LIST OF NEW BOOKS. ? Harper & Brothers will send any of the following books by mail, postage prepaid, to any part of the United States, on receipt of the price. Harper’s Catalogue, with Classified Index of Contents, sent by mail on receipt of Five Cents, or it may be obtained gratuitously on application to the Publishers personally. LOSSING’S WAR OF 1812. The Pictorial Field-Book of the War of 1812; or, Illustrations, by Pen and Pencil, of the History, Biography, Scenery, Relics, and Traditions of the Last War for American Independence. By Benson J. Lossing, Author of “The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution.” With 882 Illustrations, engraved on Wood by Lossing & Barritt, chiefly from Original Sketches by the Author. Complete in One Volume, 1084 pages, large 8vo. Price, in Cloth, $7 00; Sheep, $8 50; Full Roan, $9 00; Half Calf or Half Morocco extra, $10 00. Mr. Lossing not only writes excellent history, but he collects the materials from which that history is made; and we are reminded of Herodotus, who traveled into many lands to obtain the materials from which his immortal work was composed, and whose skillfulness in acquiring knowledge, and sagacity and truthfulness in using his acquisitions, modern research and criticism are putting beyond all question, thus refuting that ignorance which would have it that the Father of History was the Father of Lies. Mr. Lossing’s industry is equaled only by his conscientiousness, which leads him to treat all parties to the War of 1812 with the utmost impartiality, and to give all the facts that throw light upon the contest, which is a novelty in writing about it, for never was the history of an important war told in a more partisan manner than that of our second conflict with England. * * * The time has come when it is possible to write of it with candor as well as with spirit, as Mr. Lossing writes its history; and the time has come, too, when we are beginning to understand its real effect on the country, and when it is possible to discuss its character and its consequences in a philosophical manner, as Mr. Lossing discusses them. * * * It is proper that the history of such a contest should be given in a sound manner; and such is the work that Mr. Lossing has placed before his countrymen, after immense exertions to make it worthy of their approbation. That they will well appreciate what he has done so thoroughly is a thing of course. For young persons who would have correct views of their country’s history, no better book can be named. Its minuteness, its liveliness, its accuracy, its high tone, and its exhaustive character, render it a fine opening work for youthful readers, whose minds are always injured by the perusal of superficial histories. * * * The volume is perfectly printed, no European or American book ever having come from the press in a more elegant state. The paper and the binding are faultless. In fact, the book pleases the eye as much as it affords food for the mind. It should be in every library, public and private, and in the hands of all persons who would understand American history, and who would acquire knowledge thereof from the highest available sources.—Boston Traveller. Worthy of the highest praise for its full and vivid recital of the stirring events on land and sea that ended with the Battle of New Orleans, and for its valuable summary of political affairs from the close of the Revolution to the Peace of Ghent.—Evening Post. HARTWIG’S POLAR WORLD. The Polar World: a Popular Description of Man and Nature in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions of the Globe. By Dr. G. Hartwig, Author of “The Sea and its Living Wonders,” “The Harmonies of Nature,” and “The Tropical World.” With Additional Chapters and 160 Illustrations by the American Editor. 8vo, Cloth. Those of our readers who are acquainted with Dr. Hartwig’s former books on Physical Geography, especially his “Tropical World,” will not be disappointed by his description of man and nature in the Arctic and Antarctic regions of the globe. Whereas within the tropics the variety and abundance of nature throw man and his works into the shade, in the “Polar World” man becomes the most important and interesting animal. A great part of Dr. Hartwig’s book is taken up with the adventures and hair-breadth escapes of discoverers by land and sea—Norsemen, Finns, Cossacks, Russians, Dutch, English, and Americans. Among these, the Finn philologist CastrÉn is perhaps the most interesting. He wore out his life traveling across the frozen deserts of Northern Europe and Asia, from Lapland to Lake Baikal, studying the languages of the most remote tribes, and died soon after his return to the University of Helsingfors. Equally interesting is the account of the Cossack conquest of Siberia by the adventurous robber Yermak Timodajeff. The book contains several lively sketches of the natives of these inclement regions, including not only the Lapps, Samoyedes, Jakuts, etc., of Europe and Asia, but also the Esquimaux and Indians of Arctic America.