Lightning protection devices, or lightning arresters, are devices for providing a path by which lightning disturbances or other static discharges may pass to the earth. Lightning arresters, designed for the protection of transmission lines, must perform this function with a minimum impairment of the insulation of the lines. In general the construction of lightning arresters comprise
Ques. What are the causes of static charges? Ans. They may be caused by sandstorms in dry climates, or may be due to grounds on the high pressure side of a system. Ques. What causes high frequency oscillations? Ans. They are usually due to lightning discharges in the vicinity of the line. Ques. What are the requirements of lightning protection devices? Ans. They must prevent excessive pressure differences Air Gap Arresters.—method of relieving any abnormal pressure condition is to connect a discharge air gap between some point on an electric conductor and the ground. The resistance thus interposed between the ground and the conductor is such that any voltage very much in excess of the maximum normal will cause a discharge to ground, whereas at other times the conductor is ungrounded because of the air gap. This forms the principle of air gap arresters. Fig. 2,349.—Non-arcing multi-gap arrester. Based on the principle of employing for the terminals across which the arc is formed, such metals as are least capable of maintaining an alternating arc between them. This so called non-arcing property of certain metals was discovered by Alexander Wurtz. The action is such that the "line current" which follows the lightning discharge follows as an arc, but is stopped at the end of one alternation because of the property of the non-arcing metals to carry an arc in one direction, but requiring an extremely high voltage to start a reverse arc. The non-arcing metals ordinarily employed are alloys of zinc and copper. Plain multi-gap arresters as here shown operate satisfactorily with the smaller machines and on circuits of limited power, but for large machines of close regulation, and therefore of very large momentary overload capacity, especially when a number of such are operated in parallel, such arresters were found insufficient, the line current following the lightning discharge frequently was so enormous that the circuit did not open at the end of the half wave, that is the arrester held the arc and was destroyed. The introduction of synchronous motors made it necessary that the arc should be extinguished immediately, otherwise the synchronous motors and converters would drop out of step, and the system would in this way be shut down. To insure the breaking of the arc, resistance was introduced in the arrester, the modified device being known as the low equivalent arrester as shown in fig. 2,350. The single gap while adequate for telegraph line protection, was found insufficient for electric light and power circuits, because since the current in such circuits is considerable and usually at high pressure it would follow the lightning discharge across the gap. Thus the problem arose to devise means for Multi-gap Arresters.—The essential elements of an arrester of this type are a number of cylinders spaced with a small air gap between them and placed between the line to be protected and the ground, or between line and line. In operation, the multi-gap arrester discharges at a much lower voltage than would a single gap having a length equal to the sum of the small gaps. In explaining the action of multi-gaps, there are three things to consider: FIG. 2,350.—Low equivalent arrester. This is a modification of the multi-gap arrester shown in fig. 2,349. About half of the total number of gaps are shunted by a resistance, and another resistance inserted between the cylinders and the earth. With this arrangement the middle point is at ground pressure, and there are between line and ground only one half of the total number of gaps. This is sufficient to prevent a bridging of the gaps under normal conditions. 1. The transmission of the static stress along the line of the cylinders; 2. The sparking at the gaps; 3. The action and duration of the current which follows the spark, and the extinguishment of the arc. Ques. What is a spark? Ans. The conduction of electricity by air. Ques. What is an arc. Ans. The conduction of electricity by vapor of the electrode. Distribution of Static Stress.—The cylinders of the multi-gap arrester act like plates of condensers in series. This condenser function is the essential feature of its operation. When a static stress is applied to a series of cylinders between line and ground, the stress is immediately carried from end to end. If the top cylinder be positive it will attract a negative charge on the face of the adjacent cylinder and repel an equal positive charge to the opposite face and so on down the entire row. The second cylinder has a definite capacity relative to the third cylinder and also to the ground; consequently the charge induced on the third cylinder will be less than on the second cylinder, due to the fact that only part of the positive charge on the second cylinder induces negative electricity on the third, while the rest of the charge induces negative electricity to the ground. Each successive cylinder, counting from the top of the arrester, will have a slightly smaller charge of electricity than the preceding one. Fig. 2,351.—General Electric 2,200 volt multi-gap arrester for station installation. It consists of fourteen ?" knurled cylinders and two shunt resistance rods mounted on a porcelain base. One of these rods has a low resistance, and shunts nine gaps; the other rod has a high resistance, and shunts eleven gaps. The effect of the shunt resistance in extinguishing the line current arc is the same, therefore, as that of an equal series resistance but is without the objectionable features of the latter. Series resistance limits the discharge current to such an extent that an arrester with series resistance fails to protect against destructive rises of voltage when the conditions are severest. Graded shunt resistance responds to all frequencies and opens a discharge path for excessive voltage when the frequencies are high as well as when they are low. Its further effect in withholding the line current from the gaps after the relieving discharge has occurred, is to aid the non-arcing quality of the metal cylinders in quickly suppressing the arc that follows a discharge. The arc is extinguished at the end of the half cycle of line current in which the discharge takes place. Sparking at the Gaps.—The quantity of electricity induced on the second cylinder is greater than on any lower cylinder and its gap has a greater pressure strain across it as shown in fig. 2,357. When the voltage across the first gap is sufficient to spark, the second cylinder is charged to line voltage and the second gap receives the static strain and breaks down. The successive action is similar to overturning a row of ten-pins by pushing the first pin against the second. This phenomenon explains why a given length of air gap concentrated in one gap requires more voltage to spark across it than the same total length made up of a row of multi-gaps. Fig. 2,352.