
N.B.—This bibliography is intended as a guide to the student; it is merely representative, not in any part exhaustive. The books to which reference is made are marked with an asterisk, those of special importance with two asterisks.

Anker, E. Women’s Suffrage in Norway. N.U. of W.S.S. 1913.

Anthony, K. Feminism in Germany and Scandinavia. London, 1916.

Bax, E. B. The Fraud of Feminism. London, 1913.

Blease, W. L. The Emancipation of English Women. New ed. London, 1913.

Breevoort, J. Haar idealen (on feminism in Holland). Rotterdam, 1914.

Catt, C. C. The World Movement for Woman’s Suffrage. London, 1911.

Colquhoun, E. The Vocation of Woman. London, 1914.

*Coomaraswamy, A. Sati: A Vindication of the Hindu Women. Reprinted from the Sociological Review, April 1913.

Fairfield, Z. The Woman’s Movement. London, 1911.

Some Aspects of the Woman’s Movement. London, 1916.

Fawcett, M. G. Women’s Suffrage: A Short History of a Great Movement. The People’s Books. 1912.

George, W. L. Woman and To-morrow. London, 1912. Article in English Review, December 1916.

Gordon, H. The Prisoner: A Sketch. An experience of forcible feeding. Letchworth Press, 1911.

Grieg, T. B. The Militant Suffrage Movement: Emancipation in a Hurry. London, 1911.

Towards Woman’s Liberty. London, 1910.

Hutchins, B. L. Conflicting Ideals: Two Sides of the Woman’s Question. London, 1913.

International Women’s Suffrage. Alliance Publications.

Key, Ellen. The Women’s Movement. (Translated by M. B. Borthwick, with Introduction by Havelock Ellis.) New York and London, 1912.

Lytton, Lady Constance. Prisons and Prisoners. London, 1914.

Martin, E. S. The Unrest of Women. New York and London, 1913.

Mason, B. Story of the Woman’s Suffrage Movement. (Introduction by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Lincoln.) New York and London, 1912.

Mayreder, Rosa. A Survey of the Woman Problem. (Translated from the German by H. Scheffauer.) London, 1913.

*Meikle, M. Towards a Sane Feminism. London, 1916.

National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies Publications.

Owen, H. Woman Adrift: The Menace of Suffragism. London, 1912.

Pankhurst, E. Why we are Militant. London, 1914.

My Own Story. London, 1914.

Pankhurst, E. S. The Suffragette. The history of the women’s militant suffrage movement. New York, 1911.

Roberts, K. Pages from the Diary of a Militant Suffragette. Letchworth Press, 1911.

Robins, E. Way Stations. London, 1913.

Sharp, E. Rebel Women. (Introduction by E. Robin.) London, 1915.

Schirmacher, K. The Modern Women’s Rights Movement. An historical survey. (Translated from 3rd German ed. by C. Conrad.) New York, 1912.

Stanton, C. S. History of Women’s Suffrage. New York, 1881.

Swanwick, H. M. The Future of the Women’s Movement. (Introduction by Mrs. Fawcett.) London, 1913.

Woman’s Press. Many Publications.

Women’s Freedom League. The Vote, pamphlets, etc.

Women’s Social and Political Union. Votes for Women and other publications.

Wright, Sir A. The Unexpurgated Case against Woman Suffrage. London, 1913.

Zimmern, A. Women’s Suffrage in Many Lands. 1909.

Animal Parenthood

*Audubon, J. J. Ornithological Biography: An Account of the Habits of the Birds of the United States of America. 5 vols. Edinburgh, 1831-9.

*Bonhote, J. Lewis. Birds of Britain. London, 1907.

Vigour and Heredity. London, 1915.

*Brehm, A. E. Thierleben. Leipzig, 1876, etc.

Ornithology of the Science of Birds. (From the text of Dr. Brehm.) 2 parts. Columbus, Cincinnati, 1878 fol.

*Darwin, C. The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. Pop. ed. London, 1874.

The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. Pop. ed. London, 1905.

**Espinas, A. Des SociÉtÉs Animales Étude de psychologie comparÉe. Paris, 1877.

**Fabre, J. Henri. The Life and Love of the Insect. (Translated by A. Teixeira de Mattos.) London, 1911.

Social Life in the Insect World. (Translated by Bernard Miall.) London, 1912.

