“Wherever a road opens, and I am moved to examine and experiment, there I shall most surely go.”—Rev. George W. Allen. Either the discoveries made by Mumler, Stainton Moses, Beattie and others, have now been confirmed, or a very eminent man, specially trained in rigid investigation, and an acknowledged expert in optics and the chemistry and manipulation of photography, has been the victim of a marvellous and inexplicable delusion. To say that, notwithstanding all the precautions arranged, and carefully carried out by Mr. Taylor, he was time after time deceived, is to make a statement entirely opposed to probability and common sense, yet that is the false refuge to which some fly from whom better things might be expected. It exhibits strongly the credulity of incredulity, When George Cruikshank was preparing his pictorial brochure against Spiritualism, he was asked what he knew of the subject; he replied he knew nothing, and did not intend to inform himself till he had finished his book. That is the position of many in regard to spirit photography; the less they know about it, the more they feel qualified to judge; and a man who, for the first time, deigns to consider it, will, with the utmost confidence in his own opinion, condemn as fraudulent a genuine spirit photograph; yea, he will even profess to discover the mark of the scissors and the grain of the paper from which he imagines the photograph has been cut and copied. Other objectors profess to have looked into the subject, but because they saw nothing they thought worth following up, therefore they practically conclude it is impossible any one else can be more fortunate. That there are, and will continue to be, honest doubters goes without saying. There are scientific men who cannot believe in the possibility of this new thing—their minds are in old grooves. Others say the consensus of opinion of photographers is against it. Granted; and what of that? Any mere opinion as to whether spirit photography be possible does not in any way affect the question. Opinions do not alter facts. The facts in this matter are entirely in favour of the reality of spirit photography. There need not now be any question as to whether spirit photography is possible. That was settled thirty years ago. There is nothing in the whole range of psychic phenomena for which the evidence is more conclusive. Some of the witnesses who were examined on oath at Mumler’s trial were experts, such as Samuel K. Fanshaw. That gentleman was one of the best miniature painters and facial experts in New York, and was also familiar with photographic manipulations. He said he The spirit photograph of Abraham Lincoln has often been referred to. My copy of it is now too faint for reproduction, but it may be stated that when Mrs. Lincoln visited Mr. Mumler, she wore a thick crape veil, so thick that no one could distinguish a feature of her face. She travelled under an assumed name from Springfield (Illinois) to Boston, went direct from the train to Mumler’s house, gave her name as “Mrs. Lindall,” and did not remove Prominent Americans, whose names are well known in this country, received through Mumler’s mediumship test spirit photographs of friends whom they recognised. Amongst these may be mentioned the Hon. Henry Wilson, then Vice-President of the United States, Judge Edmonds, and William Lloyd Garrison. The Hon. Moses A. Dow, of Boston, U.S.A., and the Spirit of Mabel Warren, his Literary Assistant and Adopted Daughter. As a fair specimen of spirit photographs obtained through Mumler, I submit one (see opposite) got by the Hon. Moses A. Dow, who was editor and proprietor of the Waverley Magazine, Boston. The portrait was fully recognised by Mr. Dow as that of an amiable and accomplished young lady who had been his assistant editor. Before sitting for the portrait Mr. Dow had a sÉance with a lady medium, and received Similar tests have been obtained in photographs by other mediums. On one occasion Mr. Parkes had a visit from a friend who had promised to spend a forenoon and try experiments, but he was unwilling to sit for a portrait owing to sudden and severe illness, which he said would prevent any “How delightful the thought that the Angels in bliss, Daily bend their bright wings to a world such as this, And leave the sweet songs of the mansions above, To breathe on our bosoms some message of love.” The imagery of the hymn found an embodiment in the photograph. “I have no wings—nor do I require wings,” subsequently explained the spirit, “but the appearance of wings was assumed to please father.” Her father was the sitter. Little thought he when waiting with a sad heart at the dying bed of a loved daughter, and trying to sing the children’s hymn, that the time would arrive when she would come from her spirit home to cheer him in hours of sorrow and give him her portrait, or that she would be able to render herself visible to normal sight, and with her arms round father and mother, kiss them both and speak to them both. Such are some of the secret blessings which come to those who wait, work, and pray. “Thank God for this! oh, minist’ring angels, thanks! My grateful heart Shall through my lips proclaim the truth. Our dead Do not depart— To some far city, never to return. They often come To aid, to comfort us, till we too reach That brighter home!” The difficulties and discouragements which arise in trying to photograph unseen forms do not exist to the same extent in photographing what are called “materialised forms.” Some excellent results in the latter have been obtained by various persons. The most notable instances are those by Mr. Wm. Crookes, F.R.S., recorded in the last chapter of his valuable book, Phenomena