This earth we live on is a planet, and belongs to the solar system of planets. It shines brightly, and appears to other worlds as other planets do to us. It is nearly 25,000 miles in circumference, and has a diameter of a little over 8,000 miles. It is five and a half times denser than water, and weighs about 6,096,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons. The atmosphere that surrounds this earth is like a shell that is two hundred to three hundred or more miles in thickness. We live at the bottom of an immense ocean of gaseous matter, which envelops everything, and presses upon everything with a force which appears, at first, perfectly incredible, but whose actual amount admits of easy proof. Gravity being, so far as is known, common to all matter, it is natural to expect that gases, being material substances, should be acted upon by the earth’s attraction, as well as solids and liquids. This is really the case, and the result is the weight or pressure of the atmosphere, which is nothing more than the effect of the attraction of the earth on the particles of air. The amount of pressure exerted upon every square inch of the surface of the earth, and the objects thereon, is from fourteen to fifteen pounds. This enormous force is borne without inconvenience by the animal frames, by reason of its perfect uniformity in every This law has been found to be true no matter how rarefied the air. The atmosphere, like everything else on earth or connected therewith, and like all other planets known, and the earth itself, is composed of elements, as we shall see presently. The atmospheric air is composed of gases, elementary substances, known by the names of Nitrogen and Oxygen, with variable proportions of carbonic acid and watery vapors, and usually a trace of ammonia. Besides these, there may occasionally be other substances present, depending upon local causes, as the odoriferous principles of plants and the miasmata of marshes, etc., etc. Nearly three-fourths of the atmosphere is composed of nitrogen, while about one-fourth or less is oxygen. The following is the relative proportion:
Its specific gravity is unity (1), being the standard with which the density of all gaseous substances is compared. It is 814 times lighter than water, and nearly 11,065 times lighter than mercury; 100 cubic inches weigh 31 grains. Oxygen is necessary to combustion, to the respiration The atmosphere becomes less and less dense from the surface of the earth upwards. Animals and vegetables exist in this atmosphere. They cannot exist in any other. All living things and beings live on this earth’s crust. Vegetables are fixed to the soil of this earth, while animals move freely upon it. The earth’s crust.—Sir Charles Lyell speaking of this earth’s crust says: “By the ‘earth’s crust’ is meant that small portion of the surface of our planet which is accessible to human observation, or on which we are enabled to reason by observations made at or near the surface. These reasonings may extend to a depth of several miles, perhaps ten miles; and even then it may be said that such a thickness is no more than 1/400? part of the distance from the surface to the center. The remark is just, but although the dimensions of such a crust are, in truth, insignificant when compared with the entire globe, yet they are vast and of magnificent extent in relation to man and to the other organic beings which people our globe. Referring to this standard of magnitude, the geologist may admire the ample limits of his domain, and admit at the same time that not only the exterior of the planet, but the entire earth, is but an atom in the midst of the countless worlds surveyed by the astronomer. “The solid part of this earth consists of distinct substances, such as clay, chalk, sand, limestone, coal, “The materials of this crust are not thrown together confusedly; but distinct mineral masses called rock are found to occupy definite spaces and to exhibit a certain order of arrangement. These rocks are divided into four great classes by reference to their different origin, or in other words by reference to the different circumstances and causes by which they have been produced. “The first two divisions, which will at once be understood as natural, are the aqueous and volcanic, or the products of water and those of igneous action at or near the surface.