—General Electric 2,200 volt arrester in the act of discharging, and shunting the line current. The figure shows an actual discharge taking place. It will be seen that the heavy line current passes across only four of the gaps, and then goes through the resistance rods; while the static discharge passes straight across the entire series of thirteen gaps. When the gaps of an arrester are shunted by even a low resistance, discharges of very high frequency find it relatively difficult to pass through the resistance rods, owing to the impedance of the rods, but comparatively easy to pass across all the gaps, owing to the capacity effect in breaking down the gaps. The higher the frequency, the more pronounced is this effect, hence the discharges select different paths through gaps and resistances depending upon the frequency. By frequency is meant, not the frequency of the line current but the lightning frequency, which may run into hundreds of thousands, or into millions of cycles. The equivalent needle gap for this arrester is shown by tests to be nearly the same for all frequencies and quantities of discharge; that is, the arrester is equally responsive to all frequencies. Figs. 2,353 to 2,355.—Oscillograph record of the phenomena that take place in the different circuits or selective paths of a multi-gap arrester during a discharge such as shown in fig. 2,352. As the spark crosses each successive gap, the voltage gradient along the remainder readjusts itself. How the Arc is Extinguished.—When the sparks extend across all the gaps the line current will follow if, at that instant, the line pressure be sufficient. On account of the relatively greater line current, the distribution of pressure along the gaps becomes equal, and has the value necessary to maintain the line current arc on a gap. The line current continues to flow until the voltage of the generator passes through zero to the next half cycle, when the arc extinguishing quality of the metal cylinders comes into action. Figs. 2,356 and 2,357.—Diagram showing condenser action of cylinders and pressure gradient for static stress. The alloy contains a metal of low boiling point which prevents the reversal of the line current. It is a rectifying effect, and before the pressure again reverses, the arc vapor in the gaps has cooled to a non-conducting state. Effect of Frequency.—The higher the frequency of the lightning oscillation, the more readily will the multi-gap respond to the pressure. Briefly stated, the problem is to properly limit the line current so that the arc may be extinguished; to arrange a shunt circuit so that the series resistance will be automatically cut out if safety demand it on account of a heavy lightning stroke and, while retaining these properties, to make the arrester sensitive to a wide range of frequency. It should be noted that series resistance limits the rate of discharge of the lightning as well as of the line current. The greater the value of the line current, the greater the number of gaps required to extinguish the arcs. Graded Shunt Resistances.—Any arc is unstable and can be extinguished by placing a properly proportioned resistance in parallel with it. All the minor discharges then pass over the resistances and the unshunted spark gaps, the resistance assisting in opening the line current after the discharge. Very heavy discharges pass over all the spark gaps, as a path without resistance, but those spark gaps which are shunted by the resistance, open after the discharge. The line current, after the first discharge is accordingly deflected over the resistances, and limited thereby, the circuit being finally opened by the unshunted spark gaps. The arrangement of shunted resistances is shown in fig. 2,358. Fig. 2,358.—Arrangement of graded resistances on multi-gap arrester. The Cumulative or "Breaking Back" Effect.—The graded shunt resistance gives a valuable effect, where the arrester is considered as four separate arresters. This is the "cumulative" or "breaking back" action. When a lightning strain between line and ground takes place, the pressure is carried down the high resistance H (figs. 2,365 and 2,366), to the series gaps GS, and the series gaps spark over. Although it may require several thousand volts to spark across an air gap, it requires relatively only a few volts to maintain the arc which follows the spark. In consequence, when the gaps GS spark over, the lower end of the high resistance is reduced practically to ground pressure. If the high resistance can carry the discharge current without giving an ohmic drop sufficient to break down the shunted gaps GH, nothing further occurs—the arc goes out. If, on the contrary, the lightning stroke be too heavy for this, the pressure strain is thrown across the shunted gaps, GH, equal in number to the previous set. In other words, the same voltage breaks down both of the groups of gaps, GS and GH, in succession. The lightning discharge current is now limited only by the medium resistance M, and the pressure is concentrated across the gaps, GM. If the medium resistance cannot discharge the lightning, the gap GM spark, and the discharge is limited only by the low resistance. The low resistance should take care of most cases but with extraordinarily heavy strokes and high frequencies, the discharge can break back far enough to cut out all resistance. In the last steps, the resistance is relatively low in proportion to the number of shunt gaps, GL, and is designed to cut out the line current immediately from the gap, GL. This "breaking back" effect is valuable in discharging lightning of low frequency. Figs. 2,359 to 2,364.—Westinghouse safety spark gaps. Fig. 2,359, indoor type; figs. 2,360 to 2,364, outdoor type. It is well known that with transformers, operating on high voltage lines and having large ratios of transformation, there may occur, on the low tension side, momentary voltages to ground greatly in excess of the normal. These momentary increases in voltage between the low tension circuits and ground are commonly called "static disturbances." In general they are the result of a change in the static balance of the high tension side and its connecting circuits. Unless certain precautions are taken, such a static disturbance on the low tension side may cause serious stresses in the secondary insulation of a transformer with a high ratio of transformation. This induced static voltage is independent of the ratio of transformation. The static stresses are more serious in a high ratio transformer simply because the insulation of its secondary is less able to withstand them. A method of relieving this disturbance is to connect a discharge spark gap between some point of the low tension side of the transformer to be protected (a middle or neutral point, if one be available) and the ground. The spark gap opening is such that any voltage very much in excess of the maximum normal will cause a discharge to ground, and thus the low tension side is practically tied to ground during such disturbance, while at other times it is ungrounded. The Underwriters recommend the grounding of the neutral point of low tension circuits when the conditions are such that the maximum normal voltage between the point connected and ground will not exceed 250 volts. The rule allows one side of a 250 volt circuit or the middle point of a 550 volt circuit to be grounded. The spark gaps shown above are designed for use on transformer secondary circuits and for protecting individual series arc lamps. These spark gaps are single pole, and consist of two cylinders of non-arcing metal with an air gap between. One of the cylinders is connected to the ground, the other to the line. Figs. 2,365 and 2,366.