ref="@public@vhost@g@html@files@61520@61520-h@61520-h-42.htm.html#Page_471" class="pginternal">471 —— laws for the preservation and distribution of food, 472 —— their respect for age, 472 —— their hunts, 473 —— their dexterity in fishing, 474 —— their hospitality and feasts, 475 —— not guilty of cannibalism, 476 —— their throwing-stick and boomerang, 476 —— their moral qualities, 476 Baboons, 510 Baboon, the great, of Senegal, 510 Bacha, the (Falco bacha), 382 Bactrian camel, 401 Bahama Islands, mode of catching turtles on the, 328 Bahia toad, 319 Bakalahari, the, of the Kalahari, 86–91 —— their love for agriculture and domestic animals, 91 —— their timidity, 92 —— fur of their animals, 92 Balagnini of the vicinity of Sooloo, 256 BalistinÆ, 272 Baltimore bird (Icterus Baltimore), 352 —— —— nest of the, 353 Bamboos (BambusaceÆ) of the tropics, 130 —— variety of uses to which they are applied, 130 BambusaceÆ, the, of the tropics, 130 —— rapidity of their growth, 130 Banana (Musa sapientum), its importance as food, 167, 168 Banana (Musa sapientum), and of the SaÜba ant, 236 Banda, nutmeg trees of, 199, 200 Banyan tree (Ficus indica), 124, 125 —— —— fondness of the Hindoos for it, 125 Baobab, African, or monkey-bread tree (Adansonia digitata), 120, 121 —— —— immense specimens of, 121 —— —— used as a vegetable cistern, 122 —— —— its age, 122 Barbasco (Jacquinia armillaris), used for catching fish, 66 Barima river, the Upper, gigantic trees of, 130 Basilisk, the, 318 Bats of tropical forests, 490, 491 —— organisation of, 491 —— the kalongs, or fox-bats, of Java, 491 —— the vampire, 492 —— the Rhinolophi, or horse-shoe bats, 493 —— the Scotophilis Coromandelicus of Ceylon, 494 Battas, a Malay tribe, 259 ‘Bay of the Thousand Isles,’ 38 Baya birds of Hindostan, their nests, —— intense heat of the, 6 —— heavy afternoon rains of the, 6 Camel, its resemblance to the ostrich, 387 —— the dromedary the ship of the desert, 399 —— adaptation of its organisation to its mode of life, 400 —— Bedouin mode of training it, 400 —— the Bactrian camel, 401 —— immemorial slavery of the camel, 401 —— its unamiable character, 402 Camelopard. See Giraffe Campanero, or bell-bird, 350 Canary Islands, gigantic dragon-trees of the, 123 Canis IngÆ of the Punas, 28 Caoutchouc tree (Siphonia elastica), Indians incising some of them, 188 —— —— description of the tree, 190 —— —— introduction of caoutchouc into Europe, 190 —— —— mode of collecting the resin, 190 —— —— other trees yielding caoutchouc, 191 —— —— various uses of India-rubber, 191 Caouana, or loggerhead turtle (Chelonia caouana), 331 Capybara, or water-pig, eaten by the alligator, 333 Caribs, 76 Caracara eagle (Polyborus caracara), his station, 246 Cardinal bird of Mexico, 80 Carinaria vitrea, the, 274 Carnauba palm (Corypha cerifera), wax obtained from the, 158 —— —— other uses of the tree, 158 Caroa (Bromelia variegata), fishing-nets made from the fibres of the, 132 Caroline Islanders, 289 Cassava, or Mandioca root (Jatropha Manihot), how prepared as food, 169 Cassava, the sweet cassava (Jatropha janipha), 170 Cassicus cristatus, 354 —— ruber, 354 —— persicus, 354 Cassiques, the, 354 —— their pendulous nests, 354 Cassowary, the galeated (Casuarius galeatus), 390, 391 Caterpillars, eaten by man in Africa, 251 —— their means of defence, 209 Cayman. See Alligator Cecropias, of the Amazons river, 45 Ceiba (Bombax ceiba), the, of the forests of Yucatan, 128 Cephalopods, gigantic, 274 Cerastes, or horned viper, of the Egyptian jugglers, 301 Cercopitheci, their characteristics, 505 —— parental affection of one, 507 Ceroxylon andicola, wax obtained from the, 159 —— height at which it will grow, 159, 160 Ceylon, abundance of the cocoa-nu
