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Aar glacier, formation and dissolution of the, 75
AcalephÆ, 348. See Jelly-fishes
Acephala, their organisation, 299
— their food, 305
— their enemies, 305, 306
Acorn-shell, the, 244
ActiniÆ, 361
Actinozoa, 363
Adriatic, depth of the, 8
— tides of the, 43
Africa, length of coast-line of, 4
— circumnavigated by the Phoenicians, 444
— Hanno's discoveries on the west coast of, 444
Agar-agar, or artificial edible birds'-nests of Java, 402
Agricola, Julius, sails round Scotland, 422
Air-bladder of fishes, 189
Air-currents. See Winds
Albatross, 163
Albion, New, discovery of, 467
Alcyonarians, 363
Alexander the Great, maritime discoveries resulting from the conquests of, 447
Alexandria, the Pharus or lighthouse of, 89
AlgÆ, 390
— changes produced by, in the colour of the sea, 19
— Russian official collecting, 392
Alligators, 172
Amalfi, maritime trade of, 449
— decline of, 449
Amazon river, tides of the, 43
— — quantity of water which it pours into the ocean, 75
— — discovery of the river, 460
America, length of coast-line of, 4
— salmon of Russian America, 221
— discovery of, by Columbus, 457
— account of early navigation along the shores of, 457
Amerigo Vespucci, his discoveries, 460
Ammodyte, or launce, 230
Ammonites, 437
AmoebÆ, 379
— simplicity of their structure, 380
Anabas of the dry tanks, 193
Anchovy, 214
Angler, or sea-devil, 203
Annelides, marine, 262
— general remarks on the, 262
— their beauty, 263
— their food, 264
— their enemies, 265
— tubicole, 266
Anson, Commodore, his maritime discoveries, 483
Aphrodita, or sea-mouse, 264
Arab commerce and maritime discovery, 452
Arctic discovery, 474, 496
— winter passed by Barentz, 478
Argand, his improvement in marine illumination, 90
Argonaut, 280
Argus, Scotch or Shetland, 333
Ascidia mammillata, 322
Asia, length of coast-line of, 4
AsteriÆ, 335
AstrÆa, 373
Atlantic Ocean, depth of the, according to Maury, 7
— — temperature of the, 14
— — fury of the Atlantic surge, 28, 29
— — enormous fucus banks, or floating meadows of the, 397
Atolls, or lagoon islands, 374
Auburn, site of the village of, 29
Auks, 151, 168
Australia, length of coast-line of, 4
— discoveries in, 480, 486
Avosets, 143, 144, 146
Azores, discovery of the, 456
Back's arctic voyages, 507
Baffin, his maritime discoveries, 483
Baffin's Bay, discovery of, 483
Balani, 244
Balanus ovularis, 244
— balanoides, 244
Balboa, Vasco NuÑez de, sketch of him and his discoveries, 464
Baleen of the whale, 98
Balleny, his discoveries, 509
Baltic, depth of the, 8
Band-worm, the great, 264
Barentz, William, his maritime discoveries, 476
Barnacles, 244
— their attacks on the whale, 17
Barnacle goose, 146
Barrow's Straits, discovery of, 505
Basaltic pillars of Fingal's Cave, 46
Bassora, foundation of the town of, 452
Bastidas, Roderigo de, his maritime discoveries, 461
Beachy Head, 5
Bear, white, said to attack the whale, 100
— organisation of the polar bear, 10
— attacks Barentz's men, 478
Bear Islands, discovery of, 477
Behring, his maritime discoveries and death, 484
Belemnites, 437
Bellrock lighthouse, 28, 86
— — height of the waves at the, 28
— — in the storm of 1807, 29
Benin, discovery of, 456
Bermudas, depth of the sea near the, 7
Bird Island, discovery of, 490
Bird's-foot sea-star, 335
Birds'-nests, edible, of Java, 399
— mode of gathering them, 399
— agar-agar, or artificial birds'-nests, 402