—Graded shunt resistance arrester connections. Fig. 2,365, connections for 33,000 volt Y system with grounded neutral; fig. 2,366, connections for 33,000 volt delta or ungrounded Y systems. The type of arrester shown above may be considered as four arresters in one. First, for small discharges there are a few gaps in series with a high shunt resistance. This part of the arrester will safely discharge accumulated static and also all disruptive discharges of small ampere capacity. This path is shown through H (resistance) and GS (gaps). Second, there are a number of gaps in series with a medium shunt resistance which will discharge disruptive strokes of medium ampere capacity. This path is shown through M (resistance) and GH plus GS (gaps). Third, there are a greater number of gaps in series with a low shunt resistance which will discharge heavy disruptive strokes. This path is shown through L (resistance) and GM plus GH plus GS (gaps). Fourth, the total number of gaps has no series resistance, thus enabling the arrester to freely discharge the heaviest induced strokes. This path is shown through zero resistance and GH plus GM plus GH plus GS (gaps). In each of the above circuits the number of gaps and the resistance are so proportioned as to extinguish the line arc at the end of the half cycle in which the lightning discharge takes place. Fig. 2,367.—Installation of a General Electric 12,500 volt, three phase, multi-gap lightning arrester in the Garfield Park sub-station of the West Chicago park common. The "V" unit multi-gap arrester, which is plainly seen in the illustration, is made up of "V" units consisting of gaps between knurled cylinders and connected together at their ends by short metal strips. The base is of porcelain, which thoroughly insulates each cylinder, and insures the proper functioning of the multi-gaps. The cylinders are made of an alloy that contains metal of low boiling point which gives the rectifying effect, and metals of high boiling point which cannot vaporize in the presence of the one of low boiling point. The cylinders are heavily knurled. As the arc plays on the point of a knurl it gradually burns back and when the metal of low boiling temperature is used up, the gap is increased at that point. The knurling, thus, insures longer life to the cylinder by forcing successive arcs to shift to a new point. When worn along the entire face, the cylinder should be slightly turned. The low resistance section of the graded shunt is composed of rods of a metallic alloy. These rods have large current carrying capacity, and practically zero temperature coefficient up to red heat. The medium and high resistance rods are of the same standard composition previously used. The contacts are metal caps shrunk on the ends; the resistances are permanent in value and the inductance is reduced to a minimum. The rods are glazed to prevent absorption of moisture and surface arcing. After the spark passes, the arcs are extinguished in the reversed order. The low resistance, L, is proportioned so as to draw the arcs immediately from the gaps, GL. The line current continues in the next group of gaps, GM, until the end of the half cycle of the generator wave. Figs. 2,368 to 2,370.—Multi-gap or low equivalent lightning arrester. It consists of: 1, a number of gap units in series; 2, a number of gap units in shunt with a resistance; and 3, a series resistance. All resistances are wire wound and the series resistance is non-inductive. The shunt resistance and gap units are mounted on marble. When a discharge occurs, the series gaps are broken down, and if the discharge be heavy enough, it will meet opposition in the shunt resistance and pass over the shunted gaps, through the series resistance to the ground. The arc which tends to follow the discharge is then withdrawn from the shunted gaps by the shunt resistance, and aided by both resistances is suppressed by the series gaps. The pressure of discharge is determined by the number of series gaps as sufficient number is used to withstand the normal voltage and yet give a proper factor of safety for the severest service. At this instant the medium resistance, M, aids the rectifying quality of the gaps, GM, by shunting out the low frequency current of the alternator. On account of this shunting effect the current dies out sooner in the gaps, GM, than it otherwise would. In the same manner, but to a less degree, the high resistance, H, draws the line current from the gaps, GH. This current now being limited by the high resistance, the arc is easily extinguished at the end of the first one-half cycle of the alternator wave. Ques. What is the difference between arrester for grounded Y and non-grounded neutral systems? Ans. The connections are shown in figs. 2,365 and 2,366. The difference in design lies in the use of a fourth arrester leg between the multiplex connection and ground or ungrounded system. Ques. Why is the fourth leg introduced? Ans. The arrester is designed to have two legs between line and line. If one line become accidentally grounded, the full line voltage would be thrown across one leg if the fourth or ground leg were not present. Fig. 2,371.—Westinghouse three pole or four pole arrester in weather proof wooden case which protects the arrester units from rain and snow when they are installed in exposed locations, as on poles or buildings. On a Y system with a grounded neutral, the accidentally grounded phase causes a short circuit of the phase and the arrester is relieved of the strain by the tripping of the circuit breaker. Briefly stated, the fourth or ground leg of the arrester is used when, for any reason, the system could be operated, even for a short time with one phase grounded. Ques. Describe the multiplex connection. Ans. It consists of a common connection between the phase legs of the arrester above the earth connection and provides an arrester better adapted to relieve high pressure surges between lines than would otherwise be possible. Its use also economizes in space and material for delta and partially grounded or non-grounded Y systems. Figs. 2,372 and 2,373.