The majority of Nocturnes were painted during the years 1866-1884. Nocturne in Blue and Gold: Valparaiso | p. 1866 e. 1871. (Chas. W. Freer, Esq.) | Symphony in Gray and Green: The Ocean | p. 1871. (R. A. Canfield, Esq.) | Crepuscule in Flesh Color and Green: Valparaiso | p. 1871. | Nocturne in Blue and Silver: Battersea Reach | p. 1877. (Chas. W. Freer, Esq.) | Nocturne in Blue and Silver | p. 1877. | Nocturne in Blue and Gold: Old Battersea Bridge | (Tate Gallery, London.) | Nocturne: Trafalgar Square, Snow. | | Nocturne in Blue and Silver: Bognor. | (Chas. W. Freer, Esq.) | Nocturne in Opal and Silver: The Music Room. | | Nocturne in Gray and Gold: Chelsea, Snow. | | Nocturne in Gray and Gold: Westminster Bridge. | | Nocturne in Blue and Gold: Southampton Waters | (Art Institute, Chicago.) | Nocturne in Brown and Silver: Old Battersea Bridge. | | Nocturne in Blue and Gold: St. Mark's, Venice. | | Pink and Gray: Chelsea | (Lord Battersea.) | Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket | p. 187 (Mrs. S. Untermyer) | Cremorne Gardens | (Metropolitan Museum, N.Y.) | An Orange Note: Sweet Shop. | |