The Works of J. H. Fabre. (Translated by A. Teixeira de Mattos. Preface by Maurice Maeterlinck.) London and New York, 1912, etc.

*Geddes, P., and Thomson, J. A. The Evolution of Sex. 4th revised ed. London, 1901.

Sex. Home Univ. of Modern Knowledge. London, 1911.

Problems of Sex. Tracts for the Times. London, 1911.

*Houzeau, J. C. Études sur les facultÉs mentales des animaux comparÉes À celles de l’homme. Mons, 1872.

*Hudson, W. H. Adventures Among Birds. London, 1913.

Birds and Man. London, 1915.

British Birds. London, 1895.

The Naturalist in La Plata. London, 1903.

*Kellogg, V. L. Animal Life. Twentieth Century Text Books.

Evolution and Animal Life, etc. New York, 1907.

Insect Stories. New York, 1908.

*Letourneau, C. J. M. The Evolution of Marriage and of the Family. (Cont. Sci. Series.) London, 1891.

**Levick, G. M. Natural History of the AdÉlie Penguins. (Natural History Report, Zoology, vol. i, No. 2, 1914.)

*Antarctic Penguins. A Study of their Social Habits. London, 1914.

*Milne-Edwards, H. LeÇons sur la physiologie et l’anatomie comparÉe de l’homme et des animaux. Paris, 1857.

Histoire naturelle des insects, tom. 2. Paris, 1825.

**Mitchell, P. Chalmers. The Childhood of Animals. London and New York, 1912.

*Mivart, St. George. Types of Animal Life. London, 1893.

Man and the Apes. An Exposition on Structural Resemblances bearing upon Questions of Affinity and Origin. London, 1873.

The Common Frog. London, 1873.

*Morgan, C. Lloyd. Animal Life and Intelligence. London, 1890.

Animal Behaviour. London, 1900.

Animal Sketches. London, 1893.

Habit and Instinct. London, 1896.

Instinct and Experience. London, 1912.

**Pycraft, W. P. The Infancy of Animals. 1912.

The Courtship of Animals. 1913.

**Romanes, G. J. Animal Intelligence. (Int. Sci. Series.) London, 1872.

Mental Evolution in Animals, with Posthumous Essay on Instinct by C. Darwin. London, 1883.

Sutherland. The Origin and Growth of the Moral Instinct. 2 vols. London, 1898.

*Thomson, J. A. (see Geddes). Heredity. (Pro. Sci. Series.) London, 1898.

Britain’s Birds and their Nests. London, 1911.

The Haunts of Animals. London, 1908.

The Study of Animal Life. London, 1898.

*Wallace. Darwinism. London, 1889.

*Ward, L. F. Pure Sociology. New York, 1903.

The Mother Among Primitive Peoples

**Atkinson, J. J. Primal Law. See Lang, A.

**Bachofen, J. J. Das Mutterrecht. See French translation of Introduction by Giraud Teulon. Stuttgart, 1861.

*Bancroft, H. H. The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America. 5 vols. New York, 1875-6.

*Crawley, A. E. The Mystic Rose: A Study of Primitive Marriage. London, 1902.

Cushing, F. H. Outlines of ZuÑi Creation Myths. Bureau of Ethnology, 13th Report, 1891-2.

ZuÑi Folk Tales. Introduction by J. W. Powell. New York and London, 1901.

My Visit to the ZuÑi Indians. Century Magazine, 1883.

*Dalton, E. T. Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal. Calcutta, 1872.

**Dargun, L. Mutterrecht und Raubehe und ihre Reste im germanischen Recht und Leben. Breslau, 1883.

Studien zum Ältesten Familienrecht. Leipzig, 1892.

**Ellis, H. Havelock. Man and Woman. (Con. Sci. Series.) New ed. 1904.

Woman and Man. Reprinted from the Westminster Review, 1888.

**Fison, L., and Howth, A. W. Kamclarvi and Kurnia. Melbourne and Sydney, 1880.

Folk Lore. Review of Myth, Tradition, Institution, and Custom. London.