—Westinghouse multi-gap lightning arrester and views showing parts. In construction, a series of gaps, between non-arcing metal cylinders arranged in a row, is connected between line and ground in series with a composition stick resistor having a resistance of something between 80 and 120 ohms. In operation, if an excessive pressure be developed on a line, electric discharge arcs form between the metal cylinders, and the charge of electricity flows to ground, relieving the excessive stress. The resistance of the stick resistor limits the flow so that an excessive power current cannot pass through the arrester. The tendency for a destructive power arc to follow the discharge arc is thus counteracted. The composition resistors and the gap cylinders are mounted in pairs on a porcelain base, and complete units are arranged within weather proof wooden boxes as indicated. For two pole arresters, one unit is mounted on the back of the box. For three pole and four pole arresters, two units are used; one is secured on each side of the box. Figs. 2,374 to 2,376.—Connections for Westinghouse multi-gap (type G) arresters. These arresters may be installed outside on poles or buildings, or indoors on station walls. The weather proof wooden case (as shown in fig. 2,371) protects the arrester units from rain and snow when installed in exposed places. Fig. 2,374 shows single phase installation, fig. 2,375, two phase installation, and fig. 2,376, three phase installation. On a two pole circuit one line wire is connected to the top of each of the composition resistors of each arrester unit, as shown in fig. 2,374, and the ground wire is connected to the middle point of the gap series. On four pole circuits, fig. 2,375, the same scheme of connections is used, but two arrester units are necessary and the connections of both are the same. On three pole circuits, two arrester units are used, with the same connections as for four pole circuits, except that there are but three line connections instead of four as in fig. 2,376. Horn Gap Arresters.—A horn gap arrester consists essentially of two horn shaped terminals forming an air gap of variable length, one horn being connected to the line to be protected and the other to the ground usually through series resistance as shown in fig. 2,378. Ques. How does the horn gap arrester operate? Ans. The arc due to the line current which follows a discharge, rises between the diverging horn and becoming more and more attenuated is finally extinguished. Fig. 2,377.—Horn gap arrester, diagram showing arrester and connections between line and ground. The horn type arrester was invented by Oelschlaeger for the Allgemeine Electricitaets Gesellschaft, and like the Thomson arc circuit arrester, its operation is based on the fact that a short circuit once started at the base, the heat generated by the arc will cause it to travel upward until it becomes so attenuated that it is ruptured. On circuits of high voltage this rupture sometimes takes a second or two, but seems to act with little disturbance of the line. Sometimes a water resistance is used, a choke coil being inserted in the circuit in series. In one installation for a 40,000 volt line, the horns were made of No. 0,000 copper wire with gap knees 2¼ to 3 or 3¼ inches. The capacity of the water resistance receptacle was 15 gallons. Users differ as to whether the water should contain salt. The choke coil can be made of about 18 turns of iron wire wound on a 6 inch cylinder. Ques. What is the objection to the horn gap on alternating current circuits? Ans. The arc lasts too long for synchronous apparatus to remain in step. Ques. What provision was made to shorten the duration of the arc? Ans. A series resistance was inserted in the arrester circuit as shown in fig. 2,377. Ques. What difficulty was caused by the series resistance? Ans. With sufficient series resistance to prevent loss of synchronism, the arrester failed to protect the system under severe conditions. Ques. With these objections what use was found for the horn gap arrester? Ans. It is used as an emergency arrester on some overhead lines, to operate only when a shut down is unavoidable, also for series lighting circuits. Fig. 2,378.—General Electric horn gap with charging resistance for cable system. Arresters for cable systems differ from arresters for overhead circuits only in the construction of the horn gaps. The necessity for this difference is due to the fact that a cable system has a very much higher electrostatic capacity and much less inductance than an overhead system. In consequence, the currents which flow into the arrester during charging are somewhat higher. It is desirable to avoid these heavier currents, especially during the time of breaking the arc at the horn gap. This is accomplished by using a special horn gap and resistance. This consists of an auxiliary horn mounted above and insulated from the regular horn in such a manner as to intercept the arc if it rise on the regular horns. Enough resistance is connected in series with this auxiliary horn so that the current flow and arc across this gap are always limited to a moderate value. Such a device has several advantages. Since the mechanism is so arranged that the charging is always done through the auxiliary horn the current rush is limited during the charging and thus troubles from carelessness or ignorance are avoided. It also gives a nearer uniform charging current. In the use of this auxiliary horn gap and resistance there are three successive stages, as follows: 1, light discharges will pass across the smaller gaps to the auxiliary horn and through the series resistance to the cells; 2, if the discharge be heavy, the resistance offers sufficient impedance to cause the spark to pass to the main horn. This is accomplished with only a slight increase in pressure because the gap is already ionized. If the cells be in normal condition, the spark at the gap is immediately extinguished, without any flow of line current; 3, if the cells be in poor form, the line current may follow the discharge across the main gap and the arc will rise to the safety horn and be extinguished through a resistance. For mixed overhead and cable systems the choice of arrester will be a matter of judgment. If there be a comparatively short length of cable, the usual practice for overhead systems may be adopted. For direct connection to busbars, arresters with charging resistance should be used. Figs. 2,379 and 2,380.—Diagram showing connections of horn type lightning arresters on series circuits. The necessity of service requires that series lightning systems be fully equipped against damage by lightning and similar trouble. The most common disturbances occurring on series circuits are the surges set up by the sudden opening of the loaded circuit. These disturbances are especially severe where circuits are accidentally grounded, due to contact of the wires where they pass through other circuits. Ques. How are the spark gaps adjusted? Ans. They are set to give a low spark pressure relative to the voltage of the line. Fig. 2,381.