The Molluscs in general.—The Cephalopods.—Dibranchiates and Tetrabranchiates—Arms and Tentacles.—Suckers.—Hooked Acetabula of the Onychoteuthis.—Mandibles.—Ink Bag.—Numbers of the Cephalopods.—Their Habits.—Their Enemies.—Their Use to Man.—Their Eggs.—Enormous size of several species.—The fabulous Kraken.—The Argonaut.—The Nautili.—The Cephalopods of the Primitive Ocean.—The Gasteropods.—Their Subdivisions.—Gills of the Nudibranchiates.—The Pleurobranchus plumula.—The Sea-Hare.—The Chitons.—The PatellÆ.—The Haliotis or Sea-Ear.—The CarinariÆ.—The Pectinibranchiates.—Variety and Beauty of their Shells.—Their Mode of Locomotion.—Foot of the Tornatella and Cyelostoma.—The IanthinÆ.—Sedentary Gasteropods.—The Magilus.—Proboscis of the Whelk.—Tongue of the Limpet.—Stomach of the Bulla, the ScyllÆa, and the Sea-Hare.—Organs of Sense in the Gasteropods.—Their Caution.—Their Enemies.—Their Defences.—Their Use to Man.—Shell-Cameos.—The Pteropods.—Their Organisation and Mode of Life.—The Butterflies of the Ocean.—The Lamellibranchiate Acephala.—Their Organisation.—Siphons.—The Pholades.—Foot of the Lamellibranchiates.—The Razor-Shells.—The Byssus of the PinnÆ.—Defences of the Bivalves.—Their Enemies.—The common Mussel.—Mussel Gardens.—The Oyster.—Oyster Parks.—Oyster Rearing in the Lago di Fusaro.—Formation of new Oyster Banks.—Pearl-fishing in Ceylon.—How are Pearls formed?—The Tridacna gigas.—The Teredo navalis.—The Brachiopods.—The TerebratulÆ.—The Polyzoa.—The Sea-Mats.—The EscharÆ.—The LepraliÆ.—Bird's Head Processes.—The Tunicata.—The Sea-Squirts.—The Chelyosoma.—The Botrylli.—The Pyrosomes.—The SalpÆ.—Interesting Points in the Organisation of the Tunicata 270

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