*Frazer, J. G. The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion. 3rd ed. 12 vols. London, 1907-15.

Totemism. Edinburgh, 1887.

Article in The Academy, March 27, 1886.

**Giraud-Teulon, A. La mÈre chez certains peuples de l’antiquitÉ. Paris, 1867.

Les origines du mariage et de la famille. Geneva and Paris, 1884.

**Gurdon, P. R. The Khasis. (Introduction by Sir Ch. Lyall.) London, 1907.

**Hartland, E. S. Primitive Paternity: the Myth of Supernatural Birth in Relation to the History of the Family. 2 vols. London, 1907.

Mythology and Folk Tales. Popular Studies in Mythologies, Etc. 2nd vol. London, 1909.

The Science of Fairy Tales. (Con. Sci. Series.) 1891.

**Hartley, C. G. The Truth About Woman. London and New York, 1913.

The Age of Mother Power. (English title: The Position of Woman in Primitive Society: A Study of the Matriarchy.) London and New York, 1916.

*Hearn, W. E. The Aryan Household. London and Melbourne, 1879.

*Heriot, G. Travels through the Canadas. London, 1807.

Herrera, A. de. The General History of … the West Indies. (Translation.) 6 vols. London, 1827-82.

*Hooker, J. D. Himalayan Journals. 2 vols. London, 1855.

*Howitt, A. W. Australian Group Relations. Smithsonian Report, 1883.

*Im Thurn, E. F. Among the Indians of Guiana. London, 1883.

*Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. London.

*Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Calcutta.

*Journal of the Ethnological Society. London.

Kidd, D. Savage Childhood. London, 1906.

Laboulaye, E. R. Recherches sur la condition civile et politique des femmes. Paris, 1843.

**Lang, A. Social Origins: Primal Law. By J. J. Allanson. London, 1903.

Customs and Myths. New ed. London, 1904.

*Letourneau, C. J. M. Evolution of Marriage and the Family. (Con. Sci. Series.) London, 1891.

La condition de la femme dans les diverses races et civilisations Paris.

Lippert, J. Die Geschichte der Familie. Stuttgart, 1884.

*Macdonald, D. Africana. 2 vols. London, 1882.

**McGee, W. J. The Beginning of Marriage. American Anthropologist, November 1896.

The Beginning of Agriculture. American Anthropologist, October 1895.

The Relations of Institutions to Government. Smithsonian Report, 1896.

**McLennan, J. T. The Patriarchal Theory. London, 1885.

Studies in Ancient History. London, 1886.

*Marsden, W. The History of Sumatra. London, 1811.

*Mason, O. Woman’s Share in Primitive Culture. London and New York, 1895.

Moore, T. Marriage Customs, Modes of Courtship and Singular Propensities of the Various Nations of the Universe. London, 1814.

**Morgan, L. H. House and House Life of the American Aborigines. Contributed to the North American Ethnology, vol. iv. Washington, 1881.

Ancient Society, or Researches on the Lines of Human Progress. London, 1897.

Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family. Smithsonian Contribution.

**Pearson, E. C. The Family: An Ethnographical and Historical Outline. New York and London, 1906.

The Old-Fashioned Woman: Primitive Fancies about the Sex. New York and London, 1913.

**Pearson, Karl. Chances of Death. Vol. ii, “Essays on the Mother-Age,” “Civilisation,” etc. London and New York, 1897.

*Ploss, H. Das Weib in der Natur und VÖlkerkunde. 2 vols. Leipzig.

Das Kind in Branch und Sitte der VÖlker. 2 vols. 2nd ed. Leipzig, 1884.

*Ratzel, F. History of Mankind. (Translated from 2nd German ed. by A. J. Butler. Introduction by E. B. Tylor.) 3 vols. London, 1896-8.

*Reclus, E. Primitive Folk. (Con. Sci. Series.)

*Schoolcraft, A. History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States. 6 vols. Philadelphia, 1851-60.

*Semper, K. Die Palou (Inseln) im Stillen Ocean. Leipzig, 1873.