Birds of passage, 171
Birkenhead, the Great Float at, 91
Biscoe, his discoveries, 509
Bivalves, or acephalous mollusca. See Acephala
Black-skimmer, or cut-water, the, 144
Blocks, erratic, of Greenland and Spitzbergen, 76
Bojador, Cape, doubling of, for the first time, 455
Bonito, the, 223, 224
Booth, Mr. Felix, 503
Boothia Felix, discovery of, 503
Borda, his improvements in marine illumination, 90
Borer, the, 231
Botallack, submarine mine, 91
Botrylli, 324
Bougainville, his maritime discoveries, 483
Boundaries of the ocean. See Limits of the ocean
Brachiopods, 315
Brazils, discovery of the, 460
Breakwater of Cherbourg, 90
— of Plymouth, 90
— moles of Portland, Holyhead, ind Alderney, 90
Bream, sea, 415
Bristol Channel, high tides of the, 38
— — marine fauna, 414
Britannia Tubular Bridge, 91
Bryozoa, 316
Buchan, Captain, his arctic discoveries, 497
Buffadero, the marine cave of the, 52
Bullhead, river, its parental affection, 195
Burgomaster-bird, 159
Butthorn, the, 335
Byron, Commodore, his maritime discoveries, 483
Cabot, John and Sebastian, their discoveries, 459
Cachalot, or sperm-whale, its organisation, 102-104
— its food, 104
Ca'ing whale, the, 115
Calamary, 272
Caledonia, New, discovery of, 490
California, discovery of, 472
Callao, colour of the sea near, 20
Calling crabs, 250, 251
Calms, or doldrums, causes of, 67
CalycophoridÆ, 352
Canada acquired by France, 461
Canary Islands probably known to the Phoenicians, 444
Cano, Sebastian el, first performs the circumnavigation of the globe, 469
Cape de Verd Islands, depth of the sea near the, 7
Capelins, 162
Capri, 'azure cave' at, 18, 49
Carcinas mÆnas, metamorphosis of, 258
Caribbean Sea, crystalline clearness of the, 21
Carinaria, 287
Carrigeen (Chondrus crispus), 399
Carteret, his maritime discoveries, 483
Cartier, Jacques, voyages of, 461
Caryophyllia, 370
Cat-fish, or sea-wolf, 415
Catalonians, their maritime discoveries, 452
Caves, marine, 45
— Fingal's Cave, 45-48
— azure cave of Capri, 18, 49
— the Antro di Nettuno, 49
— the Cave of Hunga, 49-51
— cave of the Skerries, 51
— the Souffleur, or Blower, 52
— the Buffadero, 53
Caviar, 217
CellulariÆ, 319
Cephalopods, their organisation, 271
— their locomotion, 274
— their food, 277
— their enemies, 277
— their great size in some cases, 379
— the Norwegian kraken, 279
— the argonaut, 280
— the nautilus, 281
— the cephalopods of the primitive ocean, 282
Cessart, De, his breakwater at Cherbourg, 90
Cetaceans, general remarks on the organisation of the, 95
— food of whales, 98
— their enemies, 99
— large Greenland whale, 101
— the rorqual, or fin-back, 101
— the antarctic smooth-back, 102
— sperm-whale, 102
— the narwhal, or unicorn-fish, 106
— the dolphin, 107
— the porpoise, 108
— the grampus, 108
— history of the whale-fishery, 109
— the ca'ing whale, 115
Cetochilus australis, banks of the, in the Pacific, 21
Ceylon, or Taprobane, discovery of, 447
ChÆtodon rostratus, 203
Chancellor's discovery of the White Sea, 474
— his death, 475
Charybdis, vortex of, 41
Chelura tenebrans, 247
Chelyosoma, 323
Chepstow, high tides at, 38
Cherbourg, breakwater of, 90
Chili, upheaving of the coast of, 10
Chincha Islands, statistics of the guano trade of the, 169
Chiton squamosa, 285
ChlorospermeÆ, or green sea-weeds, 391
Chondrus crispus, or carrigeen, 399
Circumnavigation of the globe first performed by Sebastian el Cano, 469