oil palm-tree of West Africa, 158 Elands (Boselaphus oreas) of South Africa, 88, 409 Electrical eel (Gymnotus electricus), 17 —— —— Indian mode of capturing them, 17 Elephant, plague of the Soudan fly to the, 231 —— his love of solitude, 431 —— his senses of smell and of hearing, 432 —— his mode of ascending and descending abrupt banks, 432 —— his stomach, 433 —— his trunk, 433 —— uses of his tusks, 433 —— his discipline, 434 —— his sagacity and devotion, 434 —— rogues, 435 —— value of the elephant to man, 435 —— species of the, 435 —— wide range of the African elephant, 435 —— mode of hunting him in various countries, 435 —— ivory of the African elephant, 436, 439 —— cutting up by a negro tribe, 437 —— escape of Mr. Oswell, 438 —— the Asiatic, 439 —— catchers, of Ceylon, 440 —— corrals, 441–443 Emu of Australia (Dromaius NovÆ HollandiÆ), 391 Enarea and Caffa, the original home of the coffee plant, 178 Entomo phila picta, 370 —— albogularis, 370 Esmeralda, mosquitoes of, 233 Eucalypti of Australia, size of the, 159 Euphorbia arborescens of Africa, 122 Exocoetus volitans, 271 Eyes, acute inflammation of the, in the Puna, 21 Falcon (Falco sparverius) of the Peruvian sand-coast, 34, 246 Fan palms, crown of the, 161 Feejee Islands, verdure of, 6 —— —— barbarous mode of treating turtles in the, 329 FelidÆ of the tropical forests, 446 —— of the Old World, 446 Ferns of the tropics, 161 Fetissism of the negroes, 522 Ficus elastica, singular formation of the roots of the, 136, 139 —— —— caoutchouc of the, 191 Fiery topaz, nest of the, 348 Fig, the Indian, the fruit of the melocacti, 134 Fig trees, climbing, of Polanarrua, 136 —— —— marriage of the fig tree and palm, 137 Filaria medinensis, or Guinea worm, 192 —— —— uses of gutta percha, 192 —— —— supply of gutta percha, 192 Guayaquil, perennial rainy season of, 6 Gymnotus electricus, 17 Haje (Naja Haje), of Egypt, 300 —— probably the asp of the ancients, 300 Harpy eagle (ThrasaËtes harpya), 380 Hau, or Bow Island, 289 —— —— —— dreary monotony of a life at, 289 —— —— —— laziness of the natives of, 289 —— —— —— their customs, 290 Hawk, the sparrow, of Africa (Melierca musicus), 383 Hawksbill turtle (Chelonia imbricata), 329 Hercules beetles (Megasomina Hercules) of torrid America, 206 Hill-star, white-sided, 347 Hippopotamus, the Behemoth of the Book of Job, 417 —— its diminishing numbers, 417 —— its ugliness, 418 —— description of it, 418 —— ‘rogue hippopotami,’ or ‘bachelors,’ 419 —— intelligence and memory of the hippopotamus, 419 —— uses of its skin and teeth, 420 —— methods of killing it, 422 Hog, the chief enemy of the rattlesnake, 290 Honduras, mahogany trees of, 129 Honey-ants of Mexico (Myrmecocystus Mexicanus), their singular habits, 240 Honey-eaters of Australia (Melithreptes), 369, 375 —— their nests, 369 Hottentots, fondness of the lion for the flesh of, 448 Howling monkey, or aluates, 512 Huachua goose (ChloÉphaga melanoptera), 28 Huallaga river, a tributary of the Amazons, 37 Huanacu, the, of Peru, 24 Humming-birds, 342, 346 —— —— their wide range over the New World, 343 —— —— their habits, 349 —— —— their courage, 349 —— —— their enemies, 363 Huniman, the (Semnopithecus entellus), 504 Hurricanes, 9 HyÆna, the, 463 —— hunting, 463, 464 —— varieties of the, 465 HyphÆne coriacea of Port Natal, 160 —— Thebaica, or doum palm, 157 Ibises, 357 —— of Egypt, 36
@61520@61520-h@61520-h-18.htm.html#Page_173" class="pginternal">173 Mangrove tree (Rhizophora gymnorrhiza, R. Mangle), 1
/a> —— —— violent tropical storms of, 9 Palhetas of the Purupurus, 75 Pallah (Antilope melampus), always found near water, 88 Palm-martin (Paradoxus typus or Pougouni), its fondness for cocoa-nuts, 147 —— stalks of, used as arrows, 67 Palm-squirrel (Sciurus palmarum), its fondness for cocoa-nuts, 149 Palm trees, 146 —— the cocoa-nut tree, 146 —— the sago palm, 150 —— the saguer or gomuti, 150 —— the areca palm, 151 —— the palmyra palm, 151 —— the talpot or talipot palm, 153 —— cocoa de mer, 153 —— date palms, 154 —— doum palms, 157 —— oil palms, 157, 158 —— the Carnauba (Corypha cerifera), 158 —— the Ceroxylon andicola, 159 —— the cabbage palm, 159 —— the corozo, 159 —— the pirijao and piaÇava palms, 160 —— cabeza di negro, 160 —— different physiognomy of palms according to their heights, 160 —— position and form of their fronds, 160 Palma Real of the Havana, beauty of the, 161 Palmyra palm (Borassus flabelliformis), extent of its range, 151 —— —— its uses to man, 151, 152 —— treatment of the toddy-drawer, 152 Pangolin, the Indian (Manis pentadactyla), 482, 485 Panther, the, 457 Pao