**Smith, W. Robertson. Marriage and Kinship in Early Arabia. Cambridge, 1885.

**Spencer, B., and Gillen, F. J. The Native Tribes of Australia. London, 1899.

**Starcke, C. N. The Primitive Family in its Origin and Development. 2nd ed. London, 1896.

**Thomas, W. J. Sex and Society. London and Chicago, 1907.

*Turner, S. Tibet. London, 1800.

**Tylor, E. B. Anthropology. London, 1881.

Researches into the Early History of Mankind. London, 1878.

Primitive Culture. 2 vols. London, 1871.

The Matriarchal Family System. Nineteenth Century, July 1896.

*Voth, H. R. Brief Miscellaneous Hopi Papers. Chicago (Field Columbian Museum), 1895.

*Waitz, T. Introduction to Anthropology. (Translated by J. F. Collingwood.) London, 1863.

*Wake, C. S. The Development of Marriage and Kinship. London, 1889.

*Westermarck, E. A. The History of Human Marriage. 3rd ed. London, 1901.

On the Position of Women in Early Civilisation. London, 1905.

Wilken, G. A. Das Matriarchat bei den alten Araberro. Leipzig, 1884.

**Ymer. Tidskrift utgifven of Svenska SÄllskapet fÖr Antropologi och Geografi. Stockholm.

Zimigrodzki, M. von. Die MÜtter bei den VÖlkern des arischen Stammes. Munich, 1886.

Women Workers; Marriage; Illegitimacy; Venereal Diseases

Addams, J. The Long Road of Women’s Misery. New York, 1916.

A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil. New York, 1912.

**Baines, H. H. C. The Divorce Commission. The Majority and Minority Reports Summarised. (Preface by Lord Guthrie and Sir T. Dibbin.) London, 1912.

Baldwin. Mental Development in the Child and the Race. New York, 1913.

Barrault, M. Le travail À Domicile en Angleterre. Paris, 1915.

Benson, G. R. Legislation for the Protection of Women. London, 1912.

Bird, M. Women at Work. London, 1911.

Black, C. Sweated Industry and the Minimum Wage. (Introduction by A. G. Gardiner.) London, 1907.

Black, C. (edited by). Married Women’s Work. Report of inquiry by Women’s Industrial Council. London, 1915.

Blagg, H. M. Analysis of Infant Mortality. London, 1910.

**Bloch, I. Sexual History of our Times. (Translated from 6th German ed. by M. Eden Paul.) London, 1910.

**Braun, Lily. Die Frauenfrage. Leipzig, 1901.

Bray, B. A. The Town Child. London, 1907.

British Medical Journal. Many articles, especially: “Legislation for the Expectant Mother and her Unborn Infant,” July 17, 1915; “Maternity and Child Welfare,” February 22 and April 22, 1916; “Report on the Royal Commission on Venereal Diseases,” March 4 and 11, 1915.

Cadbury, E., and Shann, G. Sweating. London, 1907.

Cadbury, E., Matheson, M. C., and Shann, G. Women’s Work and Wages. London, 1906.

**Campbell, Harry. Differences in the Nervous Organisation of Man and Woman: Physiological and Pathological. London, 1891.

Carpenter, E. Love’s Coming of Age. London, 1914.

The Intermediate Sex: a Study of some Transitional Types of Men and Women. London, 1908.

Intermediate Types among Primitive Folks: a Study on Social Evolution. London, 1914.

Castle, C. S. A Statistical Study of Eminent Women. New York, 1906.

Archives of Psychology, No. 27.

Chapman, A. and M. Status of Women under the English Law. London, 1909.

Chapman, C. Marriage and Divorce. Some needed Reforms in Church and State. London, 1911.

Chesser, E. S. Woman, Marriage, and Motherhood. (Preface by Lady Betty Balfour.) London, 1913.

Collet, C. E. Women in Industry. London, 1911.

*Drysdale, Dr. C. V. The Small Family System: Is it Injurious or Immoral. (Prefatory note by Dr. Bonnie Dunlop.) London, 1913.

Elderton, E. M. Report on the English Birth-Rate. London, 1914.

**Ellis, H. Havelock. Studies in the Psychology of Sex: vol. i, “The Evolution of Modesty”; vol. ii, “Sexual Inversion”; vol. iii, “Analysis of the Sexual Impulse”; vol. iv, “Sexual Selection in Men”; vol. v, “Erotic Symbolism”; vol. vi, “Sex in Relation to Society.” Philadelphia, 1906-12.

