O.E. = Old English or Anglo Saxon. O.Fr. = Old French. 32/1094 = page 32, line 1094.
@48531-h-12.htm.html#l1922" class="pginternal">1922, adv. hence. O.E. heonan. hente, 40/1370, 472, vb. to speak. shente, 1/23, pp. destroyed. shifte, 78/2704, vb. to divide, to share. O.E. sciftan. shonde, 64/2222, sb. disgrace, ignominy. O.E. sceand. shoon, 40/1381, sb. shoes. O.E. scÊon, scÊos. shope him, 2/50, pt. s. got himself ready to, arrayed himself. shoure, 15/509, sb. fight. shrew, 72/2518, vb. to curse. shrewes, 76/2652, sb. wicked beings. sikerlye, 62/2172, adv. surely. sith, 47/1632, conj. since. sithe, 47/1619, sb. pl. times. O.E. sÎÐ. skaped, 59/2043, pt. s. escaped. skath, 47/1645, sb. loss, damage, ruin. Cf. O.E. sceaÐan. skomfited, 38/1320, pp. discomfited. O.Fr. desconfire. skulkyng, 76/2651, prs. p. lurking, breaking forth from a hiding place. smerte, 38/1309, adj. smart, pungent. smertly, 41/1419, adv. smartly, at once. socoure, 15/507, sb. succour, assistant. soghten, 40/1372, pt. pl. moved on, rode. See the note. solas, 20/675, sb. relief, recreation, pleasure. O.Fr. solaz. Lat. solatium. somer, 77/2702, sb. a sumpter horse. Fr. sommier. Cf. Diez, Etym. Dict. I., p. 364, s. v. salma. sonde, 61/2134, sb. message, order. sore, 2/47, adv. very much, eagerly. sore, 33/1138, adv. sadly. sowdeoures, 21/727, sb. soldiers, hirelings. Lat. solidarius. Cf. Fr. soudard, soudoyÉ. spede, 70/2433, vb. thrive. spille, 36/1226, vb. to destroy. O.E. spillan. stenyed, 24/825, pt. s. shook, astounded. steven, 65/2258, sb. voice. O.E. stefn. stondart, 78/2717, sb. standard-bearer. Fr. Étendard. store, 23/768, sb. provision. store, 92/3210, sb. stock, preservation, keeping. stoure, 7/212, sb. battle, tumult. stoute, 53/1825, adj. proud, boasting. stronde, 2/53, sb. strand, shore. stroyeth, 5/159, prs. s. destroyeth. stynte, 52/1804, pt. pl. stopped. sue, 46/1601, vb. to follow. Fr. suivre. sware, 13/428, adj. heavy. swyth, 47/1621, adv. quick, fast. O.E. swÎÐe. Tan, 74/2581, pp. taken. tene, 30/1032, sb. grief, anger, insult, injury. O.E. tÊona. tene, 83/2902, vb. to vex, to wax wroth. O.E. t?nan. teyde, 48/1648, pp. tied. tha, 76/2639. See the note. thane, 51/1756, than that. then, 46/1593, vb. to prosper. O.E. ÞÊon. thikke, 30/ |