This is PG's Newsletter for Wednesday, November 3, 1999 Etexts Readable By Both Humans and Computers Since Before The Internet [Usually sent the first Wednesday of each month, delayed if by relay.] Main URL is Webmaster is Pietro di Miceli, of Rome, Italy *Check out our Websites at, and ask me for our FTP servers.* This message contains index listings for about 75 newly released books This is double the usual number we were scheduled to release, but with a GREAT effort by Kimber85 we have managed to complete the Shakespeare just in time for inclusion in this Newsletter. . .THANKS, KIM!!!!!!! Table of Contest: Headline News Requests For Assistance Comments About Our New Files Index Listings for the New Files 1Notess from Edupage and News Scan *** Headline News I just finished watching Biography's "100 Most Influential People of the Millennium" and our dear Mr. Gutenberg was #1!!! No question - good choice. Thought you might like to know - on behalf of all us Gutenbergers! From: "Just got the Nov. 8 issue of TIME Magazine today —- focused on the 21st century. And I was delighted to see Michael Hart profiled as a visionary in People to Watch' on p. 14." From Richard Seltzer ["People To Watch" is a new column in TIME, we made the top of their list, chosen as to lead off what they hope will be a permanent feature.] We should also be the cover story for the Chicago Tribune Sunday Supplement on November 21st. . .this article has been in progress since March and they say it should be the best one of these they have done in well over a year. We shall see, eh? Given that we are today releasing about 75 new Etexts, we are now approaching being 10 months ahead of schedule. . .our current goal is to get to 12 months . . .actually 12 1/2 months. . .ahead of schedule by the end of 2001, to have 3,333 PG Etexts online at that time. . .about 1/3 of that goal we originally started with. . .but. . .that goal also included a prediction I made that the other Etext producers would be happy to put their public domain Etexts on our servers and help us do the appropriate copyright research. The truth is that one of the things we need is a liaison person to coordinate our efforts with the handful of other major Etext producers so we can provide the 10,000 Etexts now available in a proper manner through our worldwide servers. So, if you are the kind of person who can do this, please. . .let us know!!! Requests For Assistance Ben Harper Requests: Purchas his Pilgrimages, by Samuel Purchas [~1614] If indeed you have some kind of funding to ship over as precious a thing as that book, I'd gladly be it's honored preserver. I bought myself a scanner just today! *** Comments About Our New Files First a correction to an earlier comment: I chose it because my goal was to change the way information is passed from person to person as much as Johannes Gutenberg did. He reduced the price of books to 1/400th of their previous cost which was equal to that of the average family farm beforehand!! Now you can buy a 25G hard drive for $300. . .and you **could** put 5 thousand copies of the Complete Works of Shakespeare on a drive like that, without compression. . .that's 6 cents a copy! There are terabyte drive packs on the way, that will cost less, and will hold just about every word in even a *large* library!! It will not so many of these to hold the Library of Congress!!! I have heard estimates from 2 to 20 terabytes. . .but when such terabytes are as common as gigabytes are now. . .who will care? Comments About Our New Files We lead off this Newsletter Index with Uncle Remus, in honor of the movie "Song of the South". . .which has been removed from a circulating feature [I think by Disney] because of "politically incorrect" catcalls from certain political action committees. Millions