Subterranean Distribution of the Waters—Admirable Provisions of Nature—Hydrostatic Laws regulating the Flow of Springs—Thermal Springs—Intermittent Springs—The Geysir—Bunsen’s Theory—Artesian Wells—Le Puits de Grenelle—Deep Borings—Various Uses of Artesian Wells—Artesian Wells in Venice and in the Desert of Sahara. In every zone the evaporating power of the sun raises from the surface of the ocean vapours, which hover in the air until, condensed by cold, they descend in rain upon the earth. Here part of them are soon restored to the sea by the swollen rivers; another part is once more volatilised; but by far the larger quantity finds its slow way into the bowels of the earth, where it serves for the perennial supply of wells and springs. The distribution of these subterranean waters, and the simple laws which regulate their circulation, afford us one of the most interesting glimpses into the physical economy of our globe. We know that the greater part of the earth’s surface is composed of stratified rocks, or alternate beds of impermeable clay and porous limestone or sand, which were originally deposited in horizontal layers, but have since been more or less displaced and set on edge by upheaving forces. Wherever permeable beds of limestone or sand crop out on the surface of the land, the residuary portions of rain-water which are not disposed of by floods or by evaporation, must necessarily penetrate into the pores and fissures, and descend lower and lower, until they finally reach an impermeable stratum which forbids their further progress to a greater depth. The granite, gneiss, porphyry, lava, and other unstratified and crystalline rocks of igneous origin, which cover about a Thus the plutonic or volcanic forces which have gradually moulded the dry land into its present form have also provided it with the necessary filters, drains, reservoirs, and conduits, for the constant replenishment of springs, brooks, and rivers. As every porous layer is more or less saturated with moisture, the stratified rocks are frequently traversed at various depths by distinct sheets of water, or rather, in most cases, by permanently drenched or waterlogged sheets of chalk or sand. Thus, in a boring undertaken in search of coal at St. Nicolas d’Aliermont, near Dieppe, no less than seven very abundant aquiferous layers or beds of stone were met with from about 75 to 1,000 feet below the surface. In an Artesian boring at Paris, five distinct sheets of water, each of them capable of ascension, were ascertained; and similar perforations executed in the United States, and other countries, have in the same manner traversed successive stages of aqueous deposits. Thus there can be no doubt that vast quantities of water are everywhere accumulated in the porous strata of which a great part of the superficial earth-rind is composed, the rapidity with which they circulate varying of course with the amount of hydrostatic pressure to which they are subjected, and the more or less porous and permeable nature of the beds through which they percolate. Were the ground we stand on composed of transparent crystal, and the subterranean water-courses tinged with some vivid colour, we should then see the upper earth-crust traversed in every direction by aqueous veins, and frequently as saturated with water as the internal parts of our body are with blood. But Nature not only perennially feeds our springs and brooks from the inexhaustible fountains of the deep; it is also one of her infinitely wise provisions that the same water which, if placed in casks or open tanks, becomes putrid, continues fresh so long as it remains in the cavities and interstices of the terrestrial strata. While filtering through the earth, it is generally cleansed of all the organic substances whose decay would inevitably taint its purity, and comes forth The extreme limits to which the waters descend into the earth of course escape our direct observation, as the lowest point to which the subterranean regions have been probed is less than 2,000 or 2,500 feet below the level of the sea; but as we know from the formation of many basins that the strata of which they are composed attain in many cases a thickness of from 20,000 to 30,000 feet, there can hardly be a doubt that they are permeated by water to an equal depth. As steam plays so great a part in volcanic phenomena, the seat or effective cause of which must needs be sought for at an immense distance below the surface of the earth, we have another proof of the vast depth to which the subterranean migrations of water are able to attain. After this brief glimpse into the reservoirs of the deep, we have to ascertain the power which raises their liquid contents and forces them to reappear upon the surface of the earth. If we pour water into a tube, bent in the form of the letter U, it will rise to an equal level in both branches. We will now suppose that the left branch of the tube opens at the top into a vast reservoir, which is able to keep it constantly filled, and that the right branch is cut off near the bottom, so that only a small vertical piece remains. The pressure of the water column in the left branch will in this case force the liquid to gush out of the orifice of the shortened right branch to the level which it occupied while the branch was still entire. These two hydrostatic laws, or rather these two modifications of the same law, have been frequently put to practical uses, as, for instance, in the communicating tubes which distribute the waters of an elevated source or reservoir to the various districts of a town, or in the subterranean conduits which serve to create fountains, such as those of Versailles or the Crystal Palace. When the Romans intended to lead water from one hill to another, they constructed, at a vast expense, magnificent aqueducts across the intermediate valley; but the Turks, whom we look upon as ignorant barbarians, obtain the same result in a much more economical manner, and in this respect far Down the slope of the hill from which the water is to be conducted, the Turks lay a tube of brick or metal, which, crossing the valley, moulds itself to its different inflections, and ultimately ascends the