To connect up rightly the inductors on an armature so as to produce a desired result is a simple matter in the case of ring winding, for bipolar or multipolar machines. It is a less easy matter in the case of drum winding, especially for multipolar machines. Often there are several different ways of arriving at the same result, and the fact that methods which are electrically equivalent may be geometrically and mechanically different makes it desirable to have a systematic method of treating the subject. The elementary arrangement of drum and disc armatures has already been considered, which is sufficient explanation for small armature coils of only a few turns of wire, but in the case of larger machines which require many coils, further treatment of the subject is necessary.
Winding Diagrams and Winding Tables.—In the construction of armatures, instructions to winders are given in the form of diagrams and tables. In the tables the letters F and B stand for front and back, meaning toward the front end, and from the front end respectively. The letters U and D stand for up and down. Fig. 254.—End of ring winding for a four pole machine. An end view is simply a view showing the arrangement of the armature inductors and connections looking from the front or commutator end. A developed view of the above winding is shown in fig. 257. There are three kinds of winding diagram: 1. End view diagram; The end view is simply a view showing the arrangement of the armature inductors and connections looking from the front or commutator end, such as shown in fig. 254. In the radial diagram the inductors of the armature are represented by short radial lines, while the end connectors are represented by curves or zigzags, those at one end of the armature being drawn within, those at the other end, without the circumference of the armature. With the radial diagram it is easier to follow the circuits and to distinguish the back and front pitch of the winding. Fig. 255.—Partial sketch of a four pole machine laid on its side. If the observer imagine himself placed at the center, and the panorama of the four poles to be then laid out flat, the developed view thus obtained would appear as in fig. 256. The developed diagram is a mode of representation, originally suggested by Fritsche of Berlin, in which the armature winding is considered as though the entire structure had been developed out of a flat surface. This is best explained by aid of figs. 255 and 256.
Lap Winding and Wave Winding.—In winding armatures there are two distinct methods employed, known respectively as lap and wave winding. The distinction arises in the following manner: Since the inductors, in passing a north pole generate electromotive forces in one direction, and in passing a south pole generate electromotive forces in the opposite direction, it is evident that an inductor in one of these groups ought to be connected to one in nearly a corresponding position in the other group, so that the current may flow down one and up the other in agreement with the directions of the electromotive forces. The order followed in making these connections gives rise to lap and wave windings. Fig. 256.—Developed view of the four pole field shown in perspective in fig. 255. Ques. What is lap winding? Ans. One in which the ends of the coils come back to adjacent segments of the commutator; the coils of such a winding lap over each other. Ques. What is a wave winding? Ans. One in which the coil ends diverge and go to segments widely separated, the winding to a certain extent resembling a wave. Fig. 257.—Development of ring winding of four pole machine shown in fig. 254. The dead wire or inactive inductors on the inside of the ring are shown in dotted lines, the full lines representing the active portion of the winding. Angular Pitch or Spread of Drum Coils.—Before taking up the winding as a whole, the form of the individual coil should be considered. Fig. 260 shows an end view of one coil in position on a drum armature of a multipolar machine. The two slots X and Y contain the sides of the coil and the distance between them on the surface of the drum is called the angular pitch or spread of the coil. Theoretically this is equal to the Figs. 258 and 259.—Wooden armature core and winding table for practice in armature winding. By using strings of different colors to represent the various coils, the path of each coil is easily traced when the winding is completed, as in fig. 263.
Fig. 260.—End view of drum armature of a multipolar machine showing one coil in position to illustrate the angular pitch or spread of drum coils. Parallel or Lap Drum Winding.—In order to avoid much of the difficulty usually experienced by students of drum winding, the beginner should construct for himself a wooden armature core upon which he can wind strings of various colors, or wires with distinctive insulation, to represent the numerous coils that are used on real armatures. A few windings attempted in this way will make clear many points that cannot be so easily grasped from a written description. The type of drum core best adapted for this work is the slotted variety as shown in fig. 258, as it will facilitate the winding. The core as shown in the illustration has twelve slots and six commutator segments, the number of each required for the example of lap winding indicated in the winding table fig. 259.
