Songs of Three Centuries. Selected by J. G. Whittier. Household

Songs of Three Centuries. Selected by J. G. Whittier. Household Edition. 12mo, USD2.00. Illustrated Library Edition. 32 illustrations. USD4.00. Justin Winsor. Reader's Handbook of the American Revolution. 16mo, USD1.25.

A catalogue containing portraits of many of the above authors, with a description of their works, will be sent free, on application, to any address.

[Transcriber's Note:

Obvious punctuation errors repaired.

This text has extensive dialect with many non-conventional spellings and words.

Page 341, missing 'f' inserted. (-hills, which)

Spelling "adjourn" and "ad-journ" retained.

Spelling "arm-chair" and "armchair" retained.

Spelling "awe-struck" and "awestruck" retained.

Spelling "death-like" and "deathlike" retained.

Spelling "good-humoured" and "good-humored" retained.

Spelling "half-way" and "halfway" retained.

Spelling "hill-side" and "hillside" retained.

Spelling "preoccupied" and "pre-occupied" retained.

Spelling "humor" and "humour" retained.

Spelling "dispatched" and "despatched" retained.

Spelling "intrust" and "entrust" retained.]


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