—General Electric horn type arrester, mounted for 15 light series arc circuit. The horn type arrester consists of a horn gap with series resistance between each line and ground. The resistances and horn gaps are mounted on porcelain bases and the latter on insulating wooden supports. The supports have asbestos barriers (except for lowest voltages), and backs to eliminate liability of damage from the arc which forms in the horn gap at the time of the discharge. The spark gaps are adjusted to give a low spark pressure relative to the voltage of the circuit. The number and ohmic value of the resistance rods used in the various arresters depend upon the voltage and current of the circuit. Ques. Why are horn arresters well suited to protect series lighting circuits against surges? Ans. Because the surges are damped out before the arc which forms across the horn gaps is interrupted. These arcs last for several cycles, since the length of the time of action of the arrester depends upon the lengthening of the arc between the horn gaps, limited by the series resistance. Since practically all disturbances on lighting circuits are of low frequency, the series resistance can be used with good results; it aids the horn in extinguishing the arc, limits the size of the arc and prevents short circuits occurring during the period of discharge. Fig. 2,382.—General Electric horn arrester for pole installation. Quite frequently series circuits are run underground in cables for some distance from the generating station. In order to protect the cables it is advisable to place horn arresters at the points where the cable joins the overhead wires. The resistance units are mounted in the wooden box. This design is used to economize space, since if the horn gaps be placed in the box the latter would have to be made very large to accommodate the asbestos barriers and backs. In installing this type of arrester it is advisable to place it as near as possible to the top of the pole so that the arc may rise unobstructed and thus avoid the likelihood of live wires coming in contact with the horns which, during the operation of the series current, are alive. Electrolytic Arresters.—Arresters of this class are sometimes called aluminum arresters because of the property of aluminum on which their action depends; that is, it depends on the phenomenon that a non-conducting film is formed on the surface of aluminum when immersed in certain electrolytes. If however, the film be exposed to a higher pressure, it may be punctured by many minute holes, thus so reducing its resistance that a large current may pass. When the pressure is again reduced the holes become resealed and the film again effective. Figs. 2,383 and 2,384.—Elevation and plan of General Electric horn gaps and operating stand for high voltage arresters. In construction, the aluminum arrester consists essentially of a system of nested aluminum cup shaped trays, supported on porcelain and secured in frames of heated wood, arranged in a steel tank. The system of trays is connected between the line and ground, and between line and line, a horn gap being inserted in the arrester circuit which prevents the arrester being subjected to the line voltage except when in action. The electrolyte is poured into the cones and partly fills the space between the adjacent ones. The stack of cones with the electrolyte between them is then immersed in a tank of oil. The electrolyte between adjacent cones forms an insulation. The oil improves this insulation and prevents the evaporation of the solution. Fig. 2,385.—Cross section of General Electric aluminum (electrolytic) lightning arrester. A cylinder of insulating material concentric with the cone stack is placed between the latter and the steel tank, the object being to improve the circulation of the oil and increase the insulation between the tank and the cone stack. The arrester, as just described consists of a number of cells connected in series. Ques. Of what does a single cell consist and what are its characteristics? Ans. It consists of two of the cone shaped aluminium trays Ques. What is the critical voltage? Ans. The voltage at which the current begins to flow freely. FIG. 2,386 to 2,390.—Parts of General Electric 15,000 volt aluminum lightning arrester, not including horn gaps, etc. Up to a certain voltage the cell allows an exceedingly low current to flow, but at a higher voltage the current flow is limited only by the internal resistance of the cell, which is very low. A close analogy to this action is found in the well known safety valve of the steam boiler, by which the steam is confined until the pressure rises above a given value, when it is released. On the aluminum plates there are myriads of minute safety valves, so that, if the electric pressure rise above the critical voltage, the discharge takes place equally over the entire surface. It is important to distinguish between the valve action of this hydroxide film and the failure of any dielectric substance. Ques. When a cell is connected permanently to the circuit what two conditions are involved? Ans. The temporary critical voltage and the permanent critical voltage. For instance, if the cell have 300 volts applied to it constantly, and the pressure be suddenly increased to, say 325 volts, there will be a considerable rush of current until the film thickness has been increased to withstand the extra 25 volts; this usually requires several seconds. In this case 325 volts is the temporary critical voltage of the cell. Similar action will occur at any pressure up to about the permanent critical voltage, or the voltage at which the film cannot further thicken, and therefore allows a free flow of current. If the voltage be again reduced to 300 the excess thickness of film will be gradually dissolved, and if it vary periodically between two values, each of which is less than the permanent critical value, the temporary critical voltage will be the higher value. This feature is of great importance as it provides a means of discharging abnormal surges, the instant the pressure rises above the impressed value. Fig. 2,391.—Volt ampere characteristic curve of a General Electric aluminum (electrolytic) cell on alternating current. The permanent critical voltage is between 335 and 360 volts. With alternating current, the cell acts as a fairly good condenser, and there is not only the leakage through the film, but also a capacity current flowing into the cell. The phase of this current, then, is nearly 90 degrees ahead of the pressure and represents a very low energy factor. Ques. How is the number of cells required for a given circuit determined? Ans. The number required for a given operating voltage is determined by allowing about 250 to 300 volts per cell. Ques. In putting cells in commission how is the electrolyte introduced? Ans. It is poured into the aluminum trays and the overflow drawn off at the bottom of the tank. Ques. Describe the further operations in putting cells in commission. Ans. After putting in the electrolyte it is allowed to stand for a few days until part has evaporated, then the oil is poured over the surface to prevent further evaporation. Fig. 2,392.