This is PG's Newsletter for Thursday, December 19, 1998 [Usually sent the first Wednesday of each month, delayed if by relay.] Main URL is Webmaster is Pietro di Miceli, of Rome, Italy We have the 36 Etext for May, 1999 pretty much ready for you, and some new Shakespeare files, though BEWARE!. . .the filenames or numbers may change over the next month or so. . .I haven't quite yet figured out a whole strategy for working with what the mice played with while I went on vacation. . .a vacation I am certainly glad to be back from. It is odd to say, but everything when pretty much the opposite as expected— I had a great time in LA accepting the WIRED 25 "Oscar" on behalf of a thousand PG volunteers, and did all I was asked to do & and bit more at the party. . .[I was indeed the "life of the party."] As I often try to do, we have managed some new Shakespeare to honor my father, who died 9 years ago today, and for whom I try to do some work on this day each year, as well as to light a candle for him. I have a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to our Shakespeare Team for getting this ready for today, you will see THOUSANDS of corrections in these new files!!! My father was a great Shakespeare professor, who instilled in me and many others a great feeling for the classics, in literature, music and art. This one's for you, Dad! *** A note from our US Director of Production, Dianne Bean: Working on a reasonable-sized-print book, water damaged at the bottom: Testing Omnipage 9 on it and there's a HUGE difference between this and Textbridge—they improved the OCR so it's better by a mile than Textbridge, no longer even close...I'm only picking up 1 or 2 errors on a page; where the pages are a little warped at the bottom, TB was making an awful garble, but OP sails right through! And it hasn't crashed yet. *** I will be meeting with Lawrence Lessig of Harvard, who apparently is the one the Supreme Court of the US chose to teach them about computers, and about the Internet. We will be planning the lawsuit to challenge all of the new copyright extensions we tried so hard to keep from becoming law. He has asked for some serious volunteers who would also like to sue; the cases are more secure when there are several plaintiffs, not just one. Just email me if you are interested. I meet with him Monday. We should also like to receive any points you would like included in the suit, and we would like these whether or not you are willing to be a plaintiff. *** And here are the books! May 1999 Billy and the Big Stick, by R. H. Davis [#17][]1764 May 1999 The Nature Faker, by Richard Harding Davis [#16][]1763 May 1999 The Consul, by Richard Harding Davis [RH Davis#15][]1762 May 1999 My Buried Treasure, by Richard Harding Davis [#14][]1761 May 1999 The Man Who Could Not Lose, by R. H. Davis [#13][]1760 May 1999 The Black-Bearded Barbarian, by Marian Keith []1759 May 1999 Majorie Daw, by Thomas Bailey Aldrich [Aldrich #4][]1758 May 1999 Cruise of the Dolphin by Thomas Bailey Aldrich[#3][]1757 May 1999 Uncle Vanya, by Anton Chekhov [Checkov #5][]1756 May 1999 Ivanoff, by Anton Chekhov [Checkov #4][]1755 May 1999 The Sea-Gull, by Anton Chekhov [Checkov #3][]1754 May 1999 Swan Song [& Intro], by Anton Chekhov [Checkov #2][]1753 May 1999 El Dorado, by Baroness Orczy [More Pimpernell][#2][]1752 May 1999 Twilight Land, by Howard Pyle [Howard Pyle #3][]1751 May 1999 [Reserved for Plato] ******** []1750 May 1999 Cousin Betty, by Honore de Balzac [de Balzac #66] []1749 May 1999 Other People's Money, by Emile Gaboriau [E.G. #2][]1748 May 1999 The Red Seal, by Natalie Sumner Lincoln []1747 May 1999 New Collected Rhymes, by Andrew Lang [Lang #14][]1746 May 1999 Poetical Works, by John Milton []1745 May 1999 Philebus, by Plato [More of Socrates][Plato #28][]1744 May 1999 Twelve Stories and a Dream, by H. G. Wells[HGW#17][]1743 May 