenient inspection? Ans. A snap switch is provided by means of which the power to the motor and relay can be disconnected. Figs. 2,454 and 2,455.—Front and rear views of General Electric automatic voltage regulator. The regulator has a direct current control magnet, an alternating current control magnet, and a relay. The direct current control magnet is connected to the exciter bus bars. This magnet has a fixed stop core in the bottom and a movable core in the top which is attached to a pivoted lever having at the opposite end a flexible contact pulled downward by four spiral springs. For clearness, however, only one spring is shown in the figure. Opposite the direct current control magnet is the alternating current control magnet which has a pressure winding connected by means of a pressure transformer to the alternator or bus bars. There is an adjustable compensating winding on the alternating current magnet connected through a current transformer to the principal lighting feeder. The object of this winding is to raise the voltage of the alternating current bus bars as the load increases. The alternating current control magnet has a movable core and a lever and contacts similar to those of the direct current control magnet, and the two combined produce what is known as the "floating main contacts." The relay consists of a U shaped magnet core having a differential winding and a pivoted armature controlling the contacts which open and close the shunt circuit across the exciter field rheostat. One of the differential windings of the relay is permanently connected across the exciter bus bars and tends to keep the contacts open; the other winding is connected to the exciter bus bars through the floating main contacts and when the latter are closed, neutralizes the effect of the first winding and allows the relay contacts to short circuit the exciter field rheostat. Condensers are connected across the relay contacts to prevent severe arcing and possible injury. Automatic Voltage Regulators for Alternators.—The accurate regulation of voltage on any alternating current system Fig. 2,456.—Diagram of connections of General Electric contact making ammeter for operating on alternating current circuits. The instrument is designed to indicate with the aid of a current transformer, certain values of current in an alternating current system. This value depends upon the setting of the regulating rheostat in parallel with the pressure coil of the ammeter. It is also possible with this instrument, together with the necessary control apparatus, to hold certain values of current. By using a different magnet coil this meter may be connected to a shunt instead of a current transformer and used on a direct current system. Ques. Describe in more detail this method of regulation. Ans. The rheostat is first turned in until the exciter voltage is greatly reduced and the regulator circuit is then closed. This short circuits the rheostat through contacts in the regulator and the voltage of the exciter and alternator immediately rise. At a predetermined point, the regulator contacts are automatically Fig. 2,457.—Diagram of General Electric automatic voltage regulator connections with alternator and exciter. In operation, the circuit shunting the exciter field rheostat through the relay contacts is opened by means of a single pole switch at the bottom of the regulator panel and the rheostat turned in until the alternating current voltage is reduced 65 per cent. below normal. This weakens both of the control magnets and the floating main contacts are closed. This closes the relay circuit and demagnetizes the relay magnet, releasing the relay armature, and the spring closes the relay contacts. The single pole switch is then closed and as the exciter field rheostat is short circuited, the exciter voltage will at once rise and bring up the voltage of the alternator. This will strengthen the alternating current and direct current control magnets, and at the voltage for which the counterweight has been previously adjusted, the main contacts will open. The relay magnet will then attract its armature and by opening the shunt circuit at the relay contacts will throw the full resistance into the exciter field circuit tending to lower the exciter and alternator voltage. The main contacts will then be again closed, the exciter field rheostat short circuited through the relay contacts and the cycle repeated. This operation is continued at a high rate of vibration due to the sensitiveness of the control magnets and maintains a steady exciter voltage. Line Drop Compensators.—In order that the actual voltage at a distant point on a distribution system may be read at the station some provision must be made to compensate for the line In order to do this a device which is known as a "line drop compensator" is placed in the voltmeter circuit as shown in the diagram, fig. 2,458. Ques. What are the essential parts of a line drop compensator? Ans. The elements of a line drop compensator are a variable resistance, and a variable inductance. Ques. Describe the connections. Ans. The secondary of a pressure transformer is connected in series with the compensator inductance and resistance, and the secondary of a current transformer as shown in the diagram, fig. 2,458. Fig. 2,458—Diagram showing essential parts and connections for a line drop compensator. The compensator corrects the voltmeter indication at the supply end of a feeder for the ohmic and inductive drop in pressure between that point and the point of consumption, so that the reading of the station voltmeter corresponds with the actual voltage at the point of consumption, independent of the power factor and current. It is especially useful for adjusting pressure regulators. Ques. How are the inductance and resistance wound? Ans. They are wound so that any proportion of the winding of either can be put in or out of the voltmeter circuit. Fig. 2,459.—General Electric line drop compensator. It has two dial switches with many taps to the resistance and reactance in the box so that it can be adjusted to compensate accurately for line losses with loads of varying power factor. Dial R changes resistance, and dial X, reactance. Fig. 2,460.