of students saw this movie as "required viewing" in an era before this kind of political pressure, but which had an entirely different "politically incorrect" venue known as: "The McCarthy Era Witch Hunts" which didn't seem to be have the kind of power now wielded by a wide range of groups who could be called politically incorrect, themselves. Rewriting history, particularly history that was a "staple" in our educational system, is totally incorrect. I do understand that in any history there are events and values that should not be passed on but neither should they be passed over. By pretending these things never happened we do NOT encourage a proper perspective, either by these committees, or on the parts of the people more directly involved. Meanwhile, our German Team continues to amaze me. . . . Several more additions are listed below, and more on the way!! I hope they are an inspiration to those considering helping us do Etexts in other languages. . .it took us forever to get the German Team rolling, and now. . .fantastic. . .please help get us rolling with other languages!!! *** Index Listings for the New Files Aug 2000 Uncle Remus/Songs/Sayings, by Joel Chandler Harris[]2306 Aug 2000 A Set of Six, by Joseph Conrad [Joseph Conrad #24][]2305 We have two versions: seto610.* and seto610m.* [markup with accents]. . . . Please let us know which you prefer. . . Aug 2000 Legends and Lyrics, Pt 2, by Adelaide Ann Proctor []2304 Aug 2000 Legends and Lyrics, Pt 1, by Adelaide Ann Proctor []2303 Aug 2000 Poor Folk, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky [Dostoyevsky #3][]2302 Aug 2000 A Simpleton, by Charles Reade []2301 Aug 2000 The Descent of Man, by Charles Darwin [Darwin #7][]2300 Aug 2000 Pandora, by Henry James [Henry James #21][]2299 Aug 2000 Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent, by Irving #6[]2298 Aug 2000 Snow-Bound at Eagle's, by Bret Harte [Harte #12][]2297 Aug 2000 Pillars of Society, by Henrik Ibsen[Henrik Ibsen2][]2296 Aug 2000 Waifs and Strays, etc, by O Henry Pt 1[O Henry #8][]2295 Contains: The Red Roses of Tonia Round The Circle The Rubber Plant's Story Out of Nazareth Confessions of a Humorist The Sparrows in Madison Square Hearts and Hands The Cactus The Detective Detector The Dog and the Playlet A Little Talk About Mobs The Snow Man (Two were unavailable- pages torn from book) [If you can help. . .] IN THE TROLLEY CAR RUTH BALDWIN CHENERY IN IRISH RAIN MARTHA HASKELL CLARK Aug 2000 Anthol. Massachusetts Poets/William S. Braithwaite[]2294 Aug 2000 A New England Girlhood[Beverly, MA] by Lucy Larcom[]2293 Aug 2000 Yet Again, by Max Beerbohm [Max Beerbohm #8][]2292 Aug 2000 Yet Again, by Max Beerbohm[HTML] [Max Beerbohm #8][]2292 Aug 2000 David Elginbrod, by George MacDonald[Scottish][#7][]2291 Aug 2000 Twenty-Two Goblins, Translated from the Sanskrit []2290 Aug 2000 Rosmersholm, by Henrik Ibsen [Henrik Ibsen #1] []2289 Aug 2000 Through Russia, by Maxim Gorky [Maxim Gorky #2] []2288 Aug 2000 Havoc, by E. Philips Oppenheim[E. P. Oppenheim #9][]2287 Aug 2000 Devil's Ford by, Bret Harte [Bret Harte #11][]2286 Aug 2000 Ridgway of Montana, by William MacLeod Raine [#4][]2285 Aug 2000 Animal Heroes, by Ernest Thompson Seton [Seton #2][]2284 Aug 2000 The Lost Road, etc, by Richard Harding Davis [#30][]2283 Contains: THE LOST ROAD THE MIRACLE OF LAS PALMAS EVIL TO HIM WHO EVIL THINKS THE MEN OF ZANZIBAR THE LONG ARM THE GOD OF COINCIDENCE THE BURIED TREASURE OF COBRE THE BOY SCOUT SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE THE DESERTER Aug 2000 Tales for Fifteen, by J. F. Cooper as Jane Morgan []2282 Aug 2000 Imagination and Heart, by James F. Cooper [JFC #4][]2282 Aug 2000 The Heritage of Dedlow Marsh etc, by Bret Harte 11[]2281 Contains: THE HERITAGE OF DEDLOW MARSH A