CONTENTS of Second Series. |
Th' Better Part. Done Agean. Latter Wit. My Gronfayther's Days. Heart Brocken. To a Daisy, A Bad Sooart. All we Had. Give it 'em Hot. Th' Honest Hard Worker. Niver Heed. Sing On. What aw Want. What it is to be Mother. What is It. Come thi Ways! Advice to Jenny. Ther's mich Expected. A Strange Stooary. Take Heart. Did yo Iver. An Old Man's Christmas Morning. Billy Bumble's Bargain. Moral. Rejected. Duffin Johnie. Lost Love. Th' Traitle Sop. To Let. Fault Finders. Disapointment. Work Away. New Machinery &c. September Month. A Hawporth. Buttermilk &c. It's a comfort. Progress. Try Again. Jealousy. Winter. Persevere. Booith-Taan Election. Election. None think Alike. Seaside.