—Westinghouse electrolytic lightning arrester, for three phase ungrounded neutral service, 25,000 maximum voltage. These arresters are designed for the protection of alternating current circuits from all kinds of static disturbances. They have been standardized for installation on three phase circuits of voltages of 2,200 to 110,000. They cannot be used for voltages of less than 13,500. For voltages below this the horn gaps cannot, with safety, be set close enough together, out of doors, to take advantage of the freedom of discharge of the electrolytic element. If the horn gaps be set too close together they may be short circuited by rain. A shelter should be built for arresters of 13,500 volts and below for their protection when installed outside. Ques. What action takes place when the trays stand in the electrolyte and cell is disconnected from the circuit? Ans. Part of the film deteriorates. Ques. What is the nature of the film? Ans. The film is composed of two parts, one of which is hard and insoluble, and apparently acts as a skeleton to hold the more soluble part. The action of the cell seems to indicate that the soluble part of the film is composed of gases in a liquid form. Ques. What action takes place when a cell which has stood for some time disconnected, is reconnected to the circuit? Figs. 2,393 and 2,394.—Aluminum trays for Westinghouse electrolytic lightning arresters. Ans. There is a momentary rush of current which reforms the part of the film which has dissolved. This current rush will have increasing values as the intervals of rest of the cell are made greater. Many electrolytes have been studied, but none has been found which does not show this dissolution effect to a greater or lesser extent. If the cell has stood disconnected from the circuit for some time, especially in a warm climate, there is a possibility that the initial current rush will be sufficient to open the circuit breakers or oil switches. This current rush also raises the temperature of the cell, and if the temperature rise be great, it is objectionable. When the cells do not stand for more than a day, however, the film dissolution and initial current rush are negligible. Ques. What is the object of using horn gaps on electrolytic arresters? Ans. The use is threefold: 1, it prevents the arrester being subjected continually to the line voltage; 2, acts as a disconnecting switch to disconnect the arrester from the line for repairs, etc., and 3, acts as a connecting switch for charging. Fig. 2,395.—Horn gaps and transfer device of General Electric aluminium lightning arrester for 12,500 volt non-grounded neutral circuit. The object of the transfer device is to provide a means for interchanging the ground stacks with one of the line stacks of cones during the charging operation so that the films of all the cells will be formed to the same value. The transfer device consists of a rotating switch which may be turned 180 degrees, thus interchanging the connections of the ground stack and one of the line stacks. For arresters up to 27,000 volts the device is mounted with three insulators on the pipe frame work, and is operated by a hand wheel; for arresters of higher voltage, the transfer device is mounted directly over the tanks and is operated by bevel gears and hand wheel. Charging of Electrolytic Arresters.—In electrolytic arresters all electrolytes dissolve the film when the arrester is on Ques. Describe the charging operation for arresters with grounded circuits. Ans. It consists in simply closing simultaneously the three horn gaps so that the full pressure across the cells causes a small charging current to flow and form the films to their normal condition. Fig. 2,396.—Sectional view of General Electric vacuum tube arrester for railway signal circuits. The arrester is essentially a gap in a vacuum. In construction, the gap is formed between the inner wall of a drawn metal shell and a disc electrode mounted concentric with it. The electrode is supported on a brass rod which serves as the lead in connection, and has ample current carrying capacity. The electrode system is insulated from the tube and rigidly supported in position by a bushing made of vitreous material. The bushing does not form the vacuum seal, that being made by a special compound. The open end of the tube is finally closed by a porcelain bushing. The tube is exhausted in a special machine which solders a small hole in the end after the vacuum has been established. The possibility of solder entering the active part of the vacuum space is prevented by a diaphragm punching, and both the electrode and the lining of the tube are of non-arcing metal. The arrester has a spark pressure of from 350 to 600 volts direct current, and an equivalent needle gap of about .005 inch. The arrester will not stand a continuous flow of current due to excessive heating, hence if there be a possibility of this due to high pressure crosses, fuses should be used. R.R.S.A. standard terminals are used. Ques. Describe the charging operation for arresters for non-grounded circuits. Ans. First, the horn gaps are closed for five seconds and opened again to normal position, thus charging the cells of the The complete charging operation takes but a few moments and should be performed daily. The operation is valuable, not only in keeping the films in good condition, but also in giving the operator some idea of the condition of the arrester by enabling him to observe the size and color of the charging spark. Fig. 2,397.—Highland Park sub-station, Charlotte, N.C., showing old lightning arrester tower on the left and General Electric aluminum (electrolytic) cell lightning arrester and horn gaps in foreground. Grounded and Non-grounded Neutral Circuits.—It is important to avoid the mistake of choosing an arrester for a thoroughly grounded neutral when the neutral is only partially grounded, that is, grounded through an appreciable resistance. Careful consideration of this condition will make the above statement clear. In an arrester for a grounded neutral circuit, each stack of cones normally receives the neutral pressure when the arrester discharges, but if a phase become accidentally grounded, the line voltage is thrown across each of the other stacks of cones until the circuit breaker opens the circuit. The line voltage is 173 per cent. of the neutral or normal operating voltage of the cells and therefore about 150 per cent. of the permanent critical voltage of each cell. This means that when a grounded phase occurs, this 50 per cent. excess pressure is short circuited through the cells until the circuit breaker opens. Fig. 2,398.—Westinghouse electrolytic station lightning arrester for direct current up to 1,500 volts consists of a tank of oil in which are placed, on properly insulated supports, a nest of cup shaped aluminum trays. The spaces between the trays are filled with electrolyte, a sufficient quantity for one charge being furnished with each arrester. The top tray is connected with the line through a 60 ampere fuse, and the bottom tray is connected to the tank which is thoroughly grounded by means of a lug. The fuse is of the enclosed type and mounted on the cover of the arrester. A small charging current flows through the trays continuously and keeps the films on the trays built up, so that no charging is required. This charging current is not, however, of sufficient value to raise the temperature appreciably. The immersed area of each tray is 100 square inches. The shape and the arrangement of the trays is such that any gases generated by the discharge can pass out readily without disturbing the electrolyte between the trays. The amount of energy to be dissipated in the arrester depends upon the kilowatt capacity of the generator, the internal Figs. 2,399 to 2,401.