The Age of Coal—Plants of the Carboniferous Age—Hugh Miller’s Description of a Coal Forest—Vast Time required for the Formation of the Coal-fields—Derangements and Dislocations—Faults—Their Disadvantages and Advantages—Bituminous Coals—Anthracites—Our Black Diamonds—Advantageous Position of our Coal Mines—The South Welsh Coal-field—Great Central and Manchester Coal-fields—The Whitehaven Basin and the Dudley Area—Newcastle and Durham Coal-fields—Costly Winnings—A Ball in a Coal-pit—Submarine Coal Mines—Newcastle View from Tynemouth Priory—Hewers—Cutting Machines—Putters—Onsetters— Shifters—Trapper Boys—George Stephenson—Rise of Coal Production—Probable Duration of our Supply—Prussian Coal Mines—Belgian—Coal Mines in various other countries—Maunch Chunck. The history of the primitive races of mankind, as far as we are able to trace it in the few relics that have survived their existence, shows us that an age of stone was followed by one of bronze, which in its turn was succeeded by one of iron. The Golden Age has probably never existed but in the fancy of poets who sought in the land of dreams a compensation for the deficiencies of the real world; and there can be no doubt that, despite California and Australia, our own times are as far from realising the pleasing vision as any before them. But a title to which they have a better claim is founded upon the vast use of the mineral fuel without which the glorious inventions of Watt and Stephenson would have been comparatively vain; and whoever has attentively examined the foundations of our industry, our commerce, our wealth, and our civilisation will hardly deny that we live in what may justly be termed the Age of Coal. This mineral, the importance of which in the political economy of the leading nations of the globe can hardly be overrated, is also one of surpassing interest in a geological PECOPTERIS ADIANTOIDES. SPHENOPTERIS AFFINIS. The plants whose growth and decay originally furnished the materials of which our black coal LEPIDODENDRON ELEGANS. ASTEROPHYLLITES COMOSA. SIGILLARIA OCULATA. CALAMITES NODOSUS. The following description by Hugh Miller will assist our fancy in roaming among the primeval thickets from which coal was formed: ‘We have before us a low shore, covered with a dense vegetation. Huge trees of wonderful form stand out far into the water. There seems no intervening beach. A thick hedge of reeds, tall as the masts of pinnaces, runs along the deeper bays, like water-flags at the edge of a lake. A river of vast volume comes rolling from the interior, darkening the water for leagues with its slime and mud, and bearing with it to the open sea reeds and ferns and cones of the pine, and As coal seams have been discovered as far to the north as Greenland, Melville Island, and Spitzbergen, where now no trees will grow, it has been inferred that, in the primeval ages which witnessed their birth, a tropical climate must have reigned over the whole surface of the earth; but the vegetation of arborescent ferns does not necessarily imply a very warm climate, as such plants are found to flourish in New Zealand, together with many conifers and club-mosses, so that a forest in that temperate country may make a nearer approach to the carboniferous vegetation than any other now existing on the globe. So much is certain, that a very different distribution of sea and land must in those times have mitigated the severity of the Arctic winter, or, perhaps, as Professor Oswald Heer conjectures, our solar system may then have rolled through a space more densely clustered with stars, whose radiant heat gave to our earth the advantage of a mild climate, even at the poles. The space of time required for the formation of the coal-fields is as immeasurable as the distance that separates us from Sirius. We know by experience how thin the sheet of humus is which the annual leaf-fall of our trees, or the yearly decay of our moor-plants, leaves behind, and how many decenniums must elapse before one single inch of solid mould is formed. But there are many coal strata eight, ten, or even forty or fifty feet thick; and if we consider besides the mighty pressure of the superincumbent rocks which store them in the smallest compass, we cannot possibly doubt that one such stratum must have required thousands of years for its formation. Our wonder increases when we reflect that in many coal-measures (the series of beds intimately associated with the seams of coal) no less than a hundred thick It may well be asked how such vast masses of vegetable origin, which required the sun’s light for their formation, came thus to be incased in stone thousands of feet beneath the surface of the earth? More than one theory has been advanced to solve this difficult problem, which can hardly be explained in any other manner than by a general, slowly progressing subsidence of the humid lowlands, alternating with periods of rest. Fancy a wide delta land, similar to Egypt or the Netherlands, covered with luxuriant forests, whose spoils, accumulating where they fall, form in the course of centuries a thick stratum of vegetable matter. This land then sinks, suddenly or gradually, under water, many a fathom deep, and remains there perhaps for ten thousand years, till a vast deposit is formed of sandstone and shale, brought down from the highlands by the rivers that come rolling from the interior, the pressure of which, aided by water, converts the stratum of wood into coal. By this deposit the bottom is gradually filled up, and the bay again converted into marsh or meadow, upon which again vegetation flourishes for a thousand years till the materials of a second bed of coal are collected. A third submergence takes place, rocky strata are again deposited, the water again shoals into land capable of bearing plants, a third period of forests commences, and continues till the mass of vegetable matter destined to form a new bed of coal is accumulated. It is unnecessary to pursue the series any further; let it suffice to say that in this manner coal followed upon sand, or sand upon coal, till in the carboniferous basin of Nova Scotia, for instance, a vertical subsidence of three miles was gradually filled up by the waste swept down from the higher lands, or