Clavellina producta, 322
Climate, influence of the Gulf Stream on that of the west European coasts, 51
— variety of climates in similar latitudes, 52
— Peruvian cold stream, 53
— Japanese stream, 54
— influence of forests on climates, 78
— power of man over climate, 78
Climbing fishes, 193
Clio borealis, 298
Clouds, formation of, 71, 72
Coast-line of the sea, length of, 4
Coasts, different formation of, 5
— destructive power of the sea on all, 29
Cockle, the, 303, 306
Cocoa-nut crab of the East Indies, 254
Cod, the, 415
— curing the cod, 216
— cod-liver oil, 216
Coelenterata, 345, 357
ColÆus of Samos, his maritime discoveries, 446
Colour of the sea, 17
— the azure cave at Capri, 18
— changes produced by algÆ and sea-worms, 19
Columbus, his discovery of America, 457
Compass, mariner's, invention of the, 451
Composition of sea-water, 12
Cone-shell, orange, 288
Conger-eels, 222
Congo, discovery of, 456
Constructions, marine, 80-91
Cook, Captain, his voyages and discoveries, 485
— his first voyage, 486
— discovery of the Society Islands, 486
— of the east coast of New Holland, 486
— his second voyage, and discoveries, 492
— his third voyage, 491
— his death, 462
Cook's Strait, discovery of, 486
Conochilus volvox, 268
Coral, spotted, of the Indian Ocean, 21
Coral, 366
— deep sea, 367
— fishing of the Mediterranean, 367
Coral-reefs, 374
— barrier-reef of Australia, 374
— how they become habitable for man, 375, 376
Coralline zone, 413
Cordova, his discoveries, 491
Cormorants, 154, 155
Cortereal, Gaspar, his maritime discoveries, 460
Cortereal, John Vaez, his discoveries, 458
Cortereal, Miguel, 461
Cortes, his conquest of Mexico, 4 ublic@vhost@g@html@files@62011@62011-h@62011-h-22.htm.html#Page_503" class="pginternal">503
Gasteropods, 282
— respiratory apparatus, 283
— growth of their shells, 289
— mode of locomotion, 289
— their food, 294
— organs of sense, 295
— their enemies, 297
— their use to man, 296
Genoa, maritime grandeur of, 450
Geographical distribution of marine life, 405
Georgia, South, discovery of, 490
Germany, its climate at the time of the Romans and at the present time, 78
Glaciers, formation and dissolution of, 75
— the Aar glacier, 75
— of Greenland and Spitzbergen, 76
Glaucus, 283
Globe-fish, 232
Goa, Portuguese settlement of, 462

Goby, the black, 194
Goniaster, 335, 336
Good Hope, Cape of, discovery of, 457
— — first doubled, 462
Goodwin Sands, 9
Goose, sea, various kinds of, 146
GorgonidÆ, 365
Grampus, the, 108
— — anecdote of one, 109
Grass wrack (Zostera marina), 391
Great crab, 251
Grebes, the, 150
Greenland, depression of the coast of, 10
— olive colour of the water of the Greenland seas, 20
— glaciers of, 76
— whale-fishery of, 110
— discovery of, 457
Grijalva, his maritime discoveries, 461
Guano of the Chincha Islands, 169
— statistics of the trade of, 170
Guillemot, black, 165, 167
Guinea, New, discovery of, 473
Gulf Stream, the, 57, 58
— — its influence on the climate of the west European coasts, 59
Gulls, sea, 157
GÜnnbjorn, his discovery of Greenland, 457
Gurnard, 414
Haddock, 215
Hag. glutinous, 231
Haiti discovered, 459
Halibut, 236
Hanno, the Carthaginian, his voyage, 444
Harp-shell, 288
Hartburn, site of the village of, 29
Hartog, his maritime discoveries, 480
Hassar, land journeys of the, 194
Hawaii, discovery of the island of, 492
Hebrides, New, discovery of the, 480, 490