—Westinghouse ground fittings. Fig. 2,399, ground plate; fig. 2,400, ground point; fig. 2,401, cap. The ground plate consists of a circular piece of cast iron, 12 inches in diameter, 1? inches thick with a ¾ inch pipe tap in center to connection to arrester. The surface is increased by means of corrugations, as shown in the accompanying illustrations, to 461 square inches, affording ample contact with the earth and enabling it to take care of all discharges through the arrester. The plate should preferably be buried at the foot of the pole so that the ground wire runs to it in a straight line from the arrester. Care should, of course, be taken to see that the earth in which the plate is buried is damp. If the ground wire be placed within the pipe leading to the ground plate it should be soldered to a cap at the top of the pipe to eliminate the inductive effect due to the wire being surrounded by iron. A simple and effective method of securing a good ground is by means of an iron pipe with a malleable iron point having a dipped galvanized finish, and a brass cap with a lug for soldering the ground wire. The pipe may be driven into the earth, or if it be too hard to permit driving, a hole may be dug and the pipe placed therein. It should extend from eight to ten feet above and below the earth to secure, respectively, a good ground and prevent any tampering with the ground wire. Should it be desired to make use of a longer pipe which would be inconvenient to drive into the earth, two pieces can be used and connected together by a coupling. The brass cap and malleable iron point are tapped for use with ¾ inch pipe. Ground Connections.—In all lightning arrester installations it is of the utmost importance to make proper ground connections, as many lightning arrester troubles can be traced A more satisfactory method of making a ground is to drive a number of one inch iron pipes six or eight feet into the earth surrounding the station, connecting all these pipes together by means of a copper wire or, preferably, by a thin copper strip. A quantity of salt should be placed around each pipe at the surface of the ground and the ground should be thoroughly moistened with water. It is advisable to connect these pipes to the iron framework of the station, and also to any water mains, metal flumes, or trolley rails which are available. Figs. 2,402 to 2,404.—General Electric magnetic blow out arrester for use on railways. It consists of an adjustable spark gap in series with a resistance. Part of the resistance is in shunt with a blow out coil, between the poles of which is the spark gap. The parts are mounted in a strong, porcelain box, which, for car and pole use, is in turn mounted in a substantial asbestos lined, wooden box. In operation, when the lighting pressure comes on the line, it causes the spark gap to break down and a discharge occurs through the gap and the resistance rod to ground. Part of the current shunts through the blow out coil producing a strong magnetic field across the spark gap. The magnetic field blows out the discharge arc and restores normal conditions. The resistance is only 60 ohms (for 500 volt rating work), and the spark gap only one-fortieth of an inch (.025 in.). The following suggestions are made for the usual size station. 1. Place three pipes equally spaced near each outside wall, making twelve altogether, and place three extra pipes spaced about six feet apart at a point nearest the arrester. 2. Where plates are placed in streams of running water, they should be buried in the mud along the bank in preference to being laid in the stream. Streams with rocky bottoms are to be avoided. 3. Whenever plates are placed at any distance from the arrester, it is necessary also to drive a pipe into the earth directly beneath the arrester, thus making the ground connection as short as possible. Earth plates at a distance cannot be depended upon. Long ground wires in a station cannot be depended upon unless a lead is carried to the parallel grounding pipes installed as described above. 4. As it is advisable occasionally to examine the underground connections to see that they are in proper condition, it is well to keep on file exact plans of the location of ground plates, ground wires and pipes, with a brief description, so that the data can be readily referred to. Fig. 2,405.—General Electric magnetic blow out arrester for line use. It consists essentially of a small spark gap which is in series with a resistance, and between the poles of a magnet. The operation is similar to that of the arrester shown in figs. 2,402 to 2,404, but the magnet is a permanent magnet instead of an electromagnet. The spark gap and the magnet are mounted within porcelain blocks in such a way that the discharge arc is blown by the magnet through an arc chute and a cooling grid which is also held by the porcelain. The cooling grid in the arc chute materially assists the magnet in extinguishing the discharge arc, giving the arrester a high arc rupturing quality. The series rod is carborundum and is connected externally to the other portion of the arrester. The arrester is self-contained. 5. From time to time the resistance of these ground connections should be measured to determine their condition. The resistance of a single pipe ground in good condition has an average value of about 15 ohms. A simple and satisfactory method of keeping account of the condition of the earth connections is to divide the grounding pipes into two groups and connect each group to the 110 volt lighting circuit with an ammeter in series. Choke Coils.—A lightning discharge is of an oscillatory character and possesses the property of self-induction, accordingly it passes with difficulty through coils of wire. Moreover, the frequency of oscillation of a lightning discharge being much greater than that of commercial alternating currents, a coil can Opinions on the design of choke coils for use with lightning arresters vary considerably. Some engineers recommend the use of very large choke coils, but while large choke coils of high inductance do choke back the high frequency currents better than smaller coils of less inductance, they cost more, and under many conditions they are a menace to the insulation unless the lightning arresters be installed on both sides of them. Fig. 2,406.