by the accumulation of vegetable matter. Great as are these changes of level, they do not indicate any more considerable or violent perturbations than those which take place at the present day, either from earthquakes or from slow oscillations of the soil. Large areas in the Pacific and elsewhere are known to be actually subsiding at the rate of three or four feet in the century, and when COAL-BEDS RENDERED AVAILABLE BY ELEVATION. Although all coal-fields must have originally been formed in horizontal or slightly undulating situations, yet in many cases they have undergone enormous derangements or dislocations from subsequent terrestrial changes; and to this circumstance is mainly due their utility to man. Had they been permitted to remain in their primitive geological position, The various subterranean changes which have acted upon the coal-fields during the course of unnumbered ages have not only raised or sunk, but frequently dislocated, contorted, ruptured, or broken them up in a most extraordinary manner. In the coal-field near Mons, in Belgium, for instance, a vast lateral pressure has curved the strata again and again, and even folded them four or five times into zigzag bendings, so that on sinking a shaft the same continuous layer of coal is cut through several times. SECTION OF COAL-FIELD SOUTH OF MALMESBURY. 1. Old red sandstone. 2. Mountain limestone. 3. Millstone grit. 4. Coal seams. 5. Coarse sandstone. 6. New red sandstone. 7. Lias. 8. Inferior oolite. 9. Great oolite. 10. Corn brash and forest marl. Frequently a concave form has been the result of these terrestrial revolutions, and hence coal-fields are often called coal-basins. Thus, in the coal-field south of Malmesbury, the strata appear to dip from the surface, and rise again to it after attaining a certain depth, so that a section of them suggests the idea of a boat or basin. Very commonly one portion of a continuous stratum or series of strata has been broken away from the rest, and has been displaced, either by elevation or depression, or shifting on one side, for various distances. The amount of displacement is sometimes only a few inches, and at other times We may easily conceive the difficulties which these disruptions frequently throw in the way of the miner, who in following what he considers a valuable seam of coal is suddenly stopped by coming in contact with a fault, a trouble, or a slip, as these phenomena are expressively called, and finds the coal shifted several yards above or below, or even completely lost. On the other hand, the miner, thus provokingly stopped in his labours, must not forget that it is perhaps owing to the very shifts he complains of that the outcrop of the coal has occurred at all in his neighbourhood, and that the coal is workable throughout a very large portion of the district in which he is interested. A most important advantage is also derived from the existence of these numerous faults in coal strata; namely, that they intersect a large field of coal in all directions, and by the clayey contents which fill up the cracks The separation of a coal-field into small areas by dykes or faults is likewise very beneficial in case of fire in a coal-pit, for in this case the combustion is prevented from spreading widely, and destroying, as it otherwise would, the whole of the ignited seam. ‘The natural disposition of coal in detached portions,’ says the author of an excellent article in the Edinburgh Review, If we examine the nature of the mineral fuel thus provided for us in the bowels of the earth, we find a number of varieties greatly differing from each other in chemical Map showing the The bituminous coals, on the contrary, contain a large proportion of volatile matter, amounting to as much as thirty, forty, or fifty per cent., and are consequently very inflammable, burning with a bright flame, considerable smoke, and a penetrating odour. But as Nature in general does not love those sharp divisions to which theorists are so partial, thus also there is no fixed boundary between these two classes of mineral fuel; and we find an uninterrupted series of intermediate qualities between pure anthracite and the fattest coal. It may be remarked that if coal were of one uniform chemical composition, its utility would be confined within narrower limits, as the bituminous, semi-bituminous, and anthracital varieties have each their distinguishing properties which adapt each to special uses. Some kinds, from their richness in volatile bituminous matter, are excellent for the manufacture of illuminating gas, while, from their smaller proportion of carbon, they could hardly be used for the making of iron; and the anthracites, which yield little or no gas, are very serviceable for smelting or domestic purposes. It appears from the researches of modern chemistry that the different varieties of coal are due to the progress of decomposition which wood and vegetable matter undergo when buried in the earth, exposed to moisture, and partially or entirely excluded from the air. Slowly evolving carbonic acid gas, and thus parting with a portion of their original oxygen, they become gradually converted into lignite or wood-coal, which contains a larger proportion of hydrogen than wood does. A continuance of decomposition changes this lignite into common or bituminous coal, chiefly by the discharge of carburetted hydrogen, or the gas by which we illuminate our streets and houses; and bituminous coal still continuing to evolve its volatile matter, not only after its being covered with strata thousands of feet in thickness, but even to the present day (as the fire-damp sufficiently proves) When we consider the manner in which coal has been formed in swampy lowlands, or more particularly in river-deltas, which gradually subsided to a considerable depth beneath the level of the sea, we cannot wonder that, when compared with the whole extent of the globe, the area of the coal-fields is extremely limited, and confined to but a few favoured countries. In our times delta lands occupy but a small part of the continents and large islands, and there is no reason to suppose that they were more considerable during the carboniferous age, or at any other epoch. Besides, many of the ancient