Henry, Prince, of Portugal, his maritime discoveries, 453
Hermit-crabs, 254
Herrings, 208, 415
Herring-crab, 256
Herring-fishery, 208
— history of the, 209
— statistics of the, 210
Herring-gull, 158
Hervey's Islands, discovery of, 487
Hindustan, circumnavigation of, 447
Hippocamp, 129, 234
Hippopus, 315
Hoar-frost, causes of, 72
Hogg, James, his experiments with salmon, 219
Holland, devastations caused by storm-tides on the coast of, 35
Holland, New, discoveries of, 473
— — Cook's discoveries in, 486
HolothuriÆ, 339
Homer, his picture of the breaking of the waves against the shore, 27
Hood's Island, discovery of, 489
Hooded seal of northern seas, 125
Huatulco, sea-cave of, 52, 53
Hudson, Henry, his maritime discoveries, 481
— his unfortunate end, 482
Hudson's Bay, discovery of, 481
Hump-back whales, 102
Hunga, cave of, 49-51
HyalÆa, 298
Hyde, site of the village of, 29
IanthinÆ, 290
Ice-bear, 100, 134
Icebergs, formation of, 76
— erratic blocks carried away by, 76
Iceland, salmon of, 220
— discovery and colonisation of, 361
Ichthyosaurus, 438
Inachus KÆmpferi of Japan, 259
India, Portuguese discovery in, 462
Indian Ocean, spotted corals in the, 21
Indus, sudden rising of the spring-tide at the mouth of the, 42
Inferobranchiata, 284
Infusoria, marine, 383
Insects, marine, 261
Isinglass, 216
Isis hippuris, 369
Ivory of the walrus, 132
Jamaica discovered, 459
Japanese ocean-stream, the, 63
Java, gathering of edible birds'-nests on the south coast of, 399
Jelly-fishes, 345
— their anatomical structure, 345
— their size and colours, 356
— their indirect use to man, 357
— their phosphorescence, 420
— the Velella, 353
— the Portuguese man-of-war, 354
John Dory, 415
Kamtschatka, salmon of, 220
Keeling Island, subsidence of the coast at, 10
Kerguelen's Land, discovery of, 491
Kilda, St., bird-catching on, 164
King-crab, 246
Kittiwake, or tarrock, the, 158
Kraken, the Norwegian, 279
Labrador, discovery of, 459
Ladrone Islands, discovery of the, 468
Lagoon islands, 374
— — Darwin's theory of the formation of, 375
— — how they became habitable for man, 376
Lamantins of the Atlantic Ocean, 117
Laminaria, region of the great, or tangle forests, 393
LaminariÆ, 393
Lampreys, 230, 231
Land-crabs, 250
Landscapes, submarine, 21
— in the Caribbean Sea, 21
— on the coast of Sicily, 21
La Perouse, his maritime discoveries, 493
— — his fate, 493
Launces, 230
Le Maire, his maritime discoveries, 480
LepraliÆ, 318
Lessonias, of the Falkland Islands, 396
Level of the ocean, does it remain unchanged, and every where the same? 11
Licmophora, or fan-bearer, 402
Life, marine, geographical distribution of, 405
— dependence of all created beings upon space and time, 406
— influences which regulate the distribution of marine life, 407
— the four bathymetrical zones of marine life on the British coasts, according to the late Professor Edward Forbes, of Edinburgh, 408
— first wakening of life in the bosom of the ocean, 435
Lighthouses, 80
— the Eddystone lighthouse, 81
— the Bellrock, or Inchcape, lighthouse, 85
— the Skerryvore lighthouse, 85-89
— the Pharus of Alexandria, 89
— progress of marine illumination, 90
Lily encrinites, 340
Limacina arctica, 298
Limits of the ocean, progressive changes in the, 9
— Goodwin Sands, 10
— alluvial deposits, 10
— upheaving of coasts, 10
— subsidence, 10
— temple of Serapis, 11
— level of the sea everywhere the same, 11
LimnoriÆ, 247