—Pall Mall Gazette. SCOTT’S FISHING-BOOK. Fishing in American Waters. By Genio C. Scott. 170 Illustrations. Crown 8vo, Cloth, $3 50. Contains a vast amount of information concerning the sea and fresh-water fishes of our American waters, the various methods of capturing them, the tackle to be employed, etc. Important in respect of fish-culture. This book, like the author of it, is eminently practical, and every angler ought to have it. We doubt whether there is another man in America capable of writing and illustrating, as Mr. Scott has done, such a book as this.—Spirit of the Times. The author is a skillful votary of the fascinating art, to which he has given many years of successful practice, not only with an unusual knowledge of the subject, but with a keen sense of its manifold enjoyments. * * * Describes the principal varieties of the American salt and fresh water fishes, offers minute directions for the most feasible methods of capture, and enlivens his statements by relations of personal adventures in many waters, and picturesque descriptions of nature.—N.Y. Tribune. The book has certainly been got up with painstaking care and a devoted love of the subject, and it unquestionably contains a vast mass of valuable information and innumerable useful directions.—N.Y. Citizen. UPHAM’S MENTAL PHILOSOPHY. Mental Philosophy; embracing the Three Departments of the Intellect, Sensibilities, and Will. By Thomas C. Upham, D.D., Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy in Bowdoin College. In Two Volumes. Vol. I.: Intellect, Language; Vol. II.: Sensibilities, Will. 12mo, Cloth, $1 75 per volume. HARPER’S HAND-BOOK OF FOREIGN TRAVEL. Harper’s Hand-Book for Travellers in Europe and the East. Being a Guide through France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Switzerland, Tyrol, Russia, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, and Great Britain and Ireland. With a Railroad Map corrected up to 1869. By W. Pembroke Fetridge. Revised Edition: Eighth Year. Large 12mo, Leather, Pocket-Book Form, $7 50. HARPER’S PHRASE-BOOK; or Hand-Book of Travel Talk for Travellers and Schools. Being a Guide to Conversations in English, French, German, and Italian, on a New and Improved Method. Intended to accompany “Harper’s Hand-Book for Travellers.” By W. Pembroke Fetridge. Assisted by Professors of Heidelberg University. With concise and explicit Rules for the Pronunciation of the different Languages. Square 16mo, Flexible Cloth, $1 50. WALLACE’S MALAY ARCHIPELAGO. The Malay Archipelago: The Land of the Orang-Utan and the Bird of Paradise. A Narrative of Travel. 1854–1862. With Studies of Man and Nature. By Alfred Russel Wallace. With Ten Maps and Fifty-one Elegant Illustrations. Crown 8vo, Cloth, $3 50. Mr. Wallace’s style is as charming as Darwin’s, and greater praise it could not have. His scientific observations are as interesting as other people’s adventures: he is a truly intelligent writer—one who has the power to interest others in his pursuits, investigations, and speculations. Those who have read Mr. Darwin’s “Voyage of a Naturalist,” a book too little known, will find in this a companion volume as absorbingly interesting and as clear and instructive as that.—N.Y. Evening Post. In short, no book of travels, adventure, and observations of our time can be pronounced superior to this, in which Mr. Wallace gives an accurate account of that rich and wonderful part of the globe, the great and lavishly-endowed Malay Archipelago, and which the American publishers have reproduced in admirable style.—Boston Traveller. A vivid picture of tropical life, which may be read with unflagging interest, and a sufficient account of his scientific conclusions to stimulate our appetite without wearying us by detail. In short, we may safely say that we have seldom read a more agreeable book of its kind.—Saturday Review. ABBOTT’S NEW TESTAMENT TRUTHS. Old Testament Shadows of New Testament Truths. By Lyman Abbott, Author of “Jesus of Nazareth, his Life and Teachings,” &c. Elegantly Illustrated. 8vo, Cloth. (Nearly Ready.) ABBOTT’S JOSEPH BONAPARTE. The History of Joseph Bonaparte, King of Naples and of Italy. By John S.C. Abbott, Author of “The History of Napoleon Bonaparte,” “The French Revolution,” &c. 16mo, Cloth, $1 20. Uniform with Abbotts’ Illustrated Histories. By Jacob Abbott and John S.C. Abbott. 16mo, Cloth, $1 20 per Volume. Cyrus the Great, Darius the Great, Xerxes, Alexander the Great, Romulus, Hannibal, Pyrrhus, Julius CÆsar, Cleopatra, Nero, Alfred the Great, William the Conqueror, Richard I., Richard II., Richard III., Mary Queen of Scots, Queen Elizabeth, Charles I., Charles II., Josephine, Maria Antoinette, Madame Roland, Henry IV., Peter the Great, Genghis Khan, King Philip, Hernando Cortez, Margaret of Anjou. LOOMIS’S ASTRONOMY. Elements of Astronomy. Designed for Academies and High Schools. By Elias Loomis, LL.D., Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in Yale College, and Author of a “Course of Mathematics.” 