The alternating current must change to a direct current in many cases as in railroad work because the induction motor is not so satisfactory as the direct current series motor and the alternating current series motor is slow in coming into general use. In all kinds of electrolytic work, transformation must be made, and in many cities where the direct current system was started, it is still continued for local distribution, but the large main stations generating alternating currents and frequently located some distance away from the center of distribution have replaced a number of small central stations. Transformation may be made by any of the following methods:
Strictly speaking, a converter is a revolving apparatus for converting alternating current into direct current or vice versa; it is usually called a rotary converter and is to be distinguished from the other methods mentioned above. Broadly, however, a converter may be considered as any species of apparatus for changing electrical energy from one form into another. According to the standardization rules of the A. I. E. E. converters may be classified as:
Figs. 2,032 and 2,033.—Gramme ring dynamo and alternator armatures illustrating converter operation. The current generated by the dynamo is assumed to be 100 amperes. Now, suppose, an armature similar to fig. 2,032 to be revolving in a similar field, but let its windings be connected at two diametrically opposite points to two slip rings on the axis, as in fig. 2,032. If driven by power, it will generate an alternating current. As the maximum voltage between the points that are connected to the slip rings will be 100 volts, and the virtual volts (as measured by a voltmeter) between the rings will be 70.7 (= 100 ÷ v2), if the power applied in turning this armature is to be 10 kilowatts, and if the circuit be non-inductive, the output in virtual amperes will be 10,000÷70.7=141.4. If the resistances of each of the armatures be negligibly small, and if there be no frictional or other losses, the power given out by the armature which serves as motor will just suffice to drive the armature which serves as generator. If both armatures be mounted on the same shaft and placed in equal fields, the combination is a motor dynamo. In actual machines the various losses are met by an increase of current to the motor. Since the armatures are identical, and as the similarly placed windings are passed through identical magnetic fields, one winding with proper connections to the slip rings and commutator will do for both. In this case only one field is needed; such a machine is called a converter. A direct current converter converts from a direct current to a direct current. A synchronous converter (commonly called a rotary converter) converts from an alternating current to a direct current. A motor converter is a combination of an induction motor with a synchronous converter, the secondary of the former feeding the armature of the latter with current at some frequency other than the impressed frequency; that is, it is a synchronous converter in combination with an induction motor. A Frequency Converter (preferably called a frequency changer) converts alternating current at one frequency into alternating current of another frequency with or without a change in the number of phases or voltages. A Rotary Phase Converter changes alternating current of one or more phases into alternating current of a different number of phases, but of the same frequency. Fig. 2,034.—Diagram of ring wound single phase rotary converter. It is a combination of a synchronous motor and a dynamo. The winding is connected to the commutators in the usual way, and divided into two halves by leads connecting segments 180° apart to collector rings. A bipolar field is shown for simplicity; in practice the field is multipolar and energized by direct current. Rotary Converters.—The synchronous or rotary converter consists of a synchronous motor and a direct current generator combined in one machine. It resembles a direct current generator with an unusually large commutator and an auxiliary set of collector rings. Ques. In general, how does a rotary converter operate? Ans. On the collector ring side it operates as a synchronous motor, while on the commutator side, as a dynamo. Its design in certain respects is a compromise between alternating current and direct current practice most noticeably with respect to the number of poles and speed. Ques. Upon what does the speed depend? Ans. Since the input side consists of a synchronous motor, the speed is governed by the frequency of the alternating current supplied, and the number of poles. Fig. 2,035.—Diagram of two phase rotary converter. This is identical with the single phase machine with the exception that another pair of collector rings are added, and connected to points on the winding at right angles to the first, giving four brushes on the alternating side for the two phase current. The pressure will be the same for each phase as in the single phase rotary. Neglecting losses the current for each phase will be equal to the direct current×1÷/v2=direct current×.707. Fig. 2,034 is a diagram of a ring wound rotary converter. This style winding is shown to simplify the explanation. In practice drum wound armatures are used, the operation, however, is the same. With this simple machine the following principles can be demonstrated: 1. If the coil be rotated, alternating currents can be taken from the collector rings and it is called an alternator. 2. By connecting up the wires from the commutator segments, a direct current will flow in the external circuit making a dynamo. 3. Two separate currents can be taken from the armature, one supplying alternating current and the other direct current; such a machine is called a double current generator. 