Limpet, 285, 294
Limuli, or king-crabs, 246
Ling, 215, 415
Ling-thorn, 335
Lithophytes, 373
Liverpool Docks, 91
Lizards of the sea, 173, 181
— serpent-lizard, 435
Lobsters, 256, 257
Loggerheaded duck or goose, 148
London Docks, 91
Long-tailed duck, 148
Lophobranchii, the, 233
Louse, whale, 101
LucernaridÆ, 350
Luminous marine animals, 418
Lump-sucker, 415
Mackerel, 222
Macrocystis pyrifera, 393
— — Mr. Darwin's description of it at Tierra del Fuego, 393, 396
Madeira, depth of the sea near, 1
— discovery of, 505
Maelstrom, the, 41
Magellan, Ferdinand, his discoveries, 467, 468
Magellan's Straits, discovery of, 468
— — harmony of animal life in the islands of, 490
Magilus antiquus, 291
Malacca Islands, discovery of the, 462
Malo, St., high tides of, 38
Mammaria scintillans, 275
Manatee, the, 116
Mantis crab, spotted, 256
Marco Polo, his travels and discoveries, 453
Maritime discovery, progress of, 441
— discoveries of the Phoenicians, 443
— expedition of Hanno, 444
— circumnavigation of Africa, under Pharaoh Necho II., 444
— Ophir, 339
— ColÆus of Samos and Pytheas of Massilia, 340
— expedition of Nearchus, 447
— circumnavigation of Hindostan, under the Ptolemies, 447
— voyages of discovery of the Romans, 453
— consequences of the fall of the Roman empire, 448
— Amalfi, 449
— Pisa, Venice, and Genoa, 449
— resumption of maritime intercourse between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, 451
— discovery of the compass, 451
— Marco Polo, 453
— other discoveries, 453
— Prince Henry of Portugal, 454
— discovery of Porto Santo and Madeira, 455
— doubling of Cape Bojador, 455
— discovery of the Azores, 456
— the line crossed for the first time, 456
— Benin and Congo discovered, 456
— and the Cape of Good Hope, 457
— discovery of America, 457
— and of Iceland, 457
— Greenland, 457
— discoveries of John and Sebastian Cabot, 459
— retrospective view of the beginnings of English navigation, 461
— Ojeda and Amerigo Vespucci, 460
— Vincent YaÑez Pinson, 460
— Cortes, 461
— Verazzani, 461
— Jacques Cartier, 461
— the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean, 462
— Balboa's discovery of the Pacific Ocean, 466
— Magellan, 467
— Sebastian el Cano, the first circumnavigator of the globe, 469
— Pizarro and Cortes, 470
— Urdaneta, 472
— Juan Fernandez, 473
— Mendoza, 473
— Drake, 473
— Willoughby and Chancellor, 474
— Martin Frobisher, 475
— Davis, 476
— Barentz, 476
— Quiros, 480
— Torres, 480
— Schouten, Le Maire, and others, 480
— Tasman, 480
— Henry Hudson, and his unfortunate end, 481
— Baffin, 481
— Dampier, 483
— Anson, Behring, Byron, Wallis, Carteret, and Bougainville, 483
— Cook's voyages, 485-492
— arctic discovery, 496
Marquesas de Mendoza Islands, discovery of the, 473
Mauritius, sea-cave on the, 52
Mediterranean Sea, depth of the, 8
— — height of the, 12
— — temperature of the, 14
— — colour of the, 18
— — sides of the, 43
— — Phoenician trade in the, 443
— — decline of trade in the, 33
— — resumption of maritime intercourse between the Mediterranean and the Adriatic, 449
MedusidÆ, 349, 350
MelanospermeÆ, or olive-coloured sea-weeds, 392
Melville Island, discovery of, 500
Mendana, Alvaro, his discoveries, 473
Menezes, Don Jorge de, his discoveries, 473
Merganser, 149, 404
Mexico, discovery of the coast of, 461
— conquest of, by Cortes, 461, 472
Microscopic life of the ocean, 378
Mines, submarine, 91