of Spiritualism, on the photographing of the spirit, Katie King, by the electric light. At these experiments Mr. Crookes had five complete sets of photographic apparatus fitted up, all of which were used at the same time at each sÉance, and some excellent negatives were obtained. “But,” adds Mr. Crookes, “photography is as inadequate to ‘Round her she made an atmosphere of life; The very air seemed lighter from her eyes, They were so soft and beautiful, and rife With all we can imagine of the skies; Her overpowering presence made you feel It would not be idolatry to kneel.’” Amongst the important papers contributed to the Psychical Congress at Chicago, one was sent, at the request of the Committee, by Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace, F.R.S. In it he says:— “What are termed spirit photographs, the appearance on a photographic plate of other figures besides those of the sitters, often those of deceased friends of the sitters, have now been known for more than twenty years. Many competent observers have tried experiments successfully; but the facts seemed too extraordinary to carry conviction to any but the experimenters themselves, and any allusion to the subject has usually been met with a smile of incredulity or a confident assertion of imposture. It mattered not that most of the witnesses were experienced photographers who took precautions which rendered it absolutely impossible that they were imposed upon. The most incredible suppositions were put forth, by those who only had ignorance and incredulity to qualify them as judges, in order to show that deception was possible. And now we have another competent witness, Mr. Traill Taylor, for many years editor of the British Journal of Photography, who, taking every precaution that his Dr. Wallace has given a great deal of thoughtful consideration to this subject, and has a large collection of genuine spirit photographs. In his book, Miracles and Modern Spiritualism, “It may be as well to clear away a popular misconception. Mr. G. H. Lewes advised the Dialectical Committee to distinguish carefully between ‘facts and inferences from facts.’ This is especially necessary in the case of what are called spirit photographs. The figures which occur in these, when not produced by any human agency, may be of ‘spiritual’ origin, without being figures ‘of spirits.’ There is much evidence to show that “The following are some of the more obvious:—1. If a person with a knowledge of photography takes his own glass plates, examines the camera used and all the accessories, and watches the whole process of taking a picture, then, if any definite form appears on the negative besides the sitter, it is a proof that some object was present capable of reflecting or emitting the actinic rays, although invisible to those present. 2. If an unmistakable likeness appears of a deceased person totally unknown to “Every one of these tests have now been successfully applied in our own country.” Dr. Wallace gives minute details of some experiments which resulted in his obtaining photographs which he recognised as unmistakable likenesses of his mother. When Mr. Duguid was first asked to come to London to give test sÉances to Mr. Taylor, it was hoped that Mr. Stainton Moses would have so far recovered strength as to be present at the experiments. He took great interest in the subject, and many of his photographs have been reproduced by Mr. Arthur Maltby and Mr. Acton. On March 19th and 26th Mr. Maltby gave lectures in the AthenÆum Hall, and exhibited on the lantern screen a number of spirit-photograph transparencies. Here are a few notes made at the meeting on March 19th, by Mr. Burns, jun. Mr. Maltby said:— “This lecture is given in memory of the late Mr. Stainton Moses, better known as ‘M.A., Oxon,’ editor of Light, writer of many valuable books on Spiritualism, and one of the best friends the cause ever had. Most of you have either read or heard of his marvellous book called Spirit Teachings, one of the grandest series of spirit controls ever published. It teaches a higher Spiritualism than is generally understood. “My object in giving this lecture is to try to convince “One morning last spring I called on Mr. Moses, and found him busy reading proof-sheets of Mr. Stead’s Real Ghost Stories. Whilst discussing these, the subject of spirit photographs was introduced, and he informed me that he had a collection of nearly 400, which he offered to lend me if I thought they could be suitably converted into lantern slides. After examining the photographs, I found it impossible in so short a time to select out of so many sufficient for a lecture. I therefore begged the loan of them all, and we are indebted to my friend and co-worker, Mr. Acton (who is now manipulating the lantern), for his patient efforts in converting so many photographs into lantern transparencies. It was a most laborious task. “Three months later, when I returned the photographs, Mr. Moses kindly offered to take the chair “Many present to-night, who are aware of the reality of life after death—a life ever progressive, and as real as life on earth—can feel with me that this noble worker is not dead, but lives, continuing his efforts for the good of humanity as when on earth; ever with us in our efforts to spread this glorious truth, which is like the sunshine, dispersing the fog and mist of orthodoxy and ignorance. “All the sittings he attended were under strict test conditions, so there could be no possibility of fraud or deception. These conditions were, that he purchased his own plates, marked each with his initials, put them in and took them out of the dark slide, not allowing them out of his sight until they were fully