The armature of a dynamo has been defined as: a collection of coils of wire wound around an iron core, and so arranged that electric currents are induced in the wire when the armature is rotated in a magnetic field. From the mechanical point of view the armature may be said to be made up of the following parts: 1. Shaft; Of the two types of armature, ring and drum, the latter is almost universally used, hence the examples of construction which follow will be confined chiefly to this type. Shaft.—A typical armature shaft is shown in fig. 349. It is made of steel and, except in the smaller machines, is thicker in the middle than at the ends for stiffness to withstand the Ques. What is the object of providing shoulders on the shaft as in fig. 349? Ans. They serve to keep the armature in the proper position with respect to the bearings. Ques. How is the shaft proportioned? Ans. If it be proportioned to secure the proper stiffness, it will be found of ample size to resist the twisting strain. Fig. 349.—Typical shaft for an armature. The illustration shows the keyways for pulley armature and commutator. In the smaller sizes, there is usually a flange at A, and threads at B and C for retaining nuts.
Core.—In the small and medium size dynamos, the core is attached direct to the shaft. There are two kinds of core: 1. Smooth; Ques. What may be said of the smooth type of core? Ans. It has become obsolete, except in special cases, as for machines used for electrolytic work where a large current at low voltage is required. Ques. What is necessary with a smooth core? Ans. Driving horns as later described. Fig. 350.—Laminated smooth core armature partly assembled. It consists of numerous discs of thin sheet iron threaded on the shaft and pressed together by end plates. The object of this construction is to prevent eddy currents. Ques. What is a slotted core? Ans. One having a series of parallel slots, similar to the spaces between the teeth of a gear wheel, and in which the inductors are laid. Ques. What provision is made to avoid eddy current in cores? Ans. They are laminated. Ques. Describe this method of construction. Ans. The core is made of stampings of thin wrought iron or mild steel. The numerous discs stamped from the sheet metal are threaded on the shaft as in fig. 350, forming a practically solid metal mass. Fig. 351.—Sectional view of laminated smooth core armature showing end plates, flange and retaining nut. A key is provided to prevent rotation of the core with respect to the shaft. Ques. How thick are the discs? Ans. The thickness ranges from .014 inch to .025 inch, corresponding to 27 and 22 B and S gauge respectively, 27 gauge being mostly used. Ques. How are the discs held in place? Ans. By two end plates pressed together either by large nuts screwed directly on the shaft as in fig. 351, or by bolts Ques. What precaution is taken with respect to the core bolts? Ans. They are insulated from the core by tubes and washers of mica or other insulating material. Fig. 352.—Laminated armature core with through retaining bolts. In the larger sizes, these bolts are used instead of a nut threaded on the shaft on account of the large size of the latter. Ques. What is the construction of the core end plates, and why? Ans. The rims are beveled quite thin to avoid eddy currents. Ques. How is the core connected to the shaft? Ans. Since the core has the full torque exerted upon it by the drag of the inductors, it must be firmly connected to the shaft by means of a key, as shown, so that it may be positively driven.
Figs. 353 and 354.—Solid and ventilated core discs. In fig. 353, the metal cut away near the center reduces the weight and provides passages for air circulation. In some instances a forced circulation is secured by means of a fan attached to the armature, as shown in fig. 366. Insulation of Core Discs.—When the discs are stamped from very thin metal, the mere existence of a film of oxide is sufficient insulation. It is usual, however, to apply a quick drying varnish that will give a hard tough coat and not soften with heat or become brittle and crumble under vibration. The varnish may be applied either by dipping or with a japanning machine; it must be very thin, and the solvent employed should be a very volatile spirit. Forms of Armature Teeth.—The teeth stamped in the core discs are made in various shapes, depending largely on the 1. Inclined; Ques. What may be said of teeth with inclined sides? Ans. A tooth of this type is shown in fig. 356, being slightly narrower at the root than at the top, the resulting slot having parallel sides. Fig. 355.—Western Electric slotted armature core. The laminations are of sheet steel, annealed and japanned. They are mounted directly on the shaft, (except in the large sizes) and held in place by substantial end plates. Ques. What are the features of the projecting type of tooth? Ans. The projecting type is shown in figs. 357 and 358 in which the tops project; this gives a larger core area around the circumference of the armature which reduces the reluctance of the air gap, and provides projecting surfaces for retaining the inductors in the slots by the insertion of wedges. Ques. What is the object of cutting notches in teeth? Ans. They are provided for the insertion of retaining wedges, as in fig. 361; this results in less area at the top of the teeth. Ques. How should teeth be proportioned to secure most efficient operation? Ans. The width of the tooth should be about equal to the width of the slot minus twice the thickness of the slot insulation; that is, the cross sectional area of the teeth should be equal to that of the slots. Figs. 356 to 359.—Various forms of armature teeth; fig. 356 inclined type forming a slot with parallel sides; figs. 357 and 358 projecting type which provides a support for the retaining wedges; fig. 359 enclosed type which forms "tunnels" for the inductors. Advantages and Defects of Slotted Armatures.—The slotted armature, sometimes called the Pacinotti armature, after its inventor, has the following advantages over the smooth type: 1. The inductors are held more firmly in place to resist stresses due to electromagnetic drag and centrifugal force; 2. The inductors are protected by the teeth against mechanical injury; 3. Less reluctance of the air gap; 4. The intermittent induction due to the presence of the teeth prevents the formation of eddy currents. 5. When the teeth are saturated they oppose the shifting of the lines due to armature reaction. Figs. 360 and 361.—Projecting and notched teeth; cross sections showing inductors and retaining wedges in place. The disadvantages of slotted armatures compared with the smooth type are: 1. Greater hysteresis loss, caused by denser flux in the teeth; 2. Generation of eddy currents in the polar faces when the latter are not of laminated construction; 3. Greater self-induction in the armature coils; 4. Construction more expensive; 5. Leakage of magnetic lines through core, exterior to winding.