deltas, probably, never subsided at all, so that no coal could be formed on their site; and others, where coal strata were gradually piled up, may still be whelmed beneath the sea awaiting some future upheaval to become serviceable to future generations of man. After the preliminary remarks on coal and the coal formation in general, I will now briefly describe the chief coal-producing countries of the globe. First on the list stands Great Britain, whose pre-eminence in industry and commerce is entirely founded on her vast deposits of coal. It is this invaluable mineral which sets those countless steam-engines in motion that perform the labours of a hundred millions of men; which spins and weaves the cotton of America, the silk of China, the wool of Australia, and the flax of Belgium into that amazing variety of tissues that serve to clothe almost all the nations of the globe; and which finally produces a greater quantity of the cheapest iron than the combined efforts of all the world. Thus our coals may well be called our black diamonds, and the comparison is indeed paying the latter too high a compliment, for larger masses of diamonds would be utterly worthless, while, by means of our coal, we are able to enjoy the produce of every zone. Not only do our fifty-one coal-fields surpass in magnitude those which are disseminated over a far greater territory in Germany, Belgium, and France; but their local distribution and geological formation are as favourable as could possibly be wished. Furthest north we see the considerable COAL BASIN OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. The inspection of a good geological map shows us at once how advantageously for commerce these several coal-stores are distributed. Every large coal-field in England and Scotland is hardly ever distant more than thirty miles from the next, so that from the Clyde to Somersetshire the whole interior of the country can easily, by means of canals and railroads, be provided with fuel. The east and west coasts of the land are nowhere above fifty miles from a coal-field; and even the most remote localities in the three kingdoms are able to provide themselves from distances within 150 miles. But it is chiefly the neighbourhood of the sea which gives such an incomparable value to our most important coal-fields; as, thanks to this advantageous situation, which none of the French, Belgian, and German coal-fields possess, Great Britain is enabled to provide not only her own coast-towns, Coal is found in seventeen counties in Ireland, over an area of about 3,000 square miles. Yet, notwithstanding this great abundance of coal which the country possesses, and which is distributed throughout almost all parts of the island, from Limerick to Antrim, her capital and chief cities and ports have hitherto depended upon Great Britain for their supplies of mineral fuel, both for domestic and for manufacturing purposes. To those who are unacquainted with the actual circumstances, it appears scarcely credible that this fine country has made so little use of the coal which has been so bountifully bestowed upon her. Among other causes not political, which perpetuate this state of things, is the extraordinary facility and cheapness with which the ports of Ireland can be supplied from the great western coal-fields of Great Britain. The excellence, abundance, and cheapness of peat, which is not only the common fuel of the poor in the interior, and, indeed, of all classes in some districts, but is also brought in barges by the great canal, and consumed to a considerable amount in the capital itself, is another reason why the Irish coal-mines have, as yet, been so little worked. When we consider the vast importance of coal, we cannot wonder at the paramount influence which it has exercised over the distribution of our population in modern times. While Salisbury, Winchester, and Canterbury—important towns of mediÆval England—are reduced to atrophy from the distance and absence of coal-fields, Newcastle, Leeds, Manchester, Sheffield, Birmingham, Glasgow, and a host of other flourishing towns may truly be said to be built on coal. Where there are large coal-fields there is life and a prospect of almost unlimited prosperity, for they are sure to attract machinery and man. Take a geological map of a new and thinly-populated country; and if it be marked with A more detailed examination of the chief coal-fields of England shows us the immensity of the mineral riches which are here still hoarded up for the benefit of future generations. The superficial extent of the South Welsh coal-fields is about a thousand square miles. On its northern wing we find on an average twenty-one coal bands, forming an aggregate thickness of eighty and a half feet. In some parts of the south wing there are even as many as thirty-three bands of an aggregate thickness of one hundred and four feet of pure coal, so that the average depth of the field may be estimated at ninety-two feet. Numerous transversal valleys intersect this magnificent coal-field, and afford the easiest means of working it in every depth. They also facilitate the transport of the coal on the canals and railroads which lead along their bottom or along their slopes to the harbours of the Bristol Channel. In the chapters on iron and copper, I have had occasion to describe the gigantic industries, founded on these natural advantages, which have raised South Wales from being one of the most insignificant into one of the most important provinces of the empire. All the coals of this basin are so rich in carbon as to yield from seventy to ninety per cent. of coke. They are either anthracites or only semi-bituminous, and are consequently not suitable for making gas, nor are they much liked for burning in open fire-places, as they do not emit a genial flame. On the other hand, the semi-bituminous Welsh coal is invaluable for burning in steam-engines, for it has been proved to generate one-quarter more steam than any other kind of English coal. One of its properties—by no means unimportant—is its non-liability to spontaneous combustion, which, it is well known, occasionally takes place with bituminous coals, and by which vessels have been lost at sea, and warehouses ignited