4. If a direct current be sent in the armature coil through the commutator, the coil will begin to rotate as in a motor and an alternating current can be taken out of the collector rings. Such an arrangement is called an inverted rotary converter. 5. If the machine be brought up to synchronous speed by external means and then supplied with alternating current at the collector rings, then if the direction of the current through the armature coil and the pole piece have the proper magnetic relation, the coil will continue to rotate in synchronism with the current. A direct current can be taken from the commutator, and when used thus, the machine is called simply a rotary converter. Fig. 2,036.—Diagram of three phase rotary converter. In this type, the winding is tapped at three points 120° distant from each other, and leads connected with the corresponding commutator segments. Figs. 2,037 to 2,041.—Various rotary converter and transformer connections. Fig. 2,037 two phase connections; fig. 2,038 three phase delta connections; fig. 2,039 three phase Y or star connections; fig. 2,040 six phase delta connections; fig. 2,041 six phase Y connections. Ques. What is the relation between the impressed alternating pressure and the direct pressure at the commutator? Ans. The ratio between the impressed alternating pressure and the direct current pressure given out is theoretically constant, therefore, the direct pressure will always be as 1 to .707 for single phase converters or if the pressure of the machine used above indicate 100 volts at the direct current end, it will indicate 70.7 volts at the alternating current side of the circuit. Ques. Name two different classes of converter. Ans. Single phase and polyphase. Ques. What is the advantage of polyphase converters? Ans. In the majority of cases two or three phase converters are used on account of economy of copper in the transmission line. Ques. How is the armature of a polyphase converter connected? Ans. Similar to that of an alternator with either delta or Y connections. Figs. 2,037 to 2,041 show various converter connections between the collector rings and commutator. Fig. 2,037 indicates how the armature is tapped for two phase connections. Fig. 2,038 shows three phase delta connections, and fig. 2,039 the three phase Y or star connections. Six phase delta and Y connections are frequently used as shown in fig. 2,040 and fig. 2,041, both of which require two secondary coils in the transformer, one set of which is reversed, so as to supply the current in the proper direction. Ques. With respect to the wave, what is the relation between the direct and alternating pressures? Ans. The direct current voltage will be equal to the crest of the pressure wave while the alternating voltage will depend
In a single phase rotary, the value of the direct pressure is 1 to .707, therefore a rotary which must supply 600 volts direct current must be supplied by 600×.707=424 volts alternating current. For three phase rotaries the ratio is 1 to .612, or in order to produce 600 volts direct current, 600×.612=367 volts on the alternating current side of the rotary is required. Fig. 2,042.—Westinghouse rotary converter armature coils. These are wound from bar copper and are interchangeable. The armature coils are heavily insulated to withstand the tests specified in the standardization rules of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Fig. 2,034 shows a complete diagram of the electrical connections. A single phase rotary is illustrated so as to simplify the wiring. The table of Steinmetz on page 1,464 gives the values of the alternating volts and amperes in units of direct current. Ques. How is the voltage of a rotary varied on the direct current side? Ans. Pressure or potential regulators are put in the high tension alternating current circuit and may be regulated by small motors operated from the main switchboard or operated by hand. Ques. What is the advantage of unity power factor for rotary converters? Ans. It prevents overheating when the rotary is delivering its full load in watts. Ques. What greatly influences the power factor of the high tension line? Ans. The strength of the magnetic field. Fig. 2,043.—Westinghouse rotary converter armature spider. It is made of cast iron or cast steel. The dovetail grooves are machined in the feet or ends of the arms and in these slots the laminations forming the armature coil engage. Ques. Does variation of the field strength materially affect the voltage? Ans. No. Since variation of the field strength does not materially affect the voltage, by adjusting the resistance in series with the magnetic circuit, the strength of the field can be changed and the power factor kept 1 or nearly 1 as different loads are thrown on and off the rotary. Ques. What is the effect of a field too strong or too weak? Ans. If too strong, a leading current is produced, and if too Usually there is a power factor meter connected up in the main generating station and one also in the rotary substation, and it is the duty of the attendant at the substation to maintain the proper power factor. Ques. What is the ordinary range of sizes of rotaries? Ans. From 3 kw. to 3,000 kw. Fig. 2,044.—Equalizer connections of Westinghouse rotary converter. The armature coils are cross connected at points of equal voltage and taps are led out from the winding at suitable points to the slip rings. This construction insures a uniform armature saturation below each pole piece and eliminates one cause of sparking at the commutator. Ques. What is the general construction of a rotary converter? Ans. It is built similar to a dynamo with the addition of suitable collector rings connected to the armature windings at points having the proper phase relations. Standard rotary converters have been developed for 25 and 60 cycles. The standard railway machines are compound wound, the series field being designed for a compounding of 600 volts at no load and full load when supplied from a source of constant pressure with not more than 10 per cent. resistance drop and with 20 to 30 per cent. reactance in the circuit. The large size machines are usually wound for six phase operation. Figs. 2,045 and 2,046.