Vasco NuÑez de Balboa.—His Discovery of the Pacific, and subsequent Fate.—Ferdinand Magellan.—Sebastian el Cano, the first Circumnavigator of the Globe.—Discoveries of Pizarro and Cortez.—Urdaneta.—Juan Fernandez.—Mendoza.—Drake.—Discoveries of the Portuguese and Dutch in the Western Pacific.—Attempts of the Dutch and English to discover North-East and North-West Passages to India.—Sir Hugh Willoughby and Chancellor.—Frobisher.—Davis.—Barentz.—His Wintering in Nova Zembla.—Quiros.—Torres.—Schouten.—Le Maire.—Abel Tasman.—Hudson.—Baffin.—Dampier.—Anson.—Byron.—Wallis and Carteret.—Bougainville | 464 |