on land. The value of the Welsh steam or slightly bituminous coal is enhanced by its quality of burning almost without smoke, a property hitherto slightly appreciated, but the importance of which in time of war is evident. Coal is not exported from the South Wales basin as much as from some other fields, owing to the enormous requirements of the large iron works, most of which consume as much as can be supplied by their collieries. Every week, however, sees increased supplies of Welsh coal thrown into the London market, and every year fresh collieries are opened to meet the demand. The total number of pits in South Wales in 1865 was four hundred and eighteen, which produced between seven and eight million tons annually. The New Navigation Pit at Mountain Ash may be cited as an example of the grand scale on which the most important of these workings are conducted. The shaft is eighteen feet in diameter inside the walling, and divided into four compartments, two of which are for the drawing of coal, one for sending the workmen up and down, and the fourth for the drainage. Notwithstanding the great depth of three hundred and seventy yards, a carriage containing two half-tons of coal can be wound up in one minute, and the whole colliery is estimated to supply more than one thousand tons a day. The mineral property extends over an area of seven miles long by three miles in width, covering from four thousand to five thousand acres of four-foot coal. From this one case the reader may form a slight estimate of the boundless resources of the whole basin. The Great Central Coal-field, which ranges through South Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, and Derbyshire, has a superficial DUDLEY COAL-FIELD. Of the smaller coal-fields, the most important are the Whitehaven basin (one hundred and twenty square miles) and the Dudley or South Staffordshire area (ninety square miles) which is particularly valuable for the extensive iron works which it maintains. One portion of this coal-field is distinguished by the presence of one continuous bed of coal thirty feet thick, which for British coal is astonishing; and this mass extends seven miles in length and four in breadth. In this favoured district coal-seams five or six feet thick are called thin seams; in Newcastle they would be called thick seams. Though not so extensive as the South Welsh area, the coal-fields of Newcastle and Durham are of far more ancient celebrity. Their produce is chiefly shipped on the Tyne, Wear, and Tees, small rivers hardly traceable on a map of the world, and yet far more important to commerce than the There are in all about fifty-seven different seams of coal in the Great Northern Coal-field, varying in thickness from an inch to five feet five inches and six feet, and comprising an aggregate of about seventy-six feet of coal. The pits are established chiefly with reference to one or more of the three following seams. The most valuable is called the High Main Seam, and is about six feet thick. The next in value is the Bensham Seam, about three feet thick, which is remarkable for its excellent quality as a domestic coal, and for the enormous quantity of gas evolved from it in the mine. The Hutton or Low Main Seam, averaging from three feet six inches to five feet nine inches, is likewise of very good quality, and is extensively worked. It must, however, be remarked that the same seam of coal is not generally valuable in all places. Thus the High Main, which furnishes excellent coal on the Tyne, becomes injured as it proceeds in a south-easterly direction by being intermixed with a band of coal of inferior quality containing iron pyrites, &c. The Newcastle Coal-field is generally worked at a great depth, an expense of upwards of 50,000l. having in some instances been incurred before the seam of coal was reached which was to reward all this vast outlay and labour. The most remarkable and enterprising work of this kind on record is a sinking at Monk Wearmouth Colliery near Sunderland. After piercing the superincumbent beds of magnesian limestone and lower new red sandstone, the coal strata were reached at a depth of three hundred and thirty feet; but at the same time a spring was tapped which poured water into the workings at the rate of three thousand gallons per minute. This fearful influx was kept under by a steam-engine of two hundred horse-power, and the work was made sure by strong metal tubbing, and carried on successfully, though not without extreme difficulty. On entering the coal measures, however, a new and unexpected check was Another remarkable and costly piece of mining was that of Gosforth Colliery, which lies about three miles north from Newcastle, on the west bank of a romantic ‘dean’ or little valley, through which the Ouseburn winds its way to the Tyne. The sinking was commenced in 1825, and the coal was won on Saturday, January 31, 1829. The High Main coal was reached at twenty-five fathoms below the surface, but near its first appearance the seam was thrown down in an inclined direction by the great Ninety Fathom Dyke which there intersects the coal-field. Hence it became necessary to sink the shaft to the depth of 181 fathoms, in order to come at the level of the lower range of coal. This having been accomplished, a horizontal drift 700 yards long was worked through the face of the dyke to the seam of coal a little above its junction with the dyke. A great part of this excavation had to be made through solid rock. To celebrate the completion of this remarkable work, a grand subterranean ball was given at the very place of triumph, 1,100 feet below the surface of the earth. As the guests arrived at the bottom of the shaft they went to the end of the drift to the face of the coal, where each person hewed a piece of coal as a memento of the day, and then returned to the ball-room, which was brilliantly lit up, and where born-and-bred ladies joined in a general dance with born-and-bred pitmen’s daughters. Between 200 and 300 persons were present, nearly one-half of them belonging to the fair sex. It must be remembered that the pit had not been worked, so that no smoke and dust exuded from its mouth or defiled the ball-room. Some of the older coal-pits, where