—Westinghouse pole construction for converters. Fig. 2,045, pole without windings; fig 2,046, pole with windings. Poles are built up of steel laminations held together with rivets. Projections on the inner ends of the poles form seats for the field coils and hold them in position. Copper dampers set in slots in the pole faces insure stable operation. Rotary converters for railway service are almost invariably compound wound. The series windings are formed of bare copper strap. The shunt windings are of insulated copper strap or wire. Spaces between coil turns and sections are provided for ventilation. Compounding of Rotary Converters.—Compounding is desirable where the load is variable, such as is the case with interurban railway systems. The purpose of the compounding is to compensate automatically for the drop due to line, transformer, and converter impedance. On account of the low power factor caused by over compounding, and the fact that substations are customarily connected to the trolley at its nearest point without feeder resistance, over compounding is not recommended. An adjustable shunt to the series field is provided with each machine. Shunt wound converters are satisfactory for substations in Ratio of Conversion.—The relation between the alternating and direct current voltages varies slightly in different machines, due to differences in design. The best operating conditions exist when the desired direct current voltage is obtained with unity power factor at the converter terminals when loaded. Fig. 2,047.—Westinghouse rotary converter brush rigging showing method of bracing the brushes. The brushes are supported by a rigid cast iron rocker ring which fits accurately in the frame. A handwheel worm and screw arrangement for shifting the brushes is provided. Cast iron arms bolted to, but insulated from the rings, carry the rods on which the brush holders are mounted. Brush holders are of brass cast in one piece, of the sliding type and have braided copper shunts. Brush tension is adjustable. Fig. 2,048.—Westinghouse commutating pole rotary converter. The construction details are substantially the same as for the railway converter, with exception of the commutating poles. The application of commutating pole converters is particularly desirable where special requirements such as great overload capacity or large capacity and low voltage enable them to show to the greatest advantage. Commutating poles as applied to rotary converters fulfill the same functions as in the more familiar applications to dynamos and motors. That is, the commutating pole insures sparkless commutation from no load to heavy overloads with a fixed brush position. Brush shifting devices are not furnished on commutating pole converters. Commutating pole rotary converters for railway service are normally arranged for automatic compounding which is effected by the proper combination of series excitation and inductance between the generator and the rotary converter. This inductance is normally included in the transformer but in special cases may be partly in a transformer and partly in a separate reactance. It is possible to produce by this means a slight increase in the direct current voltage provided the voltage drop in the alternating current line be not excessive. Usually it is so arranged that the compounding that can be obtained is just sufficient to overcome the alternating current line voltage drop. The standard Westinghouse method of starting is alternating current self-starting. With this method of self-starting, the brushes of a commutating pole rotary converter must be lifted from the commutator during the starting operation to prevent sparking. A mechanical device, as shown in fig. 2,050, is provided which accomplishes this. With direct current or motor starting a brush lifting device is not necessary. Ques. Upon what does the ratio of conversion depend? Ans. Upon the number of phases and method of connecting the windings. For single phase or two phase machines it is 1 to .7; for three phase, 1 to .612, or six phase, 1 to .7 or 1 to .613 depending upon the kind of connection used for the transformer. For example, a two phase rotary receiving alternating current at 426 volts will deliver direct current at 600 volts, while a three phase rotary receiving alternating current at 367 volts will deliver direct current at 600 volts. Fig. 2,049.—Commutating pole of Westinghouse commutating pole rotary converter. The commutating poles are similar in general construction to the main poles. The coils are of bare copper strap wound on edge. Ventilating spaces are provided between the pole and coil and between turns. The copper winding is bare except for a few turns at each end. Insulating bolts retain the turns in their proper position. Ques. What difficulty would be encountered if other ratios of conversion than those given above were required? Ans. An armature with a single winding could not be used. It would be necessary to use a machine with two distinct armature windings or else a motor generator set. Ques. What change in voltage is necessary between a converter and the alternator which furnishes the current? Ans. The voltage must be reduced to the proper value by a step down transformer. Voltage Regulation.—As the ratio of the alternating to the direct current voltage of a converter is practically constant, means must be provided to compensate for voltage variation due to changes of load in order to maintain the direct current pressure constant. Fig. 2,050.—Westinghouse brush lifting device for commutating pole rotary converter. A rack is attached to each brush as shown. Into this rack the spring hinged lifting hook of the raising device engages only when the lifting lever is shifted toward the raised position. The lifting arrangement is independent of the brushes during normal running, so it can in no way affect the operation of the machine. Each brush is merely raised and lowered within its own holder so the brush position or commutation is not altered. There are several methods of doing this, as by:
