The goodnesse of the soile, and site, are necessary to the wel being of an orchard simply, but the forme is so farre necessary, as the owner shall thinke meete, for that kind of forme wherewith euery particular man is delighted, we leaue it to himselfe, Suum cuique pulchrum. The vsuall forme is a square. The forme that men like in generall is a square, for although roundnesse be forma perfectissima, yet that principle is good where necessity by art doth not force some other forme. If within one large square the Gardner shall make one round Labyrinth or Maze with some kind of Berries, it will grace your forme, so there be B. Trees 20. yards asunder. C. Garden Knots. D. Kitchen garden. E. Bridge. F. Conduit. G. Staires. H. Walkes set with great wood thicke. I. Walkes set with great wood round about your Orchard. K. The out fence. L. The out fence set with stone-fruite. M. Mount. To force earth for a mount, or such like set it round with quicke, and lay boughes of trees strangely intermingled tops inward, with the earth in the midle. N. Still-house. O. Good standing for Bees, if you haue an house. P. If the riuer run by your doore, & vnder your mount, it will be pleasant. | Plan of garden |