excavations have been In some parts the operations of the collier have encroached upon the domains of the ocean. At the Howgill pits, for instance, west of Whitehaven, the excavations have been carried more than 1,000 yards under the sea, and about 600 feet below its bottom. But the most remarkable marine colliery which Great Britain has ever possessed was situated at Borrowstounness. The coal was found to continue under the bed of the sea in this place, and the colliers had the courage to work it half a mile from the shore, where there was an entry that went down into the submarine coal-pit. This was made into a kind of round quay, built so as to keep out the tide which flowed there twelve feet. Here the coals were laid, and a ship of that draught of water could lay her side to the quay and take in the coal. This wonderful pit, which belonged to the Earl of Kincardine’s family, continued to be wrought many years to the great profit of the owners, and the astonishment of all that saw it; but at last an unexpected high tide drowned the whole at once, together with the labourers who were at work. ‘While,’ says the French geologist, Faujas de Saint Fond (who visited this remarkable mine about the end of the last century), ‘the pitmen, by the dismal shine of their lamps, make the deep caverns resound with the blows of their pickaxes, ships driven by a fair wind sail over their heads, and the sailors, rejoicing at the beautiful weather, express their joy in songs: at another time a storm arises; the horizon is in flames, the thunder roars, the sea rages, the boldest tremble; then the pitmen, unconscious of the terrible scene, calmly pursue their labours, and think with pleasure of their homes, while the ship above is shattered to pieces and sinks; unfortunately, but too faithful a picture of the daily changes of human life.’ Map showing the Nowhere in the world, perhaps, does human activity display a more restless energy than on the site of the Newcastle Coal-field, where, night and day, successive trains heaped with the black diamonds of England speed along far-stretching railways, ‘Go where you will, there is a network of small railways, leading from pit to pit in hopeless intricacy, but all having a common terminus on the river’s bank or the ocean’s shore. Go where you will, tall chimneys rise up before you, and here and there a low line of black sheds, flanked by chimneys of aspiring altitude, indicates that you are arriving at a colliery. As you draw nearer, men and boys of blackest hue pass you and peer at you with inquiring glances. Now trains of coal-waggons rush by more frequently, noises of the most discordant character increase, and you know that you are at the pit’s mouth, when you behold two gigantic wooden arms slanting upwards, upon which are mounted the pulleys and wheels that carry the huge flat wire ropes of the shaft. For a moment the wheels do not revolve—no load is ascending or descending—but the next minute they turn rapidly, and up comes the load of coals or human beings to the surface. Perhaps the most impressive sight is a large colliery fully engaged at nightwork, with burning crates of coal suspended all around; and after this a view from some neighbouring eminence of all the far-flaming waste coal-heaps, burning up the accumulation of waste and small coal not worth carriage, ever added to the ever-consuming mound, until the whole district appears like the active crater of some enormous volcano.’ The banks of the Tyne are in many places very high and precipitous, and consequently render peculiar contrivances necessary for the shipping of the coals. The means used for this purpose are various: sometimes inclined tunnels, through which the train of waggons is lowered in chains to the water; sometimes slopes, along which the coals are shovelled into the ship, or still better, the ingenious ‘As you advance over the plain you see a whole train of waggons loaded with coal, careering by themselves without horse, without steam-engine, without man, except that there sits one behind, who, instead of endeavouring to propel these mad waggons on their way, seems labouring hopelessly by his weight to detain them. ‘But what is your amazement when you come in sight of the river Tyne, and see these waggons still careering on to the very brink of the water!—to see a railway carried from the high bank, and supported on tall piles, horizontally, above the surface of the river, and to some distance into it, as if to allow those vagabond trains of waggons to run right off, and dash themselves down into the river! SHIPPING COAL. ‘There they go, all mad together! Another moment, and they will shoot over the end of the lofty railway, and go headlong into the Tyne, helter-skelter. But behold! these creatures are not so mad as you imagine them. They are instinct with sense; they have a principle of self-preservation, as well as of speed, in them. See, as they draw near the river they pause, they stop! one by one they detach themselves; and as one devoted waggon runs on, like a victim given up for the salvation of the rest, to perform a wild summersault into the water below, what do we see? The produce of the collieries situated further up the Tyne, where the river is no longer navigable by sea-going craft, is conveyed in a kind of oval vessels, called keels, to the port of Newcastle, or its out-stations, North and South Shields, where it is discharged into larger ships. Newcastle may well be called the capital of King Coal. Once a town of military importance, as the old, grim-looking donjon-keep of Robert Curthose, the son of the Conqueror, still testifies, it entirely owes its modern importance to the treasures of coal adjacent to its walls. Its quays, black and sooty as the mineral on which its prosperity is founded, are lined with a dense row of counting-houses, and before them in the river still denser rows of colliers lie at anchor; while between both ebbs and flows a black-looking crowd—for all here wear the livery of the article to which all owe their bread. Some idea may be formed of the vast activity waving to and fro in this chief artery of the coal trade, from the fact that the annual arrivals in the Tyne are not less than 13,000 or 14,000, 10,000 