The Nationalisation of Wealth. London, 1892.

The Problem of Race Regeneration. New Tracts for the Times. London, 1911.

Essays in Wartime. London, 1915.

Eugenical Review, The. London.

FÉrÉ, C. S. The Pathology of the Emotions. (Translated from the French by R. Park.) London, 1899.

La famille nÉvropathique. Paris, 1898.

Finot, J. Problem of the Sexes. (Translated from French by M. J. Safford.) London, 1913.

Psychologie de la Femme. Paris.

Foerster, Dr. F. W. Marriage and the Sex Problem. (Translated from the 3rd German ed. by Meyrick Booth.) London, 1912.

**Forel, A. The Sexual Question: a Scientific, Psychological, Hygienic and Sociological Study for the Cultured Classes.

Gallichan, W. M. Chapters on Human Lives. London, 1904.

Women under Polygamy. London and New York, 1914.

The Great Unmarried. London, 1916.

*Galton, Sir F. Eugenics: Its Definition, Size and Aims. London, 1908.

Hereditary Genius: An Inquiry into its Law and Consequences. London, 1914.

Natural Inheritance. London, 1889.

Galway, W. R. A Review of our Present Position as regards the Prevention and Treatment of Venereal Diseases. Madras, 1914.

Gibes, T. W. The Campaign against Syphilis. London, 1915.

Greenwood, A. Health and Physique of School Children. School of Economics. London, 1913.

Guibert, G. Le Mariage et ses consequences.

**Hartley, C. Gasquoine. The Truth about Women. London and New York, 1913.

Women and Morality. (Reprinted from the English Review, September 1913.) Chicago, 1914.

The Unmarried Mother. (Article in English Review, September 1914.)

*Heape, Walter. Sex Antagonism. London, 1913.

Preparation for Marriage. London, 1913.

Heron, Dr. On the Relation of Fertility in Man to Social Status. London, 1906.

Hollander, B. Nervous Disorders of Women: the Modern Psychological Conception of their Cause, Effect and Rational Treatment. London, 1916.

Holt, E. B. The Freudian Wish and its Place in Ethics. London, 1915.

Holt, M. The Care and Feeding of Children. (Introduction by E. Pritchard, 8th ed.) New York and London, 1915.

Hooper, W. The Law of Illegitimacy. London, 1912.

Howard. A History of Matrimonial Institutions. Chicago and London, 1904.

*Hutchins, L. B. Labour Laws for Women. London, 1907.

Note on Mortality of Young Children. Reprinted from Journal of Statistical Society. London, 1908.

Statistics of Women’s Life and Employment. Reprinted from Journal of Statistical Society. London, 1909.

Woman in Modern Industry. Chapter on Women’s Wages, by J. J. Multon. London, 1915.

Johnston, J. Wastage of Child Life as exemplified by conditions in Lancashire. Fabian Socialist Series, No. 7. London, 1908, etc.

Keeling, F. The Labour Exchange in relation to Boy and Girl Labour. London, 1910.

Keogh, Sir A. (Introduction by). Manual of Venereal Diseases. 2nd ed. Oxford.

**Key, Ellen. Love and Marriage. (Translated by A. G. Chator, Introduction by H. Havelock Ellis.) New York and London, 1914.

The Renaissance of Motherhood. (Translated by Anna E. B. Fries.) New York and London, 1914.

*Kirch, E. H. The Sexual Life of Woman in its Physiological, Pathological and Hygienic Aspects. (Authorised translation by M. Eden Paul.) London, printed in America, 1910.

Krafft-Ebing, Baron R. von. Psychopathia Sexualis. (Translation of the 7th German ed., by C. G. Chaddock.) Philadelphia and London, 1892.

Leys, G. A Text Book on Gonorrhoea and its Complications. (Translated by A. Foerster.) London, 1913.

Lushington. The Law of Affiliation and Bastardy. London, 1916.

McCabe, J. The Influence of the Church on Marriage and Divorce. London, 1910.