Shifting the Brushes.—Were it not for the difficulties encountered, this would be a most convenient method of voltage regulation, since by this procedure the direct current voltage may be varied from maximum to zero. It is, however, not practical because of the excessive sparking produced when the brushes are shifted out of the neutral plane. Figs. 2,051 to 2,053.—Woodbridge split pole rotary converter. Each pole is split into three sections and provided with windings as indicated in fig. 2,051. When excited as in fig. 2,052, the commutator voltage is at its highest value; when excited as in fig. 2,053, the commutator voltage is low. The change in commutator voltage for constant collector ring voltage is in virtue of the property of rotary converters that the ratio of these two voltages is a function of the width of the pole arc. Split Pole Method.—In order to overcome the difficulty encountered in shifting the brushes the split pole method was devised by Woodbridge in which each field pole is split into two or three parts. The effect of this is the same as shifting the brushes except that no sparking results. The other part is arranged so that its excitation may be varied, thus shifting the resultant plane of the field with respect to the direct current brushes. One of these parts is permanently excited and it produces near its edge the fringe of field necessary for sparkless commutation. Regulating Pole Method.—As applied to the rotary converter regulating poles fulfill the same functions as commutating or interpoles (see page 385) on motors and dynamos, that is, they insure sparkless commutation from no load to heavy overloads with a fixed brush position. Fig. 2,054.—General Electric regulating pole rotary converter. The field structure is divided into two parts, a main pole and a regulating pole. The ratio between the voltages on the direct current and alternating current sides may be readily varied by varying the excitation of the regulating poles, the only auxiliary apparatus required being a field rheostat for controlling the exciting current. Where automatic regulation is required, machines may be provided with compound windings, or automatic field regulators may be used responsive to either voltage or current. These converters are adapted for a variety of purposes where a variable conversion ratio is required, either to maintain constant D. C. voltage with varying A. C. voltage or to vary the D. C. voltage as required. Converters may be operated inverted where it is required to furnish constant or variable A. C. voltage from a D. C. source. Where converter and inverted converter operation are desired, an opposite direction of rotation is required for the inverted operation. Converters of this type are built in capacities from 300 kw. up to 3,000 kw., and constructed to give a voltage range between 240 and 300 volts, to cover the usual lighting circuit requirements. In design, they are similar to standard rotary converters, with the exception that the regulating poles are located next to the main pole pieces and a slightly different form of pole piece bridge is used for the main poles, in order to allow the auxiliary poles to be readily removed or assembled. The regulating poles are used in order to vary the ratio between the alternating current collector rings and the direct current side without the use of auxiliary apparatus such as induction regulators or dial switches which involve complicated connections and many additional wires. The regulating poles are arranged with suitable connection so that the current through them can be raised, lowered or reversed. Fig. 2,055.—Detail of Westinghouse commutating pole rotary converter brush, showing rack. The brush lifting mechanism and its operation is explained in fig. 2,050. The characteristics of the regulating pole converter being novel, a detailed explanation of the principles involved is given to facilitate a clear understanding of its operation. Consider a machine with a field structure as shown in fig. 2,056 resembling in appearance a machine with commutating poles, but with the brushes so set that one of the regulating poles adds its flux to that of one main pole, cutting the inductors between two direct current brushes. The regulating pole is shown with a width equal to 20 per cent. of that of the main pole. To obtain definite figures, it will be assumed that the machine at normal speed, with the main poles excited to normal density, but with no excitation on the regulating poles, gives 250 volts direct current pressure. Then with each regulating pole excited to the same density If, on the other hand, the excitation of the regulating poles be reversed and increased to the same density as that of the main poles, the direct current pressure will fall to 200 volts, since in this case the regulating poles give a reverse pressure, that is, a pressure opposing that generated by the main poles. Fig. 2,056.