of which are on account of the coal trade. Sunderland, the great port of the river Wear, where annually more than 10,000 cargoes of coal are shipped to all ports of the world; Hartlepool, a town of modern date with magnificent docks; Stockton-on-Tees, and a number of minor places of shipment on the coast, likewise owe their prosperity to coal, so that probably no other article of trade From Tynemouth Priory, a ruin romantically situated on a bold promontory, the visitor frequently enjoys a magnificent marine picture; for when, after long-continued easterly gales, the wind changes to a westerly breeze, many hundred vessels—mostly colliers—put to sea together in a single tide, and distribute themselves over the ocean with their prows turned in almost every direction, some southward and coast-wise, for English ports, for the Channel, and for the southern countries of Europe; others, northward for Scotland and the Norwegian coast; and others, again, due east, for Denmark and the Baltic—all sinking deep in the water, weighed down by that mineral fuel which is more valuable for England than if it were replaced by the mines of Mexico or the diggings of Australia. Yet a few years, and probably the dingy and crawling craft, which perform the chief part in this animated scene, will be abolished. Clipper screw steamers are rapidly taking their place, and the railroads daily transport a greater proportion of the seven or eight million tons of coal which are annually devoured by our huge metropolis. Before quitting the Northern coal districts, a few words may be added on the swarthy population whose labours bring their subterranean riches to the light. The chief underground workmen are the hewers, who either remove the coal with pickaxes, or sometimes blast it with powder. To hew well is a work of skill as well as of strength, and men must be early practised in it to earn high wages by piece-work. In tolerably thick seams of coal of five and six feet and upwards, hewing is more a work of strength than skill; but in the narrower seams skill predominates. In these the arm is confined, the blow is shortened, the pick is impeded. To gain space by adaptation of position, you may see one hewer kneeling down on one or both knees, another squatting, another stooping or bending double, and occasionally one or more lying on their sides or on their backs, picking and pegging away at the seam above them. If the seam be hard as well as thin, and the man’s position confined, it is manifest that he cannot get his strength to COAL HEWERS AT WORK. To relieve this arduous toil, coal-cutting machines have lately been devised, which are worked either by steam or by compressed air, and will probably in time perform a great part of the hewer’s labour, as those already in employment appear to be well adapted to the purpose for which they are contrived, and further improvements in their construction will no doubt be introduced. Coal-cutting machines, which act either by picking or gouging, have been found to work more economically than manual labour, while at the same time much less coal is destroyed and reduced to slack. A matter of still more importance is the diminished risk to the persons and lives of the employed, who, when working in The hewers may possibly fear to be thrown out of employment by its introduction on an extensive scale; but as it will relieve them from their most irksome drudgery, and allow them to reserve their strength for less injurious trial, they cannot but be thankful for the aid which it affords them. They are usually paid according to the number of baskets or tubs they are able to fill. These are then conveyed by the putters through the smaller or lower galleries of the pit to the headways, where they are hoisted by the crow-men upon the rolleys or waggons for transporting the coals from the crow to the shaft. The roads along which the rolleys are driven are made sufficiently high for an ordinary horse by cutting away the roof or the floor. Some of them are two miles long, and are kept in repair by a rolley-wayman. Where tubs are used for the conveyance of coal the whole way, no crow is necessary, but a lad, termed a ‘flatman,’ who links the tubs together at the level or the flat. Next to the hewers, the putters are the hardest labourers in the pit; and in some places their labour is even harder, for it is no easy matter to push corfs or tubs, weighing from six to ten hundredweight, along galleries which are often but three or four feet high, where the heat not seldom averages about 78° Fahr., and in consequence of the increased pressure of the air, water boils at 220°. The term ‘putter’ includes the specific distinctions of the ‘headsman,’ ‘half-marrow,’ and the ‘foal.’ Where full tubs or baskets are to be pushed along the rails from the hewers to the crow and the rolley-drivers, the headsmen take the chief part; a half-marrow goes at each end of the train alternately with another half-marrow; while a foal always precedes the train. At the bottom of the shaft the ‘onsetters’ are stationed, who Besides the workers underground, a number of labourers or artisans are constantly employed above pit, from the ‘banksmen,’ whose duty it is to see all things living and lifeless up and down the shaft, to the ‘staithmen,’ who attend to the staith or shipping place of coals. Many find constant occupation in the raff-yard, where old waggons, ironwork, and woodwork are duly hospitalled and refitted for fresh duty. The daily work of the mine is conducted according to the strictest discipline. The ‘resident viewer’ is supreme, and has subordinate viewers, overseers, and wastemen, lamp-keepers, and other officers, who have each their departments, and discharge their duties assiduously. Thus a first-rate northern colliery establishment—where a total of more than five hundred persons are variously employed—resembles a little community in itself. Men of all educations, arts, grades, and duties, and males of almost all ages, from ten years, are here; men, too, of all appearances—from the gentlemanly viewer to the doubtful wasteman, and from the underground workers-in-chief—the hewers—to the humble trapper-boys. The peculiar nature of his underground occupations, which condemns the