12mo, Sheep, $1 50. We took up Prof. Loomis’s Elements of Astronomy, confident that we should here find, brought within the comprehension of unscientific minds, the higher truths of a science whose grandeur is lost to the common people by the technicalities in which it is enshrined. We have not been disappointed. We know of no treatise on Astronomy to which we should turn for an explanation of any of its elementary principles with such confident assurance of receiving real satisfaction, and none which we should so soon place in the hands of a young person who desired an introduction to this study.—New Monthly Magazine. NEVIUS’S CHINA. China and the Chinese: a General Description of the Country and its Inhabitants; its Civilization and Form of Government; its Religious and Social Institutions; its Intercourse with other Nations; and its Present Condition and Prospects. By the Rev. John L. Nevius, Ten Years a Missionary in China. With a Map and Illustrations. l2mo, Cloth, $1 75. The great merit of the book seems to be that it undertakes to tell, in a plain and practical manner, those main things which intelligent people desire to learn about China, its people, life, customs, religions, etc., and does it without encumbering itself with overmuch of detail or profundity. Reading it is much like having a series of talks with a Chinaman who is able freely to answer all those questions which a curious Yankee is prompted to ask about his nation, and who does so. We incline to think it the best book yet published in our language for giving a general description of China and its people, without being overburdened in any direction with details.—Congregationalist. When Mr. Nevius tells us about the fashions, the ways of talking, shopping, teaching, trading, praying, eating, marrying, burying, gambling, reading, writing, which he saw among them, he makes the scenes life-life; the interests treated he makes altogether human: and so he leads us on in a path almost as entertaining as a journey of our own.—N.Y. Evening Post. ROOSEVELT’S FIVE ACRES TOO MUCH. Five Acres Too Much. A Truthful Elucidation of the Attractions of the Country, and a Careful Consideration of the Question of Profit and Loss as involved in Amateur Farming, with much Valuable Advice and Instruction to those about Purchasing Large or Small Places in the Rural Districts. By Robert B. Roosevelt, Author of “Game Fish of North America,” “Superior Fishing,” “Game Birds,” &c. With Characteristic Illustrations. 12mo, Cloth, $1 50. One of the pleasantest bits of satire we have read for some time. The author has written the book for the purpose of having a good-humored fling at the writers of works which profess to show how, out of half a dozen acres of land any where, the veriest novice can make splendid profit and good time as a practical farmer. So Mr. Roosevelt tells us how, fired with the noble inspiration these books suggest, he got his five acres, built his house, bought his horse, cows, pigs, and poultry, and went to work to convert himself into a successful agriculturist. His experiences are very droll, and the financial results he arrives at highly ingenious and satisfactory. There is not too much extravagance in the book—just enough to make one laugh, not enough to convert the mirth into broad farce and grotesquerie.—Independent. An injunction should be put upon the sale of this book, for we consider it a dangerous thing to be let loose upon the community. This opinion is formed from its effect upon ourselves. Though progressive in most matters, we have some old fogy notions about books, and one of these is to read them before noticing them. We read “Five Acres Too Much,” and when we laid it down felt as lame and sore as if we had done a hard day’s work at mowing or rowing. Is a book which makes one laugh until he cries, laugh until he is tired and can not laugh any more, a safe thing? We call the attention of the Board of Health to the Harpers, and give ours to the book. It is the story of a city lawyer who went to the country to farm it on five acres, and contains an account of the blunders of a novice. There is a perfect breeze of fun through the whole, not boisterous fun, but charming and irresistible, and it is marked by a genial appreciation of the ludicrous. We have not for a long time been so thorougly amused as in reading this book, and laughed none the less at the gentle digs he gives us as editors in general, and of the Agriculturist in particular.—American Agriculturist. BOURNE’S LONDON MERCHANTS. Famous London Merchants. A Book for Boys. By H.R. Fox Bourne. With Portrait of George Peabody and 24 Illustrations, 16mo, Cloth, $1 00. Tells pleasantly, and with much casual information about commerce and foreign countries, the story of the lives of thirteen London merchants, from famous Dick Whittington to our honored countryman, George Peabody. Most of them were self-made men, and surely no better incentives to a proper ambition can be placed before boys than these simple stories of real and honored lives. It is a book, too, which boys will seize upon gladly, since it allows the subjects to speak for themselves, and attempts no moralizing. We know of no book which a father could better buy for his boys.