—General Electric line drop compensator. This compensator contains besides resistance and inductance, a current transformer, the secondary of the transformer being connected in series with the resistance and inductance; the primary of the contained current transformer is connected to an external current transformer. The reactance and resistance are both so wound that any proportion of the winding can be cut in or out of the voltmeter circuit. Both elements have 12 points of adjustment of one volt each, giving a total combined drop at maximum setting of about 17 volts. Ques. How can the voltmeter indicate the pressure at the center of distribution? Ans. If the amount of inductance and resistance be properly adjusted, there will be produced a local circuit corresponding exactly in all its characteristics to the main circuit. Hence, any change in the main circuit produces a corresponding change in the local circuit, and causes the voltmeter to always indicate the pressure at the end of the line or center of distribution or at any point for which the adjustment is made. Fig. 2,461.—Westinghouse line drop compensator. For single phase circuits, one compensator and one series transformer, that is the instrument as listed with transformers, will give correct indications for a single phase circuit. The same voltage transformer serves for both voltmeter and compensator. For balanced two phase circuits one compensator and one transformer connected in one of the phases is sufficient. Two single phase compensators should be used for unbalanced two phase circuits. For three phase circuits the compensator should be connected by means of two series transformers. Ques. How should the adjustment be made? Ans. It is advisable to calculate the ohmic drop for full load and set the resistance arm at the point which will give the Fig. 2,462.—Diagram of automatic voltage regulator, using line drop compensator. For ordinary installations the compensating winding on the alternating current control magnet is connected to a current transformer in the main feeder. A dial switch is provided by which the strength of the alternating current control magnet can be varied and the regulator made to compensate for any desired line drop up to 15 per cent. according to the line requirements. Where the power factor of the load has a wide range of variation, a special line drop compensator, such as shown in fig. 2,459, adapted to the regulator would be desirable. The connections are readily understood by the diagram. The number of condenser sections which will prevent undue arcing at the relay contacts depends on the characteristics of the exciter. They may be roughly estimated by allowing one section for each 15 kw. capacity for exciters with laminated poles, and one for each 22 kw. capacity for exciters with solid steel poles. It is necessary though to have one condenser section for each pair of relay contacts, and at times it becomes necessary to apply a double section for each pair of contacts. In the lower part of the figure the line drop compensation and connections is reproduced in more detail on a larger scale. Starting Compensators.—These are used for starting induction motors and consist of inductive windings (one for each phase) with a number of taps connecting with switch contacts as shown in fig. 2,463. A starting compensator is similar to a rheostat except that inductive windings are used in place of the resistance grids. Fig. 2,463.—Diagram of connections of General Electric two phase starting compensator with no voltage release and fuses. Ques. Describe the inductive windings. Ans. The compensator winding consists of an inductive coil in each phase with each coil placed on a separate leg of a laminated iron core. Each coil is provided with several taps so located that a number of sub-voltages may be obtained. Ques. Are starting compensators necessary for small motors? Why? Ans. No, because the full voltage starting current taken, although equal to several times the load current, is nevertheless so small, compared with the capacity of the station alternators or feeders, that it does not materially affect the regulation of the circuit. Fig. 2,464.—Diagram of connections of General Electric three phase starting compensator with low voltage release and fuses. Fig. 2,465.—Diagram of connections of General Electric two phase starting compensator with no voltage release and overload relays for 1,040 to 2,500 volt circuits. Motors larger than about 7 horse power cause an objectionably heavy rush of current if thrown directly on the line. Starting compensators obviate such sudden variations of line load and are accordingly recommended for motors above 7 horse power except in cases where voltage variations and excessive starting currents are not objectionable. Figs. 2,466 and 2,467.—General Electric three phase hand operated starting compensator. Fig. 2,466, compensator in case; fig. 2,467, compensator with case removed. The compensator consists of a core and windings, a cable clamp, and a switch, assembled in a substantial metal case with external operating handle and release lever. The windings consist of coils wound on separate legs of a laminated core, and tapped at several points, the connections terminating at the switch contacts. The shaft of the switch extends through the sides of the compensator case, and is operated by a lever at the right, being held in the running position by a lever at the left. It is provided with wiping contacts. The switch is immersed in oil, and is intended to be used as a line switch as well as for starting the motor. The lever has three positions: "off," "starting," and "running." In the off position, both compensator and motor windings are disconnected from the line. In the starting position, the switch connects the line to the ends and the motor to the taps of the compensator winding without overload relays or fuses in circuit. In the running position, the compensation winding is cut out and the motor is connected to the line through suitable fuses or overload relays mounted directly above the compensator. To prevent the attendant throwing the motor directly on the line, and thereby causing a rush of current which it is the object of the compensator to avoid, an automatic latch is provided and so arranged that the lever at off position can be thrown only into the starting position (backward); and can be thrown thence into the running position (forward) only by a quick throw of the lever, whereby any appreciable drop in speed and consequent increase in current in passing from the starting into the running position is avoided. Ques. What should be noted with respect to the compensator winding taps? Ans. The choice of a tap giving so low a voltage as to require over one minute for starting should be avoided so as to prevent the overheating to which starting compensators, in common with other motor starting devices, are liable if left in circuit unnecessarily long, or if the motor be started several times in rapid succession. Fig. 2,468.