pitman, while working, to a position of His stature is diminutive, his figure disproportioned and misshapen; his legs being much bowed, and his chest protruding like that of a pigeon. His arms are long, and oddly suspended. His countenance is not less strange than his figure, his cheeks being generally hollow, his brow overhanging, his cheekbones high, his forehead low and retreating, his complexion pallid. Many of these bodily peculiarities or malformations are probably hereditary. Pitmen have always lived in communities; they have associated only among themselves, and have thus acquired peculiar habits and ideas. They almost invariably intermarry, and it is not uncommon in their marriages to commingle the blood of the same family. They have thus transmitted natural and accidental defects through a long series of generations, and may now be regarded in the light of a distinct race of beings. In spite of the general march of intelligence, their education is still very imperfect, and they are just emerging from the greatest possible moral and intellectual darkness—an improvement due mainly to the Wesleyan Methodists. The untiring labours of this religious sect not only imparted to the colliery population in the North of England a higher tone of moral feeling, but in their efforts to instil religious principles into their minds, afforded them, through Sunday-schools, a slight amount of education and an imperfect capability of reading. These first seeds of improvement will, it is hoped, gradually ripen into fruit, and oppose a strong barrier to the prominent vices of colliers—gambling and intemperance. A lack of mental and personal openness and boldness, a great inclination to injury and theft, the grossest superstition, and a want of the commonest economy and forethought, are likewise faults which are said to be very common among them. Deception is so much a practice with them that they deceive when no earthly advantage can be obtained from their dishonesty. Oh the other hand, the proofs of filial affection which Though the use of coal was already known to the ancient Britons, yet the first public notice of the mineral is mentioned by Hume to have been in the time of Henry III., who, in the year 1272, granted a licence to dig coals to the town of Newcastle. Somewhat later in 1291, the abbot and monastery of Dunfermline in Scotland obtained a similar grant. The first coal is said to have been brought to London about the year 1305, where it was used only by smiths, dyers, and soap-boilers. The smoke, which was supposed to be injurious to health, caused great annoyance to the wealthier inhabitants of the city, so that in 1316 its use was prohibited by a decree of Edward I. This ordinance seems, however, to have been but little attended to; for a few years later inspectors were named to levy fines in case of its non-observance, and if these proved ineffectual, to demolish the fireplaces arranged for the burning of coal. The complaints against this fuel continued several centuries, for as late as 1661 King Charles II. was prayed to remedy the nuisance by banishing from town manufacturers who required large quantities of coal. Yet, in spite of all the interdictions, complaints, and prejudices arrayed against it, coal continued to grow in use; for as early as 1615, Newcastle gave employment to about four hundred vessels, one-half of which number supplied the About the middle of the seventeenth century the coal trade, notwithstanding an increase of price, required nine hundred vessels; and fifty years later, half a million of tons were exported from Newcastle, requiring fourteen hundred vessels for their carriage. During the eighteenth century the northern coal trade constantly increased with the steady growth of London, which in 1770, although not possessing one-sixth of its present population, already consumed seven hundred thousand tons; and it would have been impossible for the collieries to satisfy the constantly growing demand if the invention of the steam-engine had not lent its powerful aid to raise larger quantities of coal from a greater depth, and to drain many works which otherwise would have been deluged with water. The other English coal-fields began to be worked at a much later period than that of Newcastle, but rapidly grew in importance with the vast increase of our manufactories and smelting furnaces. The extraction of coal is indeed constantly increasing at a truly gigantic rate. Thus, in 1845 our whole annual production was rated at thirty-five millions of tons; in 1859 it amounted, according to trustworthy returns, to sixty-eight millions; in 1865 it had advanced to ninety-six million tons; and now probably exceeds one hundred million tons—a mass so enormous that with it a girdle of coal three feet wide, and about seven high, might be put round the earth. The question of the duration of our coal-fields is evidently one of great national interest. It has of late excited the attention both of statesmen and philosophers, but unfortunately it is more easily put than answered. While some authorities give us the cheering assurance that we have enough to last us for the next two thousand years at least, others limit our supply to three or four centuries, or assign even a couple of hundred years as the period when our descendants will have to seek their coals in the mines of other countries. The quantity of fuel left in the Newcastle After deducting the coal practically unattainable from its depth, sixty thousand millions of tons may be considered a liberal estimate of the available mass. At the present rate of extraction (ten millions of tons) this would give a supply for the next six thousand years; but supposing the other sources to fail, the extraction of coal from the South Wales basin would of course be increased to such an extent as to limit its duration to six or seven centuries. It may be remarked that the largest estimates of future coal supply are based on the assumption that mines may be worked at a depth of four or five thousand feet; but this is very problematical. Mechanical skill may indeed pierce shafts to this depth, or even deeper; but the increase of temperature which is raised by one degree for about every successive seventy feet, along