Mitre shells, 288
Mollusca, 270
— general remarks on, 270
Monsoons, north-east, 68
— south-west, 68
Moon, influence of the, on the tides, 446
Mother-of-pearl, 313
Mullet, grey, 415
Murex haustellum, 291
Murry, or murÆna, 448
Rorqual, northern, or fin-fish, 101
— its food, 102
Ross, Sir James, on the height of waves, 28
— — — his discoveries, 509
— — John, his arctic discoveries, 500, 503
Rotifera, the, 267
Rudyerd, Mr., his lighthouse on the Eddystone rocks, 82
Saavedra, Alvaro de, his discoveries, 473
Sabrina Land, discovery of, 509
Sagittaria, discovery of the island of, 480
Sail-fluke, 239
Salangana caves in Java, 399
Salmon, 217, 324
— trade, 220
— salmon-spearing, 219
— growth of the salmon, 219
— abundance of salmon, 220
— introduced into Australia and New Zealand,

Salmon-leaps, 218
SalpÆ, 325
— their alternating generations, 327
Salts of the sea, 12
Sand-crab, American, 252
Sandhopper, 246
Sand-stars, 332
Sandwich Land, discovery of, 490
— Islands, discovery of, 490
Sardinia, stalactite caves of the island of, 49
Sargasso Sea, the, 397
Saurians of the past seas, 172, 438
Scari, or parrot-fishes, 372
Schouten, his maritime discoveries, 480
Scissor-bill, 144
Scoopers, 143
Scoresby, his arctic voyages, 497
ScyllÆa, 283
Scythe, the, 415
Sea-anemones, 361
Sea-bear, 117, 126
Sea-birds, 128, 142
— their vast numbers, 142
Sea-cask, 142
Sea-cucumbers, 339
Sea-devil of the Pacific, 241
Sea-ear, 286, 287
Sea-elephant, 125
Sea-fox, 99
Sea-hare, 284, 295
Sea-horse, 129, 234
Sea-lemon, 284
Sea-lion, 128
Sea-mat, leaf-like, 316
Sea-mew, 157
Sea-otter, 139
— chase of the, 139
Sea-pen, 364
— its phosphorescence, 426
Sea-pie, the, 144
Sea-pinks, 391
Sea-scurfs, 318
Sea-snail, purple, 290
Sea-snakes, 183
Sea-squirts, 323
Sea-swallows, 157
Sea-urchin, 337
Sea-weeds, 391
— luminous, 423
Sea-wolf, 197
Seals and walruses, 117
— food of, 120
— statistics of seal-fishery, 121
— various kinds of, 123
Seine, sudden rising of the spring-tides at the mouth of the, 42
SeleucidÆ, maritime discoveries of the, 42
Seleucus Nicator, his circumnavigation of Hindostan, and discovery of Taprobane, or Ceylon, 447
Semen Deshnew, the Cossack, his maritime discoveries, 483
Sepia. See Cuttle-fish
Serapis, temple of, 11
Serpents of the seas, 183
Serpulas, 266
Sertularia, 347
Shakspeare's Cliff, destructive action of the sea on, 30
Sharks, 198
— Greenland shark, an enemy of the whale, 99
— luminous, 330
Sheldrake, or burrow duck, 148
Sheppey, Isle of, rapid decay of the coast of the, 30
Sherringham, ravages of the sea on the coast at, 29
Shetland Islands, fury of the Atlantic waves at the, 28
Shetland, New South, discovery of, 509
Ship-worm (teredo), 302
Shore-crab, 251
Siberia, Cook's visits to the coasts of, 492
Sicily, submarine landscapes of the coast of, 21
Siphonostomata, 245
Skerries, cave in the, 51
Skerryvore lighthouse, 85
Skimmer, 144
Sledge-journey, arctic, 502
Sly, 202
Smeaton, John, his lighthouse on the Eddystone rocks, 83
Smooth-back whale, the antarctic, 102
Snake-stars, 437
Snow-goose, 146
Society Islands, discovery of the, 486
Soland goose, 156
Solasters, 334
Sole, 237
— skin of the, 190
Solen, or razor-shell, 304
Solis, Juan de, his discoveries, 461
— — — his death, 461
Solomon Islands, discovery of the, 473, 483
Souffleur, or blower, the marine cave of the, 52
Soundings, American method of taking, in deep water, 6
South Sea Islands, discovery of the, 474