Barrigudo (Chorisia ventricosa), singular shape of the, 134 Paper, Chinese, material of which it is made, 131 —— made from the talipot tree of Ceylon, 153 Papuans, their dwelling-places, 276 —— their physical and moral characteristics, 276, 277 —— compared with the Malays, 277 —— their food and clothing, 277, 278 —— their immense houses in New Guinea, 278 —— their political institutions, 279 —— their agriculture and weapons, 279 —— their mode of fighting, 279 —— future prospects of the race, 280 Para, perennial rainy season of, 6 Para, population of, 49 Paradise, great bird of (P. apoda), 363, 364 Secretary-bird, his destruction of snakes, 302 Secretary-eagle (Serpentarius cristatus), his destruction of snakes, 302 Semnopitheci, the, 504 Senegambia, light-coloured races at, 522 Sensitive plants of Brazil, 135 Sericornis citreogularis, 370, 371 Serpents. See Snakes Shark, the white, his ferocity, 271 Sherbet, the doum palm used for the preparation of, 157 Ship of the desert. See Camel Siamang of Sumatra, the, 503 Sikkim mountains, slopes of the, 82 —— —— sylvan wonders of the, 82 —— —— changes of the forests on ascending, 83 —— —— the torrid zone of vegetation, 83 —— —— the temperate zone, 84 —— —— the coniferous belt, 84 —— —— limits of arboreal vegetation, 84 —— —— animal life, 84 —— —— firing the jungle in, 131 Silk-worm (Bombyx mori), its importance to man, 249 —— antiquity of silk in China, 249 —— silk of other worms, 249 Simoom, the, of the Sahara, 98, 99 Sloth, the, 477 —— his miserable appearance, 477 —— adaptation of his organisation to his peculiar mode of life, 478 —— his means of defence, 478 —— his tenacity of life, 480 —— genera of the sloth, 480 Snake-tree (Ficus elastica), the, 139 Snakes of the Peruvian sand-coast, 35 —— of the tropical forests, 293 —— comparative rareness of venomous, 293 —— habits of venomous, and their external characteristics, 294 —— bite of the trigonocephalus, 295 —— antidotes, 295 —— fangs of venomous serpents, 296 —— the enormous bush-master, 297 —— the brown viper (Echidna ocellata), 297 —— the rattlesnake, 297 —— the Cobra di Capello, 298 —— the asp and viper, 300 —— boas and pythons, 301 —— enemies of, 302 —— sometimes feed on one another, 304 —— their means of locomotion, 305 —— anatomy of their jaws, 306 —— feeding-time at the Zoological Gardens, 333 —— his mode of attack, 455 —— his destruction of the tortoise, 457 —— beetle of South Africa, 205 Toads of the tropics, 310 —— the Pipa Surinamensis, 318 —— the Bahia toad, 319 —— the Surinam toad, 318 —— the giant toad, 320 —— the musical toad of Guinea, 320 Toddy-bird of Ceylon (Artamus fuscus), 152, 367 Toddy made from the cocoa-nut palm, 148 —— and from the palmyra palm, 152 —— and from the date palm, 155 Tomependa, rafts on the Amazons river first appear at, 36 Tornados, 9 Toropishu (Cephalopterus ornatus), 355 Tortoises of the tropics, 321 —— the gigantic land-tortoise (Testudo indica, elephantina), 321 —— their fondness for water, 322 —— their locomotion, 323 —— Mr. Darwin’s ride on one, 324 —— tortoises not indigenous in Australia, 324 —— marsh (EmydÆ), of America and the Indian Archipelago, 324 —— river, 325 —— attacked by wild dogs and tigers, 457 Toucans (RamphastidÆ), 345, 346 —— their quarrelsome habits, 345 —— their nests, 129 —— anecdote of the arrogance of one, 345 Trade-winds, the, 4, 5 —— their limits in the Northern Atlantic, 4 —— —— and in the Pacific, 4 Trap-door spiders, 215 Traveller tree of Madagascar (Ravenala speciosa), uses of the, 169 Tree-snakes, 293 Troglodytes audax of Peru, 234 Troopials (Icterus Xanthornus) of Guiana, 352 —— the variegated tropical (Oriolus varius), 352 Trunk-fish, the, 272 Tsalt-salya, or zimb, of Abyssinia, 230 TsetsÉ-fly of South Africa (Glossina morsitans), 229 —— its destruction to cattle and horses, 229, 230 —— range of its pestiferous influence, 229 —— action of the poison, 230 Tucanos, tattooing of the, 74 Tunguragua river, 36 Tunqui bird (Rupicola Peruviana), 355 Tunuhy, the Sierra, rise of the Rio NegLONDON: PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE AND PARLIAMENT STREET 39 Paternoster Row, E.C. London: November 1872.