"SPIRIT PHOTOGRAPHY," WITH REMARKS ON FLUORESCENCE. [3] PRESS NOTICES. From The Practical Photographer , April, 1893. [7] GHOSTS AND THEIR PHOTOGRAPHS. [13] This spirit-face is the realisation of a high ideal of beauty, sweetness, and spirituality. The beauty of it we cannot now fully comprehend; but, as we gaze on it, we may say in the words of Michael Angelo:— “Souls burn for souls—spirits to spirits cry, I seek the splendour in thy fair face storÈd; Yet living man that beauty scarce can learn, And he who fain would find it first must die.” [See page 92, tenth line. THE VEIL LIFTED.MODERN DEVELOPMENTS OF With Twelve Illustrations. A PAPER BY J. TRAILL TAYLOR LETTER BY THE REV. H. R. HAWEIS, M.A. ADDRESSES BY JAMES ROBERTSON, GLASGOW. AND LONDON: “Kant expressed himself favourable to the view that a world of supersensuous beings environs this planet, and that the establishment of communication with such beings is only a matter of time.”—E. D. Fawcett. “Before many months are over, I think it will be admitted by every candid mind that the persistence of the individual after death, and the possibility of communicating with that individual, has been as well established on a scientific basis as any other fact in nature. That, you may think, is a bold assertion. It is not an assertion; it is a prophecy, based upon facts which are within my own knowledge, and of which I speak with as much confidence as I do of anything which has ever come within my own personal observation.”—W. T. Stead, in The Review of Reviews, Jan. 1893. “Personally, we consider Spiritualism a valuable bulwark against the inroads of Materialistic Atheism.”—Saladin, in The Agnostic Journal. |