—Diagram of field of regulating pole converter illustrating principles explained in the accompanying text. Now, if the machine be equipped with collector rings, that is, if it be a converter, this method of varying the direct current voltage from 200 to 300 volts does not give nearly as great a variation of the alternating current voltage; in fact, the latter voltage will be the same when delivering 200 volts as when delivering 300 volts direct current pressure, if the field excitation be the same. This may be seen by reference to fig. 2,057, which is a diagram of the alternating current voltage developed in the armature windings by the two sets of poles. The horizontal line OA represents the alternating current voltage For a six phase converter OA measures about 180 volts diametrically, that is, between electrically opposite collector rings. If now the regulating poles be excited to full strength, to bring the direct current pressure up to 300 volts, the alternating current voltage generated by the regulating poles will be 90 degrees out of phase with that generated by the main poles (since they are placed midway between the main poles), and will be about 40 volts as shown by the line AB. The resultant alternating current volts across the collector rings will be represented by the line OB with a value equal to 184. Fig. 2,057.—Voltage diagram for regulating pole converter illustrating principles explained in the accompanying text. Again, if the regulating poles be reversed at full strength, to cut the direct current pressure down to 200 volts, the alternating current voltage of the main and regulating poles will be OA and AC respectively, giving the resultant OC equal to OB with a value of 184 volts. Accordingly, the direct current pressure may be either 200 or 300 volts with the same alternating current pressure, and if the main field be kept constant, the direct current pressure may range between 200 or 300 volts, while the alternating current pressure varies only between 180 and 184 volts. The alternating current pressure can be kept constant through the full range of direct current voltage by changing the main field so as always to give an equal and opposite flux change to that of the regulating field. A constant total flux may thus be obtained equal to the radius of the arc BC, fig. 2,057. In this case the line OA, representing the main field strength, will equal OB when the regulating field is not excited, and 250 volts can only be obtained at this adjustment. This method of operation gives unity power factor with a constant impressed pressure of 184 volts alternating current with a range of direct current voltage from 200 to 300 volts. Figs. 2,058 and 2,059.—Diagrams illustrating the effect on the alternating current voltage due to varying the regulating field strength (of a machine proportioned according to fig. 2,060), from a density equal to that in the main poles to the same density reversed, the main field strength remaining constant. The D. C. voltage in this case varies from 30 per cent. above that produced by the main field alone to 30 per cent. below, or from 325 to 175 volts, while the A. C. voltage varies only from 200 to 175 volts. To keep the A. C. voltage constant with such a machine the main field must be strengthened as the regulating field is weakened or reversed to reduce the D. C. voltage. This strengthening increases the core loss particularly on low direct current voltages, which however, are rarely required, hence a machine proportioned as in fig. 2,060, would not be operated through so wide a range as 175 to 325 volts. Assume that the range is 240 to 300 volts, and that at the highest voltage, both main and regulating fields have the same density, presenting to the armature practically one continuous pole face of uniform flux intensity. The diagram of A. C. component voltages to give constant A. C. resultant voltage across the rings for the case, is shown in fig. 2,059. At 300 volts D. C., the main field produces an A. C. voltage OA, and the regulating field, a voltage AB, with a resultant OB, equal to about 200 volts A. C. At 270 volts D. C., the main field produces an A. C. voltage OA, and a regulating field voltage AB, giving a resultant A. C. voltage OB, equal to 200 volts. Similarly, at 240 volts D. C., the main field produces an A. C. voltage OA, and the regulating field (now reversed) produces the reverse voltage AB, giving the resultant OB again equal to 200 volts. It will be noted that, theoretically the main field strength must be increased about 15 per cent. above its value at 300 volts D. C. in order to keep the D. C. voltage at 250 volts. Ques. Where should the regulating poles be located for best results? Ans. A better construction is obtained by placing them closer to the corresponding main pole, as in fig. 2,060, than when spaced midway between the main poles as in fig. 2,056. Ques. When the regulating poles are spaced as in fig. 2,060, what is the effect on the direct current voltage? Ans. The effect is the same as for the midway position (fig. 2,056) except for magnetic leakage from the main poles to the regulating poles when the latter is opposed to the former, that is, when the direct current voltage is being depressed. Fig. 2,060.—Diagram illustrating placement of regulating poles. In practice machines are not built as indicated diagrammatically in fig. 2,056, that is, with regulating poles spaced midway between the main poles, because a better construction is obtained by placing the regulating pole closer to the corresponding main pole, as shown above. Ques. What is the effect on the alternating current voltage? Ans. It is somewhat altered as explained in figs. 2,058 and 2,059. Reactance Method.—This consists in inserting inductance in the supply circuit and running the load current through a few turns around the field cores. This method is sometimes called compounding, and as it is automatic it is generally used where there is a rapidly fluctuating load. Fig. 2,061.