*Marcuse, M. Uneheliche MÜtter. (Grosstadt Dokumente Band 27.) Berlin, 1905, etc.

*Metchnikoff, E. The Nature of Man. (Translation, ed. by P. Chalmers Mitchell.) London and New York, 1904.

Essais Optimistes. Paris, 1908.

*Moll, A. Hypnotism. (Translated from 2nd German ed., Con. Sci. Series.) London, 1890.

Das nervÖse Weib. Berlin, 1898.

Die contrÄre Sexualempfindung. Berlin, 1891.

Untersuchungen Über die Libido sexualis. Berlin, 1897.

Morley, E. J. (edited by). Women Workers in Seven Professions. (Fabian Women’s Research.) London and New York, 1914.

Naish, E. M. Whose Children are These? Birmingham, 1913.

Newsholm, A. The Elements of Vital Statistics. London and New York, 1899.

School Hygiene. 14th ed., rewritten by J. Kerr. London, 1916.

Parsons, E. C. The Decline of the Family. (Chapter V in National Life and Character.) London and New York, 1894.

Marriage and Parenthood: a Distinction. (The International Journal of Ethics, July 1915.) London, 1915.

Payne, C. E. Women after the War and Now. London, 1915.

**Pearson, Karl. The Ethic of Freethought and other Addresses and Essays. 2nd ed. London, 1901.

**Pearson, Karl, and Elderton, E. M. On the Correlation of Fertility with Social Value. (University College Eugenics Laboratory Memoirs, No. 18.) London, 1913.

**Pearson, Karl. Nature and Nurture, the Problem of the Future. (University College Eugenics Laboratory Lectures, No. 6.) London, 1910.

Rembaugh, B. The Political Status of Women in the United States. A Digest of Laws concerning Women in the various States and Territories. (Introduction by H. S. Blatch.) New York and London, 1911.

Rowntree, S. Poverty: A Study of Town Life. London, 1901.

Saleeby, Dr. C. W. Woman and Womanhood. London, 1912.

The Methods of Race Regeneration. (New Tracts for the Times.) London, 1911, etc.

Parenthood and Race Culture. London, 1909.

Saunders, T. W. Law and Practice of Orders of Affiliation. 11th ed. London, 1915.

Scharlieb, Dr. M. The Hidden Scourge. (National Life Series.) London, 1916, etc.

Womanhood and Race Regeneration. (New Tracts for the Times.) London, 1911.

What it means to Marry. Questions of Sex. London, 1914.

The Prevention and Arrest of Venereal Disease in Women. (Lecture at Royal Institute of Public Health.) Reported in Medical World of London, January 26, 1917.

Schreiner, O. Woman and Labour. London, 1911.

Thoughts about Women. (Preface by Anna Purcell.) Cape Town, 1909.

Smith, A. C. The Problem of Nations: A Study in the Causes, Symptoms, and Effects of Sexual Diseases, and the Education of the Individual Therein. London, 1916.

Smith, E. Wage-Earning Women and Their Dependents. (Fabian Society.) London, 1916.

Smith, W. G. Incompatibility and Some of its Lessons. 2nd ed. London and Dublin, 1911.

Statistique des Familles. Paris, 1906.

*Stocker, H. Die Liebe and die Frauen. Minden, 1906.

Taylor, G. S., and Mackenna, R. W. The Salvarsan Treatment of Syphilis. London, 1914.

**Tweedie, Mrs. Alec. The Women’s Army. Eng. Review, January 1917.

Urbin, E. L. A Short History of Marriage: Marriage Rites, Customs and Folklore in many Countries and all Ages. London, 1913.

Watson, D. Gonorrhoea and its Complications in Male and Female. London, 1914.

Webb, S. The Declining Birth-Rate. (Fabian Tract No. 131.) London, 1910.

Whelham, W. C. D. The War and the Race. The Quarterly Review, January 1917.

Woman and Child Wage-earners, U.S.A., vols. i-xiii.

**Woman’s Co-operative Guild. Maternity Letters from Working Women. (Preface by Rt. Hon. Herbert Samuel.) London, 1915.

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Sexual Education and the Young Girl

Addams, J. Spirit of Youth and the City Streets. New York, 1909.

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