—Diagram of connections of General Electric three phase starting compensator with no voltage release and overload relays. It should also be noted that the starting current diminishes rapidly as full speed is approached. It is, therefore, important that the switch be kept in the starting position until the motor has finished accelerating to prevent any unnecessary rush of current when the switch is thrown to the running position. Fig. 2,469.—General Electric starting compensator with low voltage release and overload relays. On the switch shaft there are mounted two levers, held together with a strong spring which operates in either direction and prevents the switch being left on the starting position. On the running side it is held by the external low voltage release lever until released either by hand or by the action of a low voltage relay. The low voltage release consists of a cast iron frame open at the bottom and totally enclosing the coil. A laminated plunger is used to hold the tripping lever, the latter engaging with the lever mounted on the switch shaft. The compensator cannot be thrown into the running position without first going to the starting position and it cannot be left on the starting position. Ques. What is the usual arrangement of starting compensators for large motors? Ans. Starting compensators may be wound for any voltage or current for which it is practicable to build motors. For very large motors the switching device is generally separate from, the compensator itself and consists of triple and four pole switches for three phase and two phase motors respectively. One double throw switch or two interlocked single throw switches are required for the motor and a single throw switch for energizing the compensator, the running side of the motor circuit being provided with fuses or automatic circuit breakers, or the switches provided with low voltage and overload release attachments. Star Delta Switches.—These are starting switches, designed for use with small three phase squirrel cage motors having their windings so arranged that they may be connected in star for starting and in delta for running. Ques. Describe the operation of a star delta switch. Ans. In starting the motor, the drum lever is thrown in the Figs. 2,470 to 2,474.—General Electric time limit overload relay for starting compensator. In case of overload, the relay armature is raised and at the end of its travel, opens the small switch at the top which in turn opens the circuit of the low voltage release coil causing the compensator switch to return to the "off" position. The oil dash pot provides a certain time element and can be adjusted to operate immediately upon overload or at any interval up to five minutes. Each relay has five calibrating points, the lowest being the normal full load current of the motor, the highest 300 per cent. full load current. The scale on the calibration tube reads direct and shows various values of current at which the relay may be set to operate. To change overload setting: 1, loosen set screw; 2, turn relay plunger on piston rod until white mark comes opposite required value of current; 3, tighten set screw. Time element adjustment: Removing oil dash pot by turning to the left will expose the cup shaped piston, made of which are two concentric discs (B and C) held together by a milled lock nut, A. There is a hole in each disc through which the oil must pass when the plunger of the relay is raised. The time element may be varied by changing the size of the opening between these discs, that is, to have the relays operate in a shorter period of time, increase the size of the opening and vice-versa. To change the time setting: 1, remove the oil dash pot; 2, raise the discs B and C on the piston rod; 3, loosen the lock nut A; 4, change the opening between B and C, giving a larger opening for shorter time of operation, and a smaller opening for longer time; 5, tighten lock nut A; 6, replace discs in piston D; 7, replace oil dash pot. Figs. 2,475, and 2,476.—Front and side views (oil tank removed) of Cutler-Hammer star delta switch for starting small three phase squirrel cage motors. In construction, the switch consists of one set of stationary fingers and a rotating wooden cylinder, carrying two sets of contacts. These parts are supported from the switch frame casting and are enclosed in a steel tank which contains an insulating oil. Flexible oil proof cable leads are brought out through insulated bushings in the top of the switch and tagged for convenience in connecting to the lines and motor. To prevent seepage of oil, the leads are sealed into the top of the cover with an oil proof sealing wax. The lever of the star delta switch is arranged with an interlock which prevents its being thrown directly into the running position from the off position. It is necessary to throw the lever first into the starting position and then with an uninterrupted movement to the running position. The circuit of the motor is broken only for an instant in changing from star to delta and no heavy inrush current occurs. No voltage release protection is provided by a latching solenoid which holds the spring centered drum cylinder in the running position. The no voltage release coil is mounted in the lower part of the starting switch, immersed in the oil tank, and is protected against mechanical injury and grounding. The coil is in circuit during the running period only and requires not more than 8 to 15 watts to hold the switch in the running position. The operation of this protective device is such that on failure of voltage the star delta switch will immediately be returned to the off position. Overload release protection consists of two relays on a small slate panel, which is mounted directly on the side of the star delta switch. The switch contacts of the overload release are connected in series with the connections to the no voltage release coil so that when an overload occurs the overload relay operates to open the circuit to the no voltage release coil, thus permitting the switch lever to return to the off position. The overload relays do not afford overload protection during the starting period, and when such protection is desired starting fuses should be installed. These fuses, if used, should have a capacity of 250 to 300 per cent. of the normal full load current of the motor. Fig. 2,477.—Diagram of connections of General Electric three phase starting compensator with low voltage release and overload relays for 1,040-2,500 volt circuits. |