… The aqueous rocks, sometimes called sedimentary or fossiliferous, cover a larger part of the earth’s surface than any other. These rocks are stratified, or divided into distinct layers or strata; these strata have been generally spread out by the action of water, like what we daily see taking place near the mouth of rivers or on the land during a temporary inundation. “The remains of animals, especially of aquatic species, are found almost everywhere, imbedded in stratified rocks; and sometimes, in the case of limestone, they are in such abundance as to constitute the entire mass of rock itself. Shells and corals are the most frequent, and with them are often associated the bones and teeth of fishes, fragments of wood, impressions of leaves, and other organic substances. “When geology was first cultivated, it was a “Volcanic rocks are those which have been produced at or near the surface, whether in ancient or modern times, not by water, but by the action of fire or subterranean heat. These rocks are for the most part unstratified, and are devoid of fossils. “There are two other divisions of rock, called Plutonic rocks, granite, etc., and Metamorphic, or stratified crystalline rocks. The members of both these divisions of rocks agree in being highly crystalline and destitute of organic remains. “The composition of the aqueous rocks, mineral composition of strata: These may be said to belong principally to three divisions, as follows: “1. Arenaceous or siliceous rocks. Beds of loose sand frequently met with, of which the grains consist entirely of silex, which term comprehends all purely siliceous minerals, as quartz and common flint. Quartz is silex in its purest form; flint usually contains “2. Argillaceous rock. A mixture of silex or flint with a large proportion, usually about one-fourth, of alumina or argil; but in common language, any earth which possesses sufficient ductility, when kneaded up with water, to be fashioned like paste by the hand or by the potter’s lathe, is called clay. Such clays vary greatly in their composition. They are, in general, nothing more than mud derived from the decomposition or wearing down of various rocks. The purest clay in nature is porcelain clay or kaolin, which results from the decomposition of a rock composed of feldspar and quartz, and it is almost always mixed with quartz. (The kaolin of China consists of 71.15 parts of silex, 15.86 of alumina, 1.92 of lime, and 6.73 of water.)… One general character of all argillaceous rocks is to give out a peculiar, earthy odor when breathed upon, which is a test of the presence of alumina. “3. Calcareous Rocks. These consist mainly of chalk—lime and carbonic acid. Shells and corals also are formed of the same elements, with the addition of animal matter. Any limestone which is sufficiently hard to take a fine polish is called marble. Many of these are fossiliferous; but statuary marble, which is also called saccharine limestone, as having a texture resembling that of loaf-sugar, is devoid of fossil. Siliceous limestone is an intimate mixture of carbonate of lime and flint, and is harder in proportion as the flinty matter predominates. Marl slate bears the same relation to marl which shale bears to clay, being calcareous shale. Magnesian limestone is composed of carbonate of lime and carbonate of magnesia; the proportion of the latter amounting in some cases to nearly one-half. It effervesces much more slowly and When geologists examine the earth’s crust, they usually commence with the surface on which we live, and search downwards as far as possible. Lyell constructed a tabular view of the fossiliferous strata. It must be borne in mind that we have no other methods of ascertaining the truth than by close observation, making diligent search, in order to discover what this earth’s crust is made of. We have no supernatural facilities to give us information, and we are very certain there never were any. What information we are reckoned to have, handed down by our antiquated barbarian forefathers, is of a different nature. It refers—briefly stated—to the conduct of Man, the manner in which he shall act as an individual, or collectively as a community; including a great number of what are considered now theatrical or mountebank ceremonies, fancy customs, sacrifices, and a repetition of certain phrases, ordinarily called prayers, accompanied by illustrative images and pictures, and movements of body—fantastic symbols and devices created and prescribed by man. Having no other means of ascertaining facts, man was naturally compelled to search for testimony in the earth’s crust—to discover what it is composed of; the kind of material; how it was formed; the time it took to form; the period that elapsed between formations; how the layers or strata were superposed I. Post-Tertiary. A. Post-Pliocene. Periods and Groups. 1. Recent. Peat mosses, shell marls, with bones of land animals, human remains and works of art. Newer parts of modern deltas and coral reefs. 2. Post-Pliocene. Clay, marl, volcanic trap. All the shell of living specimens. No human remains or works of art. Bones of quadrupeds, partly of extinct species. II. Tertiary. B. Pliocene. 3. Newer Pliocene. Boulder formation. Cavern formation, or Pleistocene. Three-fourths of fossil shells of extinct species. A majority of the mammals extinct; but the genera corresponding with those now surviving in the same great geographical and zoological provinces. Icebergs frequent in the seas; glaciers on hills of moderate height. 4. Older Pliocene. A third or more of the species of mollusca extinct. Nearly, if not all, the mammalia extinct. C. Miocene. 5. Miocene. About two-thirds of the species of shells extinct. All the mammalia extinct. D. Eocene.
