
“Si les nommes Étaient capables de gouverner toute la conduite de leur vie par un dessein reglÉ, si la fortune leur Était toujours favorable, leur Âme serait libre de toute superstition.”

Spinoza, 1650.

“Il n’y a pas de moyen plus efficace que la

Superstition pour gouverner la multitude.”

Quinte Curce.

“But in the temple of their hireling hearts

Gold is a living god, and rules in scorn

All earthly things but virtue.”

“Falsehood demands but gold to pay the pangs

Of outraged conscience; for the slavish priest

Sets no great value on his hireling faith.”

“But human pride

Is skillful to invent most serious names

To hide its ignorance.”


At this time, in this age of agitation, unrest, dissatisfaction, and doubt among the masses, and all classes, in every civilized part of the globe, in all communities and human organizations, in church and out of church, ecclesiastical bodies of all shades; besides the vast number of theories and doctrines of a popular socialistic, anti-poverty, communistic order, etc., a prevailing skepticism has seized the minds of men, as to the truth, validity, and stability of the entire religious fabric. The unsettled condition of the minds of men, the disturbing elements of the laboring classes, the church quarrels, clerical litigations, disputes, wrangling, and mutual hate about scriptural authenticity, its truth and supernaturalism, the heresies and blasphemies, the unsatisfactory condition of the Roman church, the constant and unremitting papal correspondence, the petty bickering, the selfish zeal, the greed for money, the anxiety to raise funds for all kinds of ecclesiastical establishments, naturally arouse suspicion whether the idea of a God is not going out of fashion, whether the clergy has not lost faith in the Book, whether the Jew, the Jehovistic aristocrat, has not been the primary inventor of these supernatural wares, whether the Christian theologians are not beginning to lose their sway and grip and their pretended supernatural authority over their ignorant devotees. We may ask frankly, honestly, truthfully, and in perfect good faith:

Has not the time arrived for a grand and human reformation? For new methods of teaching, for new and more accurate ideas, for a more precise knowledge of the natural, for instructions in absolute facts, for a more thorough understanding of natural laws, for a broader comprehension of man himself and his surroundings, for an abandonment of all the supernatural subterfuge, ignorance, and superstition, of religious fables, miracles, false theories, and misleading doctrines as to God, with their immense sacrifice of human life.

Within the limits of the church nothing is to be hoped for, nor can anything be expected, except the greedy grasping of the hard-earned money of the ignorant laboring classes, the fanatical devotees, to sustain and uphold a mercenary priesthood, a rotten supernatural system that has proved so pernicious to mankind. Europe, at one time the rich pasture for the holy Roman Catholic apostolic church, no longer pours the milk and honey into the supreme pontiff’s lap as of yore. In a letter dated “Rome, Feb. 3d,” Ledochowski writes of LeoXIII.’s solicitude for the good of religion in these parts: “The supreme pontiff has many reasons of sadness on account of the distresses which the impudent endeavors of wicked men are trying to bring upon Christianity, especially in Europe. On the other hand, it is a great consolation to him to see the increase of Catholicism, with God’s aid, elsewhere in the world.” Of course Ledochowski signifies the pope’s great admiration for the wonderful resources—for this flourishing, prolific, and generous American milch-cow. The Roman administration, with that marvelous business tact so characteristic of that church, turns its tender attention, with all its pontifical flummery and grotesque maneuvers, to insinuate its methods upon this republic, to overawe us with a blaze of stupefaction, profounder ignorance and superstition, by honoring America with a resident tax-collector, and to save Gods, their divinities, with the Christ, Holy Ghost, Virgin Immaculate, saints, angels, and all the other theological absurdities.

Is it not high time for man and woman to learn that their dependence on any supernatural aid is futile, their prayers and appeals to an imaginary God worse than useless, their cringing fear for the so-called sacred authority cowardly, their submission to priestly rule and authority slavish, and the inculcating of biblical church lore stupefying? Is it not time for man and woman to comprehend themselves, their powers, the uses of their several organs, their functions, and the natural laws that govern them? That ideas, thought, consciousness, intellect, understanding, imagination, knowledge, etc., etc., are but the functions of nervous matter? That everything we know, have discovered, developed, or produced, is the natural product of nerve tissue.

In reviewing the history of this theologico-ecclesiastical organization—this Jehovistic Christianized system, from the very beginning to the present time, we find that this many-shaded, ever-changeable, greedy, grasping creed has done during the four thousand years of its existence a vast amount of mischief and little or no good. It had to be civilized instead of civilizing. Instead of elevating their followers, priests rather made every effort to keep them in subjection, steeped in ignorance and superstition.

In presenting these pages to the public, it is for the purpose of exposing some simple intelligible facts, some wholesome truths, some few scientific revelations discovered by men of eminence, knowledge, and wisdom, regarding ourselves, this terrestrial globe, and the universe at large of which we are part. It is not possible in modern times to force men to believe, to accept the impossible. At this period of mental transition, the tendency is to think, to reason, to gain knowledge and truth, to be self-supporting, self-sustaining, independent, free, and untrammeled by barbaric delusion and terrorism. They no longer fear and cower before a shadow of some supernatural imaginary thing or being that has no existence and never had.

Man must learn to know that man is an evolution of nature’s forces, a product of this terrestrial globe; that all the physical and physiological phenomena of his fine muscular and nervous system are the natural products and functions of his organization; that whether soul, spirit, God or Jehovah, they were evolved in the brain of man; that man, as man, with all his endowments, faculties, and capabilities, is part and parcel of this earth, a natural result of natural causes, and the supernatural, the God or gods, is the natural product of man’s working faculties.

The scientific world has long since discarded every idea of anything supernatural, declared the impossibility, falsity, and absurdity of the scriptural fable, and that God, Jehovah, with all the ingenious priestly inventions, has proved itself pernicious and oppressive to humanity and contrary to intelligence, reason, and common sense. Man to know his rights must know himself, his nature and his natural surroundings, and if he knows himself, he will learn that God did not create man, but that man created God, and that every man is and must be his own God to be a true man. Know the natural, never mind the supernatural.


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