
Without going further into the analysis of the conditions that confront us, it is obvious that an increase in the size and number of desirable industries is an object worthy of our attention and efforts.

We have clearly in mind that more money flowing into the state will improve our entire economic situation. Taxes, markets, population, schools, opportunities for Vermonters and general improvement in all values and interests.

The next thing to do is to get an industrial policy that will guide us in our course as individuals, managers, engineers, manufacturers, investors, progressive workers and as citizens. The idea must precede action and the action must precede results. The true idea will bring results of like character, hence the need of the fullest knowledge on which to form the idea.

A simple outline of a desirable industry may be drawn through the following points:

First: An ideal industry is an organization in which the energies of mind and body are most effectively employed.

Second: Since man is something more than a physical body, his work must be one in which he feels an interest and satisfaction.

Third: Since there are various kinds of implements to aid man in his work, a successful organization should use the most effective type.

Fourth: Since man is a creature of habit and functions most effectively when he has acquired skill through experience, each one in the workshop and office should be experienced in his particular branch of the work.

Fifth: Since the high skill of men is attained through repetition of operations, the management must subdivide the work into classes in which each man can become highly proficient.

Sixth: Just as there is an individual skill and ability acquired by the individual, so there must be a group skill built up. The group skill is acquired by the coordination of the energies of all the workers so that the work flows naturally and evenly from worker to worker with the minimum hindrance. This coordination takes place naturally through experience. It only needs common sense supervision and a protection of the workers from the impractical interference of faddists.



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