III. Secondary. E. Cretaceous—Upper. 9. Maestricht beds. Yellowish-white limestone. Large marine saurians, etc. 10. Upper white chalk. Marine limestone composed in part of decomposed corals. 11. Lower white chalk. 12. Upper green sand. 13. Gault. Dark-blue marl at base of chalk escarpment. Numerous extinct genera—conchiferous cephalopoda, etc. 14. Lower green sand. Species of shells, etc., nearly all distinct from those of Upper Cretaceous. F. Wealden. 15. Weald clay, of fresh-water origin. Shells of Pulmoniferous mollusca. 16. Hastings sand. Fresh water. Reptiles of, etc. 17. Purbeck beds. Limestone, calcareous slate, etc. Roots of trees; plants, etc. G. OÖlite. 18. Upper OÖlite. Portland building-stone, sand. 19. Middle OÖlite. Oxford clay, dark-blue clay. Large saurians. 20. Lower OÖlite. Preponderance of ganoid fish. Plants chiefly cycads, conifers, and ferns. H. Lias. 21. Argillaceous limestone, marl clay. Mollusca, reptiles, and fish analogous to the OÖlitic. I. Trias. 22. Upper Trias. Red, gray, green, blue, and white 23. Middle Trias. Compact grayish limestone, with beds of muschelkalk, of dolomite and gypsum. 24. Lower Trias. Plants different for the most part. IV. Primary. J. Permian. 25. Upper Permian. Yellow magnesian limestone. Organic remains both animal and vegetable, more allied to primary than to secondary period. 26. Lower Permian. Marl slate. Thecodont saurians, heterocercal fish, etc. K. Carboniferous. 27. Coal measures. Great thickness of strata of fluvio-marine origin, with beds of coal of vegetable origin, based on soils retaining roots of trees. Oldest of known reptiles. Sauroid fish. 28. Mountain. Carboniferous or mountain limestone. Limestone with marine shells and corals, etc. L. Devonian. 29. Upper Devonian. Yellow sandstone, paving and roofing stone. Tribe of fish with hard coverings. No reptiles yet known. 30. Lower Devonian. Gray sandstone. M. Silurian. 31. Upper Silurian. Tilestone. Oldest fossil fish yet discovered. Trilobites, etc. 32. Lower Silurian. Caradoc sandstone, etc. No land plants yet known. Footprints of tortoise, etc. 33. Upper and Lower Cambrian. SYNOPSIS.
The precise chemical action upon the elements composing these various geological formations at different remote periods, is no doubt difficult to ascertain. That there always has been some chemical action going on, and that it is continually going on, is certain. How and to what extent we can judge only from the experience of actual observation in the laboratory. Mr. Crale remarks: “The whole surface of the land is exposed to chemical action of the air, and of the rainwater with its dissolved carbonic acid, and in colder countries the frost. The disintegrated matter is carried down the slopes during heavy rain; and, to a greater extent than might be supposed, especially in arid districts, by the wind; it is then transported by the streams and rivers, which when rapid deepen their channels and triturate the fragments.” Darwin says: “If the theory be true” (speaking of the time elapsed since the Cambrian It seems almost impossible for an ordinary mind to grasp the magnitude of the figures, the span of life being so short. Yet some idea may be formed when we compare the age of this earth’s crust formation, the hundreds of thousands of years that passed in the evolution of man, and the brief space of time that has elapsed since he has become enabled to give an account of himself. As regards the thickness of the earth’s crust, Professor Ramsey has given the maximum thickness, from actual measurement in most cases, of the successive formations in different parts of Great Britain; and this is the result:
making altogether 72,584 feet; that is, very nearly thirteen and three-quarters British miles. BÜchner in his work on “Force and Matter” states: “The so-called coal formation alone required, according to Bischoff, 1,000,177 years; according to Chevandier’s calculation, 672,788 years. The Tertiary strata required for their development about 350,000 years; and before the originally incandescent earth could cool down from a temperature of 2,000 degrees to 200, there must, according to Bischoff’s calculation, have elapsed a period of 350,000,000 years. Valger calculates that the time required for the deposit of the strata known to us must at least have amounted to 648,000,000 years. I quote these figures simply to show how difficult it is, and the labor required, to form even a proximate idea as to the period of time that must have elapsed for the formation of the various strata known. That all animals were not created at once is certain beyond all cavil and dispute. The development of the various forms of life was an exceeding slow process, and lasted very many thousand centuries. That the earth’s crust was not at certain stages of formation in a fit condition either to receive or to maintain the higher types of animal life, is well known. And we know that man’s remains are found only in the uppermost surface of the earth’s crust. Max MÜller says in his “Testimony of the Rocks”: “It was not until the earlier ages of the OÖlite system had passed away, that the class of Reptiles received its fullest development. And certainly very wonderful was the development which it did then receive. Reptiles became everywhere the lords and masters of the lower world. When any class of air-breathing “1. The Primary, or Paleozoic age, comprising the lower Silurian, the upper Silurian, and the Devonian. During this age there were no air-breathing animals. The fishes were masters of creation. We may therefore call it the Reign of Fishes. “2. The Secondary age, comprising the Carboniferous, the Trias, the OÖlite, and the Cretaceous formations. This is the epoch in which air-breathing animals first appear. The Reptiles predominated over the other classes, and we may therefore call it the ‘Reign of Reptiles.’ “3. The Tertiary age, comprising the Tertiary formation. During this age terrestrial mammals of great size abound. This is the Reign of Mammals. “4. The Modern age, characterized by the appearance of the most perfect of created beings.” The majority of mankind trouble themselves but little whether progress is made in any one of the branches of science or not. Man has no time to think seriously of anything except to provide food for his family. The priest does his thinking, and he is made to contribute part of his labor to support the holy man who does the thinking for him. All he knows is that his soul or his spirit, his hereafter, and his God are well cared for, and he pays for it. Yet every man ought to understand that all his rights, civil and political—all the freedom he enjoys—he has to thank science for procuring and securing. “Shall it be seriously objected to the application “Science and faith exclude each other” (Virchow). Fools still cling to faith; wise men find the truth in science. Note.—Baily’s “History of Astronomy,” Part I, page 31, § 124, and Part II, pp. 33, 39, maintains that India has existed as a nation, as the THE ATMOSPHERE.The atmosphere is the gaseous envelope encircling the earth; and it constitutes the ocean of air at the bottom of which we live. We become aware of the existence of the air when we move rapidly and experience the resistance offered to the passage of our bodies, and also when the air is set in motion, giving rise to a wind. We notice the pressure of the atmosphere if we withdraw the air from beneath the hand by a powerful air-pump, for we then find that the hand is pressed down with a force equal to 1.033 kilos. on a square centimeter, or nearly 15 lbs. on every square inch. The total atmospheric pressure which the human body has to support hence amounts to several tons. But this pressure is not felt under ordinary circumstances, because the pressure exercised is exerted equally in every direction. The instrument used for measuring the pressure of the air is termed a barometer, and the average pressure at the sea level is equal to that exerted by a column of mercury 760 mm. high. The air being elastic and having weight, it is clear the lower layers of air must be more compressed than those above them, and hence the density of the air must vary at the different hights above the sea level. The density of the air being thus dependent on the pressure to which it is subjected, the higher strata of air become generally rarefied, and it is hence difficult to say whereabouts the air ceases, but it appears that the limit of the atmosphere is about 200 to 300 miles from the level of the sea. If the whole Aqueous vapor is contained in the air in quantities varying in different localities and at different times, and depending mainly on the temperature of the air. Air at a given temperature cannot contain more than a certain quantity of moisture in solution; and when it has taken up its maximum quantity, it is said to be saturated with aqueous moisture. The higher the temperature of the air the more water can it retain as vapor; and when air saturated with moisture is cooled, the water is deposited in liquid form in very small globules, forming a mist, fog, or cloud. This is the cause of the fall of rain, snow, and hail; when warm air heavily laden with moisture from the ocean passes into a higher and colder position, or meets with a stratum of air of lower temperature, it cannot any longer retain so much aqueous vapor, and a large quantity assumes a liquid form, falling as rain when the temperature is above the freezing-point, or crystallizing as snowflakes if the temperature is below that point. Hail is caused by the congelation of raindrops in passing through a stratum of air below the freezing-point. The deposition of dew is caused by the rapid cooling of the earth’s surface by radiation after sunset, and by the consequent cooling of the air near the ground below the temperature at which it begins to deposit moisture. In general the air contains from 50 to 70 per cent. of aqueous vapor of the quantities necessary to saturate it. If the quantity be not within these limits the air is either unpleasantly dry or unpleasantly moist. The air contains, besides the gases of oxygen and nitrogen, carbonic acid, ammonia, accidental impurities, and volatile organic matter, which latter is the most important, as it probably influences We may have occasion to refer to this when speaking of the deluge, etc. |