—Westinghouse 300 kw., 1,500 volt, three phase, 25 cycle, commutating pole rotary converter. The illustration shows clearly the commutating, and main poles and the relative sizes, also arrangement of the terminal connections. If a lagging current be passed through an inductance, the collector ring voltage will be lowered, but will be raised in case of a leading current. The degree of excitation governs the change in the phase of the current to the converter, the excitation, in turn, being regulated by the load current. Accordingly Multi-tap Transformer Method.—The employment of a variable ratio step down transformer for voltage regulation is a non-automatic method of control and, accordingly, is not desirable except in cases where the load is fairly constant over considerable periods of time. It requires no special explanation. Fig. 2,062.—Mechanical oscillator and speed limit device of Westinghouse commutating pole rotary converter. It automatically prevents the armature of the converter remaining in one position and thus not allowing brushes to wear grooves in both commutator and collector rings. The oscillator is a self-contained device carried at one end of the shaft. The operating parts consist of a hardened steel ball and a steel plate with a circular ball race, backed by a spring. The machine is so installed with a slight inclination toward the end carrying the oscillator. As the armature revolves the ball is carried upward and owing to the convergence of the steel race and shaft face, the spring is compressed. The reaction of the spring forces the armature away from its natural position and allows the ball to drop back to the lowest point of the race. Synchronous Booster Method.—This consists of combining with the converter a revolving armature alternator having the same number of poles. Ques. How is the winding of the booster alternator armature connected? Ans. It is connected in series with the input circuits on the converter. Fig. 2,063.—Westinghouse 2,000 kw., 270 volt, direct current, 6 phase, 167 R.P.M., synchronous booster rotary converter, having a voltage range from 230 to 310 volts. It consists of a standard rotary converter in combination with a revolving armature alternator mounted on the same shaft with the rotary converter and having the same number of poles. By varying the field excitation of the alternator, the alternating current voltage impressed on the rotary converter can be increased or decreased as desired. The direct current voltage delivered by the converter is thereby varied accordingly. The principle of operation of the booster converter is therefore very simple and easily understood. It is simply a combination of two standard pieces of electrical apparatus, accordingly there are incorporated in it no details of construction essentially different from those encountered in standard rotary converters and alternators. The only novelty is in their combination. The frames may be supported either from the rotary converter frame, as in the small units, or from the bed plate, as in the larger ones. A synchronous booster converter can be built, if necessary, with a vertical shaft to satisfy special floor space and head room requirements. Ques. How are the field windings connected? Ans. They are either fed with current regulated by means of a motor operated field circuit rheostat, or joined in series with the commutator leads of the converter. Fig. 2,064.—Armature of Westinghouse synchronous booster converter. Heavy cast yokes form the frames. They are proportioned to rigidly support the laminated steel field poles. The poles are fastened to the frame with through bolts. A lifting hook is provided on all frames. The bed plates are in one piece for the smaller machines but two piece bed plates are used for the larger ones. The bearings are ring oiling and have babbitt wearing surfaces that are renewable. Fig. 2,065.—Westinghouse field frames and bearings for synchronous booster rotary converter. The frames consist of heavy cast yokes. The poles are fastened to the frames with through bolts. The bed plate is in one piece for the small machines and in two pieces for the large ones. Ques. For what service is the synchronous booster method desirable? Ans. For any application where a relatively wide variation in direct current voltage is necessary. It is particularly desirable for serving incandescent lighting systems where considerable voltage variation is required for the compensation of drop in long feeders, for operation in parallel with storage batteries and for electrolytic work where extreme variations in voltage are required by changes in the resistance of the electrolytic cells. Fig. 2,066.—General Electric motor generator set consisting of 2,300 volt synchronous motor and 550 volt dynamo. Motor Generator Sets.—The ordinary rotary converter is the most economical machine for converting alternating currents into direct currents, and where slight variations in the direct current voltage is necessary, they are mostly used on account of their high efficiency, and because they are compact. Fig. 2,067.—General Electric motor generator set consisting of 230 volt induction motor and 125 volt dynamo. In many central stations where they supply a great variety of apparatus, the motor generator sets are employed as the generator is independent of the alternating current line voltage and any degree of voltage regulation can be performed. Motor Generator Combinations.—The following combinations of motor generators are made and used to suit local conditions:
