Quick Links to Index Letters [ A] [ B] [ C] [ D] [ E] [ F] [ G] [ H] [ J] [ L] [ M] [ O] [ P] [ R] [ S] [ T] [ V] [ W] [ Y] A Anchoring Foot-bridges, 96 Armchair, 40, 41 Aviary, 83- 91 ——, Bottom, 86 ——, Perches for, 83, 85 ——, Sliding Tray for, 90 ——, Wiring for, 87, 88 ——, Wood for, 83 B "Bangles," 30 Bending Wood with Spanish Windlass, 22 Boxes, Window, 19- 21 Bracket for Wall, 11, 12 C Canopied Garden Seat, 47- 51 Canopy for Garden Retreat, 123, 125 —— for Swing, 77-82 Carriage Entrance, 63- 65 Chair, Arm, 40, 41 Chairs and Seats, 40- 51 Collar-posts, 114, 115, 140 Cottage Porch, 76 D Door of Tool House, 110 E Easel, Mitred Joint for, 13 ——, for Photographs, 13-16 ——, Stain for, 15, 16 Elevated Foot-bridges, 97 Entrance, Carriage, 63- 65 F Fenced Seat for Swing, 82 Fences, 57 Fire-screen, 13 Flower-holder, Tripod, 16 Flower-pot S
Plant Stand, Rectangular, 34 —— Tub for Garden, 31, 32 —— Vase, Large, 30, 31 —— ——, Ornamental, 33, 34 Porches, 71- 76 R Rectangular Garden Plant Stand, 34 Retreat, Garden, 123- 125 Roof for Garden Snuggery, 120- 122 —— for Lean-to Summerhouse, 130 ——, Materials for, 102 —— for Tennis Lawn Shelter, 138 —— of Tool House, 110 —— for Verandah, 100 Rosery Walk, 66- 70 "Rough Planks" for Tool House, 106 S Seats and Chairs, 40- 51 Shelter for Tennis Lawn, 135 "Slabs," Fixing, 107, 108 Snuggery, Garden, 112- 123 ——, ——, Collar-posts for 114, 115 ——, ——, Door for, 116, 117 ——, ——, Joists for, 114 ——, ——, Pillars for, 120 ——, ——, Rafters for, 116 ——, ——, Roof for, 120-122 ——, ——, —— Coverings for, 121, 122 ——, ——, Rustic Pillars of, 115 ——, ——, Walls of, 117 Spanish Windlass for Bending Wood, 22 Stain for Easel, 15, 16 Stand, Flower, 27, 28 ——, Flower-pot, in imitation of Bamboo, 35 ——, Hall, 16-18 ——, Rectangular Plant, 34 "Stelch" for Thatching, 148 Stool, 18, 19 Summer-house, Lean-to, 126- 134 —— ——, ——, Lining for Walls, 129 —— ——, ——, Mosaic Work for Walls of, 130 —— ——, ——, Roof of, 130 —— ——, Octagonal, 138-158 —— ——, ——, Collar-posts for, 140 —— ——, ——, Floor for, 150 —— ——, ——, Gable for, 141 —— ——, ——, Ground Plan of, 140 —— ——, ——, Roof for, 147 Summer-house, Octagonal, Table for, 143, 144- 147 —— ——, ——, Thatched Roof of, 147 —— ——, ——, with Three Gables, 150-158 —— ——, ——, Walls for, 141 —— ——, ——, Windows for, 142 —— ——, Thatched Octagonal, 138-150 Swing, Canopy for, 77- 82 ——, Fenced Seat for, 82 T Table for Octagonal Summer-house, 143- 147 ——, Hexagon, 38, 39 ——, Square, 36-38 Tables, 36- 39 Tennis Lawn Shelter, 135- 138 —— —— ——, Roof for, 138 Thatched Octagonal Summer-house, 138- 150 Thatching, Cost of, 148 ——, "Stelch," 148 ——, Roof of Octagonal Summer-house, 147-150 ——, "Yelvens," 148 Tool House, 106- 112 —— ——, Door, 110 —— ——, Doorposts, 109, 110 —— ——, Folding Seat for, 111, 112 —— ——, Pilaster, 110 —— ——, Roof, 110 —— ——, "Rough Planks" for, 106 Trellis, Garden, with Seats and Gate, 58- 62 V Vase, Hexagonal, 13, 29 ——, Plant, 30, 31, 33, 34 ——, Square, 28, 29 ——, on Tripod Stand, 22-27 Verandahs, 98-105 ——, for Grape Culture, 104 ——, Open, 104 ——, Posts Supporting, 98, 99 ——, Rafters for, 100 ——, Roof for, 100 ——, —— Materials for, 102 W Walk, Rosery, 66- 70 Wall Bracket, 10, 11 Windlass, Spanish, 22 Window Boxes, 19- 21 Wiring Aviary, 87, 88 Withy for Rustic Mosaic Work, 144 Wood Bending with Spanish Windlass, 22 —— for Rustic Work, 9
Y "Yelvens" in Thatching, 148