Capitulum nonum


lust riding a goat


Orth than went dyscrecyon and I

Out of the castell into a grene

Where byrdys sange by grete melody

There daunst also the fayre quene

Besyde a ryuer named Ephesene

Ouer whiche we wente to the other syde

That was a medowe both longe and wyde

Longe there we wandred tyll at the last

We came vnto a ryght grete wyldernes

By that tyme Phebus was ouer past

Wherfore we walked in grete derkenes

The whiche to me was a grete heuynes

For Lucyna eke dyd her shrowde

Vnder a blacke and mysty clowde

For she was horned and no thynge cleere

And entred into the sygne of caprycorne

Ryght ferre from phebus fulgent speere

And not ayenst hym the crowne had worne

I went vp and downe tyll on the morne

That phebus his golden reyes dyd sprede

Than dyscrecyon ferther forth me lede

Amonge thornes sharpe & bestes wylde

There was the lyon the wolf & the bere

But I coude mete nother man ne chylde

But many serpentes that dyde me fere

And by a swete smelle I knewe a pantere

So forth I went by longe contynuaunce

Tyll that I sawe an herber of pleasaunce

To whiche I toke anone my waye

Where that I sawe a lady excellent

Rydynge on a goote in fresshe arraye

Ryght yonge of age & lusty of entent

Prayenge me to her for to assent

As to fulfyll the flesshly pleasure

Whiche she desyred me out of mesure

Nay sayd dyscrecyon that may not be

No sayd I in no maner of wyse

To her request I wyll now agree

But euermore here foule lust despyse

For I my selfe do now aduyse

To kepe me chast that I may mary

Fayre dame Clennes that noble lady

riches riding an elephant


O forth I went walkynge my iournay

Metynge a lady olde and amyable

Syttynge in a castell both fressh and gay

On an olyphauntes backe in strength so stable

Whiche it to bere was good and able

Hauynge in her hande a cup of golde

Sette with perles ryght many afolde

She sayd she was the lady of rychesse

The quene of welth and worldely glory

Praynge me to company with her noblenesse

And she than wolde promote me shortely

To innumerable ryches and make me worthy

Where I am poore and sette by nought

By her to worshyp I sholde be brought

Vnto her I answered I wolde not so

As for to hunt in the parke of pryde

The whiche to Clennes is mortall fo

But with Dyscrecyon I wyll abyde

Whiche doth a wyfe for me prouyde

By whome I shall haue the possessyowne

Of heuenly kyngdome & grete renowne

So forth I went and had grete trauayle

Without the comfort of ony persone

Saue of dyscrecyon whiche dyd me counsayle

As she went walkynge with me alone

Vnto her I made full grete mone

And lykened the wyldernes by morall scence

Vnto worldely trouble by good experyence

She sayd the fyrst lady that I dyd mete

Iclyped was dame Sensualyte

Whiche can well flater with wordes swete

Causynge a man to fall into fragylyte

And for to haunt the carnall freylte

Whiche vnto clennes is abhomynable

For they in werke be gretely varyable

The seconde was pryde enduyd with couetyse

A lady of ryght fruytles medytacyon

Delytynge gretly in the synne of auaryce

The whiche is cause of her dampnacyon

For she by her fals supportacyon

Blyndeth many a mannes conscyence

And dryueth ryght oft fer in absence

So ferther I went tyll at the last

I was in a mase goynge in and oute

Ther was none other way I was agast

But forth I walked in grete doute

Now here now there and so rounde aboute

Than sayd vnto me dame Dyscrecyon

Ye are in the besynes of worldely fastyon

Therein I trauayled by longe space

Tyll that I mette a lady gloryous

Indued with vertue and grete grace

To whom I sayd o lady precyous

As ye seme to be good and vertuous

I you beseche now without delaye

Vnto dame Clennes to teche me the waye

I Sapyence now wyll shewe to the

The ryght waye vnto fayre clennes

And yf thou wylt be ruled by me

Thou shalt mary that noble prynces

Yes that wyll I sayd than douteles

Dyscrecyon sayd she wolde be my suerte

Sapyence sayd none better myght be

Than sayd dyscrecyon to dame sapyence

Welcome to vs my syster dere

And I to her dyd humble reuerence

Saynge who had went to fynde you here

Yes she sayd I haue ben neere

You often tymes syth my departynge

And haue ben cause of your goode gydynge


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