Fig. 2,068.—General Electric generator set, as installed for the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Cleveland, Ohio. It consists of 11,431 volt motor and 275 volt generator. Speed, 360 revolutions per minute. Standard practice has adopted high tension alternating current for transmission systems, but direct current distribution The synchronous motor or the induction motor connected to a generator stands next in importance to the rotary converter because it is easy to operate and the pressure may be changed by a rheostat placed in the field circuit of the generator. The line wires carrying full voltage can usually be connected direct to the motor and thus do away with the necessary step-down transformer required by the rotary. Ques. What is the behavior of a rotary converter when hunting? Ans. It is liable to flash over at the direct current brushes, which is common in high frequency converters where there are a great number of poles and the brushes are necessarily spaced close together around the commutator. Ques. Is this fault so pronounced with motor generator sets? Ans. The motor generator operating on a high frequency circuit, the generator can be designed with a few poles and the brushes set far apart which will greatly reduce the chance of flashing over. A synchronous motor will drive a generator at a constant speed during changes in load on it, and by having a field regulating resistance it can be used to improve the power factor of the system. When an induction motor is used its speed drops off slowly as the load comes on the generator, and it is necessary to regulate the voltage of the generator by means of a field rheostat, or compound wound machines may be used. While an induction motor requires no separate excitation of the field magnets like the synchronous motor, its effect on the power factor of the system is undesirable. Although it is seldom necessary to convert direct current to alternating, such an arrangement of a direct current motor driving an alternator is often justified in place of an inverted rotary converter, as in this case the alternating current voltage can be changed independent of the direct current voltage. The racing of an inverted rotary under a heavy inductive load or short circuit does not take place in motor generator set mentioned above. Fig. 2,069.—General Electric frequency changer set, consisting of a 11,000 volt synchronous motor with direct connected exciter and a 2,300 volt alternator. Frequency Changing Sets.—A frequency of 25 cycles is generally used on railway work and in large cities using the Edison three wire system, and as a 25 cycle current is not desirable for electric lighting it is necessary to change it to 60 cycles by means of a frequency changer shown in fig. 2,069 for distribution in the outlying districts. The two machines in this combination are of the same construction, only the synchronous motor would have eight poles and have the 25 cycle current passing through it, while the generator would have 20 poles and produce 62½ cycles per second at 300 revolutions per minute. By supplying the motor with 24 cycles, the generator would produce 60 cycles. Fig. 2,070.—General Electric four unit frequency changer set consisting of a 11,000 volt synchronous motor, 13,200 volt alternator, 250 volt exciter, and 440 volt starting induction motor. Where parallel operation is required between synchronous motor driven frequency changers, a mechanical adjustment is necessary between the fields or armatures of the alternator and motor to obtain equal division of the load. The adjustment can be obtained by shifting the keyway, or by special cradle construction. In the latter method, one machine is bolted to a cradle fastened to the base. By taking out the bolts, the frame can be turned around through a small angle relative to the cradle and therefore to the armature frame of the other machine, when the bolts can be replaced. It will be seen from the figure that the separate exciter is fastened on the base plate and has its armature directly connected to the shaft. Parallel Operation of Frequency Changers.—It is very difficult to construct two or more frequency changers and join them to synchronous motors so that the current wave of one When alternators are run in parallel, if one machine lag behind, the other carries the load with the result that the lightly loaded machine will speed up and get in step with the other, or in other words a synchronizing current will flow between the two alternators and tend to keep them in proper relation with respect to phase and load. Fig. 2,071.—Diagram of "Cascade" motor generator set or motor converter, as it is called in England where it is used extensively for electric railway work. In the diagram of motor armature winding, some of the connections are omitted for simplicity. The windings are Y connected, and as they are fed by wires joined to the slip rings at the right and center, the rest of the power passes to the converter windings back to rotor winding and out to the slip rings so that part of the power enters the rotor and part through the converter. Cascade Converter.—This piece of apparatus was introduced by Arnold and La Cour. Briefly, it consists of a combination of an induction motor having a wound armature and Fig. 2,072.—General Electric shunt wound booster set. Sets of this class are used in railway stations to raise the pressure of the feeders extending to distant points of the system, for storage battery charging and regulation, and in connection with the Edison three wire lighting system. The design of the various sets is closely dependent upon their application. Booster sets are constructed in either series or shunt wound types and they may be arranged for either automatic or hand regulation, depending on the nature of the service required. Where there are a number of lighting feeders connected and run at full load for only a short time each day it will generally be economical to install boosters rather than to invest in additional feeder copper. It is important, however, to consider each case where the question of installing a booster arises, as a separate problem, and to determine if the value of the power lost represents an amount lower than the interest charge on the extra copper necessary to deliver the same voltage without the use of a booster. Part of the current thus generated in the armature passes into the armature of the dynamo and is converted by the Fig. 2,073.