—N.Y. Evening Mail. GUICCIOLI’S RECOLLECTIONS OF LORD BYRON. My Recollections of Lord Byron: and those of Eye-Witnesses of his Life. By the Countess Guiccioli. Translated by Hubert E.H. Jerningham. Portrait, 12mo, Cloth, $1 75. This book is of great value; for it collects the various opinions of Lord Byron’s biographers, presents them at one glance, illustrates them by the letters and journal of the poet himself, and subjects them to a final criticism.—Pall Mall Gazette. FLAGG’S EUROPEAN VINEYARDS. Three Seasons in European Vineyards. Treating of Vine-Culture; Vine Disease and its Cure; Wine-Making and Wines, Red and White; Wine-Drinking, as affecting Health and Morals. By William J. Flagg. 12mo, Cloth, $1 50. A pleasant, gossipy book of travels through those portions of France rarely visited by tourists, with fresh pictures, touches of historical lore, glimpses of ancient chateaux buried in trees, of the queer characters one meets with in a diligence, of rural amusements, of firesides in the inn kitchens, of quaint customs and odd sayings, and all related in a simple and natural way, with here and there a touch of humor, must always be acceptable to the general reader. He holds the book lightly in his hand, as if he could lay it down at any moment; but he does not lay it down—a smile lingers on his lips, and he enjoys it to the last page. * * * Such a book is the one now before us, and if this were its only merit, we should say no more. But interwoven with the narrative of travel are some suggestions, hints, and thoughts drawn from acute observation, which enhance the value of the book ten—or rather ten times ten—fold. His theme is, Vine-Culture in Europe. His object is to use the long experience of the old world in this branch of science for the promotion of Vine-Culture in America. Thus, like a true master, he makes his narrative pleasant to attract readers, his description of Vine-Culture in Europe minute, accurate, and valuable; and the application of his suggestions to our own methods of this growing branch of home industry he leaves to the sagacity of the reader to use or to improve upon. * * * There is probably no person better qualified in this country to write upon this subject.—Evening Post. Besides being a summary of useful information concerning the produce of the grape, the present book contains an extremely pleasant sketch of travel, interspersed with reflections of much interest and observations of considerable originality, affording a picture of a certain phase of French life unknown and unseen by ordinary tourists. It is full of that kind of entertaining reading which Sir Philip Sidney styles “trifles triflingly handled;” and congenial fancy kindles over descriptions of the beautiful scenery, the oddities of local customs, the luxurious vineyards, the genial atmosphere, “the incense of fruitful summer, the incense of fruit-time,” the village feasts and pastimes, and, rarest of all, the happy peasantry, not yet rendered unhappy by demagogues and visionaries.—Round Table. A livelier, racier, more entertaining volume on a practical subject has not yet been written. Mr. Flagg shows such a hearty delight in his subject that the most indifferent reader can not escape the infection; while all his willful, irrepressible play of humor, his flashes of personal tastes and prejudices, his occasional misconceptions of character and customs, leave untouched the sharp, clear perception, and shrewd common-sense which form the staple of the book.—N.Y. Tribune. WHYMPER’S ALASKA. Travel and Adventure in the Territory of Alaska, formerly Russian America, now Ceded to the United States—and in various other Parts of the North Pacific. By Frederick Whymper. Map and Illustrations. Crown 8vo, Cloth, $2 50. This agreeable book of travel and adventure. * * * The purchase of Alaska by the United States Government has awakened a lively interest in that region; and whatever relates to its natural features, its inhabitants, its existing state, and its possible resources, comes to us with the two-fold charm of novelty and material interest. Mr. Whymper was able to take with him the requisite qualifications for breaking ground in that new and, in many respects, rough and uncivilized quarter, as the results of his exploration in the clearly-written and cleverly-illustrated volume before us testify. * * * All that is most original and striking in his narrative centres in his experiences of life in the lately-ceded territory, and in the estimate which his graphic pictures of its physical aspects and of its people encourage us to draw for the future.