with the increasing density of the air, must ever oppose insuperable obstacles to human labour at such a distance below the level of the sea. To the natural heat and density arising from depth must be added the corruptions arising from human perspiration, which are constantly on the increase during working hours in working places. ‘We speak,’ says the author of an excellent article The pressure of superincumbent strata, which renders the upholding of the roof, even at fourteen or fifteen hundred feet, a problem of ceaseless anxiety and expense, must also be taken into account. At depths much exceeding two thousand feet, it is very doubtful if the roofs could be securely upheld except at such an outlay as would considerably raise the cost of extraction, while the coal itself would be more and more dense, and therefore more and more difficult to dislodge. For these various reasons, all the strata of coal situated below the depth of two thousand five hundred feet, or at the very utmost three thousand feet, may be considered as practically unworkable; and thus sober-minded calculators, on comparing the available solid contents of our coal-fields with the rate of extraction, have come to the conclusion that a thousand years is the maximum of the probable future supply of England and Wales. Adding to this the Scotch and Irish coal, which are not included in the estimate, and swelling our account with lignite and peat, we have at any rate sufficient materials for keeping our fires burning for a good time to come, and may safely leave all desponding views on the subject to distant generations. Next to England, no European country has so rapidly increased its coal production as the German empire, where, thanks to the railroads, the consumption of mineral fuel is yearly extending over a wider range, and gradually supplanting in many localities the use of wood. The official tables inform us that in 1866, 432,594,926 cwt. of black coal, and 130,661,182 cwt. of lignite—together, about 28 million tons—were produced, a mass considerably greater than the joint production of France and Belgium, and equal The German ports on the North Sea and the Baltic still largely consume British coal, which, however, has been entirely driven from the Rhine; and Berlin, which in 1860 burnt 202,970 tons of English coal, consumed little more than one-half that quantity (123,401 tons) in 1865, in spite of a considerable increase of population; while at the same time the consumption of coal from Upper Silesia increased from 61,700 to 323,712 tons. The small but thriving kingdom of Belgium, where the collieries of LiÈge, Namur, and Hainaut give rise to a commercial activity unequalled on the Continent, occupies the third rank among the coal countries of Europe, its production in 1863 having amounted to 10,500,000 tons. The provinces of Namur and LiÈge consume almost all the coal they produce, while Mons and Charleroi, in Hainaut, export more than three millions of tons to France. This country, which, in 1862, produced 9,400,000 tons of coal, requires at least 16,000,000 for its consumption, and imports the difference from Belgium, England, and Germany. The chief coal-basins are situated in the departments of the Loire, du Nord, SaÔne-et-Loire, and Gard, which furnish about seven-eighths of the whole production. Austria, whose principal coal mines are situated in Bohemia, produces about 3,500,000 tons. Spain possesses magnificent coal-fields in the Asturias and Santanders, but as yet they have been but little worked. Besides the coal-basins of the mother country, Britain is richly provided with coals in many of her colonies. In New South Wales and Tasmania, in Labuan and Farther India, in Hindostan and New Zealand, in British Columbia and Honduras, valuable basins or seams of coal have been discovered; and a magnificent coal-field, far surpassing in magnitude those of the British Islands, extends from The coal-fields of the United States are of still more ample proportions, as they surpass in extent all the known coal-basins of the world besides. Beyond the Alleghany Mountains we find the magnificent Appalachian Coal-field, traversing eight of the principal States in the American Union, from the northern frontiers of Pennsylvania to Alabama, and covering a space of about sixty-five thousand square miles. Of scarcely inferior extent are the vast coal-fields of Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky, which nearly equal in magnitude the whole of England; and another smaller but highly important coal region is situated between the lakes Erie, Huron, and Michigan, not to mention the minor coal-basins scattered here and there from Texas to Missouri, and from New York to Maine. As yet, the Americans have not derived full benefit from their extraordinary coal deposits; but the possession of so vast an accumulation of power allows us to predict a future of almost boundless enterprise and production for that wonderful country. While in most of our coal-seams deep shafts have to be sunk to obtain the coal, and steam power has to be constantly employed to prevent its submersion, the Appalachian Coal-field is intersected by three great navigable rivers, the Monongahela, the Alleghany, and the Ohio, all of which lay open on their banks the level seams of coal. At Brownhill, on the first of these rivers, the main seam of bituminous coal, ten feet thick, breaks out in the steep cliff at the water’s edge. Horizontal galleries may be driven everywhere at very slight expense, and so worked as to drain themselves, while the cars laden with coal, and attached to each other, glide down on a railway so as to deliver their burden into barges moored to the river’s bank. The same seam may be followed the whole way to Pittsburg, fifty miles distant. Being One of the most remarkable collieries in the world is that of Maunch Chunk (or the Bear Mountain) in Pennsylvania, where an enormous bed of anthracitic coal, nearly sixty feet thick, and probably caused by the doubling back of a twenty-eight feet seam upon itself, is quarried in the open air; the overlying sandstone, forty feet thick, having been removed bodily from the top of the hill, which, to use the miners’ expression, has been ‘scalped.’ |