Fig. 261.—Developed view of a typical lap winding. From the figure it is seen that at the back of the armature each inductor is united to one five places further on, that is, 1 to 6, 3 to 8, etc., and at the front end of the winding, after having made one "element," as for example d-7-12-e, then forms a second element e-9-14-f which "laps" over the first, and so on all around until the winding returns on itself. Ques. Describe the simple lap winding fig. 259. Ans. As given in the table, it consists of six loops of wire presenting twelve inductors on the cylindrical surface of the core or drum. In the table, six wires are shown, having Ques. What is the path of the first coil? Ans. According to the table it is: Fig. 262.—Skeleton view of wooden armature core showing in position the first two coils of the winding indicated in the table fig. 259. Ques. Describe the path of the second coil. Ans. The second coil, having the block insulation, is wound according to the table, in the order:
Fig. 263.—View of completed winding as indicated in the table fig. 259. Thus the path of the first coil, according to the table is A-1-6-B which means that the coil begins at segment A of the commutator, rises to slot 1, and proceeds through the slot to the back of the drum; thence across the back to slot 6, through the slot and ending at segment B. The other coils are wound in similar order as indicated in the table. Ques. How are the remaining coils wound on the drum? Ans. Each of the succeeding coils are wound as indicated in the table, the last connection being made to segment A, the one from which the winding started. Ques. What is the general form of the completed winding? Ans. It may be considered simply as a wire wound spirally around the drum, with loops brought down to the commutator segments, and ending at the segment from which the start was made. Fig. 264.—Developed view of the winding shown in perspective in fig. 263. Ques. What condition must obtain in winding an even number of coils? Ans. The wire must not be wound around the drum to diametrically opposite positions, as for instance 1 to 7 in fig. 265. Ques. Why is this? Ans. The reason will be clearly seen by attempting the winding on the wooden core. A winding of this kind on the drum fig. 258, would proceed as follows:
In order now to continue winding in a regular way, the wire from segment d should pass to the rear of the armature along space 7, but this space is already occupied by the return of the first coil. Continuing the winding from this point, it would be necessary to carry the wire from segment d to 6 or 8, resulting in an unbalanced winding. Fig. 265.—Lap winding for bipolar machine, with uneven number of coils; in this case the rear connectors may be made directly across a diameter as shown. Ques. How is a symmetrical winding obtained having an even number of coils? Ans. The inductors, in passing from the front to the rear of the armature, fig. 263, must occupy positions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and the even numbered positions will then serve as the returns for these wires.
Fig. 266.—Developed view of a typical wave winding. This winding, instead of lapping back toward the commutator segment from whence it came, as in lap winding, turns the other way. For instance, d-7-12 does not return directly to e, but goes on to i, whence another element i-17-4-e continues in a sort of zigzag wave. Ques. Are coils such as shown in figs. 263 and 265 used in practice? Ans. No, for practical use each coil would consist of several turns, the diagram then merely indicates the end connections and slots for the several turns of each coil. Series or Wave Drum Winding.—In this mode of winding, the inductors are arranged around the armature so that they do not turn back, thus describing a zigzag or wave-like path; that Ques. Describe the circuits of a simple or simplex wave winding. Ans. Only two sets of brushes are required for such a winding, but as many brushes as there are poles can be used. Fig. 267.—Five coil wave winding for a four pole machine. In this winding only two brushes are used, there being only two paths through the armature. Ques. For what service are wave windings adapted? Ans. They are generally used on armatures designed to furnish a current of high voltage and low amperage.
Double Windings.—In the various drum windings thus far considered, each coil had its individual slots, that is, no two occupied the same two slots. This arrangement gave twice the number of slots as commutator segments. Fig. 268.—Developed view of the five coil wave winding shown in fig. 267. In a double winding there are as many segments as slots, each of the latter containing two inductors, comprising part of two coils. The Siemens Winding.—In winding drum armatures for bipolar dynamos of two horse power or less, and especially for very small machines as used in fan or sewing machine motors, a form of winding, known as the Siemens winding, which is shown in fig. 271, is largely used. It consists in dividing the surface of the armature core in one equal number of slots, say 16, and using a 16 part commutator.
Fig. 269.—Series connected wave wound ring armature for a four pole machine. The coils are so connected that only two brushes are necessary.