developed.” Mr. Maltby then showed on the lantern screen about forty spirit photographs, and other pictures connected with the subject, all of which he explained. Many of the photographs of spirits had been recognised by the sitters and “Should this lecture induce any present to seek communion with their departed friends, let me beg of them to seek only for spiritual aid in an earnest and prayerful manner, in their own homes, amongst friends who desire to know the truth and will investigate with unbiassed minds. To such success must come, sooner or later; but those who try to use God’s spiritual gifts for worldly and selfish ends will bring disaster on themselves and discredit on the cause.” At a sÉance held twenty-nine years ago, the following question was put as to spirit photographs: “We do not comprehend how these are produced. Can you give us any information as to the process gone through?” The answer given through the medium, Mr. Peter A. Chesser, marine engineer, may be of interest to some. It was this: “Spirits impress their image on the plate by depositing thereon repeated This reply refers, of course, to the photographs in class No. I., mentioned in the Preface, not to pictures which are produced by spirit precipitation. In experiments made with Mr. Chesser at that time (1864), we used the wet-collodion process, on new glass plates which were cut for us by a glass merchant. The plates were carefully cleansed and finally washed and rubbed by myself with spirits of wine. We never used a plate twice in such experiments. What is worth doing at all is worth doing well and carefully. We obtained some pictures which would have been of interest had we possessed more knowledge of the subject, but we aimed too high and were not satisfied with slow progress. In fact we wanted a clear and good likeness of one of our relatives, so several plates were broken and put Question: We have here a photograph upon which there exists so much diversity of opinion that we want to know what it is? Answer: It is yourself, distinctly enough, but as we see your next question we will proceed to explain how it came about that such impression was produced on the plate. The Medium: Stop a moment—do you mean that it is my body or my spirit? Answer: We mean your spirit-aura. Your body could not be taken without your being either directly in front of the camera or reflected into its focus. Perhaps it will be better to explain some of the peculiarities attending this phase, as it involves many points of interest. You were standing in front of the camera for about a quarter of an hour before the picture was taken or the plate prepared. In obedience to a suggestion, you were awaiting the approach of the spirit who told you he could be photographed, and, in order to retain your passivity, you remained standing where you were. When you saw him seated you went to prepare the plate, but not without leaving your emanation behind, which, on the plate being exposed, was duly photographed. The proof is easy. Again stand in the same position for, say, ten minutes, then leave the room, and let a good clairvoyant be introduced and questioned as to what he sees, In reference to the suggestion that spirit An explanation was also given as to how eidolons are formed, but that does not concern our present subject. Some investigators seem to think that the same spirit forms ought not to appear on plates with different people, and that if they do so the circumstance warrants suspicion, if it is not even a proof of fraud. This is an entire mistake, and a mistake which can only be made by those who have not investigated the matter in a practical manner for any considerable length of time. Apply the same reasoning to materialisation, or to direct spirit writing, and see what it will lead to. Mr. E. A. D. Opie, of Adelaide, in a lecture on “Spirit Mr. Opie’s lecture was published in Adelaide as a pamphlet of twenty-two pages; it is the result of much reading, and it is but fair to Mr. Opie to note that he had no practical acquaintance with the subject. Mr. Parkes gave some sÉances in 1875 in Mr. Burns’s rooms, 15 Southampton Row. On one occasion three sitters got spirit forms on three plates. At the same meeting I requested that I might be photographed. A clairvoyante sitting near me said I ought to get something good, for she could see a number of spirits near me. When the plate was developed there were eleven spirit forms on it. Several spirit photographs of children have been obtained. One of these is the interesting Some one may ask, how was the photograph of the child obtained, seeing he was too young to come unaided to stand before the camera, or to impress his image on the prepared plate without the camera? An interesting question, no doubt. To it I reply, “I do not know: I am stating facts, not trying to explain them.” In the Review of Reviews for April, 1893, Mr. Stead suggested that additional experiments should be tried to obtain psychic pictures without the agency of light or the camera. An opportunity occurred in July to try the experiment Psychic Picture obtained without a Camera. Mr. Stainton Moses, at a meeting of the London Spiritualist Alliance, advised those who intended to experiment in photography to employ a stereoscopic camera. He considered that the genuineness of spirit photographs so obtained could not be called in question. This opinion has also been held by other investigators. In Part of a Stereoscopic pair of Spirit Photograph obtained by a Lady October 21 1893. The results of Mr. Taylor’s investigations are a prophecy and a lesson. A prophecy of the coming time when photographs of our friends, who have passed from earth-life, may be obtainable by