Slotted Cores; Built Up Construction.—In the case of large dynamos, the core discs are built up in order to reduce the cost of construction; the following parts are used: 1. Spider; Figs. 362 and 363.—Side and end view of built up armature core. The sheet metal ring sections containing the teeth are fastened into dovetail notches in the spider as shown. The layers of ring sections are placed so as to break joints and are held by end clamps and through bolts B. Distance pieces are inserted at intervals to provide ventilating spaces D, D, D. Ques. What is the approved method of core construction in large armatures? Ans. The core should be of the built up construction to avoid waste of material in the stampings. Ques. Describe the construction of a built up core. Ans. Ring sections stamped, from sheet metal are fastened to a central support or spider, which consists of an iron hub Fig. 364.—Built up core with four spoke spider, each spoke carrying two dovetail notches In this construction a little more air space is obtained for ventilation than where a separate spoke is provided for each notch.
Ventilation.—In the operation of a dynamo more or less heat is generated, depending on the load; hence it is desirable that provision be made to carry off some of this heat to prevent excessive rise of temperature. Fig. 365.—Hub and shaft design on large machines to reduce the machine work and facilitate erecting. Ques. Why do armature cores heat? Ans. They heat from these causes: eddy currents, hysteresis, and heat generated in the inductors. Ques. How is adequate ventilation secured? Ans. The spider is constructed with as much open space as possible through which air currents may circulate. The core Fig. 366.—Western Electric barrel wound armature, having a fan attached at one end to induce a circulation of air for ventilation. Ques. What other provision is sometimes made to secure ventilation? Ans. In some machines a forced circulation of air is secured by means of a fan attached to one end of the armature as shown in fig. 366. Insulation of Core.—Before the winding is assembled on the core, the latter should be thoroughly insulated. Japan or enamel insulation is not sufficient because it is liable to have bubbles or minute holes in it, or be pierced by particles of metal or by the rough edges of the core discs. Two or more layers of strong paper, fibre, canvas or mica, should be applied to the Fig. 367.—Holzer Cabot partially wound barrel wound armature showing arrangement of coils. The core is built up of thin discs of soft annealed steel, which are slotted to allow the wire to sink below the surface, this being sometimes called iron clad construction. The discs are held by end plates, clamped without through bolts. The coils are machine formed of round ribbon or bar copper depending on the size and purpose of the machine, being without joint except at the commutator. They lie in insulated troughs, the upper layers being insulated from the lower layers by fibre. Armature Windings.—The subject of windings has been fully treated from the theoretical point of view in chapter XVIII. It remains then to explain the different methods employed in the shop and the mechanical devices used to construct the scheme of winding adopted. Ques. What is the construction of the inductors? Ans. They are made of copper; the ordinary form consists of simple copper wire, insulated with a double or triple covering of cotton, and in some cases copper bars are used for large current machines. Ques. What is the objection to copper bars? Ans. They are liable to have eddy currents set up in them as illustrated in fig. 291. Fig. 368.—Holzer Cabot iron clad band wound armature complete; view showing openings for ventilation. The advantage of the form of winding adopted, is the ease with which a coil may be replaced in case of injury and the additional cooling surface. The coils are held in place by maple wedges secured by binding wires which are soldered throughout their length. Ques. What may be said with respect to the sizes of wire used for inductors? Ans. Wire larger than about number 8 B and S gauge (.1285 inch diameter) is not easily handled, hence for large inductors, two or more wires may be wound together in parallel. According to the mechanical features and manner of assembling on the core, drum windings may be divided into several classes, as follows: 1. Hand winding; Hand Winding.