Speckled diver, 145
Sperm-whale, or cachalot, 102
Spiders, marine, 260
Spitzbergen, discovery of, 477
Spondylus, royal, 314
Sponge-crab, 249
Sponges, 385
— their remarkable growth, 385
— habitat of the common sponge, 388
Sprat, the, 214
Springs, origin of, 73
— mineral waters, 74
Springs of fresh water in the bottom of the sea, 17
Staffa, island of, 46
Stalactite caves of the island of Sardinia, 49
Star-fishes, 328
— their organisation, 328
Star-gazer fish, 202
Sterlet of the Volga, 217
Stevenson, Mr. Alan, his Skerryvore lighthouse, 86
Stevenson, Mr. Robert, his lighthouse on the Bell Rock, 85
Stickleback, parental affection of the, 195
Stone-corals, 373
Storm, the great, of 1703, 82
Storm-tides, 34
— devastations of, on flat coasts, 34, 35
Strand-birds, 143
— migration of, 144
— food of, 144
Strombus pes pelicani, 290
Sturgeons, 216, 217
— caviar, 217
Sucking-fish, 203
Suffolk, rapid decay of the cliffs of, 29
Sun-fish, 232, 233
— its luminousness, 422
Sun, his influence on the tides, 37
Sun-star fish, 334
Surgeon-fish, the, 205
Sweden, gradual upheaving of the coast of, 10
Sword-fish, an enemy of the whale, 99
— his weapon, 201
SynchÆta baltica, 269
Tahiti, discovery of, 484
Tailor-bird, the, 143
Taprobane, or Ceylon, discovery of, 447
Tartessus, Phoenician town of, 444
Tasman, Abel, his maritime discoveries, 480
Tasmania, discovery of, 481
Tectibranchiata, 284
Temperature of the sea, 13
— at various parts of the surface of the globe, 14
Teredo navalis, 302
Thames, progress of the tide-wave in the, 43
Thornbacks, 240
Thresher, or sea-fox, an enemy of the whale, 99
Thunder-stones, 437
Tide-wave, measurement of the depth of the sea by the rapidity of the, 8
— progress and course of the, 40, 43
Tides, the, 32
— description of the phenomenon, 32
— devastations of storm-floods on flat coasts, 34, 35
— knowledge of the ancients respecting the tides, 35
— fundamental causes of the tides revealed by Kepler and Newton, 36, 37
Tides, height of the, at various places, 38
— vortices caused by the: the Maelstrom, Charybdis, &c., 41
— the phenomena of the Euripus, 44
Tierra del Fuego, masses of sea-weed at, 394
— — — rounded by Schouten and Le Maire, 480
Tonga, discovery of, 481
Top, agglutinating, 296
Tornadoes, causes of, 68
Tornatella fasciata, 290
Torpedo, the, 201
Torres, his maritime discoveries, 480
Torso Rock, the, 9
Tortoise-shell, 180
Tortoises, 176
Trade-winds, the, 67
Transparency of the sea at Capri, 18
— — — — in the Indian Ocean, 21
— — — — in the Caribbean, 21
Trepang, or Biche de Mer, 340
— mode of curing, 340
— the fishery in the Feejee Islands, 342
Tridacna, the gigantic, 314
Trigger-fish, 233
Trilobites, 436
Trunk-fish, 232
TubiporidÆ, 370
Tubulibranchiata, 292
Tunicata, 316, 321
Tunny, the, 221
— stripe-bellied, 224
Turbot, the, 236, 237
Turn-stone bird, 144
Turtles, 173
— catching turtles in the island of St. Thomas, 172
Tynemouth Castle, destruction of the coast near, 29
Typhoons, causes of, 68
Tyrian dye, 446
UlvÆ, 391
Unicorn-fish, or narwhal, 106
Urasters, 334
Urdaneta, first reaches Acapulco from Manilla, 472
Vancouver's discoveries, 472
Van Diemen's Land, discovery of, 480
Vanikoro, island of, 493
VelellÆ, the, 353
Venice, maritime grandeur of, 450
Verazzani, voyage of, 461
Vermetus, 291
Virgularia mirabilis, 365
Vogtia pentacantha, PRINTED BY


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