the co-operation with us of spirits who desire to help us, and who will find opportunities and conditions to enable them to do so. When Mr. Stead’s proposal for a spiritual bureau becomes an accomplished fact, we may hope, and may reasonably expect, that spirit photography will be a department of it. Many strange events, which, fifty years ago, seemed as unlikely, are now of frequent occurrence. Mr. Taylor’s experiments are a lesson, as well as a prophecy. A lesson to the materialistic spirit of the age, to guide Again:—“Experience and daily observation teach us that the spirit perishes with its material substratum; that man dies.” And:—“There never has been, and never will be, a real apparition, which could make us believe or assume that the soul of a deceased individual continues to exist: it is dead, never to return.” And once more:—“Spirits and ghosts are only seen by diseased or superstitious individuals.” Mrs. Green, of Heywood (medium), and the same spirit form as on the preceding plate, but in a different attitude, and with the birds and flowers reversed. Stereoscopic photographs obtained October 21, 1893. Undoubtedly these views are quite honestly arrived at and held by many. By some through early training. By some in the rebound from bigoted and God-dishonouring creeds. By others again in painful perplexity of mind, while trying to solve the problem of existence. But a universe without a Deity, and man without a soul, present little to boast of in the shape of the consolation they can bring to suffering humanity. Every opinion a man holds must to some extent influence his life, and the knowledge that a man will live after death ought very considerably to affect his entire character. We know there is no such thing as death, that what we call by that name is really a birth into a higher sphere—or state of existence—an entrance into a holier and happier region, in whose precincts “we will be enabled through untold ages to cultivate our intellects, perfect our moral characters, and enjoy to the full extent of our capabilities all that is pure, good, true, and godly. “There is no death: what seems so is transition. This life of mortal breath Is but the suburb of the life elysian, Whose portal we call death.” Spirit form. Part of a Stereoscopic pair. The sitter (who does not wish his portrait to appear) has obtained spirit photographs with his own camera and plates, when no other medium but himself was present, and all manipulations were done by himself. Some persons admit the reality of supermundane photography, but say it is the work of the Devil. How long is this old myth—this theological superstition—to be flaunted in the face of investigators? how long to be set as a bugbear—a “bogey-man”—not merely to Some thoughts expressed by “Imperator” to Mr. Stainton Moses, relating to this imaginary prince of evil, are so excellent that no apology is required for appending a few of them: “Cease to be perplexed by thoughts of an imagined Devil. For the honest, pure, and truthful soul there is no Devil nor Prince of Evil such as theology has feigned. Evil comes not nigh him, the adversaries flee from his presence, and the powers of evil are powerless before him. He is guarded around by angel guards, ministered to by bright spirits, who watch over him and direct his footsteps. For him there waits a career of progressive increase in knowledge, and in all that elevates and ennobles the intelligence. He need fear no Devil, unless he creates one for himself. His affinity for good draws around him influences for good. He is fenced around In narrating his experiments, Mr. Taylor confined himself to a statement of facts; he did not set forth the spiritualistic hypothesis, nor did he say that any other would account for the results. Some members of the Association before whom he read his paper were angry because Spiritualists claimed the results as an argument in support of Spiritualism. But why be angry? Any explanation must cover the whole ground. And the explanation offered by Spiritualists is the only one which covers the whole ground. After all, the facts are only one department of the wonders of modern Spiritualism. What is the good of the latter? is asked by those who have not come within the range of its beneficent teachings. The good of it? It has freed the mind from From a Photograph taken April 29, 1892. Two Stereoscopic photographs of this form were obtained with different sitters, May 2, 1892. Our grandest triumphs of science are but trifles compared with what is before us to be realised in the higher life. Yet men and women of education and refinement can content themselves with referring the most mysterious spirit phenomena to conjuring and delusion, and can descend to the inanity of trying to shelve the whole matter by attacking the characters of those whom they ought rather to thank—to bless as the instruments through whom the death-blow must be given to the At the Photographic Congress held at the World’s Fair, Judge Bradwell, of Chicago, was chairman of the opening meeting. In his introductory remarks, after summarising the work done by photographers, he said: “I have no doubt there are those within the sound of my voice who will live to see the time when photographic reproductions will be sent from country to country as quickly as are telegraphic messages to-day. In conclusion, may I not ask, who shall say that the camera, adjusted by the hand that feels, and focussed by the sensitive eye that sees beyond, with the aid of the intensely sensitive dry plates, shall not bring to light and view the forms of our departed friends, and solve the problem of immortality and life?” Judge Bradwell is answered. The veil is lifted. |