CHAPTER I. | The Universal Aspect, | 9 | II. | The Earth, | 21 | III. | The Chemical Aspect, | 39 | IV. | The Sun, | 51 | V. | Genesis—The Creation, | 67 | VI. | Genesis—The Garden of Eden, | 80 | VII. | The Deluge, | 92 | VIII. | The Scriptural God—The Creation, | 101 | IX. | The Creation of God—Abraham, | 112 | X. | Moses—Confirmation of the Idea of God, | 119 | XI. | Samuel the Kingmaker, | 138 | XII. | God Save the King, | 147 | XIII. | Jehova Takes a Rest, | 170 | XIV. | The End of National Life, | 178 | XV. | The Christian Era, | 200 | XVI. | Organic Life—Vegetable, | 212 | XVII. | Organic Life—Animal, | 221 | | | The Master Tissues. | | | | The Muscular Tissues. | | | | The Nervous Tissues. | | XVIII. | Food and Food-Substances, | 242 | XIX. | Elimination of Waste Substances, | 250 | | | In General. | | | | By the Lungs. | | | | By the Skin. | | | | By the Kidneys. | | XX. | Digestion, Nutrition, | 278 | XXI. | The Elementary Substances, | 300 | XXII. | Alcohol and Its Effects on the System, | 310 | XXIII. | The Soul—What is it? | 321 | | | The Mind. | | XXIV. | Sin and Salvation, | 340 | XXV. | The Ecclesiastical Kindergarten, | 353 | XXVI. | Rational Review, | 372 | XXVII. | |   |