The armature of a dynamo consists of coils of insulated wire wound around an iron core, and so arranged that electric currents are induced in the wire when the armature is rotated in a magnetic field or the field magnets rotated and armature held stationary.
Ques. What are the practical objections to the elementary armature, described in fig. 165? Ans. It induces a very feeble current, which is not of constant pressure, but pulsating; that is, it consists of two pronounced impulses in each revolution as shown in fig. 168. Ques. Why does the elementary armature produce a pulsating current? Ans. The pulsations are due to the coil moving alternately into, and out of, the positions of best and least action in the magnetic field. Ques. How is a continuous current, or one of uniform pressure obtained? Ans. If an additional coil be added to the elementary armature, at right angles to the existing coil, and its ends suitably connected to a four part commutator, as in fig. 185, so that Fig. 247.—Ring armature of four pole dynamo: diagram of winding and connections, showing direction of the induced currents. The currents in the windings under the upper N and S poles are opposed to each other and flow to the external circuit by the positive brush 1, and back to this half of the armature by the negative brushes 3 and 4. At the same instant the opposed currents in the lower windings flow to the external circuit by positive brush 2 and return to the armature through negative brushes 3 and 4. The armature is thus divided into four circuits and four brushes are required which must be placed between the poles so as to short circuit the coils as they pass through the neutral space. In this form of winding there is no difference of potential between the + brushes, so that they are connected in parallel, as are also the negative brushes, and then to the external circuit. In multipolar machines there are as many brushes as pole pieces. Since opposite commutator bars are of the same potential on this four pole dynamo they may be joined by a cross connecting wire and two brushes, as 2 and 4, dispensed with. This can only be done when there is an even number of coils. The armature is said to be "cross connected."
Types of Armature.—Although there are many forms of armature, all may be divided into three classes, according to the arrangement of the coils or winding on the core, as: 1. Ring armatures;
Fig. 248.—Early form of Gramme ring armature, the core being shown cut through, and some of the coils displaced to make it clearer. The core, F, consists of a quantity of iron wire wound continuously to form a ring of the shape shown by the section. Over this is wound about thirty coils of insulated copper wire, B C D, etc., the direction of the winding of each being the same, and their adjacent ends connected together. The commutator segments consist of a corresponding number of brass angle pieces, m, n, which are fixed against the wooden boss, o, carried on the driving shaft. The junction of every two adjacent coils is connected to one of the commutator segments, as shown at n. Ques. What is the comparison between ring and drum armatures? Ans. The drum armature is electrically and mechanically the more efficient, possessing, as it does, possibilities in the way of better mechanical construction of the core, and in the Fig. 249.—Modern form of Gramme ring armature. The core consists of a number of thin flat rings of well annealed charcoal iron, the outer diameter of each ring or disc being 11½ inches, and its inner diameter 9¼ inches. Sheets of thin paper insulate each disc from its neighbors to prevent the flow of eddy currents. The armature is mounted on a steel shaft to which is keyed a four armed metal "spider," the extremities of whose arms fit into notches cut in the inner edges of the soft iron core rings, so that a good mechanical connection is obtained between the core and the shaft. The spider is made of a non-magnetic metal, to reduce the tendency to leakage of lines of force across the interior of the armature. The armature inductors consist of cotton covered copper wire of No. 9 standard wire gauge, wound around the core in one layer, and offering a resistance, from brush to brush, of 0.048 ohm. There are two convolutions in each section, the adjacent ends of neighboring sections being soldered to radial lugs projecting from the commutator bars. Ques. Describe a ring armature. Ans. It consists essentially of an iron ring, around which is wound a number of coils. These various coils are wound on separately, the wire being carried over the outside of the ring, then through the center opening and again around the outside, this operation being repeated until the winding for that individual section is completed. The adjacent coil is then wound in the same way, the ends of each being brought out to the commutator side of the armature, the arrangement of Ques. For what conditions of operation is the ring armature specially adapted, and why? Ans. It is well suited to the generation of small currents at high voltage, as for series arc lighting, because the numerous coils can be very well insulated. Fig. 250.—Distribution of magnetic lines of force through a Gramme ring. Since the metal of the ring furnishes a path of least reluctance, most of the magnetic lines will follow the metal of the ring and very few will penetrate into the aperture of the interior. This condition causes a serious defect in the action of ring armatures rendering the winding around the interior useless for the production of electromotive force. Hence, in ring armatures only about half of the winding is effective, the rest or "dead wire," adding its resistance to the circuit, thus decreasing the efficiency of the machine. Ques. Why does a ring armature require more copper in the winding than a drum armature? Ans. For the reason that those inductors which lie on the inner side of the iron ring, being screened from practically all the lines of force, as shown in fig. 250, do not generate any current.
Ques. Is any portion of the winding of a drum armature inactive? Ans. Yes; the end connectors do not generate any current. Fig. 251.—Illustrating the principle of Siemens' drum winding. In order to make the winding and connections clear, one coil and the commutator is shown assembled, although the latter is not put in place until after all the sections have been wound, the ends of the wires being temporarily twisted together until all can be soldered to the risers. The cores of these early machines were of wood overspun circumferentially with iron wire before receiving the longitudinal copper windings. Ques. What is the chief advantage of the drum armature? Ans. It reduces considerably the large amount of dead wire necessary with the ring type. Ques. How is this accomplished? Ans. By winding the wire entirely on the outer surface of a cylinder or drum, as it is called, as shown in fig. 251, thus none of the wire is screened by the metal of the core. Fig. 252.—Elementary four coil drum winding, showing the connections with the commutator segments, and directions of currents in the several coils. The action of this type of armature is fully explained in the text.
Disc Armatures.—The inductors of a disc armature move in a plane, perpendicular to the direction of the lines of force, about an axis parallel to them as shown in fig. 253. The main difficulty with this type has been in constructing it so that it will be strong and capable of resisting wear and tear. It was introduced in an effort to avoid the losses due to eddy currents and hysteresis present in the other types of armature. Fig. 253.—Disc armature of Niaudet. It is equivalent to a ring armature, having the coils turned through an angle of 90°, so that all the coils lie in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation. The connections of the coils with each other and with the commutator remain the same, the beginning and the end of adjacent coils leading to a common commutator bar as shown. The magnetic field is arranged by the use of two magnets, so arranged as to present the north pole of one to the south pole of the other, and vice versa. In the figure one of these magnets is considered as above the paper, and the other below. If this armature be rotated through the magnetic field as shown, a reversal of current takes place in each coil, when it is in such a position that one of its diameters coincides with the pole line, NS. If the brushes be set so as to short circuit the coils that are in this position, the armature will be divided into two branchings, the current flowing in an opposite direction in each, and a direct current will flow in the exterior circuit.