
AËronautics, see Balloon company

Air, distribution of warm—society 10

Aluminium, ulterior advantages of 14

Arago, French savant, forestaller of telegraphy 19

Arcades, general 11

Arnhem’s rise and fall as a city 93

Bacon’s letter: “De mirabili potestate artis et naturae4

Balloon, General—company 58

Bikkers on “The philosophy of verbal monopoly” 73

Books of the nineteenth century 34

Brandt and KÜnckel, discoverers of the phosphorus 15

Calculatoria 105

Camera obscura 16

Celestinus, Claudius—his work 5

Channel, bridge across the 78

Colonies, loss of Dutch 94

Courtois, french savant, discovers iodine 17

Darwin’s evolution theory alluded to 45

Davy, Sir Humphry—his safety lamp 16

Dialect, travelling 67

Education, compulsory 39

Energeiathecs 31

Enkephalometers 87

Examinations, Government and University 89

Galileo 2

Galvani, his discovery 18

Genealogy of species 44

Glass, endless 11

Gravesande, Dutch savant 2

Gun-cotton invented 17

Heliochromes 22

Humanism 73

Huyghens, Dutch savant 2

Iodine, when and by whom first discovered 17

Java, important Dutch colony 96

KÜnckel, see Brandt and KÜnckel

La Condamine imports india-rubber from America 19

Library, national 32

Light, solar 47

Locomotion, general 73

Londinia 10

Mill, John Stuart—criticised 118

Monopoly, “philosophy of verbal,” see Bikkers

Mozart, his “Don Giovanni” 56

Musschenbroek, Dutch savant 2

New Holland, united states of 127

Newton 2

New Zealand of the future 121

Niepce de Saint Victor 23

North Holland submerged 79

Observatory, astronomical—in Persia 103

Oerstedt, forerunner of telegraphy 18

Page, his discovery 52

Phantasia 6

Photography, forerunners of 16

Porta, inventor of the camera obscura 16

Railway nets, extensive 100

Reis, his invention 52

Scheele, forerunner of photography 16

SchÖnbein prepares collodion 17

Science, pure 20

——, encouragement of by Government 20

——, so-called official 21

Scott, LÉon, his phonautograph 53

Spheres, communication between the various 108

Stevin, Dutch savant, referred to 2

Suffrage, universal 111

Telescopes of the twenty-first century 76

Telegraphy, forerunners of 17

Telephon 51

Thales, forerunner of telegraphy 17

Time, Aleutic 7

Tin mines in the moon 107

Trade, free 73

Travelling dialect 67

Tycho, lunar district so-called 107

Utrecht, enlarged 83

“Verre sans fin,” see Glass, endless

Volta, his discovery 18

War, no more 69

WÖhler discovers aluminium 15

Women, rights of 115

World-day 9


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