—General Electric 9.5 kw. 1,000 R.P.M. balancer set. This is a form of direct current compensator, the units of which it is composed may be alternately motor or generator, and the secondary circuit is interconnected with the primary. Balancer sets are widely used to provide the neutral of Edison three wire lighting systems. They are also installed for power service in connection with the use of 250 volt motors on a 500 volt service or 125 volt motors on a 250 volt service. Although the balancer set may be manufactured for more than one intermediate voltage, the General Electric Company recommends the three wire system as it is simpler. The motors may be more equally divided and the reserve margin of the motor is more conservative for that class of work requiring increase in torque with decrease in speed. The voltage of the system being given, the capacity of a three wire balancer set is fixed by the maximum current the neutral wire is required to carry. This figure is a more definite specification of capacity than a statement in per cent. of unbalanced load. As designed for power work and generally for lighting service, the brushes of each machine are set at the neutral point in order to get the best results for operating alternately either as a generator or motor. Where the changes of balance are so gradual as to permit of hand adjustment if desired, a considerable increase in output is obtainable. Ques. At what speed does the machine run? Ans. Assuming equal numbers of pole, the armatures rotate at a speed corresponding to one half the circuit frequency. Figs. 2,074 and 2,075.—General Electric charging sets. Fig. 2,074 set consists of dynamo and direct current motor; fig. 2,075 set consists of a dynamo and alternating current motor. Fig. 2,074 set is equipped with 125 volt, shunt wound dynamo and 230 or 550 volt motor and range in capacity from .125 kw. to 13 kw., the speed varying from 2,250 R.P.M. in the .125 kw. set to 925 R.P.M. in the 13 kw. set with 230 volt motor. Both motor and dynamo have the same type and size of frame; these are bolted together and form a compact and symmetrical outfit, no base being necessary. Sets of the type shown in fig. 2,075 range in capacity from .2 kw. to 10 kw. and are equipped with 125 volt shunt wound dynamo and 110, 220, 440 or 550 volt two or three phase motors. If desired they can be furnished with single phase motors wound for 110 or 220 volts. The speed of this type is 1,800 R.P.M. When a motor generator set is used to charge only one battery, the insertion of a resistance between the charging dynamo and the battery is not necessary, inasmuch as all adjustments of voltage can be made by varying the field strength of the dynamo, and, therefore, there are no large losses due to resistance since the loss in the dynamo field rheostat is very small. When a motor generator set is used to charge two or more batteries of different capacities, or voltages, or which are in different conditions of charge, it is necessary to insert a resistance in series with each battery, in order that the current may be properly adjusted for each particular battery. Thus if the motor have six poles and the frequency be 50, the rotary field revolves at 50×60 ÷ 3=1,000 R.P.M. and the motor will revolve at one-half that speed or 1,000 ÷ 2=500 R.P.M. Since the connections are so arranged that these currents tend to set up in the armature a revolving field, rotating at half speed in a sense opposite to that in which the shaft is rotating at half speed, it follows that by the super-position of this revolving field upon the revolutions of the machine, the magnetic effect is equivalent to a rotation of the armature at whole speed, so that it operates in synchronism, as does the armature of a rotary converter. Half the electric input into the motor part is, therefore, turned into mechanical energy to drive the shaft, the other half acts inductively on the armature winding, generating currents therein. As to the dynamo part it is half generator, receiving mechanical power by transmission along the shaft to furnish half its output, and it is half converter, turning the currents received from the armature into direct current delivered at the brushes. Ques. What action takes place in the motor armature winding? Ans. Since it runs at one-half synchronous speed, it generates alternating current of half the supply current frequency, delivering these to the armature of the dynamo. Ques. What claim is made for this type of apparatus? Ans. The cost is said to be less than a motor generator set, and it is claimed to be self-synchronizing and to require no special starting gear, also to be 2.5 per cent. more efficient than a motor generator. Ques. How is the machine started from the high pressure side? Ans. The field winding is connected directly to the high pressure leads. The three slip ring brushes are connected with external resistances which are used while starting, the external resistances being gradually cut out of the circuit as the machine comes up to speed (the same as with an ordinary slip ring motor). Ques. How does a cascade converter compare with a synchronous converter? Ans. It is about equally expensive as the synchronous converter with its necessary bank of transformers, but is about one per cent. less efficient. It is claimed to be more desirable for frequencies above 40 on account of the improved commutation at the low frequency used in the dynamo member. For lower frequencies the synchronous converter is preferable. |