KNIGHT-ERRANT OF THE FOOT-HILLS A SECRET OF TELEGRAPH HILL CAPTAIN JIM'S FRIEND Aug 2000 A Millionaire of Rough-and-Ready, by Bret Harte 10[]2280 Aug 2000 A Waif of the Plains, by Bret Harte[Bret Harte #9][]2279 Aug 2000 New Burlesques, by Bret Harte [Bret Harte #8] []2278 CONTAINS: RUPERT THE RESEMBLER [After Rupert of Hentzau and Prisoner of Zenda] Also see: Dec 1997 Rupert of Hentzau, by Anthony Hope #3 []1145 Dec 1993 The Prisoner of Zenda, by Anthony Hope[] 95 THE STOLEN CIGAR CASE By A. CO—N D—LE GOLLY AND THE CHRISTIAN, OR THE MINX AND THE MANXMAN By H—LL C—NE THE ADVENTURES OF JOHN LONGBOWE, YEOMAN BEING A MODERN-ANTIQUE REALISTIC ROMANCE (COMPILED FROM SEVERAL EMINENT SOURCES) DAN'L BOREM BY E. N—S W—T—T STORIES THREE BY R—DY—D K—PL—G "ZUT-SKI" THE PROBLEM OF A WICKED FEME SOLE BY M—R—E C—R—LLI Aug 2000 Condensed Novels, by Bret Harte [Bret Harte #7] []2277 HANDSOME IS AS HANDSOME DOES LOTHOW, or THE ADVENTURES OF A YOUNG GENTLEMAN IN SEARCH OF A RELIGION MUCK-A-MUCK, A MODERN INDIAN NOVEL, AFTER JAMES FENIMORE COOPER TERENCE DENVILLE SELINA SEDILIA THE NINETY-NINE GUARDSMEN [AFTER THE THREE MUSKETEERS, BY DUMAS] MISS MIX [AFTER CHARLOTTE BRONTE] GUY HEAVYSTONE; OR, "ENTIRE." MR. MIDSHIPMAN BREEZY JOHN JENKINS; OR, THE SMOKER REFORMED NO TITLE [AFTER WILKE COLLINS] Contains: MARY JONES'S NARRATIVE THE SLIM YOUNG MAN'S STORY NO. 27 LIMEHOUSE ROAD COUNT MOSCOW'S NARRATIVE DR. DIGGS'S STATEMENT MARY MCGILLUP, A SOUTHERN NOVEL, AFTER BELLE BOYD Aug 2000 Confessions of A Justified Sinner, by James Hogg []2276 [Entire title: The Private Memoirs and Confessions of A Justified Sinner] Aug 2000 The Pioneers, by James Fenimore Cooper [Cooper#3] []2275 Aug 2000 How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, by Arnold Bennett []2274 Aug 2000 Tom Swift And His Motor-Boat, by Victor Appleton []2273 Not on archive Aug 2000 The Discovery of Guiana, by Walter Raleigh WR#3] []2272 Aug 2000 He Fell In Love With His Wife, by Edward P. Roe []2271 And a few for next month. . . Sep 2000 Droll Stories [V. 2], by Honore de Balzac[HdB #91][]2318 Sep 2000 The Story of My Heart, by Richard Jefferies []2317 Sep 2000 The Choir Invisible, by James Lane Allen []2316 Sep 2000 The Flag-Raising, by Kate Douglas Wiggin[Wiggin14][]2315 Sep 2000 Geschichte des Agathon, Teil 2, by C M Wieland #3 []2314 Sep 2000 Geschichte des Agathon, Teil 2, by C M Wieland #3 []2314 ^^^This 7-bit version is not ready at the time the Newsletter is going out^^^ Sep 2000 Geschichte des Agathon, Teil 1, by C M Wieland #2 []2313 Sep 2000 Geschichte des Agathon, Teil 1, by C M Wieland #2 []2313 Sep 2000 Hermann und Dorothea, by Goethe [German 8-bits] #9[]2312 Sep 2000 Hermann und Dorothea, by Goethe [German 7-bits] #9[]2312 German/Two versions/7-bit version without accents/8-bit version with accents. Sep 2000 Travels through France & Italy, by Tobias Smollett[]2311 Sep 2000 In The Carquinez Woods, by Bret Harte [Harte #13][]2310 Sep 2000 The Freelands, by John Galsworthy [Galsworthy #2][]2309 Sep 1999 Bunyan Characters (3rd Series), by Alex. Whyte #3 []2308 Sep 2000 The Depot Master, by Joseph C. Lincoln []2307 and we have the individual play files for our Shakespeare First Folio: Jul 2000 The Complete Shakespeare's First Folio [35 Plays][]2270 Jul 2000 Cymbeline, by Wm. Shakespeare [First Folio]=[FF][]2269 Jul 2000 Anthony and Cleopater, by Wm. Shakespeare [FF][]2268 Jul 2000 Othello, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2267 Jul 2000 King Lear, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2266 Jul 2000 Hamlet, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2265 Jul 2000 Macbeth, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2264 Jul 2000 Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2263 Jul 2000 Timon of Athens, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2262 