Let that which is sayd in the Orchards forme, suffice for a garden in generall: but for speciall formes in squares, they are as many, as there are diuices in Gardners braines. Neither is the wit and art of a skilfull Gardner in this poynt not to be commended, that can worke more variety for breeding of more delightsome choyce, and of all those things, where the owner is able and desirous to be satisfied. The number of formes, Mazes and Knots is so great, and men are so diuersly delighted, that I leaue euery House-wife to her selfe, especially seeing to set downe many, had bene but to fill much paper; yet lest I depriue her of all delight and direction, let her view these few, choyse, new formes, and note this generally, that all plots are square, and all are bordered about with Priuit, Raisins, Fea-berries, Roses, Thorne, Rosemary, Bee-flowers, Isop, Sage, or such like. The ground plot for Knots. | Plan of framework | Cinkfoyle. | Plan of a knot | Flower-deluce. | Plan of a knot | The Trefoyle. | Plan of a knot | The Fret. | Plan of a knot | Lozenges. | Plan of a knot | Crosse-bow. | Plan of a knot | Diamond. | Plan of a knot | Ouall. | Plan of a knot | Maze. | Plan of a knot |