—Saturday Review. THE STUDENTS OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY. The Old Testament History. From the Creation to the Return of the Jews from Captivity. Edited by Wm. Smith, LL.D. With Maps and Woodcuts. Large 12mo, Cloth, $2 00. (Uniform with the Student’s New Testament History.) The history of the Jews is here told in a better manner than in any other work of the same size, and all the results of the deep and accurate inquiries into that history are incorporated with the narrative. It is, indeed, a popular, though grave and learned commentary on the Old Testament, a commentary taking the form of regular historical writing, and written with force and clearness.—Boston Traveller. In the preparation of the text it is evident that great care has been taken to render the work one that, while reverent and recognizing the sanctity and claims of Revelation, should be suitable for the characteristic criticism and exegesis of the age. It is an excellent condensation of nearly all the valuable matter that criticism, historical, ethnographical, topographical, and chronological investigations have accumulated round the Old Testament Word of God.—Presbyterian (Chicago). THE STUDENT’S NEW TESTAMENT HISTORY. The New Testament History. With an Introduction, connecting the History of the Old and New Testaments. Edited by William Smith, LL.D., Classical Examiner in the University of London. With Maps and Woodcuts. Large 12mo, 780 pages, Cloth, $2 00. A valuable and cheap compendium of accurate information drawn from the most recent results of scholarship.—Advance. Those who have read the New Testament only in a desultory fashion, or in the disorderly method in which it is arranged in our version, will find a new light cast upon it by the study of the Book in its chronological order, and with such helps as Dr. Smith has here presented.—American Presbyterian (Philadelphia). Sabbath-school teachers, and the more advanced pupils of Sabbath-schools, as well as intelligent private students of the Scriptures, will find this a helpful and remunerative volume.—Congregationalist. HALPINE’S POEMS. (MILES O’REILLY.) The Poetical Works of Charles G. Halpine (Miles O’Reilly). Consisting of Odes, Poems, Sonnets, Epics, and Lyrical Effusions which have not heretofore been collected together. With a Biographical Sketch and Explanatory Notes. Edited by Robert B. Roosevelt. Portrait on Steel. Crown 8vo, Cloth, $2 50. His poetry will not be soon neglected or forgotten. There is a charm about his verses which must make them ever welcome. Tenderness, sentiment, and humor abound in them; the absence of malice or bitterness is characteristic of the writer’s whole-souled nature. * * * Few can read the poems without pleasure—none can read them without interest.—N.Y. Herald. MRS. HALE’S WOMAN’S RECORD; or, Biographical Sketches of all Distinguished Women, from the Creation to the Present Time. Arranged in Four Eras, with Selections from Female Writers of each Era. By Mrs. S.J. Hale. Illustrated with more than 200 Portraits, engraved by Benson J. Lossing. A New Edition, with Additions. 8vo, Cloth. (Nearly Ready.) HAYDN’S DICTIONARY OF DATES, relating to all Ages and Nations. For Universal Reference. Edited by Benjamin Vincent, Assistant Secretary and Keeper of the Library of the Royal Institution of Great Britain; and Revised for the Use of American Readers. 8vo, Cloth. (Nearly Ready.) HAVEN’S RHETORIC. Rhetoric: a Text-Book, designed for Use in Schools and Colleges, and for Private Study. By Rev. E.O. Haven, D.D., LL.D., President of the Northwestern University, Evanston, and late President of Michigan University, 12mo, Cloth, $1 50. I welcome the book heartily, and shall adopt it in my classes here. Dr. Haven seems to me to have aimed to produce a useful book rather than a showy one. Too many who deal with the subject are only theoretical rhetoricians: on every page of Dr. Haven’s book I find the good effects of his being also a practical rhetorician. Hitting the happy mean between the excess and the total rejection of the old technical phraseology, he has given to us a series of just such sensible, suggestive, and helpful talks about writing and speaking the English language as one would expect from a man of his great experience as a speaker, writer, and teacher. This, after all, is precisely what American students need. Upon the whole, the book has these great merits: it is a growth, and not a manufacture; it is fresh, sincere, lively, clear, practical; finally, instead of being, like so many text-books on this subject, dry and deadening, it will prove throughout positively interesting to the student—it will stimulate, cheer, and guide him.—Moses Coit Taylor, M.A., Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature, University of Michigan. Concise, direct, lucid, and arranged in a natural order of topics.—Advance. This book, by President Haven, had its growth in a class-room. This accounts for its character, which is decidedly practical. It is no high-flying treatise or deeply-profound discussion on this subject of rhetoric. It is plain and concise, and every way a good statement of those principles and rules which must be observed in order to a correct and happy expression of one’s thoughts and feelings.