—The first windings were put on by hand and proved objectionable on account of the clumsy overlapping of the wires at the ends of the armature, which stops ventilation and hinders repairs, while the outer layers overlying those first wound, bring into close proximity inductors of widely varying voltage. The method is still used in special cases and for small machines. Such a winding has rarely, if ever, been made with one continuous wire. Figs. 369 and 370.—Evolute and "straight out" connectors. In small machines the connectors must be curved as in fig. 369, but in large machines, especially where the teeth are wide, they may be straight as in fig. 370. These connectors may take either of the following forms: 1. involute or evolute connectors—An involute is the curve drawn by the extremity of a piece of string which is unwound from a cylinder; 2. spiral connectors—These consist of double spirals, the commutator being usually connected to the junction of the two spirals. These connectors are also known as "butterfly" connectors. Evolute or Butterfly Winding.—This mode of winding, was introduced by Siemens for electroplating dynamos to overcome the objections to hand winding. It takes its name from the method of uniting the inductors by means of spiral end connectors as shown in fig. 374, also in figs. 369 and 370, which show more modern forms. Fig. 371.—Holzer Cabot armature; rear view showing back head and coil guard. The construction of core and winding is described in fig. 367. The shaft is of crucible steel ground to gauge. The commutator segments are of drop forged copper in the smaller and hard-drawn copper in the larger sizes. The insulating material between the segments is mica. On the larger sizes, the commutator shell is fitted with a thread and mounted on a spider. This construction provides openings between the commutator and shaft for ventilation. Ques. What are evolute connectors? Ans. The fork shaped strips used to connect bars at different positions on the armature, as shown in fig. 369.
Figs. 372 and 373.—Barrel and evolute windings; end views showing placement of coils. When all the coils are wound on the former, the placing of them on the armature is a simple matter. After insulating the slots, the winder begins at any convenient slot, and inserts the coils as shown. Before he can fill all the slots, some of the first coils must be raised and the last ones inserted underneath. There is not much difference between barrel and evolute winding and one style may be used at one end of the armature and the other at the opposite end. Ques. How are the inductors arranged in evolute winding? Ans. In fig. 373, it will be seen that the ends of the evolute connectors lie in two planes, hence the inductors must project to different distances beyond the core. Accordingly, one long and one short bar may be conveniently placed in each slot, side by side. In large machines, especially where the teeth are wide, Fig. 374.—Siemens' bar armature; end view. Each inductor in the form of a bar is connected to the next by means of two evolute spiral copper strips, one bending inwardly, the other outwardly, their junction being in some cases secured to a block of wood upon the shaft. Their outer ends are attached to the bars by rivets or silver solder. Barrel Winding.—This is a form of drum winding in which the inductors are arranged in two layers and carried out obliquely on an extension of the cylindrical surface of the drum to meet and connect with radial risers. Figs. 375 and 376.—Single layer and double layer barrel winding. Barrel winding is a method of arranging the ends of armature coils as they pass from one pole to the next, in which, instead of using involute or butterfly connections, V-shaped end connections are used which lie on a cylindrical surface, which is a continuation of the armature surface. The coil ends must of necessity be arranged in two layers, but the method may be used for either one or two coils per slot, the difference in arrangement for these is here illustrated.