Fig. 270.—Developed view of the series connected wave wound ring armature shown in fig. 269.
Ques. What is the objection to the Siemens winding just described? Ans. It produces an unsightly head where the wires pass Ques. How may this be avoided? Ans. By using the chord windings of Froehlich or Breguet, which are improvements over the Siemens in appearance and are more easily carried out. Fig. 271.—End view of an armature, showing the distinction between Siemens' winding and chord winding. Chord Winding.—In cases where the front and back pitches2 are so taken that the average pitch differs considerably from the value obtained by dividing the number of inductors by the number of poles, the arrangement is called a chord winding. In this method each coil is laid on the drum so as to cover an arc of the armature surface nearly equal to the angular pitch of the poles; it is sometimes called short pitch winding. Ques. What is the difference between the Siemens winding and the chord winding? Ans. This is illustrated in fig. 271, which shows one end of an armature. In the Siemens winding, a wire starting, say at A, crosses the head and enters the slot marked B. If it enters slot C it is a chord winding. Ques. Describe a chord winding. Ans. The winding is started in the same manner as described in the Siemens method, only instead of crossing the head and returning in the section diametrically opposite, the section A C, fig. 271, next to it is used for the return of the wire to the front end. Leads for connecting to the commutator are left at the beginning and end of each section as before stated and the only difference between the two methods will be noticed when the first layer is nearly complete in that two sections lying next to each other have no wire in them. This will cause the winder to think he has made a mistake, but by continuing the winding and filling in these blank spaces in regular order when the two layers are completed, all the sections will be filled with an equal number of turns and there will be the required number of leads from the coils to connect up to the commutator bars. Ques. How many paths in the chord winding just described? Ans. Two. Multiplex Windings.—An armature may be wound with two or more independent sets of coils. Instead of independent commutators for the several windings, they are combined into one having two or more sets of segments interplaced around the circumference. Thus, in the case of two windings, the brush comes in contact alternately with segments of each set. Ques. What is the effect of a multiplex winding? Ans. It reduces the tendency to sparking, because only half of the current is commutated at a time, and also because adjacent commutator bars belong to different windings. Fig. 272.—A progressive wave winding. If the front and back pitches of a wave winding be such that in tracing the course of the winding through as many coils as there are pairs of poles, a segment is reached in advance of the one from which the start was made, the winding is said to be progressive. The figure shows three coils of a winding having 18 inductors. From the definition, the number of coils to consider to determine if the winding be progressive is equal to the number of poles divided by 2, which in this case is equal to 2. These coils are shown in the figure as follows: A—1—4—F and F—11—14—B. The second coil ends at segment B which is in advance of segment A from which the winding began, indicating that the winding is progressive. Fig. 272 is given simply to illustrate the definition of a progressive winding, and not to represent a practical winding. Ques. Does an accident to one winding disable the machine? Ans. No, it simply reduces its current capacity. Ques. Can multiplex windings have more than two windings? Ans. Yes, there may be three or four windings. Ques. What is the objection to increasing the number of windings? Ans. It involves an increased number of inductors and commutator segments, which is undesirable in small machines, but for large ones might be allowable. Fig. 273.—A retrogressive wave winding. If the pitches be such that in tracing the winding through as many coils as there are pairs of poles, the first segment of the commutator is not encountered or passed over, the winding is said to be retrogressive. The number of coils to consider is two, as follows: A-1-4-D and D-7-10-G. The second coil ends at G, hence, since the segment A where the start was made has not been reached or passed over the winding is retrogressive. Fig. 273 is given simply to illustrate the definition of retrogressive winding, and not to represent a practical winding.
Ques. What loss is reduced with multiplex windings? Ans. In these windings, the division of what otherwise would be very stout inductors into several smaller ones, has the effect of reducing eddy current loss. Ques. For what service are machines with multiplex windings specially adapted? Ans. Multiplex windings are used in machines intended to supply large currents at low voltages, such as is required in electrolytic work. Number of Brushes Required.—The number of places on the commutator at which it is necessary or advisable to place a set of collecting brushes can be ascertained from the winding diagrams. All that is necessary is to draw arrows marking the directions of the induced electromotive forces. Wherever two arrow heads meet at any segment of the commutator, a positive brush is to be placed, and at every point from which two arrows start in opposed directions along the winding, a negative brush should be placed. Ques. How many brushes are required for lap windings and ordinary parallel ring windings? Ans. There will be as many brushes as poles, and they will be situated symmetrically around the commutator in regular order and at angular distances apart equal to the pole pitch.