1999 Miss Civilization, by Richard Harding Davis [#12][]1742 May 1999 The White Moll, by Frank L. Packard [Packard #2][]1741 May 1999 The Flying U's Last Stand, by B. M. Bower [BMB #8][]1740 May 1999 The Black Death/The Dancing Mania, by J.F.C. Hecker[bdadm10.txt]1739 May 1999 Statesman, by Plato [Plato #27][]1738 May 1999 Facino Cane, by Honore de Balzac [H. de Balzac#65][]1737 May 1999 Cromwell, Shakespeare Apocrypha []1736* May 1999 Sophist, by Plato [More of Socrates][Plato #26][]1735 May 1999 Secret Places of the Heart, by H.G. Wells[HGW #16][]1734 May 1999 The Red Cross Girl, by Richard Harding Davis [#11][]1733 May 1999 The Schoolmistress, et al, by Anton Chekhov [AC#1][]1732 May 1999 Sister Songs, by Francis Thompson [F. Thompson #3][]1731 May 1999 Michael, Brother of Jerry, by Jack London [JL #71][]1730 May 1999 The Deserted Woman, by Honore de Balzac[Balzac#64][]1729 and: Most of these Shakespeare files are vastly improved versions from our original Complete works of Shakespeare [Etext #100] but some are new. We had so many requests to post Shakespeare as individual files, that we decided a whole new version was worth the effort, and here it is!! 1Notes: We don't have new versions for all the works yet. . .but will. Jul 1999 King Henry VIII, by Shakespeare []1802 Jul 1999 The Tempest, by Shakespeare []1801 Jun 1999 The Winter's Tale, by Shakespeare []1800 Jun 1999 Cymbeline, by Shakespeare []1799 Jun 1999 Timon of Athens, by Shakespeare []1798 Jun 1999 Coriolanus, by Shakespeare []1797 Jun 1999 Antony and Cleopatra, by Shakespeare []1796 Jun 1999 King Lear, by Shakespeare []1794 Jun 1999 All's Well That Ends Well, by Shakespeare []1791 Jun 1999 Troilus and Cressida, by Shakespeare []1790 Jun 1999 Hamlet, by Shakespeare []1787 Jun 1999 As You Like It, by Shakespeare []1786 Jun 1999 Julius Caesar, by Shakespeare []1785 Jun 1999 King Henry V, by Shakespeare []1784 Jun 1999 Much Ado About Nothing, by Shakespeare []1783 Jun 1999 King Henry IV, Part 2, by Shakespeare []1782 Jun 1999 The Merry Wives of Windsor, by Shakespeare []1781 Jun 1999 King Henry IV, Part 1, by Shakespeare []1780 Jun 1999 The Merchant of Venice, by Shakespeare []1779 Jun 1999 King Richard II, by Shakespeare []1776 Jun 1999 King John, by Shakespeare []1775 Jun 1999 Love's Labour's Lost, by Shakespeare []1774 Jun 1999 Two Gentlemen of Verona, by Shakespeare []1773 Jun 1999 The Taming of the Shrew, by Shakespeare []1772 Jun 1999 The Comedy of Errors, by Shakespeare []1769 Jun 1999 King Richard III, by Shakespeare []1768 *** Mac users can download our .txt files in binary mode to avoid the double spacing cr/lf line ends creates. Or download the .zip files, which unzip properly for nearly any operating system they are unzipped for... *** From Edupage: UNIVERSAL TRANSLATION SERVICE Researchers at the United Nations University in Tokyo are developing a Universal Networking Language (UNL) that would take text in any language and translate it into any other language. The university is working with U.N. governments and companies to make UNL modules to support the languages of all U.N. member countries by 2005. (Information Week 30 Nov 98) Edupage ... is what you've just finished reading excerpts of— to subscribe to Edupage: send mail to: with the message: subscribe edupage Susan B. Anthony (if your name is Susan B. Anthony; otherwise use your own name To unsubscribe send a message to: with the message: unsubscribe edupage. If you have problems, send email to "I love Edupage." mh Edupage is written by John Gehl (, and Suzanne Douglas ( USA Telephone: 770-590-1017 Edupage is supported by Educom *** About the PG Newsletter: [Goes out approximately first Wednesday of each month. But different relays will get it to you at different times; you can subscribe directly, just send me email to find out how, or surf to to subscribe directly by yourself.] |