Fig. 377.—Westinghouse barrel wound armature. The coils are former wound from copper strap and are interchangeable. In the larger size machine they are of the single type. The illustration shows plainly the characteristic feature of barrel winding, namely the oblique end connectors carried out on the extended drum. Bastard Winding.—In this type of winding, the end connectors project from the inductors in straight lines parallel to the shaft and then are bent inward. It has the Fig. 378.—Rear end of Westinghouse wave-barrel wound armature; view showing ventilation. Former Winding.—This relates to a method of winding coils, and not to any particular type; that is, mechanical winding as distinguished from hand winding. While hand winding is necessary for ring armatures, a drum armature is wound better and more easily by the aid of machinery. Ques. What is a "former" coil? Ans. A former coil, as its name suggests, is one that is wound complete upon a former before being placed upon the armature. Ques. What is the advantage of this method of winding coils? Ans. By the use of formers much time is saved, thus reducing the cost, and also by their use all the coils are symmetrical which improves the appearance of the finished winding. Figs. 379 and 380.—Diagrams illustrating lap and wave barrel windings. Ques. How is the required shape of the template or former for winding the coils determined? Ans. By winding one coil on the armature in order to ascertain its dimensions and shape; it is then removed from the armature and used as a pattern in constructing the former. Types of Former Coil.—Of the numerous shapes of former coil, mention should be made of: 1. Evolute coils; Ques. Describe the evolute type of former coil. Ans. The evolute coil is wound around eight pins inserted in a board as shown in fig. 381. The required number of turns are taken around these pins and their ends G and H left projecting. The coil thus formed is now covered with tape and after removal from the board, is put into a clamp at C and F, and opened up as shown in fig. 382, which is the form required for insertion in the proper slots of the armature. Fig. 381.—Method of winding evolute coils. In preparing the former, it is necessary to know the dimensions of the coil, hence, a pattern coil must first be made, from which the spacing of the pins can be taken so that the completed coil will fit into the slots for which it is intended. After the pins have been properly spaced on the board, the wire is wound around them as indicated, as many turns being taken as decided on for each coil. When the coil is thus completely wound, it is taken from the pins, and the lower ends, C and F, placed in a suitable clamp. The two halves of the coil are then spread apart, the coil assuming the shape illustrated in fig. 382. Fig. 382.—Appearance of an evolute former wound coil opened out. The points A, B, C, etc., correspond to similar points in fig. 381. Ques. What is the peculiarity of the evolute coil? Ans. The two sides of the evolute coil have unequal dimensions. The part marked AB, in fig. 381 which is an upper layer inductor is longer than the part DE, which constitutes a lower layer inductor. The portions DC and EF act as parts of an inner layer of evolutes, and the portions AF and BC as parts of an outer layer of evolutes. These features are shown in fig. 382. Ques. How are evolute coils placed on the core? Ans. They are placed in position as shown in figs. 372 and 373, continuing around the core until all the slots are filled. To complete the operation it is necessary to raise some of the first laid coils and insert the last ones below them. The winding is thus completed and is symmetrical. Fig. 383.—Westinghouse combination bastard and barrel winding. A bastard winding at the rear end is combined with a barrel winding at the commutator end, as shown in the illustration, to secure better ventilation. Ques. Describe the method of winding the "straight out" type of former coil. Ans. The straight out coil may be wound on a former such as shown in fig. 384. This consists of a board having four upright pins, A, B, D, E, properly spaced and two horizontal pins C, F, attached to extensions at each end of the board. A coil of the required number of turns is wound around these pins and then opened out as in fig. 385. After varnishing and baking it is ready to be placed on the armature. Ques. For what class of winding are straight out former coils suitable? Ans. For barrel winding. Fig. 384.—Method of winding "straight out" coils. There are several ways of making these coils. A former may be prepared, as shown in the figure, with a board having inserted four pins, and having attached two blocks at the ends carrying horizontal pins as shown. Around the several pins, the coil is wound to the required number of turns and taped. This coil differs from the evolute coil in that the two halves are of equal size, the parts which act respectively as upper and under inductor being of equal length. The coil as shown is suitable for wave winding. Fig. 385.—Appearance of straight out coil after being opened out. In opening out the coil, the ends C and F are put into a clamp and twisted at right angles to the plane of the coil. The letters correspond to the points indicated in fig. 384. Ques. How are straight out coils placed on the core? Ans. In the same manner as described for evolute coils; when in position straight out coils appear as in fig. 372. Ques. What is the approved method of putting tape on a coil? Ans. Considerable time is saved by the use of a machine designed for the purpose, such as shown in fig. 387. Fig. 386.—Another and simpler method of winding a "straight out" coil. A board with only two pins is employed as shown; this plan, however, gives more trouble in the subsequent opening out of the coil.
Coil Retaining Devices.—In the operation of a dynamo there are two forces which tend to throw the inductors out of position: 1. Armature drag; Both of these forces are present with smooth core armatures, but only centrifugal force with slotted armatures. The devices used to hold the inductors in position against these forces are: 1. Driving horns; Ques. What are driving horns? Ans. They are simply pins or strips projecting from the surface of a smooth core as shown in fig. 251. Fig. 387.—Armature coil taping machine. Numerous machines have been invented for taping armature coils. They consist essentially of a device which revolves a roll of tape around the coil, in such a direction that the tape is unwound from the roll and rewound on the coil. The speed at which the coil is fed through the machine will determine the overlapping of the tape. Ques. What other kinds of retainer are used on smooth core armatures? Ans. They require several binding ribbons or brass bands placed around the winding to prevent the inductors being thrown off the core by centrifugal force. Ques. With slotted armatures what provision must be made for retaining the inductors in position? Ans. Retaining wedges must be inserted into the notches or between the projecting tops of the teeth. Fig. 388.—Front view of large armature for direct connected dynamo, built by the General Electric Co. Ques. How are the wedges made? Ans. They are usually made of well baked hard wood, such as hornbeam, or hard white vulcanized fibre. Sometimes a springy strip of German silver is used. |