Ques. How many brushes are required for wave windings? Ans. If arrows be drawn marking the direction of the induced electromotive forces to determine the number of brushes, it will be found that only two brushes are required for any number of poles. Ques. What is the angle between these two brushes? Ans. It is the same as the angle between any north and south pole.
Figs. 274 and 275.—Right and left hand windings. These consist respectively of turns which pass around the core in a right or left handed fashion. Thus in fig. 274, in passing around the circle clockwise from a to b, the path of the winding is a right handed spiral. In fig. 275, which shows one coil of a drum armature, if a be taken as the starting point, in going to b, a must be connected by a spiral connector across the front end of the drum to one of the descending inductors such as M, from which at the back end another connector must join it to one of the ascending inductors, such as S, where it is led to b, thus making one right handed turn. Sometimes with lap winding it is desirable to reduce the number of brushes. In fig. 276, is shown the distribution of currents in a four pole lap wound machine having four brushes and generating 120 amperes. In each of the four circuits the flow is 30 amperes, and the current delivered to each brush is 60 amperes. If now two of the brushes be removed, the current through each of the remaining two will be 120 amperes, while Fig. 276.—Distribution of armature currents in a four pole lap wound dynamo having four brushes and generating 120 amperes. Ques. Are more than two brushes ever used with wave winding? Ans. It is sometimes advisable to use more than two brushes with wave windings, especially when the current is very large.
Number of Armature Circuits.—It is possible to have windings that give any desired even number of circuits in machines having any number of poles. Fig. 277.—Showing effect of removing two of the brushes in fig. 275. If no spark difficulties occur in collecting the current with only two brushes, the arrangement will work satisfactorily, but the heat losses will be greater than with four brushes. Ques. How many paths are possible in parallel? Ans. For a simplex spirally wound ring, the number of paths in parallel is equal to the number of poles, and for a simplex series wound ring, there will be two paths. In the case of multiplex windings the number of paths is equal to that of the simplex winding multiplied by the number of independent windings.
Equalizer Rings.—These are rings resembling a series of hoops provided in a parallel wound armature to eliminate the effects of "unbalancing," by which the current divides unequally among the several paths through the armature. By means of leads, equalizer rings connect points of equal potential in the winding and so preserve an equalization of current. Fig. 278.—Rear view of armature of a large dynamo built by the General Electric Co., showing equalizer rings. Ques. In multipolar machines what points are connected by equalizer rings? Ans. Any two or more points in the winding, that during the rotation, are at nearly equal potentials.
Drum Winding Requirements.—There are several conditions that must be satisfied by a closed coil drum winding: 1. There cannot be an odd number of inductors;
2. Both the front and back pitches must be odd in simplex windings. 3. The average pitch should be approximately equal to the number of inductors divided by the number of poles.
The choice of front and back pitch for a given number of inductors should, with lap and wave windings in general, comply with the following conditions: 1. All the coils composing the winding must be similar, both mechanically and electrically, and must be arranged symmetrically upon the armature. 2. Each inductor of a simplex winding must be encountered once only, and the winding must be re-entrant. 3. Each simplex winding composing a multiplex winding must fulfill the requirement for a simplex winding. 4. A singly re-entrant multiplex winding must as a whole satisfy the requirement for a simplex winding. In addition to the above requirements for lap and wave windings in general, lap windings must comply with the following conditions: 1. The front and back pitches must be opposite in sign; 2. The front and back pitches must be unequal;
3. The front and back pitches must differ by two; 4. In multiplex windings, the front and back pitches must differ by two multiplied by the number of independent simplex windings composing the multiplex winding; 5. The number of slots on a slotted armature may be even or odd; 6. The number of inductors must be an even number; it may be a multiple of the number of slots; In the case of wave windings the several conditions to be fulfilled may be stated as follows: 1. The front and back pitches must be alike in sign; 2. The front and back pitches may be equal or they may differ by any multiple of two.