Jul 2000 Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2261 Jul 2000 Titus Andronicus, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2260 Jul 2000 Coriolanus, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2259 Jul 2000 Henry VIII, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2258 Jul 2000 Richard III, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2257 Jul 2000 Henry VI Part 3, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2256 Jul 2000 Henry VI Part 2, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2255 Jul 2000 Henry VI Part 1, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2254 Jul 2000 Henry V, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2253 Jul 2000 Henry IV Part 2, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2252 Jul 2000 Henry IV Part 1, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2251 Jul 2000 Richard II, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2250 Jul 2000 King John, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2249 Jul 2000 The Winters Tale, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2248 Jul 2000 Twelfe-Night, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2247 Jul 2000 All is well, that Ends well, by Shakespeare [FF][]2246 Jul 2000 The Taming of the Shrew, by Wm. Shakespeare [FF][]2245 Jul 2000 As you Like it, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2244 Jul 2000 The Merchant of Venice, by Wm. Shakespeare [FF][]2243 Jul 2000 Midsummer Nights Dreame, by Wm. Shakespeare [FF][]2242 Jul 2000 Loves Labour Lost, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2241 Jul 2000 Much adoo about Nothing, by Wm. Shakespeare [FF][]2240 Jul 2000 The Comedy of Errours , by Wm. Shakespeare [FF][]2239 Jul 2000 Measure for Measure, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2238 Jul 2000 The Merry Wives of Windsor, by Shakespeare [FF][]2237 Jul 2000 The Two Gentlemen of Verona, by Shakespeare [FF][]2236 Jul 2000 The Tempest, by William Shakespeare [FF][]2235 1Notess from Edupage and News Scan FCC CHAIR TO WORLDCOM: NOT SO FAST THERE A statement by Federal Communications Commission chairman William E. Kennard indicates that MCI WorldCom may have some difficulty getting FCC approval of its $129-billion acquisition of Sprint: "Competition has produced a price war in the long-distance market. This merger appears to be a surrender. How can this be good for customers? The parties will bear a heavy burden to show how consumers would be better off." (Washington Post 6 Oct 99) j The Vergil group, one of several "collective self-study" Latin groups on, is currently translating the *Aeneid* from Latin into English at the rate of 30-35 lines a week, using the PG text. Participants translate each week's assignments, and then have the opportunity to compare their translations with other participants' work. For more information, contact Meredith Dixon Not many notable stories this month. . .sorry. . . . Unless you count TIME and the Trib. . .hee hee mh You have been reading excerpts from NewsScan Daily Underwritten by Arthur Andersen & IEEE Computer Society If you have questions or comments about NewsScan send e-mail to To subscribe or unsubscribe to NewsScan Daily, send an e-mail message to with 'subscribe' or 'unsubscribe' in the subject line. Mac users can download our .txt files in binary mode to avoid the double spacing cr/lf line ends creates. Or download the .zip files, which unzip properly for nearly any operating system they are unzipped for... About the PG Newsletter: [Goes out approximately first Wednesday of each month. But different relays will get it to you at different times; you can subscribe directly, just send me email to find out how, or surf to to subscribe directly by yourself.] |