—Watchman and Reflector. I have carefully read “Haven’s Rhetoric.” It is a good elementary book, and has the merit of presenting many new illustrations instead of the hackneyed quotations usually found in compilations.—Wm. Preston Johnston, Professor of History and English Literature, Washington College, Va. WOOD’S WEDDING DAY IN ALL AGES. The Wedding Day in all Ages and Countries. By Edward J. Wood, Author of “The Curiosities of Clocks and Watches from the Earliest Times,” and “Giants and Dwarfs.” l2mo, Cloth, $1 25. One of the most curious books we have seen for a long time. It is packed full of facts. Beginning with the institution of marriage, the author successively treats of all the strange and picturesque customs by which different peoples have given character and interest to the marriage ceremony. The past has been ransacked, and the present investigated. History, poetry, philosophy, archÆology, have all been drawn upon, and the result is one of the most entertaining books we have seen for a long time.—N.Y. Commercial Advertiser. A compilation of historical facts relating to the marriage ceremony as it has been conducted in ancient and modern times among all the peoples of the earth. A great deal of antiquarian research has been expended upon it, and the curious reader will find the topics of the wedding ring, the marriage bells, the bridal cake, flinging the old shoe, etc., etc., fully treated by the author.—N.Y. Evening Post. MARCH’S PARSER AND ANALYZER. A Parser and Analyzer for Beginners, with Diagrams and Suggestive Pictures. By Francis A. March, Professor of the English Language and Comparative Philology in Lafayette College, Author of “Method of Philological Study of the English Language,” “Comparative Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Language,” &c. 16mo, Flexible Cloth, 40 cents. The volume is small, but compact and serviceable. Its design is to introduce beginners to the laws of the English Language by appealing directly to their rational powers, and as little as possible to memory. It abolishes mere recitation, and makes the work of learning more nearly recreative than any attempt yet brought to our notice. The teacher can easily perceive its scope and purpose. It will not relieve him of care, but will so change his duty that, instead of sitting and hearing tasks, he will be called upon to stimulate and guide development. The work unites the pupil and teacher in their theme, and the processes of teaching and learning take an identity which does away with estrangement and begets naturalness. It combines all the benefits of object-teaching, by fullness of illustration, with that active inquiry common to youth when matters touching history, biography, geography, or every-day occurrences are suggested. It is more and more seen that the duty of education is to bring the pupil into direct relation with things, that he may reflect or exercise judgment upon them. The lessons or suggestions in this work are so arranged as to keep as nearly as possible an even pace with healthful development. * * * A look into it will prove almost as profitable as a glance at nature. They can learn without memorizing to a harmful extent, and what they learn will not be forgotten. We commend the work to general attention upon its merits. Its author is one of the first philologists in the land, and no man has a keener appreciation of our language, or understands better the true methods of introducing the young mind to its beauties.—Philadelphia Press. Beginning with the definitions of simple nouns, the lessons ascend by easy stages to the highest form of grammatical construction. The diagram analysis and illustrations are admirable aids to the student in the lessons, impressing them upon the mind.—N.Y. Herald. BARNES’S NOTES ON THE PSALMS. Notes, Critical, Explanatory, and Practical, on the Book of Psalms. By Albert Barnes, Author of “Notes on the New Testament,” “Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity,” &c. Three Volumes. 12mo, Cloth, $1 50 per volume. * * * There is the same blending of the critical and the practical, with constant expression of devout feelings and sentiments, which, in a work on the Psalms, is peculiarly congruous with the book which Mr. Barnes is interpreting.—Presbyterian (Philadelphia). These Notes on the Psalms are characterized by the excellences which made Mr. Barnes’s earlier expository works so eminently successful.—American Presbyterian. BALDWIN’S PRE-HISTORIC NATIONS. Pre-Historic Nations; or, Inquiries concerning some of the Great Peoples and Civilizations of Antiquity, and their Probable Relation to a still Older Civilization of the Ethiopians or Cushites of Arabia. By John D. Baldwin, Member of the American Oriental Society. 12mo, Cloth, $1 75. Mr. Baldwin has treated an interesting subject with great lucidity and breadth, while his reading and research are apparent on every page.—Examiner and London Review. Both instructive and suggestive.