Capitulum .iiii.


Dame Hardiness with banner


Orth than we went vnto the habytacle

Of dame hardynes moost pure and fayre

Aboue all places a ryght fayre spectacle

Strowyd with floures that gaue good eyer

Of vertuous turkeys there was a cheyr

Wherin she sate in her cote armure

Berynge a shelde the felde of asure

Wherin was sette a rampynge lyon

Of fyne golde ryght large and grete

A swerd she had of merueylous fassyon

As though a thousand she sholde bete

No man the vyctory of her myght gete

A noble vyrgyn there dyde her serue

That fyrst made harnes called Mynerue

The chaumbre where she held her consystory

The dewe aromatyke dyde oft degoute

Of fragraunt floures full of delycasy

That all yll heyres dyde ensence oute

A carbuncle there was that all aboute

Enlumyned the chaumbre both day and nyght

My thought it was an heuenly syght

Nyne quenes I sawe that satte her by

Beynge all armed of grete fortytude

In many a stower they wanne the vyctory

And were endued with facounde pulcrytude

For to haunte armes was theyr consuetude

Many a regyon they often wanne

And also vaynquysshed many a noble man

Nexte vnto her sate the hyghe quene AziaB

That was a conqueres so puyssaunt

And besyde her the quene of Saba

Whiche in grete ryches was tryumphaunt

And also Ipolyte in armes valyaunt

Sate with her besyde quene Hecuba

And yet also the quene Europa

Present ther was the wiche quene Iuno

And quene Pantasyll wyth fayre quene Elyn

And yet I sawe by her than also

The noble vyrgyn yonge Polyxyn

That was destroyed at the last ruyn

Of Troye the grete by cruell Pyrrus

The sone of Achylles that was so cheualrus

As I dyd loke I had commaundement

Of dame dyscrecyon for to remembre

These noble ladyes so pure and excellent

Hardy in corage of age ryght tendre

Yet not withstandynge deth dyde surrendre

And all theyr strength and lusty corage

For he spareth nother youth ne age


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