—Westinghouse line suspension choke coil. It is so designed that it can be inserted directly in the transmission line wire or in the station wiring and held in position therein by the tension of the line or station wires. Because of the fact that no insulators are required, solely to support this choke coil, and that it can be installed in either a vertical or a horizontal position it can often be utilized effectively in power and sub-station layouts. Terminals, each having a ½ inch round hole, to accommodate the conductors are provided at each end of the coil. Three square headed binding screws are supplied which clamp the conductors in position. The coil is provided with a strain insulator, so arranged within the coil at its axis, that it assumes any mechanical tension transmitted from the conductors. No mechanical tension reaches the turns of the choke coil proper. In construction, the choke coil is made in but one size having a current carrying capacity of 200 amperes and is suitable for a voltage of 2,000 to 22,000. For higher voltages than 22,000, several choke coils are connected in series. One coil is used for each 22,000 volts or fraction thereof, of the pressure between the wires of the circuit. Application: This type of choke coil may be used for alternating current service for the entire range from 22,000 to 110,000 volts. It may be used on transformers, but is not recommended for the protection of generators. Part of the functions of the choke coil are performed by the end turns of a transformer and extra insulation is invariably installed in all power transformers built in recent years. The choice of choke coils must be influenced by the condition of insulation in the transformers as well as by the cost, pressure regulation, and nature of the lightning protection required. Ques. What are the primary objects of a choke coil? Ans. To hold back the lighting disturbance from the circuit apparatus during discharge, and to lower the frequency of the oscillation so that whatever charge gets through the choke coil will be of a frequency too low to cause serious pressure drop around the first turns of the end coil in either alternator or transformer. Figs. 2,407 to 2,409.—General Electric choke coils. Fig. 2,407, hour glass choke coil, 45,000 volts; fig. 2,408, low voltage choke coil, 6,600 volts; fig. 2,409, low voltage choke coil, 4,600 volts. If there be no arrester, the choke coil cannot perform the first function, accordingly a choke coil is best considered as an auxiliary to an arrester. Ques. What is the principal electrical condition to be avoided with a choke coil? Ans. Resonance. The coil should be so arranged that if Ques. What is another electrical condition to be avoided and why? Ans. Internal static capacity between adjacent turns Fig. 2,410.—Westinghouse choke coil for high pressure transmission circuits, 2,200 to 25,000 volts. Choke coils of this type are wound without iron cores on circular or elliptical center blocks. They have a large number of layers and few turns per layer (except those made for small currents, they usually have one turn per layer), which give the best condition for insulating and cooling. They are air cooled, heavily insulated and have a line lead at the top, as shown. Choke coils are designed to prevent the short circuits sometimes caused by the local concentration of pressure such as may be produced by a lightning discharge. They limit, to some extent, an abnormal rise of pressure on the apparatus by delaying the advance of a static wave from the line and thus give the arrester more time to act. The disturbance caused by a lightning flash passes along the line in the form of a surge or "tidal wave." If this wave pass a choke coil, it is flattened out, and if the coil be of sufficient power, becomes practically harmless. It is evident, however, that the choke coil receives the full force of the wave, and that, consequently, it must be heavily insulated; moreover, the choke coil must not overheat under load, nor introduce into the circuit excessive inductive resistance. of the choke coil, because this lowers the effectiveness of the coil. Ques. What is the object of making choke coils in the form of an hour glass? Ans. To prevent sagging between the supports. Fig. 2,411.—Westinghouse air cooled choke coil particularly suitable for outdoor use. The method of mounting is such that insulation for any desired voltage is readily obtained with the same type of porcelain, and mounting in any position is possible. The coil is a helix of aluminum rod, about 15 inches in diameter and containing about 30 turns. Bracing clamps are provided to give mechanical strength to the helix, and the rod used is of sufficient diameter to carry 200 amperes. The coil is supported on two insulating columns made up of porcelain insulators, which, except for the end pieces, are interchangeable. The number of insulators used in the columns depends on the voltage of the circuit in which the coil is to be used. The apparatus can be mounted in any position convenient for the wiring, on floor, wall, or ceiling. It is intended principally for the protection of transformers. Where greater reactance than is afforded by a single coil is desired on the higher voltage circuits, it is recommended that two or more coils be connected in series, one coil being used for each 22,000 line voltage. This coil should not be used for generators. The insulating columns are supported on substantial cast iron blocks on wooden bases. Ques. How are choke coils cooled? Ans. By air, or by oil. Ques. For what service are oil cooled choke coils used? Ans. On circuits of pressures above 25,000 volts, choke coils immersed in oil, as are transformer coils, have advantages in that the coil is amply insulated not only from the ground Fig. 2,412.—Westinghouse air cooled choke coil, for voltages of from 2,200 to 110,000. In construction, the coils are made of aluminum rod wound into a helix of about 15 inches in diameter and having 20 turns. The helix is supported on two insulators. For mechanical reasons it is necessary to have the aluminum rod of sufficient size to secure rigidity, consequently every coil has a capacity of 200 amperes and may be used on any circuit up to that capacity. The coils are insulated according to the standard practice for disconnecting switches, the insulators being mounted on wooden pins supported by a wooden base. This apparatus can be mounted in any position. The wiring of a station or sub-station is facilitated because the protection may be placed so as to simply form part of the wiring. The coils are symmetrical so that it is immaterial which end is connected to the line or to the apparatus. "Static" Interrupters.—A static interrupter is a combination of a choke coil and a condenser, the two being mounted together and placed in a tank and oil insulated. It is used on high pressure circuits and its function is to so delay the erroneously called "static" wave in its entry into the transformer coil, that a considerable portion of the latter will become charged before the terminal will have reached full pressure. A choke coil alone sufficiently powerful to accomplish this would be too large and costly on very high pressure and would interfere with the operation of the system. Ques. How is the condenser and choke coil connected? Ans. The condenser is connected between the line and ground behind the choke coil near the apparatus to be protected as shown in fig. 2,413. Fig. 2,413.—Diagram showing connections of static interrupter for protecting a transformer. Ques. What is the effect of the condenser? Ans. The condenser, which has a very small electrostatic capacity, has no appreciable effect upon the normal operation, but a very powerful effect upon the static wave on account of its extremely high frequency. |