declivity of the hill on the opposite side, where, in virtue of the law above cited, the water rises as high as on that from which it descended. If we suppose the descending branch of the tube to be prolonged only as far as the level of the valley, with a superficial orifice, then the liquid will of course gush forth in a vertical column, and form a jet d’eau, or fountain, its height being determined by the elevation of the sheet of water by which it is fed, and the consequent degree of pressure which acts upon it. This is the principle on which all artificial fountains are constructed. The conduit, for instance, which feeds the grand fountain of the Tuileries receives its water from a reservoir situated on the heights of Chaillot. Whatever the form of the tube may be in which the liquid is contained, the simple hydrostatic law which regulates its level remains unmodified. Let the tube be circular, elliptic, or square, with a single orifice or with many—let it be open or choked with pebbles or permeable sand—in every case the water will invariably rise to the same height, provided the tube be perfectly water-tight; or else gush forth wherever it finds an opening below the highest level. This hydrostatic principle so perfectly illustrates the origin of springs, that it is almost superfluous to enter into any further details on the subject. When we consider that porous or absorbent strata, alternating with impermeable strata, frequently crop out on the back or on the slope of hills or mountains, and then, having reached their base, extend horizontally beneath the plain, there can be no doubt that they are placed in the same hydrostatic conditions as ordinary water-conducting tubes, and that wherever any fissure or opening occurs in the superincumbent impervious strata at any point below As the same strata often extend over many hundreds of miles, we cannot wonder that sources frequently issue from the centre of immense plains, for the hydrostatic pressure which causes them to gush forth may have its seat at a very considerable distance. As the waters by which the springs are fed have often vast subterranean journeys to perform, their temperature is naturally independent of that of the seasons or of the changes of the atmosphere. Thus, cold springs occur in a tropical climate, when their subterranean channels descend from high mountains, and boiling sources gush forth in the Arctic regions when forced upwards from a considerable depth. While the waters filter through the earth, they also naturally dissolve a variety of substances, and hence all springs are more or less impregnated with extraneous particles. But many of them, particularly such as are of a higher temperature, contain either a larger quantity or so peculiar a combination of mineral substances as to acquire medicinal virtues of the highest order. The geological phenomena which favour the production of thermal springs are extremely interesting, and point to a deep-seated origin. By far the greater number of these fountains arise near the scene of some great subterranean disturbance, either connected with volcanic action, or with the elevation of a chain of mountains, or lastly by cliffs and fissures caused by disruption. Thus the thermal springs of Matlock and Bath accompany great natural fissures in the mountain limestone, and the hot springs of Wiesbaden and Ems, of Carlsbad and Toeplitz, all lie contiguous to remarkable dislocations, or to great lines of elevation, or to the neighbourhood of a volcanic focus. One of the most remarkable phenomena of thermal springs is the constant invariableness of their temperature and their mineral impregnation. During the last fifty or sixty years, ever since accurate thermometrical observations and chemical analyses have been made, the most celebrated mineral sources of Germany have been found to contain the same proportion of mineral substances. This is truly astonishing Another remarkable fact is, that, even in countries exposed to violent and frequent earthquakes, so many subterranean watercourses have remained unaltered for 2,000 years at least. The sources of Greece still flow apparently as in the times of Hellenic antiquity. The spring of Erasinos, two leagues south of Argos, on the declivity of the Chaonian mountains, is mentioned by Herodotus. At Delphi the Cassotis (now Wells of Saint Nicholas) still flow under the ruins of the temple of Apollo, and the hot baths of Aidepsos still exist in which Sylla bathed during the Mithridatic war. Many springs exhibit the singular phenomenon of an intermittence which is independent of the quantity of rain falling in the district, or of the flux and reflux of the tide in a neighbouring river. In many cases the simple and well-known hydrostatical law exemplified in the common siphon siphon In the annexed diagram the vessel a communicates, by a tube c, with the siphon tube b, and it is manifest that when the water in a rises above the level of the top of b, it SECTION OF AN INTERMITTENT SPRING. The case of a subterranean cavity in a limestone rock, slowly fed by drainage from the cracks and fissures of the rock above, and communicating at a distant point with the surface by a bent or siphon tube, is evidently strictly analogous. GEYSIRS OF ICELAND. Iceland, pre-eminently the land of volcanic wonders, possesses in the Great Geysir the most remarkable intermittent fountain in the world. ‘At the foot of the Laugarfjall hill, in a green plain, through which several rivers meander like threads of silver, and where chains of dark-coloured mountains, overtopped here and there by distant snow-peaks, form a grand but melancholy picture, dense volumes of steam indicate from afar the site of a whole system of thermal springs congregated on a small piece of ground not exceeding twelve acres in extent. In any other spot the smallest of these boiling fountains would arrest the traveller’s attention, but here his whole mind is absorbed by the Great Geysir. In the course of countless ages, this monarch of springs has formed out of the silica which it deposits a mound which rises to about thirty feet above the general surface of the The explanation of these wonderful phenomena has exercised