The Fly Leaf.
A Pamphlet Periodical of the New—the
new man, new woman, new ideas,
whimsies and things. Conducted by
Walter Blackburn Harte.
Published monthly. Single copies 10 cents; subscription, $1.00 a year. Subscriptions to be made payable to W. B. Harte, 269 St. Botolph Street, Boston, Mass. Subscriptions may be left with newsdealers, or sent direct to the publisher.
Business communications should be addressed simply W. B. Harte, 269 St. Botolph Street, Boston. All matter intended for publication should be sent to same address. All MSS. must be accompanied by properly stamped addressed envelope, and those found unavailable will be promptly returned. Everything will be fairly considered, according to the requirements of the Fly Leaf. Unknown writers of ability will be welcomed. All articles and sketches must be short and piquant—not exceeding 1200 or 1500 words.
Entered at the Boston Post Office as second class mail matter.
Copyright, 1895, by W. B. Harte,
The trade supplied by the New England News Company.