—Nation. SIGHTS AND SENSATIONS in France, Germany, and Switzerland; or, Experiences of an American Journalist in Europe. By Edward Gould Buffum, Author of “Six Months in the Gold Mines,” &c. 12mo, Cloth, $1 50. * * * A book at once entertaining and instructive. * * * Fashionable tourists who are leaving this port for a trip to Europe will find Mr. Buffum’s “Sights and Sensations in France, Germany, and Switzerland” a delightful and serviceable traveling companion. At the same time the thousands who are to spend the summer at home, either in town, in the country, or on the sea-shore, may, by the help of this little book, enjoy many of the pleasures of foreign travel while they escape its annoyances. * * * It will doubtless be more heartily welcomed by the public than any similar work which has appeared.—N.Y. Herald. A refreshing and entertaining book, which will interest every body.—N.Y. Evening Mail. Mr. Buffum’s style is remarkably good and graphic, and his descriptions of the scenes he has witnessed are among the best we have seen—so simple, animated, and to the point. He seems to have had a genius for observation and the happy management of facts, and every thing he sees is distinctly seen by the reader as well.—N.Y. Times. It differs from the common run of books of modern travel by looking at life from a more practical—it might be said, literal—side, and by describing things not often touched in a sparkling and instructive way.—Conpregationalist. It is one’s self walking about, as it were, and saying these things in his own ears with unexpected and most admired cleverness. The story of the Mont Cenis Tunnel is quite the best description of that incredible miracle which has fallen under our observation. Baden-Baden and Homburg seem as familiar to us, on this bright traveler’s introduction, as Long Branch or Rockaway, and much more interesting.—N.Y. Tribune. MOTLEY’S DUTCH REPUBLIC. The Rise of the Dutch Republic. A History. By John Lothrop Motley, LL.D., D.C.L. With a Portrait of William of Orange. New Edition. 3 vols., 8vo, Cloth, $10 50. MOTLEY’S UNITED NETHERLANDS. History of the United Netherlands: from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Years’ Truce—1609. With a full View of the English-Dutch Struggle against Spain, and of the Origin and Destruction of the Spanish Armada. By John Lothrop Motley, LL.D., D.C.L. New Edition. 4 vols., 8vo, Cloth, $14 00. GREENWOOD’S SEVEN CURSES OF LONDON. The Seven Curses of London. By James Greenwood, the “Amateur Casual,” Author of “The True History of a Little Ragamuffin,” “Reuben Davidger,” “Wild Sports of the World,” &c. 8vo, Paper, 25 cents. James Greenwood, the “Amateur Casual,” whose revelations of “A Night in a Workhouse” created so much excitement in England two or three years since, in “The Seven Curses of London” discloses many startling facts concerning the social life of the lower classes. The seven curses treated of by the author are: I. Neglected Children; II. Professional Thieves; III. Professional Beggars; IV. Fallen Women; V. The Curse of Drunkenness; VI. Betting Gamblers; VII. Waste of Charity. ABBOTT’S LIFE OF CHRIST. Jesus of Nazareth: his Life and Teachings; founded on the Four Gospels, and Illustrated by Reference to the Manners, Customs, Religious Beliefs, and Political Institutions of his Times. By Lyman Abbott. With Designs by DorÉ, De Laroche, Fenn, and others. Crown 8vo, Cloth, Beveled Edges, $3 50. This is remarkable for its valuable endeavors, first to prepare the way for the intelligent comprehension of the life of the Redeemer, by four preliminary chapters, which discuss: (1) the peculiarities, physical and otherwise, of the Holy Land itself; (2) the Jewish Commonwealth, its religious sanctions and moral precepts, its judicial peculiarities, its measure of popular education, its political economy, its national Church, and its Scriptures; (3) the decay of that Commonwealth, the captivity, and the Roman subjugation; (4) the civilization of the Jews, and the whole manner of their dress, food, manners, pursuits, and daily life. The way thus being prepared, and the background painted in, the Christ is outlined and then colored upon it, from Bethlehem to Calvary. Second, for the extremely fresh and interesting way in which the events of Christ’s life are told. And third, for the temper of the book, which is unaffectedly written from the Christian stand-point, as Renan’s was from that of rationalism.—Congregationalist. The simplicity of the plan specially pleases me. Yet you really accomplish, in its execution, more than I find in some other lives of Christ which make a good deal more pretension. You have hit upon a very valuable combination of Biblical resources with researches in related fields. It is a real pleasure to be able to turn to a life of Christ which stimulates thought and refreshes the heart.—Prof. Austin Phelps, of Andover. BEECHER’S (HENRY WARD) SERMONS. Sermons by Henry Ward Beecher, Plymouth Church, Brooklyn. Selected from Published and Unpublished Discourses, and Revised by their Author. In two Volumes, with Steel Portrait by Halpin. 