
2In 1855, Iceland imported, among others, 65,712 pieces of timber, 148,038 lbs. of iron, 37,700 lbs. hemp, 15,179 fishing-lines, 20,342 lbs. salt, 6539 tons of coal.

The chief exportations of the same year were, tallow, 932,906 lbs., wool, 1,569,323 lbs., 69,305 pairs of stockings, 27,109 pairs of gloves, 12,712 salted sheepskins, 4116 lbs. eider-downs, 25,000 lbs. other feathers, 244 horses, and 24,079 ship’s pounds (the ship’s pound = 320 lbs.) salt fish.

3Barrow, “Visit to Iceland,” 1834.

4“Journal of a Tour in Iceland,” p. 110.

5All the clergymen are blacksmiths, for a reason that will be stated hereafter.

6Their number in 1860 was 991. During his voyage to Iceland in 1850 Prince Napoleon was named honorary president, a distinction he shares with the Bishop of Reykjavik. Among the 46 honorary members I find the name of Lord Dufferin.

7In 1866 the total catch of cod was 21,000,000, about 12,000,000 of which were salted (clip fish), and the remainder dried (stock-fish); each fish making on an average 2 lbs. of clip-fish, and one-fourth less of stock-fish.

8Within the last few years, no less than three scientific expeditions have been sent out to Spitzbergen at the expense of the Swedish Government. During the summer of 1858, Messrs. Otto Torell, Guennerstedt, and Nordenskjold visited the western parts of the archipelago. In 1861 the whole coast, from Ice Sound to Dove Bay in North-east Land was accurately investigated by Messrs. Torell, Malmgren, Chydenius, etc., and in 1864 Messrs. Nordenskjold, Duner, and Malmgren visited the southern shores and Wjde Jan’s Water. A fourth expedition has just left the port of Gothenburg (June, 1868).

9Reisen in Lappland, etc.

10The verst is about three-fifths of a mile.

11The poud is equal to 40 pounds. The poud is divided into 96 solotniks.

12A species of sturgeon highly esteemed by epicures.

13Humboldt likewise mentions an artisan of Breslau whose sight was so sharp as to enable him to point out the position of Jupiter’s satellites.

14Since last year [1867] the Russian Government has sold her American possessions to the United States, but as it is not yet known how far the interests of the Russian Fur Company have been affected by the change, I may be allowed to speak of her in the present tense.

15Captain Hall, who in his search after the remains of the Franklin expedition has now spent several years among the Esquimaux, has so far acquired their appetite that he is able to consume 9 lbs. of meat a day without any inconvenience.


1850–1854. “Investigator,” Captain M’Clure, } Bering’s Straits.
1850–1855. “Enterprise,” Captain Collinson,
1850, 1851. “Resolute,” Captain Austin, } Lancaster Strait and Cornwallis Island.
1850, 1851. “Assistance,” Captain Ommaney,
Accompanied by two steam tenders, officered by Lieutenant Sherard Osborne and Lieutenant F.L. M’Clintock.
1850, 1851. “Lady Franklin,” Master Penny, accompanied by the “Sophia,” Master A. Stewart, under Admiralty Orders, to Lancaster Strait and Wellington Channel.
1850. “Prince Albert,” Captain Forsyth, belonging to Lady Franklin, to Regent’s Inlet and Beechey Island.
1850, 1851. “Advance,” Lieutenant De Haven, U.S.N. } Fitted at the expense of H. Grinnell, Esq., of New York, to Lancaster Strait and Wellington Channel.
1850, 1851. “Rescue,” S.P. Griffin, Esq., U.S.N.


1852. “Isabel,” Captain E. Inglefield. Lady Franklin’s vessel.
1852–1854. “Assistance,” Sir Edward Belcher, to Lancaster Sound, Wellington Channel.
1852–1854. “Resolute,” Captain Kellett, Lancaster Strait, Melville, and Banks’s Island.
1852–1854. “Pioneer,” Lieutenant Sherard Osborne.
1852–1854. “Intrepid,” Captain M’Clintock.
1852–1854. “North Star,” Captain Pullen.

18These two vessels had been sent in the year 1847 to the Polar Sea beyond Bering’s Straits, when they discovered the “Herald” and “Plover” Islands.

19Rensselaer Harbor is situated 1° 46´ higher than Sir E. Belcher’s winter-quarters in Northumberland Sound, 76° 52´.

20“AthenÆum,” Dec. 3, 1853.

21For an account of the similar phenomena of the “Buffadero,” on the Mexican coast, and of the “Souffleur,” Mauritius, see “The Sea and its Living Wonders,” 3d ed. p. 52.

22“Excursions in Newfoundland.”

23“The Sea and its Living Wonders,” p. 403.

24Voyage of the Swedish ship “EugÉnie.”

25Arctic Researches, and Life among the Esquimaux. By Charles Francis Hall. New York, 1866.


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