the ingenuity of many natural philosophers; but Professor Bunsen’s theory seems the most plausible. Having first ascertained, by experiment, that the water at the mouth of the tube has a temperature, corresponding to the pressure of the atmosphere, of about 212° F., he found it much hotter at a certain depth below; a thermometer, suspended by a string in the pipe, rising to 266° F., or no less than 48° above the boiling point. By letting down stones, suspended by strings, to various depths, he next came to the conclusion In many geological basins, the deep subterranean waters are frequently inclosed over a surface of many square miles between impermeable beds of clay or hard rock, which nowhere permit them to escape; but if a hole be bored deep enough to reach a permeable bed, it is evident that they will then gush forth more or less violently, according to the degree of hydrostatic pressure which acts upon them. This is the simple theory of the Artesian Wells, so called from the French province of Artois, where, as far back as the beginning of the twelfth century, springs of water were artificially obtained by perforating the soil to a certain depth in places where no indication of springs existed at the surface. The barbarous inhabitants of the Sahara seem, however, to have long preceded the Artesians in the art of sinking deep wells, for Olympiodorus, a writer who flourished at Alexandria about the middle of the sixth century, mentions pits sunk in the oasis to the depth of 200 or 300 yards, and pouring forth streams of water, used for irrigation. One of the most remarkable instances on record of a successful sinking for water is that of the Artesian well of Grenelle, one of the Parisian suburbs. POROUS STRATA. ARTESIAN WELL SUNK IN THE LONDON BASIN. The work was begun with an auger of about a foot in diameter, and the borings showed successively the alluvial soil and subsoil, and the tertiary sands, gravels, clays, lignite, &c., until the chalk was reached. The work was then carried on regularly through the hard upper chalk down to the lower chalk with green grains, the dimension of the auger being reduced at 500 feet to a nine-inch, and at 1,300 feet to a six-inch aperture. When the calculated depth of 1,500 feet had been reached, and as yet no result appeared, the Government began to be disheartened. Still, upon the urgent representations of the celebrated Arago, the sinking was continued, until at length, at the depth of 1,800 feet, the auger, after a The high temperature of Artesian springs, when rising from considerable depths, has been turned to various practical uses. Thus, near Canstadt, in Wurtemberg, several mills are kept in work, during the severest cold of winter, by means of the warm water of Artesian wells which has been turned into the mill-ponds, and at Heilbronn several proprietors save the expense of fuel by leading Artesian water in pipes through their green-houses. In some localities the pure and constantly temperate Artesian waters are made use of for the cultivation of cress. The vigorous growth of this salutary herb in the beds of rivulets, where natural springs gush forth, gave the idea of this application, which is so profitable that the cress nurseries of Erfurt yield a produce of 12,000l. a year. Fish ponds have also been improved by such warm springs being passed through them. Among the localities benefited by the boring of Artesian wells, Venice deserves to be particularly noticed. Formerly the City of the Doges had no other supply of water but that which was conveyed by boats from the Brenta, or obtained from the rain collected in cisterns. Hence the joy of the inhabitants may be imagined, when, in 1846, an Artesian boring in the Piazza San Paolo began to disgorge its water at the rate of forty gallons per minute, and when other undertakings of the same kind proved equally successful. Wherever a well gushes forth in the Sahara, it brings life into the wilderness; the date-tree flourishes as far as its fertilising waters extend, and the wandering Arab changes into a sedentary cultivator of the soil. Thus the boring of Artesian wells on the desert confines of South Algeria has A boring apparatus was first landed at Philippeville in April 1856, and conveyed with immense difficulty to the Oasis Wad Rir at Tamerna. The work was begun in May, and on the 19th of June, a spring, to which the grateful inhabitants gave the name of the ‘Well of Peace,’ gushed forth. Soon after another source was tapped at Tamelhat, in the Oasis Temacen, and received the name of the ‘Well of God’s blessing.’ The beneficent instrument of abundance was now conveyed to the Oasis Sidi Rasched, fifteen miles beyond Tuggurt. Here the auger had scarcely reached a depth of 120 feet when a perfect stream gushed forth, which, according to the praiseworthy Arab custom, received the name of the ‘Well of Thanks.’ The opening of this wonderful source gave rise to many touching scenes. The Arabs came in throngs to witness the joyful spectacle: each of them poured some of the water over his head, and the mothers bathed their children in the gushing flood. An old scheik, unable to conceal his emotion, fell down upon his knees, and shedding tears of joy, fervently thanked God for having allowed him to witness such a day. The next triumph was the boring of four wells in the desert of Morran, where previously no spring had existed. In the full expectation of success, everything had been prepared to turn this new source of wealth to immediate use, and part of a nomadic tribe instantly settled on the spot, and planted 1,200 date-trees. A dreary solitude was changed, as if by magic, into a scene of busy life. These few examples suffice to show the vast services which Artesian wells are destined at some future time to render to many of the arid regions of Africa. Both in the Sahara and in the basin-shaped deserts, which extend, under various names, from the Cape Colony to the neighbourhood of Lake Ngami, there are, beyond all doubt, numberless spots where water, the fertilising element, may be extracted from the bowels of the earth. MIDDLE AND VALLEY LAKE CRATERS, MOUNT GAMBIER, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. |