8vo, Cloth, $5 00. The published sermons of the Plymouth pastor, like wind-wafted seed, have carried the germs of a new life to all quarters of the world, and have awakened the immortal longings of the hunter in his prairie cabin, and the sailor on the distant sea. No one needs that we should speak of the exuberance of illustration and the felicity of expression that make these books as fascinating as the pages of old Thomas Fuller or the essays of “Elia.” Every body has come under the glamour of Mr. Beecher’s style, and every one of these pages abounds in his peculiar beauties. Here is no garden, but (according to the author’s own lavish idea of the desirable) a whole prairie of flowers.—N. Y. Times. Judged as the free utterance of a great and loving heart, as the spontaneous appeals of a powerful, emotional man, striving with all his strength to lift his hearers from the dominion of sin and sorrow to the highest and noblest plane of human feeling and action, their wisdom and healthful influence will be appreciated: while their usefulness will be increased by the fact that to so many readers the written word will be vivified by the recollection of the ringing voice, the vehement action, and the vast amount of magnetic energy which lies enchained and inspired within the auditorium of Plymouth Church.—N.Y. Evening Post. YONGE’S ENGLISH-GREEK LEXICON: Containing all the Greek Words used by Writers of good Authority, in Chronological Order, for every Word used; explaining the Construction, and giving the Declension or Conjugation of each Word when Irregular, and marking the Quantities of all Doubtful Syllables. Edited, with large Additions, by Henry Drisler, LL.D., Professor of Latin in Columbia College, N.Y. Royal 8vo, Sheep extra. (In Press.) ROMANCE OF SPANISH HISTORY. By John S.C. Abbott, Author of “The French Revolution,” “The History of Napoleon Bonaparte,” &c. With Illustrations. 12mo, Cloth. (In Press.) SANDS’S PHILOSOPHY OF TEACHING. The Teacher, the Pupil, the School. By Nathaniel Sands. 8vo, Cloth, $1 00. A thoughtful book on a subject of the highest importance.—Worcester Spy. There are many excellent suggestions in this little treatise of Mr. Sands, who has evidently given much thought to the philosophy and the process of education. He would have a radical change in the system of teaching, by which there shall be less stuffing and more feeding; fewer books, and more of the living instructor’s effort. It is a small volume, but compact with thought.—New Bedford Mercury. * * * Contains many valuable suggestions deserving of earnest consideration by parents and teachers. The work of the teacher is a high, honorable, and important one. Education is essential to the stability of our institutions and the success of our industries. Mr. Sands would develop, not cram the intellect; he would furnish the nutriment necessary to the natural growth of the mind, not retard it by a forcing process. He would place before the scholar the aliment of everyday life. He would teach him practical science and useful art. He would open before him the beauties of the world, and show him the laws of growth every where. We are told now that dead languages are necessary to the discipline of the mind, and so we go back among the catacombs and study the laws of speech of the ancient departed. These laws are necessary. Linguistic science is one of the most valuable in the world. But why should it be made the basis of educational systems? It is time that scientific training should be awarded the high place which of right belongs to it in mental culture, and that linguistic lore should be left to its proper sphere, as the foundation simply of the knowledge of language and the relations of nations.—Albany Evening Journal. DIXON’S HER MAJESTY’S TOWER. Her Majesty’s Tower. Historic Studies in the Tower of London. With Frontispiece Plan of the Tower. By Wm. Hepworth Dixon. l2mo, Cloth, 60 cents. A valuable and attractive addition to our historical literature: one which, from the nature of its materials and its bright and vivid method of treatment, is certain to interest as well as to instruct the reader.—London Review. From first to last, this volume overflows with new information and original thought, with poetry and picture. In these fascinating pages Mr. Dixon discharges alternately the functions of the historian and the historic biographer, with the insight, art, humor, and accurate knowledge which never fail him.—Morning Post. THOMSON’S (W.M.) LAND AND BOOK. The Land and the Book; or, Biblical Illustrations drawn from the Manners and Customs, the Scenes and the Scenery of the Holy Land. By W.M. Thomson, D.D., Twenty-five Years a Missionary of the A.B.C.F.M. in Syria and Palestine. With two elaborate Maps of Palestine, an accurate Plan of Jerusalem, and several Hundred Engravings, representing the Scenery, Topography, and Productions of the Holy Land, and the Costumes, Manners, and Habits of the People. Two elegant Large l2mo Volumes, Cloth, $5 00. (New Edition, just Ready.)